Are Democrats preparing for nuclear war with Russia?

Are Democrats planning a preemptive, full scale, nuclear strike against Russia this summer?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Probably Yes

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • Maybe, maybe not

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • Probably Not

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • No

    Votes: 12 70.6%

  • Total voters
Today WEF/Democrats are moving up forces they control to provoke Russia into full scale retaliation. These forces include long range missiles.

The people who denied Ukraine migs, now want this.

The people running America don't live here.

Democrats = WEF

Unless someone wants to just end the world, I don’t think nuclear is coming. Each side has enough nuclear power to destroy the earth a few times over I believe.

I thought most people believed the next war would be cyber war??
No, it wouldn't. It would change the world, but that's it. Most of Russias nuclear arsenal is old and non functional. They don't have Aegis like we do. It would end Russia, but we could easily survive. Russian defectors who were in charge of their arsenal in the 70's said even back then most of their junk was rusty and barely functional. They don't have the economy to keep up a huge arsenal like we do. So they built it, and then abandoned it.

Their ENTIRE military budget is equal to what we spend in MAINTENANCE on our equipment.

When Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, a curious thing happened: Putin’s modern, lethal fighting force turned out to be a broken-down, two-bit shadow of its former self.​

Ukraine has used our decades old Patriot missile system to shoot down missiles from Russia that are considered hypersonic. That would mean our old stuff can still shoot down their newest stuff that MIGHT be deployable and functional.
But..are you accounting for dirty bombs that may already be inside our country?

With all of the open border, unrestricted entry at the southern border, there’s no telling who we’ve let into the country. There very well may be terrorists cells already set up within our own borders.

But again, I’m not sure if nuclear war is on the table anymore, I think digital warfare is just as effective.
Today WEF/Democrats are moving up forces they control to provoke Russia into full scale retaliation. These forces include long range missiles.

The people who denied Ukraine migs, now want this.

The people running America don't live here.

Democrats = WEF
What a stupid thread you fear mongering asshole
By getting the military resources needed to push the Russians out of their country

I remember when you opposed the migs from Poland. Many Ukrainians are dead now because of that.
Today WEF/Democrats are moving up forces they control to provoke Russia into full scale retaliation. These forces include long range missiles.

The people who denied Ukraine migs, now want this.

The people running America don't live here.

Democrats = WEF
Damn you're stupid.
If we have a sore loser, it could turn into a nuclear war.
I mean sure, if all parties involved just want to make sure nobody lives..yeah, I suppose they could…

That’s why MAD is such a big deterrent. Only the most insane person would ever use them, because they’ve wouldn’t care that they themselves, and many in their country, would die. So what’s the point of a nuclear war if nobody wins?
I mean sure, if all parties involved just want to make sure nobody lives..yeah, I suppose they could…

That’s why MAD is such a big deterrent. Only the most insane person would ever use them, because they’ve wouldn’t care that they themselves, and many in their country, would die. So what’s the point of a nuclear war if nobody wins?
Good thing none of the leaders involved are considered crazy.
Good thing none of the leaders involved are considered crazy.
If we have a sore loser, it could turn into a nuclear war.
So your prediction is that if Russia is forced out of Ukraine they will start lobbing nukes?

I wonder why they didn’t do that when they got kicked out of Afghanistan..

Stupid fuck
By getting the military resources needed to push the Russians out of their country

Using the typical prog method of "throw money at the problem" won't work here.

For Ukraine to get Donbas and Crimea back they would need two mechanized/armored field armies of 8-10 divisions, fully equipped and trained up to Western standards.

They would then need another 10 leg infantry divisions to hold the territory.

Also massive Western trained and equipped air support.

The only way Ukraine "wins" is if the West steps in directly, fighting on the ground in Ukraine only, but attacking Russian assets via air attacks.
Using the typical prog method of "throw money at the problem" won't work here.

For Ukraine to get Donbas and Crimea back they would need two mechanized/armored field armies of 8-10 divisions, fully equipped and trained up to Western standards.

They would then need another 10 leg infantry divisions to hold the territory.

Also massive Western trained and equipped air support.

The only way Ukraine "wins" is if the West steps in directly, fighting on the ground in Ukraine only, but attacking Russian assets via air attacks.
Good to see we have armchair generals informing us huh?
Good to see we have armchair generals informing us huh?

Care to refute any of my points?

It's been a stalemate for over a year now, and the money we have thrown in is at best right now continuing the stalemate. That's it.

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