'How dare you!' Mother who lost both her sons to fentanyl poisoning says she's 'shocked' at 'despicable' Biden for LAUGHING at the claim his policies

Yep, Biden is responsible for shit that happened under Trump. That is hilarious. So much for the Republican Party being Party of self responsibility . Trump boy installed his border policy not the Democrats. Let's not forget that her boys took the drugs and her bitch ass did not raise her boys right. Funny my kids are still alive and kicking. Lol, maybe because they were taught not to take dangerous drugs. Maybe that bitch should take a look in the mirror.
The border crisis was well established before DJT was president and Obama and Joey Xi did little to nothing. For four years Democrats thwarted every action DJT made to secure the border thus approving and improving the numbers of illegal aliens and drugs bein smuggled across the Mexican border. .
Lying isn't your best suit. Try truth for a change.

The border crisis was well established before DJT was president and Obama and Joey Xi did little to nothing. For four years Democrats thwarted every action DJT made to secure the border thus approving and improving the numbers of illegal aliens and drugs bein smuggled across the Mexican border. .
Lying isn't your best suit. Try truth for a change.

Lol, they did nit fund a retarded wall no. Beside wasn't Mexico supposed to do that. Why would we fund a wall Mexico was going g to pay for . Meanwhile border apprehension was up under Biden not Trump retard. You are a ducking retard. So let's go back to this crying bitches boys. Lol your retarded ass and hers needed Biden to raise her boys do ya? Lol who took the drugs there retard? Think maybe that crying bitch should have raised her boys better? Or does being a crying bitch and blaming others for not doing g her job make more sense? Oh by the way people have crossed borders illegally since the beginning of time retard. In every country try across the earth retard.
Lol, they did nit fund a retarded wall no. Beside wasn't Mexico supposed to do that. Why would we fund a wall Mexico was going g to pay for . Meanwhile border apprehension was up under Biden not Trump retard. You are a ducking retard. So let's go back to this crying bitches boys. Lol your retarded ass and hers needed Biden to raise her boys do ya? Lol who took the drugs there retard? Think maybe that crying bitch should have raised her boys better? Or does being a crying bitch and blaming others for not doing g her job make more sense? Oh by the way people have crossed borders illegally since the beginning of time retard. In every country try across the earth retard.

It must be refreshing to wake up on a bright new morning and wonder to yourself how many opportunities you will get in one day to tell a slew of foul leftist lies like that one.

Thanks for your wonderful thought provoking post.

Lol, you are a retard. Biden didn't raise her idiot children she did. Her fault and her idiot sons fault and I am supposed to cry a river for her? Not today not tomorrow. In case you have not looked border apprehension has sky rocketed under Biden. Trumps retarded ass could not catch them Go duck yourself retard!
So it's the guy's fault who TRIED to secure the border and NOT the guy who's done nothing to secure the border? Blaming Trump for what's happening now is ridiculous. What's happening at the border is 100% Joe Biden's fault.
Wow. That is the most salient post by far I have ever seen you make.

You didn't even ad hominem...and holy shit... I think I agree with you.

I think both of us should probably buy a lottery ticket today.
Humans mostly enjoy altering themselves. Most do it infrequently.
Some do it excessively to their harm and others .
Combine that with most humans enjoy being responsible, socially productive people. Some don’t and won’t and add to that the disabling addiction and there is your segment.
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So it's the guy's fault who TRIED to secure the border and NOT the guy who's done nothing to secure the border? Blaming Trump for what's happening now is ridiculous. What's happening at the border is 100% Joe Biden's fault.
Lol, Biden has secured the border. He ordered high tech cameras on drones to find the people instead of trying to build a retarded wall that there is video of an 11 year old girl defeating in 45 seconds by climbing it. Border apprehension are way up since Bisen took over.Trumpjust wanted to award buddies billions of dollars for building an ineffective wall that did nit do shit but give retarded Republicans hard ons.
Lol, Biden has secured the border. He ordered high tech cameras on drones to find the people instead of trying to build a retarded wall that there is video of an 11 year old girl defeating in 45 seconds by climbing it. Border apprehension are way up since Bisen took over.Trumpjust wanted to award buddies billions of dollars for building an ineffective wall that did nit do shit but give retarded Republicans hard ons.
You're so clueless it boggles the mind! You don't have to "find" the illegals you moron...they turn themselves in in numbers so large that it overwhelms the Border Patrol and they're forced to take agents off patrolling the border to process all those illegals. When that happens the cartels are free to smuggle drugs across the border because it's virtually unprotected! The amount of Fentanyl pouring into the US right now is staggering!
You're so clueless it boggles the mind! You don't have to "find" the illegals you moron...they turn themselves in in numbers so large that it overwhelms the Border Patrol and they're forced to take agents off patrolling the border to process all those illegals. When that happens the cartels are free to smuggle drugs across the border because it's virtually unprotected! The amount of Fentanyl pouring into the US right now is staggering!
Lol, you are a retard. Go duck yourself. Ya, and there is no such thing as coyote. You know where they pay big bucks to get smuggled across the border. Ya, illegals like sitting in cages and getting deported. Hilarious what a dumb duck hilarious 😂 let's see your link that supports that assclown.
Lol, you are a retard. Go duck yourself. Ya, and there is no such thing as coyote. You know where they pay big bucks to get smuggled across the border. Ya, illegals like sitting in cages and getting deported. Hilarious what a dumb duck hilarious 😂 let's see your link that supports that assclown.
Sitting in a cage and getting deported? Joe Biden doesn't do that! Under this Administration illegals get put on buses...sent to the city of their choice and it's all on the American taxpayer's dime! That's the reason illegals turn themselves in at the border. They're not avoiding the Border Patrol...they're LOOKING for them because they know they'll get fed, housed and sent on their way!
Lol, you are a retard. Go duck yourself. Ya, and there is no such thing as coyote. You know where they pay big bucks to get smuggled across the border. Ya, illegals like sitting in cages and getting deported. Hilarious what a dumb duck hilarious 😂

Sitting in a cage and getting deported? Joe Biden doesn't do that! Under this Administration illegals get put on buses...sent to the city of their choice and it's all on the American taxpayer's dime! That's the reason illegals turn themselves in at the border. They're not avoiding the Border Patrol...they're LOOKING for them because they know they'll get fed, housed and sent on their way!
Lol, OK retard again tell some more retard stories I can use a laugh. Let's see some stats on how they just turn themselves in there retard. Since they just turn themselves in I guess we don't need a wall do we retard. Lol, guess we are waiting billions of dollars on border control I mean these idiots just turn themselves in. All we need are some signs that say turn yourself in this way then sit and wait huh retard. Border Control is just a scam we should not spend a dime on it. We should just sit and wait huh retard. Hilarious. Tell me some more retard stories.
Lol, OK retard again tell some more retard stories I can use a laugh. Let's see some stats on how they just turn themselves in there retard. Since they just turn themselves in I guess we don't need a wall do we retard. Lol, guess we are waiting billions of dollars on border control I mean these idiots just turn themselves in. All we need are some signs that say turn yourself in this way then sit and wait huh retard. Border Control is just a scam we should not spend a dime on it. We should just sit and wait huh retard. Hilarious. Tell me some more retard stories.
So calling someone a "retard" seven times in one post is your idea of rapier wit? Gee...who's really the "retard"? Duh?
I think the posts & replies with lotsa derision & 8 th grade girl namecallin are AI being beta tested at Political forum / Boards
So calling someone a "retard" seven times in one post is your idea of rapier wit? Gee...who's really the "retard"? Duh?
Nope just the perfect description of the retard being addressed. If you were fore ever unable to respond I could call you a rock but here we stand.
Nope just the perfect description of the retard being addressed. If you were fore ever unable to respond I could call you a rock but here we stand.
It's forever. Here's a hint, Sparky! If you're going to accuse others of being "retards" you might want to try doing it in a post that doesn't look like it was written by a third grader! Just saying...

'How dare you!' Mother who lost both her sons to fentanyl poisoning says she's 'shocked' at 'despicable' Biden for LAUGHING at the claim his policies are to blame for their deaths and demands an apology

2 Mar 2023 ~~ By JEN SMITH,

A mother who lost her two sons to fentanyl poisoning has reacted scornfully to Joe Biden laughing off the claim that his policies might be to blame for their deaths, saying in a video message last night: 'How dare you?'
Rebecca Kiessling's sons Caleb and Kyler died in 2020 before Biden took office after taking what they thought were pain killers, but that were laced with fentanyl.
Kiessling, who lives in Michigan, testified before Congress earlier this week at a hearing on the escalating fentanyl crisis. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene suggested during the hearing that the boys would be alive if 'the government secured the border.'
Last night, Biden invoked Kiessling's story to poke fun at Greene, telling an audience of chuckling Democrats at the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference: 'The interesting thing is that fentanyl [the boys] took came during the last administration, haha.'
Kiessling, in a video posted online on Wednesday night, reacted to his comments with fury.
'This is how you speak about the death of my sons? Because a congresswoman misspoke? You mock the loss of my sons?' she said.

The Maoist/DSA Democratic party refused to let Trump stop drug trafficking across the southern border. They have never wanted a defensible border and as a result, we don't have a defensible border. Why would she blame a man who tried to stop drug trafficking and not the man and is cabal who, to this day, allows drug trafficking?
Biden snickering because her sons died before his administration is beyond evil… Its reprehensible even by his standards…his karma train is rapidly chugging along the track.
Biden could care less about people who are dying of drug overdoses. Joe is beholden to China because China has given the Dems so much, China created a virus that gave them power. Te CCP has given MILLIONS to the Biden crime family..so Biden will always kiss China’s ass..
Some may say that due to his dementia, they chuckle at inappropriate times, no that is NOT the case here, this is who Biden is, a guy who molested his daughter.

So why isn't she pissed at Trump? He was the POTUS when her sons died of Fentanyl? I would've laughed as well, since I wasn't the damn president in 2020.

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