'How dare you!' Mother who lost both her sons to fentanyl poisoning says she's 'shocked' at 'despicable' Biden for LAUGHING at the claim his policies

Because Trump was advised that a certain level of troops needed to be kept in country to support the Afghan government's troops...something that was going to be necessary to allow time to get all of the other people out that we needed to? Biden is an idiot and he listened to idiots.
Would you have volunteered yourself and your loved ones to stay in the Afghanistan meat grinder? Or do you just think others (suckers and losers) should have gone there?
Did Trump close Bagram?

You posted...

Trump was about to remove them from Afghanistan, Winco. He would have done so if Joe Biden hadn't won that "Covid" election!

The fact is, Trump pulled out all but 2500 troops after the election. Biden certainly created his own fuckups; most notably, keeping troops in past the deadline, but leaving him with only 2500 troops didn't help.
There's only one reason that we're stuck with President Potato Head. The main stream media allowed the Biden campaign to lie to the American people about the scandal that's about to get him impeached! If they'd spent a little less time hating Trump and a little more time investigating what the Biden's had been doing we could have some OTHER Democrat sitting in the Oval Office. Anything would be better than this brain dead piece of corrupt shit!

False. Biden won because enough Americans wanted Trump out.
I'd prefer that the withdrawal was done in an intelligent manner so that our troops WEREN'T killed during the withdrawal! Duh?
Agreed I
Trump surrendered Afghanistan in February 2020 in Doha.

How is that possible when xiden inherited 3500 troops, a military base, that he had to withdraw from? Not to mention a coalition of allied forces there, some of which held xiden in contempt of their country for betraying them?

If trump would of surrendered that wouldn’t of happened
What's a "Maoist"?
Since you plead ignorance, Reed the following:
Since you plead ignorance, Reed the following:
So you cant just tell me what a Maoist is, can you?
She, and many others, demand that it be the gross collective stupidity that is government’s responsibility to prevent such stupidity.
It's Biden's f'ing job to secure the f'ing border yes or no? With 200,000 DEAD American's on Biden's watch that asshole should be in jail.
200,000 dead? Who killed them?
The cartels and their DEADLY drugs YOU PEOPLE allow to pour across our southern border.

And before you go blaming the drug user, YOU PEOPLE threw a category 10 conniption fit over tobacco killing people and blamed the tobacco companies. In fact you sued them and made them pay billions of dollars in damages. You didn't blame the smokers.

So where's your outrage now? Oh I forgot, Dem in the White House so SPIN and LIE and FLIP FLOP.
The cartels and their DEADLY drugs YOU PEOPLE allow to pour across our southern border.

And before you go blaming the drug user, YOU PEOPLE threw a category 10 conniption fit over tobacco killing people and blamed the tobacco companies. In fact you sued them and made them pay billions of dollars in damages. You didn't blame the smokers.

So where's your outrage now? Oh I forgot, Dem in the White House so SPIN and LIE and FLIP FLOP.
Where was your outrage over opioid deaths when trump was in office, dipshit? Then again, I'm not stupid enough to blame one person for opioid deaths like you dummies. I dont blame Trump and I dont blame Biden.

I do, however, blame people like you.
The cartels and their DEADLY drugs YOU PEOPLE allow to pour across our southern border.

And before you go blaming the drug user, YOU PEOPLE threw a category 10 conniption fit over tobacco killing people and blamed the tobacco companies. In fact you sued them and made them pay billions of dollars in damages. You didn't blame the smokers.

So where's your outrage now? Oh I forgot, Dem in the White House so SPIN and LIE and FLIP FLOP.

Tobacco companies were sued ages ago because they lied about the dangers of smoking.

Who's lying now, claiming fentanyl is safe?
Where was your outrage over opioid deaths when trump was in office, dipshit? Then again, I'm not stupid enough to blame one person for opioid deaths like you dummies. I dont blame Trump and I dont blame Biden.

I do, however, blame people like you.
LMAO, having been bitch slapped you deflect to Trump, shocker.
Where was your outrage over opioid deaths when trump was in office, dipshit? Then again, I'm not stupid enough to blame one person for opioid deaths like you dummies. I dont blame Trump and I dont blame Biden.
It was there for me, I was so glad we had a president like trump that finally addressed it after 8 years of Obama turning a blind eye to the issue and bowing to his big pharma donors

trump quick took action in 2017 declaring it a national emergency opening the door to more funds for treatment and prosecution of dealers…he also got tough on border security

cartel owned xiden sadly undid it all and now we have record ODs from them
Why sue Mexico? The vast majority of fentanyl caught is at ports of entry along the border -- where Americans and trucks, among others, legally enter the U.S..
The issue isn’t the drugs caught at the border..geez man…irs the drugs not caught by the xiden admin that’s lead to record ODs..

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