How Communist Infiltrate Society from ex-KGB Agent


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is decades old but Yuri Bezmenov describes Antifa and BLM leaders very well.

The FIRST people taken and executed are the idealists among the LEFTISTS.

Five stages of Communist revolution:
1) Demoralization, 15 to 20 years, Persuade the native inhabitants that their traditions, law and way of life is undermined and slandered, leaving a demoralized citizenry. This is done throug media and education.

2) Destabilization, 2-5 years, Cause rioting and disorder to make the native government less effective, confused and passive.

3) Crisis, 6 weeks or less, Move to over throw government cloaked in legitimate protest and dissent.

4) Violent change, overnight, Overthrow of the government, executions immediate

5) New Normal, Normalization of communist control and the forceful change of all aspects of the subject nations economy, government, media and society.

Looks like we are in stage two for the last few years and are moving into stage 3.
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Yes, riots never ever occurred in the US until the USSR came into existence-not.....
Works even better if the country is surrounded by or adjacent to a communist country or country known for long-term rather than short term planning to support their ideology or political goals and options, using these tactics to aide infiltration, help splinter the population, spur descent against national institutions, specific for future takeover such as Ukraine, or other former communist block countries.
Yes, riots never ever occurred in the US until the USSR came into existence-not.....
You do realize that if BLM succedes in overthrowing our Republic, idiots like you will be among the first taken and shot, right?

"You do realize that if BLM succedes in overthrowing our Republic, idiots like you will be among the first taken and shot, right?"


I agree that if human garbage like YOU overthrow our Democracy YOU and your friends will murder, slaughter, shoot in the head and lynch millions of decent people.


I know you are a deranged piece of shit



if you actually follow the logic of things you say and believe;

-liberals are the REAL enemy
-democrats are TRAITORS
-we must DESTROY our enemies

a rational person (you don't know any) would OBVIOUSLY conclude that you plan on slaughtering EVERY DEMOCRAT and LIBERAL in the country!

I am much more worried about being shot in the head by YOU than by any BLM
This is an example of why these Marxist scum need to be purged from our government at all levels.

A large group of Black Lives Matter protesters made their way to, and inside Seattle’s City Hall on Tuesday night. Led by none other than a city council member, according to a report.
Kshama Sawant, a sitting member of the Seattle City Council, could be seen in pictures and videos which showed hundreds of protesters filing into city hall after Sawant allegedly let them in. Once inside, the Protesters began chanting “Durkan must go,” a reference to Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan whom the protesters believe allowed the police to use aggressive tactics against demonstrators, such as tear gas and other crowd dispersal techniques.
Yes, riots never ever occurred in the US until the USSR came into existence-not.....
You do realize that if BLM succedes in overthrowing our Republic, idiots like you will be among the first taken and shot, right?

BLM is just a pawn. They aren't the ones who are going to overthrow our republic, but they sure as hell are being used by the subversive powers who are in the process of overthrowing our republic.
Yes, riots never ever occurred in the US until the USSR came into existence-not.....
You do realize that if BLM succedes in overthrowing our Republic, idiots like you will be among the first taken and shot, right?

BLM is just a pawn. They aren't the ones who are going to overthrow our republic, but they sure as hell are being used by the subversive powers who are in the process of overthrowing our republic.
Why yes, that should start right after we all have flying cars...
Yes, riots never ever occurred in the US until the USSR came into existence-not.....
You do realize that if BLM succedes in overthrowing our Republic, idiots like you will be among the first taken and shot, right?

BLM is just a pawn. They aren't the ones who are going to overthrow our republic, but they sure as hell are being used by the subversive powers who are in the process of overthrowing our republic.
Why yes, that should start right after we all have flying cars...

Go back to sleep, little lemming. That post was not to you.
Yes, riots never ever occurred in the US until the USSR came into existence-not.....
You do realize that if BLM succedes in overthrowing our Republic, idiots like you will be among the first taken and shot, right?

BLM is just a pawn. They aren't the ones who are going to overthrow our republic, but they sure as hell are being used by the subversive powers who are in the process of overthrowing our republic.
Why yes, that should start right after we all have flying cars...

Go back to sleep, little lemming. That post was not to you.
You don't want a flying car?
I just ran across this interview and was going to post it and saw it has been up since 2020 here. Sorry I missed it then. The whole interview is alarming, but one part really stuck out. The bold part at the end. The italicized parts are direct quotes from Bezmenov.

Never bother about the leftists. Forget about these political prostitutes. Aim higher. Try to get into larger circulation established conservative media. Reach movie makers, intellectuals, so-called academic circles…people who can look into your eyes with angelic expression and tell you a lie. These are the most recruitable people. People who lack moral principle, who are either too greedy or suffer from self-importance - they feel that they matter a lot - these are the people who KGB wanted very much to recruit.

Should be an eye-opening interview. Bezmenov says that only 15% of KGB time, money, and man-power is spent on espionage and the rest goes to the slow process of ideological subversion - active measures - psychological warfare.

The goal is to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their communities, their country.

Then he goes into the four stages identified in the OP. The first is Demoralization.

1) Demoralization takes 15-20 years, the minimum number of years to educate one generation.

Marxism/Leninism is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generations of American students, without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism.

The Demoralization stage in American is basically complete…Not even Comrade Andropov and all his experts would even dream of such a tremendous success. Most of it is being done by Americans to Americans, thanks to lack of moral standards. As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures - even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camps - he will refuse to believe it - until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When a military boot crashes his balls, then he will understand. But not before then.

Explains how libs can continue to argue their positions in the face of continuous and obvious failures. Just look at their support of the addled moron in office right now in spite of his unprecedented failures across the board.
Bezmenov says that when the useful idiots finally meet the reality after the revolution, and see that it is not the utopia they had envisioned, they get disillusioned and become the worst enemies of the new leaders. They become a nuisance and quickly realize that their dissent is not longer tolerated, let alone celebrated.
The useful idiots now have ( Never Trumpers/ Never GOPers ) ( Socially Liberal turd party types ) ( Race hustler MSM ) as enablers

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