How come there are over 40,000 christian denominations and more invented daily

You have a need to elevate atheism to a religion, why?

Isn't atheism as a religion promoted by some atheists? My understanding is that they should be viewed as a legitimate religion because they have a belief system (even if it is non-belief) about God. (i.e., reasons not to believe in God). I know little about it. What's your opinion on labeling atheism as a religion?
A religion is the belief in something supernatural. So no atheism can't be a religion.
Not at all. Here is what Mr Webster says:
: the belief in a god or in a group of gods

  • : an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods
  • : an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group
I'm not so sure about you either sweetheart. You played a nice little role in all of this crap.

Me what did I do?
Ok, to provide more info, I have it narrowed down to you are an atheist plant whose mission is to erode Catholic beliefs or possibly the worst darn Catholic I have ever seen. And BTW, I'm not a good Catholic by any stretch of the imagination. So that is saying something.

Wrong, I'm an agnostic RC, I do not believe in the virgin birth, and all religions are man made. I live according to the faith I was raised in , RC, and will continue to do so, since its a good way to live and the only way I know how. I credit my parents and the RCC for the value system I believe in and live by.
And you don't believe that the Body and Blood Of Christ are present at the Mass either. I suspect you support abortion and socialism as well. Maybe you should read the CCC on those subjects.

P.S. It is not possible for you to be an agnostic and say that all religions are man made. That statement all by itself means that you are an atheist. Judea/Christianity is the only revealed religion. Do you know what that means?

I should think atheists value this life even more, since so many Christians live for the next. I know that as an agnostic, I see every day as a gift of life to be treasured. Many take life for granted, and so look forward to the next life which for some reason they are sure it will be better than this one. This one is the only one I know of.

Actually I'm pro life and anti the death penalty. Do you think that OT and NT means there is a God or Gods. Jews or Hebrews believed in Gods, and even Yahweh believed in other gods. ISA 7:14 is not about the virgin birth, read the NABRE 2011 edition footnotes, RC Bible. No one knows anything about God or the afterlife, and certainty the bible does not prove a God or Gods.
No. They did not believe in other Gods. Your view is similar to the Gnostic view of a good god and a bad god and those people were reprehensible by action. Read the Socialist Phenomenon for the details. Are you a socialist?.

My views on atheist presented here apply only to militant atheists. I have three sisters who are atheists. We have deep discussions on this subject. Other than being left leaning they do not exhibit strong emotions against others believing in God. Militant atheists do.
8. It's hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion

I haven't run into that, or perhaps I see it coming and simply avoid it.
If you believe that you witnessed today at least two people who were pretending to be protestants to create division in Christianity with Catholics, then you saw that today. If you don't believe that then you may be the most naive person on this board. At the end of it all, they were happy that someone recognized what they were doing because they were proud of what they were doing.
Division? How about your guy in the funny hat saying non Catholics are not Christians?
You have a need to elevate atheism to a religion, why?

Isn't atheism as a religion promoted by some atheists? My understanding is that they should be viewed as a legitimate religion because they have a belief system (even if it is non-belief) about God. (i.e., reasons not to believe in God). I know little about it. What's your opinion on labeling atheism as a religion?
A religion is the belief in something supernatural. So no atheism can't be a religion.
Not at all. Here is what Mr Webster says:
: the belief in a god or in a group of gods

  • : an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods
  • : an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group
That's a slippery slope you are walking there, athee.
That's not true. You have a common "moral" code, doctrines and behave belligerently to rival religions. But hey, I couldn't give a rats ass about convincing you.
Atheists don't follow a common moral code, wtf are you talking about?
No doctrine either, just a non-belief, that's it. And not all atheists act belligerently, I know I don't.:D
Your moral code is defined by human pleasure and leads to support for abortion, free sex movement, moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Your doctrines are abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality.

You are what we call a passive aggressive atheist. You don't respect anyone who believes in God and it shows.
I'm not even an atheist, but I guess in your world...
So you think all atheists are alike? Do you have any links to all this shit you claim? Like atheists who want to abolish families? ...
No. Not all. Just the ones I come into contact here on these boards anyway. If you don't believe you are an atheist, then you are in denial. I am married to an agnostic. Probably the only true agnostic in the world. She knows there is more, but has no idea what that more is and has no desire to figure it out.
So you're taking back everything you just said about atheists because you realize that you were wrong? Good for you.
No. See that's how I know you are a militant atheist. Passive aggressive, but still militant. You don't condone respect for anyone who believes in God and it shows.
You have a need to elevate atheism to a religion, why?

Isn't atheism as a religion promoted by some atheists? My understanding is that they should be viewed as a legitimate religion because they have a belief system (even if it is non-belief) about God. (i.e., reasons not to believe in God). I know little about it. What's your opinion on labeling atheism as a religion?
A religion is the belief in something supernatural. So no atheism can't be a religion.
Not at all. Here is what Mr Webster says:
: the belief in a god or in a group of gods

  • : an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods
  • : an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group
That's a slippery slope you are walking there, athee.
I always live on the dangerous side of life by quoting Mr Webster.
Let's examine that statement. Shall we? According to Scripture, God is the only one who can say whether someone is a Christian or not. Now, are you trying to usurp the authority of our Creator? Sure looks that way to me. Such hubris.
That's what the catholic cult does. They determine who goes to heaven and who becomes saints.
It's all about power and control with that cult.
Do you mean as opposed to your religion of atheism?

1. Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy
2. It is based on atheism and deification of man.
3. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts.
4. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure.
5. Its doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality.
6. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements.
7. They condemn respect for any who believes in Christianity.
8. It's hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion
9. It worships science but are the first to argue against it.
10. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance.
11. They can be identified by an external locus of control. It's like an invisible cross
I'm pretty sure going against the word of God is evil. What do you think?
Evil is the absence of good. Typically people don't do evil for evil's sake, they do evil for the sake of their own good, then they rationalize that they didn't do evil. But no matter what they don't abandon the concept of good and evil and their belief that they are good. You two bozo's may be the exception.
You did not answer the question for some strange reason.
Is doing what God says not to do evil?
It's a YES or NO, so you have a 50/50 shot.
I did answer your question, athee. Evil is the absence of good. What has God asked you to do?
Atheists don't follow a common moral code, wtf are you talking about?
No doctrine either, just a non-belief, that's it. And not all atheists act belligerently, I know I don't.:D
Your moral code is defined by human pleasure and leads to support for abortion, free sex movement, moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Your doctrines are abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality.

You are what we call a passive aggressive atheist. You don't respect anyone who believes in God and it shows.
I'm not even an atheist, but I guess in your world...
So you think all atheists are alike? Do you have any links to all this shit you claim? Like atheists who want to abolish families? ...
No. Not all. Just the ones I come into contact here on these boards anyway. If you don't believe you are an atheist, then you are in denial. I am married to an agnostic. Probably the only true agnostic in the world. She knows there is more, but has no idea what that more is and has no desire to figure it out.
So you're taking back everything you just said about atheists because you realize that you were wrong? Good for you.
No. See that's how I know you are a militant atheist. Passive aggressive, but still militant. You don't condone respect for anyone who believes in God and it shows.
Now where is the answer to my question?
Is doing what God said not to do evil?
You have a need to elevate atheism to a religion, why?

Isn't atheism as a religion promoted by some atheists? My understanding is that they should be viewed as a legitimate religion because they have a belief system (even if it is non-belief) about God. (i.e., reasons not to believe in God). I know little about it. What's your opinion on labeling atheism as a religion?
A religion is the belief in something supernatural. So no atheism can't be a religion.
Not at all. Here is what Mr Webster says:
: the belief in a god or in a group of gods

  • : an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods
  • : an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group
That's a slippery slope you are walking there, athee.
I always live on the dangerous side of life by quoting Mr Webster.
Not what I meant, but I wouldn't expect anything else from you, athee. Aren't you secretly glad that someone was able to recognize what you were doing, athee? I mean think about it... where is the enjoyment if there is no recognition, right?
Your moral code is defined by human pleasure and leads to support for abortion, free sex movement, moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Your doctrines are abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality.

You are what we call a passive aggressive atheist. You don't respect anyone who believes in God and it shows.
I'm not even an atheist, but I guess in your world...
So you think all atheists are alike? Do you have any links to all this shit you claim? Like atheists who want to abolish families? ...
No. Not all. Just the ones I come into contact here on these boards anyway. If you don't believe you are an atheist, then you are in denial. I am married to an agnostic. Probably the only true agnostic in the world. She knows there is more, but has no idea what that more is and has no desire to figure it out.
So you're taking back everything you just said about atheists because you realize that you were wrong? Good for you.
No. See that's how I know you are a militant atheist. Passive aggressive, but still militant. You don't condone respect for anyone who believes in God and it shows.
Now where is the answer to my question?
Is doing what God said not to do evil?
Has God been telling you to do things, athee?
Me what did I do?
Ok, to provide more info, I have it narrowed down to you are an atheist plant whose mission is to erode Catholic beliefs or possibly the worst darn Catholic I have ever seen. And BTW, I'm not a good Catholic by any stretch of the imagination. So that is saying something.

Wrong, I'm an agnostic RC, I do not believe in the virgin birth, and all religions are man made. I live according to the faith I was raised in , RC, and will continue to do so, since its a good way to live and the only way I know how. I credit my parents and the RCC for the value system I believe in and live by.
And you don't believe that the Body and Blood Of Christ are present at the Mass either. I suspect you support abortion and socialism as well. Maybe you should read the CCC on those subjects.

P.S. It is not possible for you to be an agnostic and say that all religions are man made. That statement all by itself means that you are an atheist. Judea/Christianity is the only revealed religion. Do you know what that means?

I should think atheists value this life even more, since so many Christians live for the next. I know that as an agnostic, I see every day as a gift of life to be treasured. Many take life for granted, and so look forward to the next life which for some reason they are sure it will be better than this one. This one is the only one I know of.

Actually I'm pro life and anti the death penalty. Do you think that OT and NT means there is a God or Gods. Jews or Hebrews believed in Gods, and even Yahweh believed in other gods. ISA 7:14 is not about the virgin birth, read the NABRE 2011 edition footnotes, RC Bible. No one knows anything about God or the afterlife, and certainty the bible does not prove a God or Gods.
No. They did not believe in other Gods. Your view is similar to the Gnostic view of a good god and a bad god and those people were reprehensible by action. Read the Socialist Phenomenon for the details. Are you a socialist?.

My views on atheist presented here apply only to militant atheists. I have three sisters who are atheists. We have deep discussions on this subject. Other than being left leaning they do not exhibit strong emotions against others believing in God. Militant atheists do.

Sure they did, Israel. EL was the high God. No my view is the truth of what they believed in. They were not monotheistic since after the return of Ezra. Read EZE 16, they committed adultery with other Gods, and Yahweh their war God was jealous. That is why had calamity and they lost wars, is their adultery with other gods. This is the way they thought back then.
That's what the catholic cult does. They determine who goes to heaven and who becomes saints.
It's all about power and control with that cult.
Do you mean as opposed to your religion of atheism?

1. Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy
2. It is based on atheism and deification of man.
3. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts.
4. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure.
5. Its doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality.
6. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements.
7. They condemn respect for any who believes in Christianity.
8. It's hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion
9. It worships science but are the first to argue against it.
10. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance.
11. They can be identified by an external locus of control. It's like an invisible cross
I'm pretty sure going against the word of God is evil. What do you think?
Evil is the absence of good. Typically people don't do evil for evil's sake, they do evil for the sake of their own good, then they rationalize that they didn't do evil. But no matter what they don't abandon the concept of good and evil and their belief that they are good. You two bozo's may be the exception.
You did not answer the question for some strange reason.
Is doing what God says not to do evil?
It's a YES or NO, so you have a 50/50 shot.
I did answer your question, athee. Evil is the absence of good. What has God asked you to do?
No, it is what God has told you what not to do that is my question. But you being Catholic I do not expect you to know Scripture, so here is one to get started.

And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Matthew 23:9.

So if Jesus said that.....
I think Mudda had to leave work to go home. I sure do hope he doesn't get canned for posting at work. There was this one guy I kept warning but he wouldn't listen and he eventually got canned. Oh well, failed behaviors lead to failure unless you have an external locus of control then its always someone else's fault.
Ok, to provide more info, I have it narrowed down to you are an atheist plant whose mission is to erode Catholic beliefs or possibly the worst darn Catholic I have ever seen. And BTW, I'm not a good Catholic by any stretch of the imagination. So that is saying something.

Wrong, I'm an agnostic RC, I do not believe in the virgin birth, and all religions are man made. I live according to the faith I was raised in , RC, and will continue to do so, since its a good way to live and the only way I know how. I credit my parents and the RCC for the value system I believe in and live by.
And you don't believe that the Body and Blood Of Christ are present at the Mass either. I suspect you support abortion and socialism as well. Maybe you should read the CCC on those subjects.

P.S. It is not possible for you to be an agnostic and say that all religions are man made. That statement all by itself means that you are an atheist. Judea/Christianity is the only revealed religion. Do you know what that means?

I should think atheists value this life even more, since so many Christians live for the next. I know that as an agnostic, I see every day as a gift of life to be treasured. Many take life for granted, and so look forward to the next life which for some reason they are sure it will be better than this one. This one is the only one I know of.

Actually I'm pro life and anti the death penalty. Do you think that OT and NT means there is a God or Gods. Jews or Hebrews believed in Gods, and even Yahweh believed in other gods. ISA 7:14 is not about the virgin birth, read the NABRE 2011 edition footnotes, RC Bible. No one knows anything about God or the afterlife, and certainty the bible does not prove a God or Gods.
No. They did not believe in other Gods. Your view is similar to the Gnostic view of a good god and a bad god and those people were reprehensible by action. Read the Socialist Phenomenon for the details. Are you a socialist?.

My views on atheist presented here apply only to militant atheists. I have three sisters who are atheists. We have deep discussions on this subject. Other than being left leaning they do not exhibit strong emotions against others believing in God. Militant atheists do.

Sure they did, Israel. EL was the high God. No my view is the truth of what they believed in. They were not monotheistic since after the return of Ezra. Read EZE 16, they committed adultery with other Gods, and Yahweh their war God was jealous. That is why had calamity and they lost wars, is their adultery with other gods. This is the way they thought back then.

They had sex with gods? Did you see that on DVD or in the theater?
I'm not even an atheist, but I guess in your world...
So you think all atheists are alike? Do you have any links to all this shit you claim? Like atheists who want to abolish families? ...
No. Not all. Just the ones I come into contact here on these boards anyway. If you don't believe you are an atheist, then you are in denial. I am married to an agnostic. Probably the only true agnostic in the world. She knows there is more, but has no idea what that more is and has no desire to figure it out.
So you're taking back everything you just said about atheists because you realize that you were wrong? Good for you.
No. See that's how I know you are a militant atheist. Passive aggressive, but still militant. You don't condone respect for anyone who believes in God and it shows.
Now where is the answer to my question?
Is doing what God said not to do evil?
Has God been telling you to do things, athee?
Cult boy is busted. He knows his cult is anti-Christian.
Ok, to provide more info, I have it narrowed down to you are an atheist plant whose mission is to erode Catholic beliefs or possibly the worst darn Catholic I have ever seen. And BTW, I'm not a good Catholic by any stretch of the imagination. So that is saying something.

Wrong, I'm an agnostic RC, I do not believe in the virgin birth, and all religions are man made. I live according to the faith I was raised in , RC, and will continue to do so, since its a good way to live and the only way I know how. I credit my parents and the RCC for the value system I believe in and live by.
And you don't believe that the Body and Blood Of Christ are present at the Mass either. I suspect you support abortion and socialism as well. Maybe you should read the CCC on those subjects.

P.S. It is not possible for you to be an agnostic and say that all religions are man made. That statement all by itself means that you are an atheist. Judea/Christianity is the only revealed religion. Do you know what that means?

I should think atheists value this life even more, since so many Christians live for the next. I know that as an agnostic, I see every day as a gift of life to be treasured. Many take life for granted, and so look forward to the next life which for some reason they are sure it will be better than this one. This one is the only one I know of.

Actually I'm pro life and anti the death penalty. Do you think that OT and NT means there is a God or Gods. Jews or Hebrews believed in Gods, and even Yahweh believed in other gods. ISA 7:14 is not about the virgin birth, read the NABRE 2011 edition footnotes, RC Bible. No one knows anything about God or the afterlife, and certainty the bible does not prove a God or Gods.
No. They did not believe in other Gods. Your view is similar to the Gnostic view of a good god and a bad god and those people were reprehensible by action. Read the Socialist Phenomenon for the details. Are you a socialist?.

My views on atheist presented here apply only to militant atheists. I have three sisters who are atheists. We have deep discussions on this subject. Other than being left leaning they do not exhibit strong emotions against others believing in God. Militant atheists do.

Sure they did, Israel. EL was the high God. No my view is the truth of what they believed in. They were not monotheistic since after the return of Ezra. Read EZE 16, they committed adultery with other Gods, and Yahweh their war God was jealous. That is why had calamity and they lost wars, is their adultery with other gods. This is the way they thought back then.
Really? That's all in the Bible huh, that God acknowledged other gods instead of idols?
No. Not all. Just the ones I come into contact here on these boards anyway. If you don't believe you are an atheist, then you are in denial. I am married to an agnostic. Probably the only true agnostic in the world. She knows there is more, but has no idea what that more is and has no desire to figure it out.
So you're taking back everything you just said about atheists because you realize that you were wrong? Good for you.
No. See that's how I know you are a militant atheist. Passive aggressive, but still militant. You don't condone respect for anyone who believes in God and it shows.
Now where is the answer to my question?
Is doing what God said not to do evil?
Has God been telling you to do things, athee?
Cult boy is busted. He knows his cult is anti-Christian.
Busted? I just wanted to make sure you weren't hearing voices, athee. So has God been telling you stuff, Athee?
Wrong, I'm an agnostic RC, I do not believe in the virgin birth, and all religions are man made. I live according to the faith I was raised in , RC, and will continue to do so, since its a good way to live and the only way I know how. I credit my parents and the RCC for the value system I believe in and live by.
And you don't believe that the Body and Blood Of Christ are present at the Mass either. I suspect you support abortion and socialism as well. Maybe you should read the CCC on those subjects.

P.S. It is not possible for you to be an agnostic and say that all religions are man made. That statement all by itself means that you are an atheist. Judea/Christianity is the only revealed religion. Do you know what that means?

I should think atheists value this life even more, since so many Christians live for the next. I know that as an agnostic, I see every day as a gift of life to be treasured. Many take life for granted, and so look forward to the next life which for some reason they are sure it will be better than this one. This one is the only one I know of.

Actually I'm pro life and anti the death penalty. Do you think that OT and NT means there is a God or Gods. Jews or Hebrews believed in Gods, and even Yahweh believed in other gods. ISA 7:14 is not about the virgin birth, read the NABRE 2011 edition footnotes, RC Bible. No one knows anything about God or the afterlife, and certainty the bible does not prove a God or Gods.
No. They did not believe in other Gods. Your view is similar to the Gnostic view of a good god and a bad god and those people were reprehensible by action. Read the Socialist Phenomenon for the details. Are you a socialist?.

My views on atheist presented here apply only to militant atheists. I have three sisters who are atheists. We have deep discussions on this subject. Other than being left leaning they do not exhibit strong emotions against others believing in God. Militant atheists do.

Sure they did, Israel. EL was the high God. No my view is the truth of what they believed in. They were not monotheistic since after the return of Ezra. Read EZE 16, they committed adultery with other Gods, and Yahweh their war God was jealous. That is why had calamity and they lost wars, is their adultery with other gods. This is the way they thought back then.
Really? That's all in the Bible huh, that God acknowledged other gods instead of idols?
Since when is a catholic concerned about what is in the Bible?
She's just being a good cult member and doing whatever anti-Christian thing comes to her little tin heart.
So you're taking back everything you just said about atheists because you realize that you were wrong? Good for you.
No. See that's how I know you are a militant atheist. Passive aggressive, but still militant. You don't condone respect for anyone who believes in God and it shows.
Now where is the answer to my question?
Is doing what God said not to do evil?
Has God been telling you to do things, athee?
Cult boy is busted. He knows his cult is anti-Christian.
Busted? I just wanted to make sure you weren't hearing voices, athee. So has God been telling you stuff, Athee?
Cult boy is terrified of Scripture as all evildoers are.
And you don't believe that the Body and Blood Of Christ are present at the Mass either. I suspect you support abortion and socialism as well. Maybe you should read the CCC on those subjects.

P.S. It is not possible for you to be an agnostic and say that all religions are man made. That statement all by itself means that you are an atheist. Judea/Christianity is the only revealed religion. Do you know what that means?

I should think atheists value this life even more, since so many Christians live for the next. I know that as an agnostic, I see every day as a gift of life to be treasured. Many take life for granted, and so look forward to the next life which for some reason they are sure it will be better than this one. This one is the only one I know of.

Actually I'm pro life and anti the death penalty. Do you think that OT and NT means there is a God or Gods. Jews or Hebrews believed in Gods, and even Yahweh believed in other gods. ISA 7:14 is not about the virgin birth, read the NABRE 2011 edition footnotes, RC Bible. No one knows anything about God or the afterlife, and certainty the bible does not prove a God or Gods.
No. They did not believe in other Gods. Your view is similar to the Gnostic view of a good god and a bad god and those people were reprehensible by action. Read the Socialist Phenomenon for the details. Are you a socialist?.

My views on atheist presented here apply only to militant atheists. I have three sisters who are atheists. We have deep discussions on this subject. Other than being left leaning they do not exhibit strong emotions against others believing in God. Militant atheists do.

Sure they did, Israel. EL was the high God. No my view is the truth of what they believed in. They were not monotheistic since after the return of Ezra. Read EZE 16, they committed adultery with other Gods, and Yahweh their war God was jealous. That is why had calamity and they lost wars, is their adultery with other gods. This is the way they thought back then.
Really? That's all in the Bible huh, that God acknowledged other gods instead of idols?
Since when is a catholic concerned about what is in the Bible?
She's just being a good cult member and doing whatever anti-Christian thing comes to her little tin heart.
Since when did an atheist pretending to be a baptist care what's in the Bible? Does it bother you that every time I post, I expose your secret religions secrets?

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