How come the leader of the world will not be there?

If there is one thing we should know by now it's that the President does not really believe radical Islamic terrorist are a serious threat and fighting against them is really necessary, Yes he will use drones against them when we can track them done and he will use air power when a situation becomes so severe it can no longer be ignored see the ISIS march across Syria and Iraq but beyond that he really has no interest in dealing with this or any other major foreign policy issues,

I believe his Foreign Policy has had a hand in what we are seeing now. And I'm afraid to say, I think it was Intentional. I hate to feel that way, but I do.

yes, I agree with you and I too hate that we elected such a person as president.
If there is one thing we should know by now it's that the President does not really believe radical Islamic terrorist are a serious threat and fighting against them is really necessary, Yes he will use drones against them when we can track them done and he will use air power when a situation becomes so severe it can no longer be ignored see the ISIS march across Syria and Iraq but beyond that he really has no interest in dealing with this or any other major foreign policy issues,

its because he sees the USA and the west as the bad guy in international affairs. His goal is to punish the USA for its successes and its wealth. Radical islam is helping him achieve that goal.

I agree. He is a Muslim sympathizer and hates us and our country. I saw that before he was put in office and cringed when I heard he won. Now I see I was right
I guess the LIBTARDS do not know who the leader of the world is/is supposed to be.
Right wing Confederate Conservative Republicans don't see Obama as the leader of anything. So who are they talking about?

Besides, only the biggest of ignoramus tards would want to send the president to a foreign country with massive demonstrations going on. Especially when many of those trace the problem back to the Republicans ridiculous invasion of Iraq. People who listen to Republicans deserve the disaster that inevitably follows. Too bad the rest of us get sucked up into their debacles and fiascoes.
You mean Obabble is not "je suis Charlie"...shocking to think you feel that way!
No, I am saying that they need a month to arrange security they can feel confident about, if they do not feel confident the president does not go and the president cannot overrule them on his security.

OK, so you are saying that the protective services of Israel, Germany, France, England, Spain, Italy, et al are better at their jobs than the US secret service.

Admit the truth, Obozo does not consider radical islam a world wide threat. His muslim upbringing will not allow such thoughts.
One more time, if the Secret Service says they cannot feel confident that the president will be safe going somewhere he does not go. If I were commanding the SS I would not even consider taking such a chance. You might but then again you would be dancing a fucking jig if something bad happened to our president.

Reminds me of the days immediately following 9/11 when some said Bush was a coward for being seen in public. I disagreed.

I despised Bush but, IMO, the safety of the US president must come first.
Could you imagine them complaining about Obama spending time and money going to FRANCE?

Travel to do his job is not the same as travel for vacations. what is it about that that you don't get?
You guys would just love him spending time going to France.
And he is the only President criticized for going on vacation.
World leaders will be in France. Especially leaders of countries that have suffered attacks by islam. It is inappropriate for obama to be there. It is yet another announcement that he does not consider himself a world leader. An appearance in solidarity might suggest that obama has made a connection between the Charlie Hebdo attack and the beheadings of American journalists. In fact obama has made no connection. The beheadings of American journalists were all isolated incidents done by unconnected criminals.

This is a time for the world to gather its leadership. That is not a place where obama belongs.
are you saying that the US secret service is incompetent?
No, I am saying that they need a month to arrange security they can feel confident about, if they do not feel confident the president does not go and the president cannot overrule them on his security.

OK, so you are saying that the protective services of Israel, Germany, France, England, Spain, Italy, et al are better at their jobs than the US secret service.

Admit the truth, Obozo does not consider radical islam a world wide threat. His muslim upbringing will not allow such thoughts.
One more time, if the Secret Service says they cannot feel confident that the president will be safe going somewhere he does not go. If I were commanding the SS I would not even consider taking such a chance. You might but then again you would be dancing a fucking jig if something bad happened to our president.

Reminds me of the days immediately following 9/11 when some said Bush was a coward for being seen in public. I disagreed.

I despised Bush but, IMO, the safety of the US president must come first.

I guess you missed it when Bush stood on the 9/11 rubble with the NY firefighter and declared that the people who did this would be made to pay.
And then attacked Iraq.
are you saying that the US secret service is incompetent?
No, I am saying that they need a month to arrange security they can feel confident about, if they do not feel confident the president does not go and the president cannot overrule them on his security.

OK, so you are saying that the protective services of Israel, Germany, France, England, Spain, Italy, et al are better at their jobs than the US secret service.

Admit the truth, Obozo does not consider radical islam a world wide threat. His muslim upbringing will not allow such thoughts.
One more time, if the Secret Service says they cannot feel confident that the president will be safe going somewhere he does not go. If I were commanding the SS I would not even consider taking such a chance. You might but then again you would be dancing a fucking jig if something bad happened to our president.

Reminds me of the days immediately following 9/11 when some said Bush was a coward for being seen in public. I disagreed.

I despised Bush but, IMO, the safety of the US president must come first.

I guess you missed it when Bush stood on the 9/11 rubble with the NY firefighter and declared that the people who did this would be made to pay.

Immediately after the attack, he disappeared.

As president of the US, his safety was, and should be, our first concern.
No, I am saying that they need a month to arrange security they can feel confident about, if they do not feel confident the president does not go and the president cannot overrule them on his security.

OK, so you are saying that the protective services of Israel, Germany, France, England, Spain, Italy, et al are better at their jobs than the US secret service.

Admit the truth, Obozo does not consider radical islam a world wide threat. His muslim upbringing will not allow such thoughts.
One more time, if the Secret Service says they cannot feel confident that the president will be safe going somewhere he does not go. If I were commanding the SS I would not even consider taking such a chance. You might but then again you would be dancing a fucking jig if something bad happened to our president.

Reminds me of the days immediately following 9/11 when some said Bush was a coward for being seen in public. I disagreed.

I despised Bush but, IMO, the safety of the US president must come first.

I guess you missed it when Bush stood on the 9/11 rubble with the NY firefighter and declared that the people who did this would be made to pay.
And then attacked Iraq.

But first, he spirited bin Laden's family safely away from questioning by American intel and then let Osama go 'off his radar'.
World leaders will be in France. Especially leaders of countries that have suffered attacks by islam. It is inappropriate for obama to be there. It is yet another announcement that he does not consider himself a world leader. An appearance in solidarity might suggest that obama has made a connection between the Charlie Hebdo attack and the beheadings of American journalists. In fact obama has made no connection. The beheadings of American journalists were all isolated incidents done by unconnected criminals.

This is a time for the world to gather its leadership. That is not a place where obama belongs.

You might be right. He'd be out there waving to the crowd and taking selfies
That seems odd.......they were actually passing historic legislation

Other than shutting down the government, what has Boehner accomplished?

yes, the ACA bill was historic, historic in being the worst piece of legislation in our history, passed in the most corrupt way.

Boenner did not shut down the govt, obama did. no congressman has that power, obama did it. face reality for once.


You mean Obamacare don't you?

yes, but the official name of the law is ACA. I was being nice in not putting obozo's name with that terrible law.

Seems like all conservatives mocked it as Obamacare when it didn't appear to be working

Somehow all posts now call it ACA

Wonder why?

OK, OK, the name of that terrible law is OBAMACARE. it is not working, it is a disaster, it is causing people to lose coverage, it is running doctors out of medicine, it is hurting the poor and middle classes. You are right, it is OBAMACARE.

Eight million new insured and it never did destroy our economy like Republicans predicted

Here is a suggestion. Why don't you take away insurance from those people and see what happens.
If there is one thing we should know by now it's that the President does not really believe radical Islamic terrorist are a serious threat and fighting against them is really necessary, Yes he will use drones against them when we can track them done and he will use air power when a situation becomes so severe it can no longer be ignored see the ISIS march across Syria and Iraq but beyond that he really has no interest in dealing with this or any other major foreign policy issues,

its because he sees the USA and the west as the bad guy in international affairs. His goal is to punish the USA for its successes and its wealth. Radical islam is helping him achieve that goal.

I agree. He is a Muslim sympathizer and hates us and our country. I saw that before he was put in office and cringed when I heard he won. Now I see I was right
What is a Muslim sympathizer to you? A president that tries to avoid fighting another holy crusade against an entire faith rather than just the violent terrorists? If so, did you cringe every time Bush tried to perform the same precarious balancing act?
World leaders will be in France. Especially leaders of countries that have suffered attacks by islam. It is inappropriate for obama to be there. It is yet another announcement that he does not consider himself a world leader. An appearance in solidarity might suggest that obama has made a connection between the Charlie Hebdo attack and the beheadings of American journalists. In fact obama has made no connection. The beheadings of American journalists were all isolated incidents done by unconnected criminals.

This is a time for the world to gather its leadership. That is not a place where obama belongs.

You might be right. He'd be out there waving to the crowd and taking selfies
Yes...that stupid grin...exclaiming..."Helllooooo Paris!!!!"
World leaders will be in France. Especially leaders of countries that have suffered attacks by islam. It is inappropriate for obama to be there. It is yet another announcement that he does not consider himself a world leader. An appearance in solidarity might suggest that obama has made a connection between the Charlie Hebdo attack and the beheadings of American journalists. In fact obama has made no connection. The beheadings of American journalists were all isolated incidents done by unconnected criminals.

This is a time for the world to gather its leadership. That is not a place where obama belongs.

Tipsycatlover aka katzendrunk/doctor/lawyer/dog washer/cat declawer

Under any name, you are an idiot and you continue to ignore facts.

Do yourself a favor and just move to Russia.
World leaders will be in France. Especially leaders of countries that have suffered attacks by islam. It is inappropriate for obama to be there. It is yet another announcement that he does not consider himself a world leader. An appearance in solidarity might suggest that obama has made a connection between the Charlie Hebdo attack and the beheadings of American journalists. In fact obama has made no connection. The beheadings of American journalists were all isolated incidents done by unconnected criminals.

This is a time for the world to gather its leadership. That is not a place where obama belongs.

Tipsycatlover aka katzendrunk/doctor/lawyer/dog washer/cat declawer

Under any name, you are an idiot and you continue to ignore facts.

Do yourself a favor and just move to Russia.
Tipsy is spot on....Luddster gets 5 Katyushas.
World leaders will be in France. Especially leaders of countries that have suffered attacks by islam. It is inappropriate for obama to be there. It is yet another announcement that he does not consider himself a world leader. An appearance in solidarity might suggest that obama has made a connection between the Charlie Hebdo attack and the beheadings of American journalists. In fact obama has made no connection. The beheadings of American journalists were all isolated incidents done by unconnected criminals.

This is a time for the world to gather its leadership. That is not a place where obama belongs.

Tipsycatlover aka katzendrunk/doctor/lawyer/dog washer/cat declawer

Under any name, you are an idiot and you continue to ignore facts.

Do yourself a favor and just move to Russia.
Tipsy is spot on....Luddster gets 5 Katyushas.

Luds probably needs some new blood pressure medication. he goes ballistic over any little thing or slight he see at his Dear Leader and Dear Democrat party. not pretty
If there is one thing we should know by now it's that the President does not really believe radical Islamic terrorist are a serious threat and fighting against them is really necessary, Yes he will use drones against them when we can track them done and he will use air power when a situation becomes so severe it can no longer be ignored see the ISIS march across Syria and Iraq but beyond that he really has no interest in dealing with this or any other major foreign policy issues,

its because he sees the USA and the west as the bad guy in international affairs. His goal is to punish the USA for its successes and its wealth. Radical islam is helping him achieve that goal.

I agree. He is a Muslim sympathizer and hates us and our country. I saw that before he was put in office and cringed when I heard he won. Now I see I was right
What is a Muslim sympathizer to you? A president that tries to avoid fighting another holy crusade against an entire faith rather than just the violent terrorists? If so, did you cringe every time Bush tried to perform the same precarious balancing act?
You said: A president that tries to avoid fighting another holy crusade against an entire faith rather than just the violent terrorists? If so, did you cringe every time Bush tried to perform the same precarious balancing act?

Except Bush attacked Iraq for oil He knew it was there, but he didn't realize how "to the victors claim the spoils" would be interpreted by the rest of the world. He let Bin Laden go and said he didn't think about him and was stupid and arrogant enough to admit it on video in public. And did nothing to help the Christians in Iraq because they weren't the "right kind of Christians". That's why the GOP doesn't cringe. When the rest of the world sees disaster and debacle under Bush, the GOP base sees great success but try to get them to explain what that success was and they call you Muslim terrorist sympathizer.
World leaders will be in France. Especially leaders of countries that have suffered attacks by islam. It is inappropriate for obama to be there. It is yet another announcement that he does not consider himself a world leader. An appearance in solidarity might suggest that obama has made a connection between the Charlie Hebdo attack and the beheadings of American journalists. In fact obama has made no connection. The beheadings of American journalists were all isolated incidents done by unconnected criminals.

This is a time for the world to gather its leadership. That is not a place where obama belongs.

Tipsycatlover aka katzendrunk/doctor/lawyer/dog washer/cat declawer

Under any name, you are an idiot and you continue to ignore facts.

Do yourself a favor and just move to Russia.
Tipsy is spot on....Luddster gets 5 Katyushas.

Luds probably needs some new blood pressure medication. he goes ballistic over any little thing or slight he see at his Dear Leader and Dear Democrat party. not pretty
You said: Luds probably needs some new blood pressure medication. he goes ballistic over any little thing or slight he see at his Dear Leader and Dear Democrat party. not pretty

Which is funny, because that's exactly how most people see you:


How many times do you go on about people don't like you and you're mean? Especially after presenting evidence of GOP heartlessness.
If there is one thing we should know by now it's that the President does not really believe radical Islamic terrorist are a serious threat and fighting against them is really necessary, Yes he will use drones against them when we can track them done and he will use air power when a situation becomes so severe it can no longer be ignored see the ISIS march across Syria and Iraq but beyond that he really has no interest in dealing with this or any other major foreign policy issues,
And yet it was Obama who had Bin Laden killed after Republicans let him go.
And Isis is what happens when you disband an army leaving hundreds of thousands of armed men without jobs.

How did Republicans get this stupid? Seriously. Some added pollution in Red State water? I know they like it dirty.
are you saying that the US secret service is incompetent?
No, I am saying that they need a month to arrange security they can feel confident about, if they do not feel confident the president does not go and the president cannot overrule them on his security.

OK, so you are saying that the protective services of Israel, Germany, France, England, Spain, Italy, et al are better at their jobs than the US secret service.

Admit the truth, Obozo does not consider radical islam a world wide threat. His muslim upbringing will not allow such thoughts.
One more time, if the Secret Service says they cannot feel confident that the president will be safe going somewhere he does not go. If I were commanding the SS I would not even consider taking such a chance. You might but then again you would be dancing a fucking jig if something bad happened to our president.

Reminds me of the days immediately following 9/11 when some said Bush was a coward for being seen in public. I disagreed.

I despised Bush but, IMO, the safety of the US president must come first.

I guess you missed it when Bush stood on the 9/11 rubble with the NY firefighter and declared that the people who did this would be made to pay.

I guess you missed the part where only a year and a half later Jr. said he wasn't concerned about Bin Laden..................

I also guess you missed the part where it was Obama that finally nailed Bin Laden.
Breaking new:

Obama announces that he will be there, as ODS loons condemn the President for being out of the country to meddle in other countries' affairs.

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