How could churches need government stimulus funds?

These people have been collecting millions off of taxpayers for years before Covid-19. Can we at least stop the gravy train?

Church local charity orgs and their support of homeless, food banks, drug and suicide counseling, and many other resources --- DO MORE TO PROVIDE DIRECT COVID RELIEF to their communities than the bloated dysfunctional govt you leftists worship... Christmas toys for LOCAL needy kids? Church groups lead on that.. Hurricane, flood, tornado disasters -- churches are primary provider of aid.. They are FASTER, MORE EFFICIENT and less ARROGANT than the govt YOU worship...

Lefties sit on their asses and assume FEMA and DHHS have it all covered.. And all your EFFORTS go into gaining political power and dismantling America as we know it..

LOCAL aid and charity is ALWAYS the best.. So if they need Covid supplies to do this work -- I'm all for it and only mentally deranged atheists would have an issue with it..

What a wonderful post from a lead moderator. (sarcasm). It's no wonder so many reply in a such a juvenile way here.

You make a poor representative of one defending the church.

Since this is now OUT of the CDZ for some reason -- let me add -- you get no points for desperately pulling the moderator card and points off for not EVEN ATTEMPTING to refute what I said..

Churches and faith based orgs have MORE "one on one" contact with needy, poor, and down trodden than ANYTHING the Swamp can do with a program and a check..

I wasn't trying to dispute what you said. I was pointing out your poor example as a moderator.
I wasn't trying to dispute what you said. I was pointing out your poor example as a moderator.

Moderators can't express an opinion? Link?

Name calling in the CDZ?

Who did he call a name?

Read what I replied to.

I did.

I didn't see him calling you, or anyone, a name.
Maybe you're confused?

Is that name calling?

Then you didn't read it.
I wasn't trying to dispute what you said. I was pointing out your poor example as a moderator.

Moderators can't express an opinion? Link?

Name calling in the CDZ?

Who did he call a name?

Read what I replied to.

I did.

I didn't see him calling you, or anyone, a name.
Maybe you're confused?

Is that name calling?

Then you didn't read it.

I understand if you can't find his instance of name calling.
I'm not even going to get into the obvious constitutional prohibition on congress providing such funds.

Just from a practical standpoint, what does it mean about a church body if the parishioners are not willing to contribute without being there in person. Are they unwilling to continue support because their only reason for contributing was to be seen by other people?

If so, verily they have already recieved their reward in full.

The Catholic Church down the street from where I live has a recreation centre, a day care centre, and a public school, in their complex of buildings, along with a large 2-storey brick house for the priest. Everything has been closed since last spring. Normally events and fundraisers and Christmas parties would be running at their community centre. All of the local congregations hold Christmas craft sales, and do catering for weddings, birthday parties/anniversaries, and other events to raise money to keep the building running and in good repair.

The Catholic Church has a lot of employees - teachers, daycare workers, full time cleaning staff, secretarial staff, and income would be way down.

This year there were no church suppers, no ham dinner at the Masonic Hall, no salad supper at the United Church this past summer, and no big Christmas Tea at the Anglican Church. They get 500 people out to one of events - @ $15 a head, and not just members of their own congregations. I attend all of these events and I'm a Presbyterian. No big weddings or funerals requiring catering services.
There is no Constitutional issue. The issue would be the government excluding a religious organization.

You are left with the argument whether any of this should be done. You can argue that it shouldn't be your problem if the members aren't keeping up. I can argue that it's not my problem that people aren't buying Tom Brady's stuff but he still got nearly a million dollars.

However there is no reason that the parishioners cannot donate online. None whatsoever.

There is even less operational overhead when the churches don't open their doors.

There is no logical reason that they could be losing more money just because their doors are closed.

Government forced them to change their practices, government gets to pay up if they are offering similar compensation to other organizations.

That would be true, if churches were simply businesses where a person pays for services rendered.

However, a church's existance is based purely upon the generousity of those who wish for it to continue in its mission.

Actually, you pay for services like weddings and funerals at Churches, at least some churches.
And regular Sunday services too.
I'm not even going to get into the obvious constitutional prohibition on congress providing such funds.
You won't get into it because no such constitutional prohibition exists.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion
It doesn't say a thing about churches, you fucking moron.

All that clause means is that it is simply not the government's purview to decide what is or is not a religion. No law means no law, period. It's none of the government's business.
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