Are Democrats preparing for nuclear war with Russia?

Are Democrats planning a preemptive, full scale, nuclear strike against Russia this summer?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Probably Yes

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • Maybe, maybe not

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • Probably Not

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • No

    Votes: 12 70.6%

  • Total voters
I stand by my statement, especially since I said “as we know it”. A nuclear conflict between superpowers would irradiate such large portions of the planet that the world, as we now know it, would end. The planet would survive, and humanity would most likely survive as well. Maybe “end” was a bit hyperbolic, but the changes would be so dramatic that it’s a distinction without a difference.

Not nearly as much as you think it would.
I remember when Reagan moved MX missiles into Europe, the limpwristed pinkos said he was going to start WWIII.

MAGA world are the direct descendants of those cowards, curled up on the floor in the fetal position.

Reagan understood the USSR was a paper tiger, just like Biden and NATO understand Putin is a paper tiger.

Reagan's motto was "Peace Through Strength".

MAGA World's motto is "Appease, appease, appease".

Biden is no Reagan, ya dumb bastard. You idiots try to pull off the things Reagan did with that old cocksucker Joe Biden at the helm, and millions of Americans would die, including yourself.

But it is nice to see how you love President Reagan now, after all those years you hated him. Maybe you'll live long enough to figure out what a good President Trump was too.
You have no idea how much you all sound just like the communist sympathizing far left liberal surrender monkeys of the 70s and 80s.

It's like you walked right out of the pages of their playbook.
That's how bad satanic democrats have gotten.
Phukk the goddamned Russians.

Phukk you, too, for spreading false alarmist bull$hit that the Russians use to justify their attempts at nuclear bullying.

Right, Tvaritch? :fu:
Like your side did huh? Trump was gonna nuke the world, then no hes really their bitch.

Screw your whining
How did we get out of the great depression? WW2 . Every time the globalists sense an opportunity to "fix" things we go to war. It makes people forget the lack of things they need and forms a coherent if temporary labor pool for their needs. The "norm" is again changed to support the new narrative and manufactured urgency, and it never again is what it was.
That's right... feed the Russian propaganda creature... twit...

By the way... "my side"? What side would that be? The non-MAGAtt side?
TDS Retard side.

Did WWIII happen under Trump?
Was the rave him being Putins Bitch?
Then he gives them lethal weapons while obamabinbiden gave them blankets.

Both invasions happened on their watch.

So shove your outrage
TDS Retard side.

Did WWIII happen under Trump?
Was the rave him being Putins Bitch?
Then he gives them lethal weapons while obamabinbiden gave them blankets.

Both invasions happened on their watch.

So shove your outrage
Democrats are 110% FULL OF SHIT! First they claimed Trump would start a war with North Korea. THEN the asshole Dems condemned Trump for having peace talks with North Korea. That's only one of many Dem asshole 180 flip flops. The assholes Dems LIE about everything it's incredible.
But seriously, Democrats are crazy MF'ers who love to start wars historically.
They and Europe pushing for WWIII now.

Whats sad is Id be doing this New York 1st hit.

Democrats are 110% FULL OF SHIT! First they claimed Trump would start a war with North Korea. THEN the asshole Dems condemned Trump for having peace talks with North Korea. That's only one of many Dem asshole 180 flip flops. The assholes Dems LIE about everything it's incredible.
I remember the progtards clutching their pearls that Trump was going to start a nuclear war with North Korea, then unlike every other president ever, he actually went and talked to the guy.

Here we are funding billions for a fucking wasteful proxy war, and our cowardly Administration lacks the balls to actually try diplomacy.

Then again, there is no profit in Peace.
Hahahaha. Boogeyman gonna get ya!

Meanwhile back in reality.......

"Each previous post-Cold War NPR, including those by President Bill Clinton in 1996, President George W. Bush in 2002, President Barack Obama in 2010, and President Donald Trump in 2018, has made adjustments that reflect the foreign and military policies of each administration, overall reflecting more continuity than change. The number of targets in the nuclear war plans has been reduced since the mid-1990s, but the United States and Russia maintain their strategic forces on a “launch under attack” posture, and U.S. presidents have all refused to rule out the potential use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear threats.

The Russian nuclear weapons use policy is similar to the U.S. policy. It states that Russia “reserves the right to use nuclear weapons,” including when Moscow is acting “in response to the use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it and/or its allies, as well as in the event of aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons when the very existence of the state is in jeopardy.”

Phukk the goddamned Russians.

Phukk you, too, for spreading false alarmist bull$hit that the Russians use to justify their attempts at nuclear bullying.

Right, Tvaritch? :fu:

I stupidly thought that only babies wet their pants in public .
TDS Retard side.

Did WWIII happen under Trump?
Was the rave him being Putins Bitch?
Then he gives them lethal weapons while obamabinbiden gave them blankets.

Both invasions happened on their watch.

So shove your outrage
You are all over the map, and getting nowhere... is there a coherent thought in there someplace? :auiqs.jpg:
How did we get out of the great depression? WW2 . Every time the globalists sense an opportunity to "fix" things we go to war. It makes people forget the lack of things they need and forms a coherent if temporary labor pool for their needs. The "norm" is again changed to support the new narrative and manufactured urgency, and it never again is what it was.
Except in the modern age the notion of war as a cure to problems doesn't work. Modern forces simply can't fill the ranks with bodies and be successful.

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