How Dem House of Rep's Can Finish Off Republicans in 2020

You know what's laughable? The way you progressives keep trotting this same "tax the rich" notion out and expecting it to work! Here's what will happen...because it ALWAYS happens the same way! You'll pass your new taxes on the wealthy...they'll respond as they always putting their capital into tax free safe holds to keep you from taxing them or moving their base of operations to an area that doesn't tax them as much. The economy WILL tank because of so much investment capital being pulled out of the Private WILL be lost for those Americans most unable to afford losing them...and tax revenues will plummet as those jobs vanish! When revenues shrink you liberals will do what you ALWAYS'll raise taxes on Middle Class Americans to make up the difference because they don't have the ability to hide their income from you!

Then after you've tanked the economy...screwed over the Middle Class...and created more people living below the poverty line...dependent on government'll scratch your little heads and ask why things didn't turn out the way you thought they would.

You mean, kind of like it's happening right now.
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Now Joseph, no one died at Sandy Hoax..

Again, only true shitheads believe that. I don't know if it's the alcohol damage or if you just need to take your meds, but you really are a shithead...

But I'm glad your hours of dumpster diving behind an airport paid off for you, buddy.

You mean I went all the way to L.A in hopes that I would find someone with my name???? Wouldn't that require a boarding pass to do so? OH! And I noticed how you neglected the donations or how you didn't even know who Lenny Pozner is.....yet you expect the board masses to just take your word that Sandy Hoax was a real time event. But I like ya, Joe.....kinda hard not to like someone that is so willing to make an idiot out of themselves on a form such as this time after time after time. Better admit error soon, Joseph...that window of opportunity where I cut you some slack is closing!
2018-12-08 22.38.33.jpg

You mean I went all the way to L.A in hopes that I would find someone with my name???? Wouldn't that require a boarding pass to do so?

Gee, I'm sure thousands of people throw away discarded boarding passes at your airport... and some of them are named Dale.

It's just as crazy as your "no handicapped placards" in a parking lot full of Emergency vehicles conspiracy theories..
Okay, so we have a lot of CONFUSED poor people.

No, we have years of Democrat indoctrination that told people it was okay to be irresponsible; that it's okay to have the newest iPhone, 800 channel cable service, the newest car they can afford, and then don't have any savings.

Naw, dummy, if you are moving from one credit card to another, that's Hillbilly finance... I'm sorry I have to keep explaining this to you, but any finance counsellor would tell you the same thing.

No, it's called jealousy. You pay interest rates and I don't, it's just that I figured out how to do it years ago. And the last thing I need is advice from somebody that believes financial experts would agree with him that borrowing money for free is hillbilly finance. However if that's who you paid to tell you that, better get your money back because you got completely bad advice.
No, we have years of Democrat indoctrination that told people it was okay to be irresponsible; that it's okay to have the newest iPhone, 800 channel cable service, the newest car they can afford, and then don't have any savings.

Yes, how dare they have nice things! Those darkies need to know their place! (Has nothing to do with the exploitative practices of banks that Obama thankfully outlawed, but never mind. Always easier to kick poor people to feel better about yourself.)

No, it's called jealousy. You pay interest rates and I don't, it's just that I figured out how to do it years ago. And the last thing I need is advice from somebody that believes financial experts would agree with him that borrowing money for free is hillbilly finance. However if that's who you paid to tell you that, better get your money back because you got completely bad advice.

Again.... smarter people than you..

5 Times a Balance Transfer Might Be a Bad Idea - NerdWallet
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You mean I went all the way to L.A in hopes that I would find someone with my name???? Wouldn't that require a boarding pass to do so?

Gee, I'm sure thousands of people throw away discarded boarding passes at your airport... and some of them are named Dale.

It's just as crazy as your "no handicapped placards" in a parking lot full of Emergency vehicles conspiracy theories..

LMAO! Just can't admit it, Joseph...........can ya? Now, how could I get to an airport...THEN get through security to rummage around in the garbage in hopes of finding someone with my first, middle and last name?????? How do you explain the fact that I contributed over ten times the amount you gave on "go fund me" unless I had a debit card with funds to contribute???? Explain that Joseph....see? This is what I am talking can't believe that I have a very good job, make a very good living but totally believe the bullshit story about Sandy Hoax when I have posted 50 plus examples as to how it was a DHS capstone drill complete with fake CNN footage showing SWAT teams storming the St Rose of Lima school and trying to pass it off as Sandy Hook...a school that had been shut down since the end of the 2008 school year which is WHY that in 2012 that this shut down school didn't have to be in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act of 2009 requiring that all handicapped parking spaces had to be painted blue and a sign 60 inches tall designating it as such.

Stop ducking and dodging, Joseph....admit that you were wrong...........swallow some pride for once in your life and I will let it go never to shove it in your face ever again......
Yes, how dare they have nice things! Those darkies need to know their place! (Has nothing to do with the exploitative practices of banks that Obama thankfully outlawed, but never mind. Always easier to kick poor people to feel better about yourself.)

Outside of you, who said anything about the poor or the drakies? You made that all up, not the CNN post nor I.

Really Joe, if you're going to search the internet for evidence to try and support your claim, perhaps you should read the damn thing first before posting. Had you done that with such a reliable source as Nerd Wallet, :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: you might have realized how phony the article is.

LMAO! Just can't admit it, Joseph...........can ya? Now, how could I get to an airport...THEN get through security to rummage around in the garbage in hopes of finding someone with my first, middle and last name??????

I doubt it was anything that complicated... you are going to have to come up with something better than a crumpled bit of paper.

How do you explain the fact that I contributed over ten times the amount you gave on "go fund me" unless I had a debit card with funds to contribute????

Does Go Fund Me take food stamps?

This is what I am talking can't believe that I have a very good job, make a very good living but totally believe the bullshit story about Sandy Hoax when I have posted 50 plus examples as to how it was a DHS capstone drill complete with fake CNN...

You are right, I can't believe that a person who is as crazy as you clearly are can hold down a real job. The fact you spend so much time here posting this crazy (and God knows where else) tells me the
at you really don't have better things to be doing.

Also, awful people are frequently the ones who get big targets painted on their backs by co-workers. They usually show up on "most likely to be an active shooter" profile with HR>

a school that had been shut down since the end of the 2008 school year which is WHY that in 2012 that this shut down school didn't have to be in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act of 2009 requiring that all handicapped parking spaces had to be painted blue and a sign 60 inches tall designating it as such.

Or.. it was there and an emergency vehicle was covering it..

Or... the person in this sleepy little town of 28K really didn't make it a priority because no one was bitching about it.

See... two vastly more plausible explanations right there...

Unless you are a crazy stew bum who thinks the lamp posts are spying on him.
Yes, how dare they have nice things! Those darkies need to know their place! (Has nothing to do with the exploitative practices of banks that Obama thankfully outlawed, but never mind. Always easier to kick poor people to feel better about yourself.)

Outside of you, who said anything about the poor or the drakies? You made that all up, not the CNN post nor I.

Really Joe, if you're going to search the internet for evidence to try and support your claim, perhaps you should read the damn thing first before posting. Had you done that with such a reliable source as Nerd Wallet, :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: you might have realized how phony the article is.

LOL...Joey goes right to the race card whenever he's getting his ass handed to him in a discussion. You can't be believed, Ray...because you're a RACIST!!!!!!!!

LMAO! Just can't admit it, Joseph...........can ya? Now, how could I get to an airport...THEN get through security to rummage around in the garbage in hopes of finding someone with my first, middle and last name??????

I doubt it was anything that complicated... you are going to have to come up with something better than a crumpled bit of paper.

How do you explain the fact that I contributed over ten times the amount you gave on "go fund me" unless I had a debit card with funds to contribute????

Does Go Fund Me take food stamps?

This is what I am talking can't believe that I have a very good job, make a very good living but totally believe the bullshit story about Sandy Hoax when I have posted 50 plus examples as to how it was a DHS capstone drill complete with fake CNN...

You are right, I can't believe that a person who is as crazy as you clearly are can hold down a real job. The fact you spend so much time here posting this crazy (and God knows where else) tells me the
at you really don't have better things to be doing.

Also, awful people are frequently the ones who get big targets painted on their backs by co-workers. They usually show up on "most likely to be an active shooter" profile with HR>

a school that had been shut down since the end of the 2008 school year which is WHY that in 2012 that this shut down school didn't have to be in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act of 2009 requiring that all handicapped parking spaces had to be painted blue and a sign 60 inches tall designating it as such.

Or.. it was there and an emergency vehicle was covering it..

Or... the person in this sleepy little town of 28K really didn't make it a priority because no one was bitching about it.

See... two vastly more plausible explanations right there...

Unless you are a crazy stew bum who thinks the lamp posts are spying on him.

Holy shit! I could only wish that I ever had that much hair.....nope, just wasn't in the cards for me. ANY how, I created a thread just for ya, Joseph.......ya should have admitted error when ya had the chance but NOOOOO....ya just had to be a stubborn fuck. :04:

Go fund me accepts food stamps? Nah, I don't believe so.....must gall ya that my donations dwarfed your measly 25 dollar donation. Tell ya what, send me a P.O Box and I will send it back to ya AND donate another 100 dollars to the cause and pout it in your name, deal? It's obvious that you could use it.....maybe put it towards a shrink that can help you work your way through some serious narcissistic issues????

Speaking of Sandy Hoax and that pesky handicapped parking spaces issue and that they were "covered up"? Nope, Joseph.....CNN helicopter footage shows the pre 2009 ADA white wheelchair symbol parking spaces. Also shows a lot of black and white cars parked neatly in the parking lot all facing the same way as if a valet parked them.......wanna try for Double Jeopardy, Joseph????
LOL...Joey goes right to the race card whenever he's getting his ass handed to him in a discussion. You can't be believed, Ray...because you're a RACIST!!!!!!!!

Naw, he's a racist becaue he constantly says racist things and compares poor people to animals rooting in the garbage. that's why he's a racist.

Which is better than being a Stew Bum...

Speaking of which...

Speaking of Sandy Hoax and that pesky handicapped parking spaces issue and that they were "covered up"? Nope, Joseph.....CNN helicopter footage shows the pre 2009 ADA white wheelchair symbol parking spaces. Also shows a lot of black and white cars parked neatly in the parking lot all facing the same way as if a valet parked them.......wanna try for Double Jeopardy, Joseph????

Yes, yes, just wash down your meds with the Mad Dog 20/20, it will all get better for you.
Instead of worrying "finishing off" the "other side", perhaps our "leaders" could concentrate on legislating in a manner that works for the largest possible number of Americans, regardless of those Americans' political leanings.

I'm just kidding, of course.

That would be great, but it can't happen as long as Trump Trolls still hold the senate.

We wouldn’t want this booming economy to keep going would we.
Everything is Trumps fault,except for the good things!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The economy's been booming since Obama took over in '09. Trump's accomplished nothing really positive, unless you think that borrowing trillions to give tax breaks for billionaires which will jeopardize social security and medicare, is an accomplishment.

Mitch McConnell says deficit ballooned because of Social Security, Medicare, not Republican Tax Cuts
Yes, how dare they have nice things! Those darkies need to know their place! (Has nothing to do with the exploitative practices of banks that Obama thankfully outlawed, but never mind. Always easier to kick poor people to feel better about yourself.)

Outside of you, who said anything about the poor or the drakies? You made that all up, not the CNN post nor I.

Really Joe, if you're going to search the internet for evidence to try and support your claim, perhaps you should read the damn thing first before posting. Had you done that with such a reliable source as Nerd Wallet, :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: you might have realized how phony the article is.

LOL...Joey goes right to the race card whenever he's getting his ass handed to him in a discussion. You can't be believed, Ray...because you're a RACIST!!!!!!!!

He oughta be called "Palooka Joe"....he keeps taking uppercuts but rises off the cyber canvas with wobbly knees and offers up his chin for another round house.
Instead of worrying "finishing off" the "other side", perhaps our "leaders" could concentrate on legislating in a manner that works for the largest possible number of Americans, regardless of those Americans' political leanings.

I'm just kidding, of course.

That would be great, but it can't happen as long as Trump Trolls still hold the senate.

We wouldn’t want this booming economy to keep going would we.
Everything is Trumps fault,except for the good things!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The economy's been booming since Obama took over in '09. Trump's accomplished nothing really positive, unless you think that borrowing trillions to give tax breaks for billionaires which will jeopardize social security and medicare, is an accomplishment.

Mitch McConnell says deficit ballooned because of Social Security, Medicare, not Republican Tax Cuts

The economy has been "booming" since Obama took over? Really? So the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression didn't REALLY happen? Here's a dose of reality for the time from when Barack Obama was elected until the time that Donald Trump was elected....the Fed raised interest rates ONE TIME! From the time that Trump was elected until now...they have raised interest rates FIVE TIMES! Now if you knew even the smallest thing about economics and the Fed rate you'd grasp that Trump has been far more successful with the economy than Barry could have ever dreamed of being!
House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.

Here is a plan ,get off your worthless welfare asses and get a job.:21::21::21::21::21:
Instead of worrying "finishing off" the "other side", perhaps our "leaders" could concentrate on legislating in a manner that works for the largest possible number of Americans, regardless of those Americans' political leanings.

I'm just kidding, of course.

That would be great, but it can't happen as long as Trump Trolls still hold the senate.

We wouldn’t want this booming economy to keep going would we.
Everything is Trumps fault,except for the good things!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The economy's been booming since Obama took over in '09. Trump's accomplished nothing really positive, unless you think that borrowing trillions to give tax breaks for billionaires which will jeopardize social security and medicare, is an accomplishment.

Mitch McConnell says deficit ballooned because of Social Security, Medicare, not Republican Tax Cuts

Did you even read the Newsweek article you cited? The amount of money that the US received in tax revenues went up after the Republican tax cuts. So why did the deficit grow? Because Social Security and Medicare and now ObamaCare costs are exploding. McConnell is 100% correct. We don't have a taxing problem...we have a MAJOR spending problem!
Yes, how dare they have nice things! Those darkies need to know their place! (Has nothing to do with the exploitative practices of banks that Obama thankfully outlawed, but never mind. Always easier to kick poor people to feel better about yourself.)

Outside of you, who said anything about the poor or the drakies? You made that all up, not the CNN post nor I.

Really Joe, if you're going to search the internet for evidence to try and support your claim, perhaps you should read the damn thing first before posting. Had you done that with such a reliable source as Nerd Wallet, :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: you might have realized how phony the article is.

LOL...Joey goes right to the race card whenever he's getting his ass handed to him in a discussion. You can't be believed, Ray...because you're a RACIST!!!!!!!!

We could be talking about who has the best steak dinners in the US and he would find a way to insert race into the discussion.

I posted a CNN piece on how most Americans couldn't handle a $1,000 emergency today, and (I don't know how) he turned a CNN piece into race. However I knew it would happen.
We could be talking about who has the best steak dinners in the US and he would find a way to insert race into the discussion.

I posted a CNN piece on how most Americans couldn't handle a $1,000 emergency today, and (I don't know how) he turned a CNN piece into race. However I knew it would happen.

Yes, when you rant like a crazy racist all day, you will be outed as a racist..
We could be talking about who has the best steak dinners in the US and he would find a way to insert race into the discussion.

I posted a CNN piece on how most Americans couldn't handle a $1,000 emergency today, and (I don't know how) he turned a CNN piece into race. However I knew it would happen.

Yes, when you rant like a crazy racist all day, you will be outed as a racist..

You spew out words like you know personally know these people ,bigot ….:21::21::21::21::21::21:

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