How come none of the voting irregularities favored Trump? Isnt that weird?

Hey idiot liberals. The PA court cannot unilaterally overturn state law. The votes in PA were to be counted ONLY ON ELECTION DAY....NOT 3 days later.

Um, no. No state law ever said that. Why are you telling such a stupid lie?
Why have Trump and Republicans accepted the results from House and Senate elections, but not Presidential? Everything was on the same ballots
I have abanonded that shitty party becasue of feminine retards like you with no sense.

Why didn't you say up front that you were an incel?

Try to understand that your issues concerning women do not justify an embrace of fascism.


I lost my virginity at 14

It's 2020 dude a blowjob costs you 20 dollars incels do not exist

Have you met any men who are dmeocrats? Most who aren't old do not come off like the type who are getting laid by anything attractive. Like you, hah.

Fucking cat avatar
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Seems odd to me. It looks like every voting irregularity hurt Trump.

What irregularities?

Why is it Trump's fans never substantiate what they say?

Because what they said is fiction.

They are simply doing what their master does. For months Trump has been saying the mail-in ballots caused by a raging pandemic are fraudulent. Not once has he provided any proof of this allegation.

So, his minions simply follow suit.

Well, we don't post ALL the irregularities because we figure most people follow the fricken news...dumbass.
Nothing here. No such thing as antifa. What mafia? We're not socialists, don't be ridiculous. You're a racist, homophobic, islamophobic deplorable.
I agree that i'm sure both sides were cheating

There's zero evidence of any Democrats cheating, so don't try to pulling the "but both sides do it" crap. That's a big steaming pile of horseshit.

Reading this comment made me laugh so hard until I choked. I couldn’t figure out what I was choking on until I coughed up 20,000 more Biden ballots! WTF?!?
Seems odd to me. It looks like every voting irregularity hurt Trump.


Philadelphia never has voter fraud. :laughing0301:

Americans don't appreciate it, but, globally the whole "Trump was a divider" is very subjective. There are global consequences that people won't understand. Does anyone think that a guy like Romney is preferred by the world or even their governments?

I didn't paste the article because it was too harsh. Australian and other media are calling out Biden early about how much China wanted him to win. People are going to assume China and America are close allies, not adversaries.

THIS, it itself, is a horrible realization.
Since LBJ killed JFK the democRat has been stuffed full of criminals and tyrants. This will be the last president of this party due to a revolution or this brain dead clown exposing himself unless he is killed by his vice president and other scum from this party with no morals or brains i am in support of a violent civil war to rid us of this scum that's numbers are large enough to bring an end to Socialism and criminal activity. I have known I would not die from old age since the Clintons burned 100 to death outside of Waco. It was reconfirmed when 0bama ran guns to Mexico and his illegal war in Libya when he murdered 130,000 of the ones he told America he had to save. No justice for the evil has got to change.
Seems odd to me. It looks like every voting irregularity hurt Trump.

I have seen nearly 30 or more major county and statewide voting irregularities in the past few days including a video just now taken off the TV election night showing Trump losing nearly 20,000 votes in PA (he was winning) while Biden GAINED the exact same number just 30 seconds later! And not ONE of these irregularities favored Trump.

Yet there isn't a smidgen of evidence of voter fraud. Only despicable, horrible, unpatriotic people suggest such malarkey! :smoke:

The media's total blindness would seem to be yet MORE evidence.
Seems odd to me. It looks like every voting irregularity hurt Trump.


Philadelphia never has voter fraud. :laughing0301:

You people have had five days to present your hard evidence of fraud and you've produced nothing other than conspiracy theories, circumstantial evidence, and unverifiable third party accounts.
Five days? We've seen one election overturned in MI, dozens of reports on irregularities made by officials, and numbers that push the bounds or exceed statistical possibilities. What evidence would even accept?


  • That's almost as good as Democrats telling us how much every vote counts then refusing to ensure that every ACTUAL vote really counts instead of someone making all our votes meaningless by allowing the election to be rigged by someone else's idea of the ideal outcome THEY WANT instead!

  • That's about as funny as Democrats demanding Al Gore have 39 days to ensure every chad was hanging right in ONE state then not allowing Trump even three days to investigate voting irregularities in SIX states instead having the media do an end-around announcing to the whole world Biden the new president before a single investigation even begins!

You know of course their intent is so that if the election IS turned around, they will declare that TRUMP stole it instead wanting to investigate him! Then no stone will go unturned to get to the bottom of his ribald autocracy and thievery! :uhh:
I'm sure many republicans did the same.

I bet you're sure also that Hitler and Pol Pot weren't such bad guys either because no doubt America did stuff just as bad, too, right? I'm sure.
Seems odd to me. It looks like every voting irregularity hurt Trump.
You people have had five days to present your hard evidence of fraud and you've produced nothing other than conspiracy theories, circumstantial evidence, and unverifiable third party accounts.

GEE TAZ? A WHOLE FIVE DAYS? You mean the three days while the counting actually went on and folks were just first SEEING the irregularies and now the weekend while all the courts were closed? :omg:

Gee you're such a GENEROUS GUY. I didn't know we were running a race with a stopwatch. Funny how Gore spent nearly FORTY DAYS just over hanging chads in one state.

BTW, circumstantial evidence IS evidence. People have been convicted of murder on it. Circumstances which indicate a deeper investigation or connection is needed.

Someone here told me you were a conservative. If so, maybe you should join the other party! Any relation to Mitt Romney?
Seems odd to me. It looks like every voting irregularity hurt Trump.

Contrary to your Stalinist beliefs, counting the votes is not an "irregularity".

The few actual "irregularities" went both ways. You're just very, very butthurt sore loseres.

I agree that i'm sure both sides were cheating

But the problem becomes democrats are teh urban party, and while maybe slightly more corrupt due to the amount of people involved. The bigger problem is teh scale

A few rogues in some of the largest counties in the nation can do a lot more damage than people in rural counties who could manufacture a very high % of votes and still change nothing. There are some counties that have a higher population than states.

Combine that with everyone screaming Trump is the worst thing to ever happen to America....If there was an electino people were going to take risks on it would be this one
There was no massive voter fraud....

There is absolutely no evidence,what so ever, of such..... you are believing lies, created by Trump and his goons.

If I'm wrong, then show me this massive voter fraud that dems pulled off in this election, that would change the results of the election....

Anything, any example at all....
There was no massive voter fraud....
There is absolutely no evidence,

And you heard it RIGHT HERE, Ladies and Gents! Careless4All has certified there is nothing to see, don't look, go home and accept the claimed results!
Trump has no avenue to win the electoral college vote.... He lost, big time.... the American voters chose to fire 4.2 million more voters, choosing to kick him out,and replace him.... It's a done deal..... He is not going to get the courts to reverse the vote in 5 states.... the fat lady has sung.
There was no massive voter fraud....
There is absolutely no evidence,

And you heard it RIGHT HERE, Ladies and Gents! Careless4All has certified there is nothing to see, don't look, go home and accept the claimed results!
if you and Giuliani got something that will change the results of the election and move it from Biden to Trump, SHOW IT, please, for God's sake, show it!

Can you show any evidence that any State vote result would or even could, be moved from Biden to Trump?

If you can, then as said, PLEASE SHOW IT.....

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