How come Obama isn't standing up for the hundred thousand the GOP is poisoning in Flint?

Its funny watching libs screaming about a water supply they built and a detroit in the gutter that has been under lib control since the 70's.
In Michigan? You sure about that?

Emergency for Democracy: Unelected Manager Who Caused Flint Water Crisis Now Runs Detroit Schools

You guys keep repeating bullshit. Then those dern facts pop up and all of a sudden, you look ridiculous.

If Obama had let the auto industry go bankrupt the way Republicans wanted, all of America would look like Detroit. But we know the GOP haven't given up their dream. They want to drag this country down into the gutter and won't stop until they are stopped.

Lol. Both have drug this country to the bottom of the outhouse. Ford didn't take any money and they did fine. GM took billions and didnt even pay it all back. No wonder they did great. You would too if the bank gave you everyones money and you didn't have to pay it back. Oh yeah, plenty of dems and repubs voted for tarp also. I was against that too. You were always for govt handouts though.
Because letting our auto industry go bankrupt was the best idea ever.

Why should I bail out a corporation? I had nothing to do with their failure or success. Theyre not sending me dividends when their quarterly P and Ls are showing 50, 60, 70 percent profit increases.
You see this is the left. this spill by the Obama administration was HUGE and will affect people for years to come. but no out cry over that from them. instead they wail over a STATES, who has their own gawddam Government and they think the little wannabe dicktator Obama,is suppose to go spank them or something. this is why our country is going to hell
Obama visits Michigan amid Flint, Detroit crises -

Seems the president is meeting with the mayor of Flint the state's GOP governor has illegally bypassed. We call a dictatorship unconstitutional.

Gov. Snyder has known about this since LAST YEAR when he was notified in September.

He said he activated the National Guard to pass out water. Turns out it was 7. That's right, 7.
As in 1,2,3,4,5,6,SEVEN National Guard members serving 100,000.

And he bought in researchers to check the water house by house. 5. That's it, just five. As in
1,2,3,4, FIVE.
Five to check the water for 100,000 people. That's one hundred thousand people. As in 1,2,3,4,5,6..............................98,000, 99,000, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND.

This is just one more typical right wing policy that is letting Americans suffer. Not by nature, but by Republicans.

Someone has some 'splainin' to do. Can't wait for the spin.

From what I've been reading the EPA is responsible because they didn't take the threat very seriously.

By all means lets string up the EPA.

EPA issues emergency order over Flint water crisis, administrator who oversees Michigan resigns
Obama visits Michigan amid Flint, Detroit crises -

Seems the president is meeting with the mayor of Flint the state's GOP governor has illegally bypassed. We call a dictatorship unconstitutional.

Gov. Snyder has known about this since LAST YEAR when he was notified in September.

He said he activated the National Guard to pass out water. Turns out it was 7. That's right, 7.
As in 1,2,3,4,5,6,SEVEN National Guard members serving 100,000.

And he bought in researchers to check the water house by house. 5. That's it, just five. As in
1,2,3,4, FIVE.
Five to check the water for 100,000 people. That's one hundred thousand people. As in 1,2,3,4,5,6..............................98,000, 99,000, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND.

This is just one more typical right wing policy that is letting Americans suffer. Not by nature, but by Republicans.

Someone has some 'splainin' to do. Can't wait for the spin.

From what I've been reading the EPA is responsible because they didn't take the threat very seriously.

By all means lets string up the EPA.

EPA issues emergency order over Flint water crisis, administrator who oversees Michigan resigns

yes they were warned. . Not one person was fired, reprimanded, or told to go stand in the corner at least. . they can hurt us and all they have to do is say: oops we are so sorry. We need to get rid of some of these agencies. they have just become a place to employ people that WE THE PEOPLE get to pay for. . they don't have any consequences.
I'm so sick of the lies and spin. Every one involved in Flint fiasco was a D except for Snyder.
Now lets get down to what really happened. I detest the politics of this but lets hit it if you left wing bastards on the board keep trying to pin this mess on Snyder.

Flint council makes a smart move to save money and signs a contract with KWA. Detroit Water and Sewage Management throws a hissy fit and cuts off Flint.

Detroit you know that bastion of Republican leadership. NOT.

They cut off Flint. Flint had to find an interim source.
A cost/benefit analysis that backfired...

How Flint traded safe drinking water for cost-cutting plan that didn't work
Saturday 23 January 2016 - The decision to switch the Michigan city’s drinking water source to the Flint River was aimed at saving $5m but almost two years later the cost to treat the water supply carries a tag of $45m and it’s climbing
The decision to switch the city of Flint’s drinking water source to the Flint River was pegged as a cost-cutting maneuver aimed at saving $5m over a two-year period. But almost two years and a massive lead contamination crisis later, that move and subsequent decisions not to treat the water supply already carry a financial price tag of $45m and climbing.

Since early October, when Michigan governor Rick Snyder first conceded that lead contamination in the Rust Belt community of 100,000 was far more serious than he initially understood, state and federal agencies have pledged at least $45m to address the ongoing crisis, including:

* In October, Snyder announced a $12m plan to transfer Flint back to the city of Detroit’s water system. The state covered half the cost, while Flint kicked in $2m and the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation contributed $4m.

* Last week, Barack Obama approved Snyder’s request to declare a federal emergency in Flint, providing $5m in financial assistance through the Federal Emergency Management Agency for additional water, water filters and water test kits.


See also:

Regional head of EPA resigns over Flint water crisis
Friday 22nd January, 2016 | WASHINGTON - Susan Hedman, head of Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Midwest region has offered to step down over the water contamination crisis in Flint, Michigan. Hedman's resignation, which is effective Feb 1, has been accepted, the EPA said in a statement Thursday.
The agency said that the offer to step down was accepted "given Susan's strong interest in ensuring that EPA Region 5's focus remains solely on the restoration of Flint's drinking water". Hedman headed the EPA regional department that oversees the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. She was appointed to lead the EPA's Region 5 office in 2010, where she oversaw EPA operations in six states. Before that, she was an environmental attorney with the Illinois Attorney General's office. The agency earlier issued an emergency order to resolve the growing problem after tests had shown high levels of lead in the city's water, telling Flint and Michigan administrators it was only a draft report.

The EPA issued an emergency order asking the administrators to take immediate steps after determining that their response to the crisis had been "inadequate to protect human health". President Obama declared a state of emergency to authorize $5 million in federal aid for the city. "The people weren't put first, the health of the people was not put before profit and money," Flint Mayor Karen Weaver said in an interview with Ari Shapiro on All Things Considered. According to reports, the problem started when Flint switched its water source to the Flint River in April 2014. The new supply was harder water, which corroded the city's pipes and leached lead into the tap water.

Residents quickly started complaining about the water. General Motors stopped using it in October 2014 because it was corroding machinery. Even though the city switched back to its original supply in October 2015, the damaged pipes continue to contaminate the water. Weaver says Flint residents don't know when the city's water will be safe to drink again even though they're still paying for it. The US Department of Health and Human Services has been designated as the lead agency overseeing its response to the crisis in Flint. The Department will coordinate its response with the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Regional head of EPA resigns over Flint water crisis
Last edited:
Oh no, say it ain't so, both sides are to blame, what will silly people like 2aguy doodle?
Dems and Rep were involved, and mainly due to Snyder wanting to cut costs everywhere. We need to get the Rep dominance out of our government.

try again. not to mention the EPA*********

Flint, like big brother Detroit down the way, has a long history of political dominance by the Democratic party. Its current mayor is a Democrat; so was her predecessor; the mayor before him, Don Williamson, was a career criminal (he did time for various scams some years back) and a Democrat who resigned under threat of recall; his immediate predecessor, Democrat James W. Rutherford, is a longtime politico and was elected to finish out the term of Woodrow Stanley, who was recalled because of the financial state in which he left the city.

Read more at: Political Poison, by Kevin D. Williamson, National Review
The real issue is they let it go on for what 2 years? Where is the mayor, city council, water dept officials? Water is tested hourly, daily, weekly, monthly. Records please, was it safe going out or not?

If safe.......then they changed the recepie and it reacts to the 100 year old pipes underground. Is it bad at all houses? How about the city officials? They maybe have copper pipes? eh? rich? going on. Where is the data? why do they have so many city officials do nothing for so long? Go to the houses. take samples. shut it down. whatever. I get angry when i see lazy bastard lying thieves trying to last to Golden Pension...........all across this country. Destroyed...state by state.
Flint City Council Includes Convicted Killer
January 23, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


I wrote a brief piece about how Flint's dysfunction under Democratic rule contributed to its present disaster. But it only scratches the surface. The media is running left-wing talking points about Rick Snyder wrongly usurping local authority through an emergency manager.

Here's what local authority looks like in Flint. Meet Wantwaz Davis, convicted killer, Flint City Council member.

"He went and reached in his pocket, so I reached in my pocket and I shot him," Davis said Wednesday, Nov. 6. "When I found out he later died, I turned myself in. I never intended to shoot Mr. Morris. To this day, I am very remorseful."

Not as remorseful as the guy he shot in the mouth.


Also there's the disorderly conduct trial.

Mays, who was a candidate for mayor at the time, claimed his arrest was an attempt to silence him as he spoke about allegations of parks being mowed in wards represented by council members who supported former Mayor Dayne Walling in advance of the primary election in August.

As he did in a drunken driving jury trial earlier this year, Mays plans to act as his own attorney in the disorderly conduct case.

I can't imagine why Flint's government can't run its own affairs or keep the water clean.

Flint City Council Includes Convicted Killer
The Democrats’ Filthy Flint Water
Dirty politics lead to dirty water.
January 21, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.

Mayor Dayne Walling, a Democrat, led a cheerful countdown at the Flint water treatment plant to press the button moving the city over to river water. Walling and Darnell Earley, the Democratic emergency manager, even raised glasses in a toast and drank the water to show that it was safe.

“It’s a historic moment for the city of Flint to return to its roots and use our own river as our drinking water supply,” Walling said. “The water quality speaks for itself.”

Flint’s city council had voted in favor of the move 7-1. Despite claims about the power of the emergency manager, the switch could not have gone forward without that vote.

Even once the problem had surfaced, the EPA knew and kept quiet. It was only once the crisis broke, that the Democratic establishment attempted to redirect the blame at Michigan’s efforts to fix broken Democratic cities like Flint using emergency managers. The war against the emergency managers is not about clean water; it’s about protecting the dirty Democratic politics that destroyed these cities.

Flint’s dirty water had its origins in dirty politics. The Democratic Party had badly mismanaged the city.

Flint was trying to cut costs, but not in the right place. Water rates were already murderously high, because around 40 percent of the city’s water was leaking out or being stolen. Water theft is routine in failed Democratic cities like Flint. And the thefts often come from the inside.

Warren Southall II, a Flint city employee, illegally turned on water in exchange for bribes. Last year he was fined, but would not serve any jail time. Illegal water hookups are everywhere. Residents who have their water turned off can always find ways to get it turned back on again. The cost gets passed on to those who pay their bills. And the rates go up and more residents run away.

From 2002 to 2010, Flint’s population declined by 18%. The poverty rate encompasses over a third of the population. Barely half the city works. The second largest employer in Flint is government. The third and fourth largest employers, healthcare and education, are heavily government subsidized.

Flint is a failed city. It’s what happens when Democrats run a city into the ground by driving away jobs and pandering to unions. Eventually the union contracts make a city’s finances unfeasible and the cycle of tax hikes, union contracts, unfunded pensions, welfare protests, junk bond sales and then crisis management and privatization takes its toll. That is exactly what happened in Flint.

Flint got deep into trouble because of its unions. The city has been desperately struggling to privatize as much of its services as it can, wiping out union jobs to protect union retirement benefits, and then cutting services to cover for a growing deadbeat population that wants services, but doesn’t want to pay for them. And the simple fact of life is that somebody has to pay for clean water. Or it won’t be clean.

It wasn’t corporations or big business that made it impossible for Flint to pay its bills. It wasn’t Rick Snyder. It was Flint residents who kept voting for ridiculously incompetent Democrats.

Flint, like Detroit, needed emergency managers because the Democratic Party had destroyed entire cities. And it is those emergency managers, who are often African-American Democrats even when appointed by Republicans, who are being used to pass all the blame on to Governor Rick Snyder.

But they are leaving out a whole lot of history along the way.

In 2002, Woodrow Stanley, the three-term Democratic Party mayor, was removed from office by angry voters due to a $30 million deficit. He didn’t accept the blame for the disaster. Instead he blamed racism.

“The stench of racism that reeks [from] this election will linger in the nostrils of this community for decades," Stanley said. In reality, plenty of black voters had turned out to drive him out of office.

After a state takeover put Flint back in the black, Woodrow “I Blame Racism” Stanley faced off against Don “The Don” Williamson, a convicted criminal and car dealer. The Don won and running for reelection, he told residents that, "I don't lie to nobody! The city is the most solvent in the state of Michigan."

Flint was as solvent as Detroit. In reality there was a $4 million deficit. Williamson was accused of lying about the deficit to get reelected. Around that same time, Time named Flint the “most dangerous city in America”. After a threatened recall election, Williamson resigned and decided to run for governor as a Democrat while claiming, "I'm going to go down as the greatest mayor this city has ever had."

Governor Jennifer Granholm had unleashed the disaster by signing an executive order ending the state of emergency in Flint and claiming that, “The citizens of Flint can take great satisfaction in that the financial cloud that has lingered over the city has been lifted.”

“I expect the city to remain on sound financial footing into the future,” the failed Michigan politician, who would enjoy a brief career working for Al Gore’s ultra-leftist Current TV before losing her job due to the Al Jazeera sale, claimed.

Flint’s real problem is that it had far too many expenses, far too many employees and no money. Like Detroit, it was another failed Democratic city that residents were fleeing as fast as they could. The only people left behind had no option to move anywhere else. They wanted services, but they weren’t paying taxes. Income tax revenue in Flint fell by almost a third in four years.

Flint needed its emergency managers; it had to drastically cut costs, because it couldn’t pay its bills. It wasn’t the Republican governor who made Flint into a financially unviable proposition.

The attempts to blame Rick Snyder for putting an emergency manager in charge are cynical Democratic politics. And the emergency manager in charge, Darnell Earley, was a Woodrow Stanley loyalist and a Democrat. He had at one point even been a Granholm appointee.

Flint’s last emergency manager, Jerry Ambrose correctly pointed out, “There’s just a point in time there’s just not enough gas in the tank. There’s just not enough revenue from the local taxpayers to solve the problems that are here.” The question is who is going to be on the hook to pay the bills?

Democrats want to annex suburbs and drag them into paying the bills for failed cities. These ideas find favor within the White House. But that just widens the sphere of economic destruction. It encourages people to flee even further to escape the economic event horizon of disasters like Flint and Detroit.

And it avoids the moral question of whether the innocent should be forced to bail out the guilty.

The left reduces such questions to matters of pure entitlement. Everything is a right. But the Flint disaster shows the practical cost of entitlement. In the end there is still a bill. And when the bills aren’t being paid, then cities will find ways to cut costs that carry with them their own price.

How many of the Flint protesters waving yellow water bottles were paying their water bills? How many had subsidized water? How many had illegal water hookups? How many had voted for Democrats?

Socialism works until you run out of other people’s money. And that’s when the death panels kick in. It’s when your electricity stops being reliable, the cops don’t show up when called and your water stops being clean. There’s no way to escape these simple economic facts of life.

Democrats turned Flint into a deadbeat city. A deadbeat city with high crime, high rates of structure fires, lots of potholes and failing services. Flint, Detroit, Newark, Oakland, Chicago and a hundred other failed and failing cities are their handiwork. And as long as their residents continue voting for the same party that made this mess, their lives and their services will only get worse.

Flint’s dirty water originated with its dirty Democratic Party overlords. Blaming Republicans won’t clean it up.

The Democrats’ Filthy Flint Water

great article. As usual libs blaming republicans for their decades of shortcuts, crony capitalism, lying, stealing and mismanagement.
Looks like a lot of residents are deciding not to pay their water bills now, apparently they are entitled to clean water and feel they shouldn't have to contribute.
The USA would be Flint now if not for printed or borrowed dollars. Need a major turnaround fast.
I don't think you can tax your way to prosperity..........

The Democrats’ Filthy Flint Water
Dirty politics lead to dirty water.

*snip lying psycho article*

great article. As usual libs blaming republicans for their decades of shortcuts, crony capitalism, lying, stealing and mismanagement.

so the governor divests the city of flint of their vote and replaces their elected officials with a "city manager" that city manager replaces flint's clean water with polluted water so corrosive that general motors won't use it and ships in their own water from outside. said governor then lies to the people of flint, telling them "go ahead. drink the water. it's safe. the doctor who's saying it is leaded is just crazy".

kids get lead poising and 10 people die.

and you losers say it was the democrats fault.

you should probably call your local mental health facility. with delusions that strong, you're probably a danger to yourself or others.
The Democrats’ Filthy Flint Water
Dirty politics lead to dirty water.

*snip lying psycho article*

great article. As usual libs blaming republicans for their decades of shortcuts, crony capitalism, lying, stealing and mismanagement.

so the governor divests the city of flint of their vote and replaces their elected officials with a "city manager" that city manager replaces flint's clean water with polluted water so corrosive that general motors won't use it and ships in their own water from outside. said governor then lies to the people of flint, telling them "go ahead. drink the water. it's safe. the doctor who's saying it is leaded is just crazy".

kids get lead poising and 10 people die.

and you losers say it was the democrats fault.

you should probably call your local mental health facility. with delusions that strong, you're probably a danger to yourself or others.

2 words lead pipes. its on the decades democrats rule.
2 words republican governor. He ordered the water to be drawn from the Flint River even after he knew it was deadly.

Genocide - it's on the wingnuts' rule list.
The Democrats’ Filthy Flint Water
Dirty politics lead to dirty water.
January 21, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.

Mayor Dayne Walling, a Democrat, led a cheerful countdown at the Flint water treatment plant to press the button moving the city over to river water. Walling and Darnell Earley, the Democratic emergency manager, even raised glasses in a toast and drank the water to show that it was safe.

“It’s a historic moment for the city of Flint to return to its roots and use our own river as our drinking water supply,” Walling said. “The water quality speaks for itself.”

Flint’s city council had voted in favor of the move 7-1. Despite claims about the power of the emergency manager, the switch could not have gone forward without that vote.

Even once the problem had surfaced, the EPA knew and kept quiet. It was only once the crisis broke, that the Democratic establishment attempted to redirect the blame at Michigan’s efforts to fix broken Democratic cities like Flint using emergency managers. The war against the emergency managers is not about clean water; it’s about protecting the dirty Democratic politics that destroyed these cities.

Flint’s dirty water had its origins in dirty politics. The Democratic Party had badly mismanaged the city.

Flint was trying to cut costs, but not in the right place. Water rates were already murderously high, because around 40 percent of the city’s water was leaking out or being stolen. Water theft is routine in failed Democratic cities like Flint. And the thefts often come from the inside.

Warren Southall II, a Flint city employee, illegally turned on water in exchange for bribes. Last year he was fined, but would not serve any jail time. Illegal water hookups are everywhere. Residents who have their water turned off can always find ways to get it turned back on again. The cost gets passed on to those who pay their bills. And the rates go up and more residents run away.

From 2002 to 2010, Flint’s population declined by 18%. The poverty rate encompasses over a third of the population. Barely half the city works. The second largest employer in Flint is government. The third and fourth largest employers, healthcare and education, are heavily government subsidized.

Flint is a failed city. It’s what happens when Democrats run a city into the ground by driving away jobs and pandering to unions. Eventually the union contracts make a city’s finances unfeasible and the cycle of tax hikes, union contracts, unfunded pensions, welfare protests, junk bond sales and then crisis management and privatization takes its toll. That is exactly what happened in Flint.

Flint got deep into trouble because of its unions. The city has been desperately struggling to privatize as much of its services as it can, wiping out union jobs to protect union retirement benefits, and then cutting services to cover for a growing deadbeat population that wants services, but doesn’t want to pay for them. And the simple fact of life is that somebody has to pay for clean water. Or it won’t be clean.

It wasn’t corporations or big business that made it impossible for Flint to pay its bills. It wasn’t Rick Snyder. It was Flint residents who kept voting for ridiculously incompetent Democrats.

Flint, like Detroit, needed emergency managers because the Democratic Party had destroyed entire cities. And it is those emergency managers, who are often African-American Democrats even when appointed by Republicans, who are being used to pass all the blame on to Governor Rick Snyder.

But they are leaving out a whole lot of history along the way.

In 2002, Woodrow Stanley, the three-term Democratic Party mayor, was removed from office by angry voters due to a $30 million deficit. He didn’t accept the blame for the disaster. Instead he blamed racism.

“The stench of racism that reeks [from] this election will linger in the nostrils of this community for decades," Stanley said. In reality, plenty of black voters had turned out to drive him out of office.

After a state takeover put Flint back in the black, Woodrow “I Blame Racism” Stanley faced off against Don “The Don” Williamson, a convicted criminal and car dealer. The Don won and running for reelection, he told residents that, "I don't lie to nobody! The city is the most solvent in the state of Michigan."

Flint was as solvent as Detroit. In reality there was a $4 million deficit. Williamson was accused of lying about the deficit to get reelected. Around that same time, Time named Flint the “most dangerous city in America”. After a threatened recall election, Williamson resigned and decided to run for governor as a Democrat while claiming, "I'm going to go down as the greatest mayor this city has ever had."

Governor Jennifer Granholm had unleashed the disaster by signing an executive order ending the state of emergency in Flint and claiming that, “The citizens of Flint can take great satisfaction in that the financial cloud that has lingered over the city has been lifted.”

“I expect the city to remain on sound financial footing into the future,” the failed Michigan politician, who would enjoy a brief career working for Al Gore’s ultra-leftist Current TV before losing her job due to the Al Jazeera sale, claimed.

Flint’s real problem is that it had far too many expenses, far too many employees and no money. Like Detroit, it was another failed Democratic city that residents were fleeing as fast as they could. The only people left behind had no option to move anywhere else. They wanted services, but they weren’t paying taxes. Income tax revenue in Flint fell by almost a third in four years.

Flint needed its emergency managers; it had to drastically cut costs, because it couldn’t pay its bills. It wasn’t the Republican governor who made Flint into a financially unviable proposition.

The attempts to blame Rick Snyder for putting an emergency manager in charge are cynical Democratic politics. And the emergency manager in charge, Darnell Earley, was a Woodrow Stanley loyalist and a Democrat. He had at one point even been a Granholm appointee.

Flint’s last emergency manager, Jerry Ambrose correctly pointed out, “There’s just a point in time there’s just not enough gas in the tank. There’s just not enough revenue from the local taxpayers to solve the problems that are here.” The question is who is going to be on the hook to pay the bills?

Democrats want to annex suburbs and drag them into paying the bills for failed cities. These ideas find favor within the White House. But that just widens the sphere of economic destruction. It encourages people to flee even further to escape the economic event horizon of disasters like Flint and Detroit.

And it avoids the moral question of whether the innocent should be forced to bail out the guilty.

The left reduces such questions to matters of pure entitlement. Everything is a right. But the Flint disaster shows the practical cost of entitlement. In the end there is still a bill. And when the bills aren’t being paid, then cities will find ways to cut costs that carry with them their own price.

How many of the Flint protesters waving yellow water bottles were paying their water bills? How many had subsidized water? How many had illegal water hookups? How many had voted for Democrats?

Socialism works until you run out of other people’s money. And that’s when the death panels kick in. It’s when your electricity stops being reliable, the cops don’t show up when called and your water stops being clean. There’s no way to escape these simple economic facts of life.

Democrats turned Flint into a deadbeat city. A deadbeat city with high crime, high rates of structure fires, lots of potholes and failing services. Flint, Detroit, Newark, Oakland, Chicago and a hundred other failed and failing cities are their handiwork. And as long as their residents continue voting for the same party that made this mess, their lives and their services will only get worse.

Flint’s dirty water originated with its dirty Democratic Party overlords. Blaming Republicans won’t clean it up.

The Democrats’ Filthy Flint Water

great article. As usual libs blaming republicans for their decades of shortcuts, crony capitalism, lying, stealing and mismanagement.
Typical of progressives, blaming someone else

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