How come there are over 40,000 christian denominations and more invented daily

You are one clueless idiot. I could explain it to you, but it would be a waste of time. Why don't you get on your knees, pray to God for understanding, then look at the relevant Scripture? I'm done with you.
Seriously? At any point in time you are the sum of your choices. Failed behaviors lead to failure and successful behaviors lead to success. So at any point in your life, if you look in the mirror and you ask yourself why your life sucks so bad, it's because of the choices you have made. Behaviors like you and your little friend are displaying are not like a light switch. Once embraced, they are not so easy to turn off. If you are such "whispers" here you are "whisperers" everywhere. If you are such judgmental jerks here you are judgmental jerks everywhere. If you are such condescending asses here you are condescending asses everywhere. I will sleep like a baby tonight knowing that it is only a matter of time before you receive your predictable surprises. Funny thing though, they won't be a surprise to me at all.
Your statement is totally inaccurate, your current problems are not necessarily because of anything you've done. Cases in point - a good man driving his family home from church gets t boned by a drink and his wife and daughter are now dead. Case in point 2: next week one of two jerks will be voted as President.
Why did Adam and Eve hide when they heard God coming and what was the significance of their answers when He asked them if they ate the apple?
Always blame your wife, and if that doesn't work blame God.
No. That's what an atheists would say. Are you an atheist?
To find out fig leaves have these really nasty stickers on them?
You are one clueless idiot. I could explain it to you, but it would be a waste of time. Why don't you get on your knees, pray to God for understanding, then look at the relevant Scripture? I'm done with you.
Seriously? At any point in time you are the sum of your choices. Failed behaviors lead to failure and successful behaviors lead to success. So at any point in your life, if you look in the mirror and you ask yourself why your life sucks so bad, it's because of the choices you have made. Behaviors like you and your little friend are displaying are not like a light switch. Once embraced, they are not so easy to turn off. If you are such "whispers" here you are "whisperers" everywhere. If you are such judgmental jerks here you are judgmental jerks everywhere. If you are such condescending asses here you are condescending asses everywhere. I will sleep like a baby tonight knowing that it is only a matter of time before you receive your predictable surprises. Funny thing though, they won't be a surprise to me at all.
Your statement is totally inaccurate, your current problems are not necessarily because of anything you've done. Cases in point - a good man driving his family home from church gets t boned by a drink and his wife and daughter are now dead. Case in point 2: next week one of two jerks will be voted as President.
Why did Adam and Eve hide when they heard God coming and what was the significance of their answers when He asked them if they ate the apple?
Always blame your wife, and if that doesn't work blame God.
That just about sums it up. But you missed the part about blaming the serpent. Just saying.
No. That doesn't sum it up. You don't know anything about the Word of God either. Maybe all three of you guys are impostors.
Seriously? At any point in time you are the sum of your choices. Failed behaviors lead to failure and successful behaviors lead to success. So at any point in your life, if you look in the mirror and you ask yourself why your life sucks so bad, it's because of the choices you have made. Behaviors like you and your little friend are displaying are not like a light switch. Once embraced, they are not so easy to turn off. If you are such "whispers" here you are "whisperers" everywhere. If you are such judgmental jerks here you are judgmental jerks everywhere. If you are such condescending asses here you are condescending asses everywhere. I will sleep like a baby tonight knowing that it is only a matter of time before you receive your predictable surprises. Funny thing though, they won't be a surprise to me at all.
Your statement is totally inaccurate, your current problems are not necessarily because of anything you've done. Cases in point - a good man driving his family home from church gets t boned by a drink and his wife and daughter are now dead. Case in point 2: next week one of two jerks will be voted as President.
Why did Adam and Eve hide when they heard God coming and what was the significance of their answers when He asked them if they ate the apple?
Always blame your wife, and if that doesn't work blame God.
That just about sums it up. But you missed the part about blaming the serpent. Just saying.
No. That doesn't sum it up. You don't know anything about the Word of God either. Maybe all three of you guys are impostors.
It does sum it up rather nicely. Adam played the blame game. It's exactly what he did. It misses some theological implications, but that is exactly what happened.
I have had conversations with atheists who were more honest than you three. Good luck with whatever game you are playing.
You are one clueless idiot. I could explain it to you, but it would be a waste of time. Why don't you get on your knees, pray to God for understanding, then look at the relevant Scripture? I'm done with you.
Seriously? At any point in time you are the sum of your choices. Failed behaviors lead to failure and successful behaviors lead to success. So at any point in your life, if you look in the mirror and you ask yourself why your life sucks so bad, it's because of the choices you have made. Behaviors like you and your little friend are displaying are not like a light switch. Once embraced, they are not so easy to turn off. If you are such "whispers" here you are "whisperers" everywhere. If you are such judgmental jerks here you are judgmental jerks everywhere. If you are such condescending asses here you are condescending asses everywhere. I will sleep like a baby tonight knowing that it is only a matter of time before you receive your predictable surprises. Funny thing though, they won't be a surprise to me at all.
Your statement is totally inaccurate, your current problems are not necessarily because of anything you've done. Cases in point - a good man driving his family home from church gets t boned by a drink and his wife and daughter are now dead. Case in point 2: next week one of two jerks will be voted as President.
Why did Adam and Eve hide when they heard God coming and what was the significance of their answers when He asked them if they ate the apple?
Always blame your wife, and if that doesn't work blame God.
No. That's what an atheists would say. Are you an atheist?
So we know women can be trouble?
Your statement is totally inaccurate, your current problems are not necessarily because of anything you've done. Cases in point - a good man driving his family home from church gets t boned by a drink and his wife and daughter are now dead. Case in point 2: next week one of two jerks will be voted as President.
Why did Adam and Eve hide when they heard God coming and what was the significance of their answers when He asked them if they ate the apple?
Always blame your wife, and if that doesn't work blame God.
That just about sums it up. But you missed the part about blaming the serpent. Just saying.
No. That doesn't sum it up. You don't know anything about the Word of God either. Maybe all three of you guys are impostors.
It does sum it up rather nicely. Adam played the blame game. It's exactly what he did. It misses some theological implications, but that is exactly what happened.
You are an idiot. The message God is sending you is that man knows right from wrong (i.e. that's why they hid) but when he is confronted with violating it he rationalizes that he did not violate it. Adam did you eat the apple? Eve gave it to me. Eve did you eat the apple? The serpent deceived me. So while men do evil over good and rationalize that they didn't they never abandon the concept of good and evil. Just like you three idiots are doing now. I have never done what I am about to do... I hope you all three rot for being such blasphemers.
Why did Adam and Eve hide when they heard God coming and what was the significance of their answers when He asked them if they ate the apple?
Always blame your wife, and if that doesn't work blame God.
That just about sums it up. But you missed the part about blaming the serpent. Just saying.
No. That doesn't sum it up. You don't know anything about the Word of God either. Maybe all three of you guys are impostors.
It does sum it up rather nicely. Adam played the blame game. It's exactly what he did. It misses some theological implications, but that is exactly what happened.
You are an idiot. The message God is sending you is that man knows right from wrong (i.e. that's why they hid) but when he is confronted with violating it he rationalizes that he did not violate it. Adam did you eat the apple? Eve gave it to me. Eve did you eat the apple? The serpent deceived me. So while men do evil over good and rationalize that they didn't they never abandon the concept of good and evil. Just like you three idiots are doing now. I have never done what I am about to do... I hope you all three rot for being such blasphemers.
Hoping people rot, how Christ like of you.
Why did Adam and Eve hide when they heard God coming and what was the significance of their answers when He asked them if they ate the apple?
Always blame your wife, and if that doesn't work blame God.
That just about sums it up. But you missed the part about blaming the serpent. Just saying.
No. That doesn't sum it up. You don't know anything about the Word of God either. Maybe all three of you guys are impostors.
It does sum it up rather nicely. Adam played the blame game. It's exactly what he did. It misses some theological implications, but that is exactly what happened.
You are an idiot. The message God is sending you is that man knows right from wrong (i.e. that's why they hid) but when he is confronted with violating it he rationalizes that he did not violate it. Adam did you eat the apple? Eve gave it to me. Eve did you eat the apple? The serpent deceived me. So while men do evil over good and rationalize that they didn't they never abandon the concept of good and evil. Just like you three idiots are doing now. I have never done what I am about to do... I hope you all three rot for being such blasphemers.
"I hope you all three rot for being such blasphemers." That's a nice Christian attitude you got there. We disagree, so you wish for us to rot in Hell? Classic. You need help.
Always blame your wife, and if that doesn't work blame God.
That just about sums it up. But you missed the part about blaming the serpent. Just saying.
No. That doesn't sum it up. You don't know anything about the Word of God either. Maybe all three of you guys are impostors.
It does sum it up rather nicely. Adam played the blame game. It's exactly what he did. It misses some theological implications, but that is exactly what happened.
You are an idiot. The message God is sending you is that man knows right from wrong (i.e. that's why they hid) but when he is confronted with violating it he rationalizes that he did not violate it. Adam did you eat the apple? Eve gave it to me. Eve did you eat the apple? The serpent deceived me. So while men do evil over good and rationalize that they didn't they never abandon the concept of good and evil. Just like you three idiots are doing now. I have never done what I am about to do... I hope you all three rot for being such blasphemers.
"I hope you all three rot for being such blasphemers." That's a nice Christian attitude you got there. We disagree, so you wish for us to rot in Hell? Classic. You need help.
I'm not the one you should be worrying about.
Always blame your wife, and if that doesn't work blame God.
That just about sums it up. But you missed the part about blaming the serpent. Just saying.
No. That doesn't sum it up. You don't know anything about the Word of God either. Maybe all three of you guys are impostors.
It does sum it up rather nicely. Adam played the blame game. It's exactly what he did. It misses some theological implications, but that is exactly what happened.
You are an idiot. The message God is sending you is that man knows right from wrong (i.e. that's why they hid) but when he is confronted with violating it he rationalizes that he did not violate it. Adam did you eat the apple? Eve gave it to me. Eve did you eat the apple? The serpent deceived me. So while men do evil over good and rationalize that they didn't they never abandon the concept of good and evil. Just like you three idiots are doing now. I have never done what I am about to do... I hope you all three rot for being such blasphemers.
Hoping people rot, how Christ like of you.
I will sleep like a baby tonight.
I have had conversations with atheists who were more honest than you three. Good luck with whatever game you are playing.
So we can get called atheists by someone who thinks he knows the Bible?
No. You are getting called that because that is what you are.
That is something that God will decide. Your hate is evident. Hatred is not of the Holy Spirit. What does that say about you?
That just about sums it up. But you missed the part about blaming the serpent. Just saying.
No. That doesn't sum it up. You don't know anything about the Word of God either. Maybe all three of you guys are impostors.
It does sum it up rather nicely. Adam played the blame game. It's exactly what he did. It misses some theological implications, but that is exactly what happened.
You are an idiot. The message God is sending you is that man knows right from wrong (i.e. that's why they hid) but when he is confronted with violating it he rationalizes that he did not violate it. Adam did you eat the apple? Eve gave it to me. Eve did you eat the apple? The serpent deceived me. So while men do evil over good and rationalize that they didn't they never abandon the concept of good and evil. Just like you three idiots are doing now. I have never done what I am about to do... I hope you all three rot for being such blasphemers.
Hoping people rot, how Christ like of you.
I will sleep like a baby tonight.
Only someone who is righteous, or someone without a conscience, could say that. Sorry, but I don't believe you are righteous. Just saying.
I have had conversations with atheists who were more honest than you three. Good luck with whatever game you are playing.
So we can get called atheists by someone who thinks he knows the Bible?
No. You are getting called that because that is what you are.
Ah, I see.
What's the parable of ______ mean?
Let's play so we find out who's a REAL Christian!
Because Jesus said only REAL Christians can win at Bible quizzes.

Oh wait. Satan quoted more Scripture than anyone in the Bible. Hmmmm
Who, or what, gave the Catholic Church the authority to say what is an accurate translation of the Bible? Everything you just posted is totally inaccurate. Those Bibles they said were inaccurate did not contain the Apocrypha. That is why they were considered inaccurate. Protestants, as well as most other denominations do not consider them Scripture. And for good reason. And the Bible is not hard to understand. We have several translations that are accurate, but different. We have concordances, Bible dictionaries, as well as commentaries by respected theologians. We can even read it in the original languages it was written in. I don't need no stinking church to tell me what the Bible says. That is the sole province of the Holy Spirit. Your problem is that you place your trust in a church. I place my trust in my Creator. The Catholic Church has many traditions that are not Biblical. They bow down to idols, for Pete's sake! Don't say they don't. I've seen them do it. You do know that's forbidden in Scripture, right? They also pray for the dead. How silly is that? God does not hear those prayers. The Bible teaches that it is appointed unto a man once to die, then the Judgement. Praying for the dead is just one of the many false teaching of the Catholic Church. Now, about the historical record. There is no doubt that the Catholic Church tortured and killed many people. Many of them Christians. Can you deny this? Your lame attempt to claim that it wasn't as bad as people think is rather pathetic. What difference if it's millions, or hundreds of thousands, or even a single individual? Those people were tortured and killed by order of freakin church. That is not the fruit of the Holy Spirit. It is not what Jesus taught. Therefore, it is of the Devil. Can you deny this? The Catholic Church is corrupt and evil. It is the spawn of Satan. Nothing you say will change that. I'm not saying that all Catholics are evil. I think they have been deluded. I pray for them. But the Church leadership, all the way up to the pope, are beholden to the Devil.

As Grandpa used to say, "Simmer down a minute."

The Catholic Church was the "Consumer Advocate" of the proper interpretation of scripture BEFORE Luther and the Protestant Reformation. If you think any money-grubbing entrepreneur of the time should be able to foist off bad translations of scripture to the unsuspecting public of the time, then that's one opinion. Capitalism, Consumerism, and Let the Buyer Beware are all valid points. Equally as valid were the theologians of the time decrying poor translations and telling the buyers to beware.

Now we can take a take a look at Protestants and the Apocrypha issues entering the scene. Luther saw that books of the Apocrypha were no longer part of Jewish Scriptures (the Jews revising their Canon about a hundred years after the death of Christ) and Luther moved these books to the back of the Bible. However, another enterprising entrepreneur, to save money and make a profit for himself, removed these books altogether--and presto, the Protestant Bible no longer included the books at all. Catholic Bibles retained these books as they were part of Jewish Scripture at the time of Christ and the Apostles. What was then there, is included today...for Catholics.

Look up the deaths and persecutions for which Protestants need to take responsibility. I've already looked into the ones the Catholic Church takes responsibility for--and know the non-exaggerated truth. I'm not dismissing facts, I'm pointing out the exaggeration of facts. No exaggeration is needed, or do you disagree on this point?

If you think the Holy Spirit gives you an accurate interpretation of a Bible passage, and then gives the person sitting into the pew next to you, a second, entirely opposing interpretations, that's your prerogative. Catholic believe the Holy Spirit gave the Apostles one interpretation for all. This Apostolic teaching/interpretation/revelation by the Holy Spirit, has been passed down to all Catholics. That manner of teaching is our prerogative.
The Catholic Church was the distorter of the Bible and only told people fragments to manipulate the population. Luther came along and put the Bible in the common language for all to read and the Catholics started a war of murder and terrorism because of it.
Luther Was Trotsky, Calvin Was Mao

Blaming the Popes for changing Christianity is so much like Communists claiming that Stalin perverted their own substitute for religion.
What was your handle before they deleted your last account for spamming?
Render Therefore to Caesar. Jesus Was a Roman Agent.

@IgnoreCollector. Bye, bye, Bible banger.
I just can't comprehend how these people cannot see the truth of what they are doing. Every catholic church is littered with graven images. They 'venerate' holy relics. They pray before statutes of Mary and other saints. If that's not idolatry, then what is? And the commandment forbidding graven images is missing from their ten commandments. How can they be so blind?

What are the differences between graven images and art work? Also, do you take note of the differences between honoring, veneration, and worship? For example, do you consider honoring an athlete different from worshiping God?
I just can't comprehend how these people cannot see the truth of what they are doing. Every catholic church is littered with graven images. They 'venerate' holy relics. They pray before statutes of Mary and other saints. If that's not idolatry, then what is? And the commandment forbidding graven images is missing from their ten commandments. How can they be so blind?

What are the differences between graven images and art work? Also, do you take note of the differences between honoring, veneration, and worship? For example, do you consider honoring an athlete different from worshiping God?
I'm not going to play your silly word games. In fact, I think I'll once again thank God for the ignore feature and use it again.

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