How come there are over 40,000 christian denominations and more invented daily

They had many Gods, how it became one God is they always had to go the Chief God, the Chief God was the authority over the lesser Gods. May as well do away with the lesser Gods, since you go to the Chief God anyway. So instead of lesser Gods , the RCC has Saints you can pray to that are good for many different things.
Thank you for settling that. You are officially not on the bubble. It looks like I have outed three militant atheists today. Hunting was good.

Bang, bang, I am the warrior

My personal best was only one before. Wow!
What does Ephesians 4:12 mean?
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ
I can fill volumes with the information that your ignorant atheist butt does not know.
I have to say, it took me about 30 minutes to figure out what you were doing, but then I busted you. That felt good.
Pretty funny coming from an anti-Christian cultist afraid of Scripture.
Are you kidding? I have forgotten more scripture than you will ever know? And unlike you, I understand it like you will never understand it. How could you? It's not your religion. Your religion is atheism.
Oh good! Tell me what me what 2 Kings 17:12 means: They worshiped idols, though the Lord had said, “You shall not do this.”
You should know that serving yourself is worshiping an idol, but the real sin you should worry about is blaspheme of the Holy Spirit.
They had many Gods, how it became one God is they always had to go the Chief God, the Chief God was the authority over the lesser Gods. May as well do away with the lesser Gods, since you go to the Chief God anyway. So instead of lesser Gods , the RCC has Saints you can pray to that are good for many different things.
Who is the Saint of toilets? Mine is starting to back up a bit.
I can fill volumes with the information that your ignorant atheist butt does not know.
I have to say, it took me about 30 minutes to figure out what you were doing, but then I busted you. That felt good.
Pretty funny coming from an anti-Christian cultist afraid of Scripture.
Are you kidding? I have forgotten more scripture than you will ever know? And unlike you, I understand it like you will never understand it. How could you? It's not your religion. Your religion is atheism.
Oh good! Tell me what me what 2 Kings 17:12 means: They worshiped idols, though the Lord had said, “You shall not do this.”
You should know that serving yourself is worshiping an idol, but the real sin you should worry about is blaspheme of the Holy Spirit.
I'm high fiving with the Holy Spirit right now as we mock you cultists.
They had many Gods, how it became one God is they always had to go the Chief God, the Chief God was the authority over the lesser Gods. May as well do away with the lesser Gods, since you go to the Chief God anyway. So instead of lesser Gods , the RCC has Saints you can pray to that are good for many different things.
Who is the Saint of toilets? Mine is starting to back up a bit.
I'd like to know who the patron Saint of internet trolls is. Whoever they are, they have a lot of followers on here.
They had many Gods, how it became one God is they always had to go the Chief God, the Chief God was the authority over the lesser Gods. May as well do away with the lesser Gods, since you go to the Chief God anyway. So instead of lesser Gods , the RCC has Saints you can pray to that are good for many different things.
Thank you for settling that. You are officially not on the bubble. It looks like I have outed three militant atheists today. Hunting was good.

Bang, bang, I am the warrior

My personal best was only one before. Wow!
What does Ephesians 4:12 mean?
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ
2 Peter1: 5 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6 and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7 and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. 8 For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins.
I have to say, it took me about 30 minutes to figure out what you were doing, but then I busted you. That felt good.
Pretty funny coming from an anti-Christian cultist afraid of Scripture.
Are you kidding? I have forgotten more scripture than you will ever know? And unlike you, I understand it like you will never understand it. How could you? It's not your religion. Your religion is atheism.
Oh good! Tell me what me what 2 Kings 17:12 means: They worshiped idols, though the Lord had said, “You shall not do this.”
You should know that serving yourself is worshiping an idol, but the real sin you should worry about is blaspheme of the Holy Spirit.
I'm high fiving with the Holy Spirit right now as we mock you cultists.
The Holy Spirit would not do that. An atheist would.
They had many Gods, how it became one God is they always had to go the Chief God, the Chief God was the authority over the lesser Gods. May as well do away with the lesser Gods, since you go to the Chief God anyway. So instead of lesser Gods , the RCC has Saints you can pray to that are good for many different things.
Who is the Saint of toilets? Mine is starting to back up a bit.

Don't know, I usually just pray to God, if you have time Pray the Our Father , 3 Hail Marys and 1 Glory Be.
They had many Gods, how it became one God is they always had to go the Chief God, the Chief God was the authority over the lesser Gods. May as well do away with the lesser Gods, since you go to the Chief God anyway. So instead of lesser Gods , the RCC has Saints you can pray to that are good for many different things.
Thank you for settling that. You are officially not on the bubble. It looks like I have outed three militant atheists today. Hunting was good.

Bang, bang, I am the warrior

My personal best was only one before. Wow!
What does Ephesians 4:12 mean?
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ
Saints (derived from the Greek "holy" or set apart") is mentioned 67 times in the New Testament.
Always referring to the living. Why is that?
They had many Gods, how it became one God is they always had to go the Chief God, the Chief God was the authority over the lesser Gods. May as well do away with the lesser Gods, since you go to the Chief God anyway. So instead of lesser Gods , the RCC has Saints you can pray to that are good for many different things.
Who is the Saint of toilets? Mine is starting to back up a bit.

Don't know, I usually just pray to God.
Which one, Athee?
Pretty funny coming from an anti-Christian cultist afraid of Scripture.
Are you kidding? I have forgotten more scripture than you will ever know? And unlike you, I understand it like you will never understand it. How could you? It's not your religion. Your religion is atheism.
Oh good! Tell me what me what 2 Kings 17:12 means: They worshiped idols, though the Lord had said, “You shall not do this.”
You should know that serving yourself is worshiping an idol, but the real sin you should worry about is blaspheme of the Holy Spirit.
I'm high fiving with the Holy Spirit right now as we mock you cultists.
The Holy Spirit would not do that. An atheist would.
You have never high fived the Holy Spirit?

Of course you have not, that was silly of me. Youre a cultist
They had many Gods, how it became one God is they always had to go the Chief God, the Chief God was the authority over the lesser Gods. May as well do away with the lesser Gods, since you go to the Chief God anyway. So instead of lesser Gods , the RCC has Saints you can pray to that are good for many different things.
Who is the Saint of toilets? Mine is starting to back up a bit.

Don't know, I usually just pray to God.
Which one, Athee?

Actually I would not waste his time for something so insignificant, I'd probably just use the plunger.
They had many Gods, how it became one God is they always had to go the Chief God, the Chief God was the authority over the lesser Gods. May as well do away with the lesser Gods, since you go to the Chief God anyway. So instead of lesser Gods , the RCC has Saints you can pray to that are good for many different things.
Thank you for settling that. You are officially not on the bubble. It looks like I have outed three militant atheists today. Hunting was good.

Bang, bang, I am the warrior

My personal best was only one before. Wow!
What does Ephesians 4:12 mean?
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ
Saints (derived from the Greek "holy" or set apart") is mentioned 67 times in the New Testament.
Always referring to the living. Why is that?
Revelation 5:8, Matt. 17:3, 1 Timothy 2:1–4, Rom. 15:30–32, Eph. 6:18–20, Col. 4:3, 1 Thess. 5:25, 2 Thess. 3:1, 2 Thess. 1:11, Matt. 5:44, Matt. 8:13, 15:28, 17:15–18, Mark 9:17–29, Luke 8:49–55, Jas. 5:16–18, Heb. 12:22-23, John 14:13–14, Ps. 103:20-21, Ps. 148:1-2, Rev. 8:3-4, Rev. 5:8

The saints in heaven offer to God the prayers of the saints on earth.
Are you kidding? I have forgotten more scripture than you will ever know? And unlike you, I understand it like you will never understand it. How could you? It's not your religion. Your religion is atheism.
Oh good! Tell me what me what 2 Kings 17:12 means: They worshiped idols, though the Lord had said, “You shall not do this.”
You should know that serving yourself is worshiping an idol, but the real sin you should worry about is blaspheme of the Holy Spirit.
I'm high fiving with the Holy Spirit right now as we mock you cultists.
The Holy Spirit would not do that. An atheist would.
You have never high fived the Holy Spirit?

Of course you have not, that was silly of me. Youre a cultist
No, the Holy Spirit, while extremely powerful is also extremely gentle and would never revel in anything resembling mocking any of God's creatures What you just did was literally blaspheme of the Holy Spirit.
If you believe that you witnessed today at least two people who were pretending to be protestants to create division in Christianity with Catholics, then you saw that today. If you don't believe that then you may be the most naive person on this board. At the end of it all, they were happy that someone recognized what they were doing because they were proud of what they were doing.

Grin. They were trying to create division with Catholics? I thought they were trying (not very successfully) to put on a comedy routine. One, indeed may be an atheist masquerading, it makes a lot of sense--but it doesn't make it so. The other...shrug. Neither seem to be big fans of their own denomination. People who hold strong beliefs are those who cannot help but speak up about their own denomination. I find it interesting that the two involved never seem to have anything to say about their own beliefs or their own denominations, but seem to thrive/enjoy being abusive and derogatory towards a religion that is not their own.

More mind-boggling, is that they know nothing of Catholicism except perhaps what they have read out of a Jack Chick pamphlet. This tells me these are hearts of haters looking for something to hate. They are satisfied with what they found, more heart-breaking, coming across as pitifully ignorant troubles them not at all.

I may well be the most naive person on this board. I feel sorry for them because if either of them had ever experienced an iota of God's love, they would change in a heartbeat. In the meantime, all that can be done is to offer what we have. Maybe someday they will be able to value the teachings of their own denomination enough to present them here for discussion. Or, if they are atheists, then grow hearts with the integrity to say so.
They had many Gods, how it became one God is they always had to go the Chief God, the Chief God was the authority over the lesser Gods. May as well do away with the lesser Gods, since you go to the Chief God anyway. So instead of lesser Gods , the RCC has Saints you can pray to that are good for many different things.
Thank you for settling that. You are officially not on the bubble. It looks like I have outed three militant atheists today. Hunting was good.

Bang, bang, I am the warrior

My personal best was only one before. Wow!
What does Ephesians 4:12 mean?
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ
Saints (derived from the Greek "holy" or set apart") is mentioned 67 times in the New Testament.
Always referring to the living. Why is that?
Revelation 5:8, Matt. 17:3, 1 Timothy 2:1–4, Rom. 15:30–32, Eph. 6:18–20, Col. 4:3, 1 Thess. 5:25, 2 Thess. 3:1, 2 Thess. 1:11, Matt. 5:44, Matt. 8:13, 15:28, 17:15–18, Mark 9:17–29, Luke 8:49–55, Jas. 5:16–18, Heb. 12:22-23, John 14:13–14, Ps. 103:20-21, Ps. 148:1-2, Rev. 8:3-4, Rev. 5:8

The saints in heaven offer to God the prayers of the saints on earth.
How can there be Saints on earth? Pointy hat hasn't given them the title yet.
If you believe that you witnessed today at least two people who were pretending to be protestants to create division in Christianity with Catholics, then you saw that today. If you don't believe that then you may be the most naive person on this board. At the end of it all, they were happy that someone recognized what they were doing because they were proud of what they were doing.

Grin. They were trying to create division with Catholics? I thought they were trying (not very successfully) to put on a comedy routine. One, indeed may be an atheist masquerading, it makes a lot of sense--but it doesn't make it so. The other...shrug. Neither seem to be big fans of their own denomination. People who hold strong beliefs are those who cannot help but speak up about their own denomination. I find it interesting that the two involved never seem to have anything to say about their own beliefs or their own denominations, but seem to thrive/enjoy being abusive and derogatory towards a religion that is not their own.

More mind-boggling, is that they know nothing of Catholicism except perhaps what they have read out of a Jack Chick pamphlet. This tells me these are hearts of haters looking for something to hate. They are satisfied with what they found, more heart-breaking, coming across as pitifully ignorant troubles them not at all.

I may well be the most naive person on this board. I feel sorry for them because if either of them had ever experienced an iota of God's love, they would change in a heartbeat. In the meantime, all that can be done is to offer what we have. Maybe someday they will be able to value the teachings of their own denomination enough to present them here for discussion. Or, if they are atheists, then grow hearts with the integrity to say so.
Speaking of cults spitting on Jesus:


Pope Francis Decrees That Christian Salvation Is Only Through The Roman Catholic Church
They had many Gods, how it became one God is they always had to go the Chief God, the Chief God was the authority over the lesser Gods. May as well do away with the lesser Gods, since you go to the Chief God anyway. So instead of lesser Gods , the RCC has Saints you can pray to that are good for many different things.
Thank you for settling that. You are officially not on the bubble. It looks like I have outed three militant atheists today. Hunting was good.

Bang, bang, I am the warrior

My personal best was only one before. Wow!
What does Ephesians 4:12 mean?
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ
Saints (derived from the Greek "holy" or set apart") is mentioned 67 times in the New Testament.
Always referring to the living. Why is that?
Revelation 5:8, Matt. 17:3, 1 Timothy 2:1–4, Rom. 15:30–32, Eph. 6:18–20, Col. 4:3, 1 Thess. 5:25, 2 Thess. 3:1, 2 Thess. 1:11, Matt. 5:44, Matt. 8:13, 15:28, 17:15–18, Mark 9:17–29, Luke 8:49–55, Jas. 5:16–18, Heb. 12:22-23, John 14:13–14, Ps. 103:20-21, Ps. 148:1-2, Rev. 8:3-4, Rev. 5:8

The saints in heaven offer to God the prayers of the saints on earth.
How can there be Saints on earth? Pointy hat hasn't given them the title yet.
I guess you don't know as much about the Catholic Church as you think you do. There are saints we know about and saints we don't know about and that is always how it has been said every single time they are mentioned.
If you believe that you witnessed today at least two people who were pretending to be protestants to create division in Christianity with Catholics, then you saw that today. If you don't believe that then you may be the most naive person on this board. At the end of it all, they were happy that someone recognized what they were doing because they were proud of what they were doing.

Grin. They were trying to create division with Catholics? I thought they were trying (not very successfully) to put on a comedy routine. One, indeed may be an atheist masquerading, it makes a lot of sense--but it doesn't make it so. The other...shrug. Neither seem to be big fans of their own denomination. People who hold strong beliefs are those who cannot help but speak up about their own denomination. I find it interesting that the two involved never seem to have anything to say about their own beliefs or their own denominations, but seem to thrive/enjoy being abusive and derogatory towards a religion that is not their own.

More mind-boggling, is that they know nothing of Catholicism except perhaps what they have read out of a Jack Chick pamphlet. This tells me these are hearts of haters looking for something to hate. They are satisfied with what they found, more heart-breaking, coming across as pitifully ignorant troubles them not at all.

I may well be the most naive person on this board. I feel sorry for them because if either of them had ever experienced an iota of God's love, they would change in a heartbeat. In the meantime, all that can be done is to offer what we have. Maybe someday they will be able to value the teachings of their own denomination enough to present them here for discussion. Or, if they are atheists, then grow hearts with the integrity to say so.
Well said.

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