How Dem House of Rep's Can Finish Off Republicans in 2020

You spew out words like you know personally know these people ,bigot

I've had a whole bunch of conversations with Ray... most of them consisting of his complaining about his black neighbors, black people he encounters using Food stamps buying things he doesn't think they deserve to have, comparing poor people to racoons and of course, blaming Obama for his boss screwing him on health insurance.

And the thing is, he actually seems a bit smarter than most of the barely literate wingnuts who post here... he's just consumed by his racism.
House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.
Quit posting worthless garbage.
You spew out words like you know personally know these people ,bigot

I've had a whole bunch of conversations with Ray... most of them consisting of his complaining about his black neighbors, black people he encounters using Food stamps buying things he doesn't think they deserve to have, comparing poor people to racoons and of course, blaming Obama for his boss screwing him on health insurance.

And the thing is, he actually seems a bit smarter than most of the barely literate wingnuts who post here... he's just consumed by his racism.

I'm the one consumed by racism?????

rolling eyes.gif
House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.
Quit posting worthless garbage.
Quit being such a partisan hack and posting worthless postings. This thread has been on the active thread page for a month, had almost 6,000 views and received almost 500 responses and comments. If you don't like it don't keep viewing it. Are you really that dumb that you need that explained to you?
Instead of worrying "finishing off" the "other side", perhaps our "leaders" could concentrate on legislating in a manner that works for the largest possible number of Americans, regardless of those Americans' political leanings.

I'm just kidding, of course.

That would be great, but it can't happen as long as Trump Trolls still hold the senate.

We wouldn’t want this booming economy to keep going would we.
Everything is Trumps fault,except for the good things!

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The economy's been booming since Obama took over in '09. Trump's accomplished nothing really positive, unless you think that borrowing trillions to give tax breaks for billionaires which will jeopardize social security and medicare, is an accomplishment.

Mitch McConnell says deficit ballooned because of Social Security, Medicare, not Republican Tax Cuts

The economy's been booming since Obama took over in '09

Weakest recovery since WWII.....booming....DERP!
Instead of worrying "finishing off" the "other side", perhaps our "leaders" could concentrate on legislating in a manner that works for the largest possible number of Americans, regardless of those Americans' political leanings.

I'm just kidding, of course.

That would be great, but it can't happen as long as Trump Trolls still hold the senate.

We wouldn’t want this booming economy to keep going would we.
Everything is Trumps fault,except for the good things!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The economy's been booming since Obama took over in '09. Trump's accomplished nothing really positive, unless you think that borrowing trillions to give tax breaks for billionaires which will jeopardize social security and medicare, is an accomplishment.

Mitch McConnell says deficit ballooned because of Social Security, Medicare, not Republican Tax Cuts

The economy has been "booming" since Obama took over? Really? So the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression didn't REALLY happen? Here's a dose of reality for the time from when Barack Obama was elected until the time that Donald Trump was elected....the Fed raised interest rates ONE TIME! From the time that Trump was elected until now...they have raised interest rates FIVE TIMES! Now if you knew even the smallest thing about economics and the Fed rate you'd grasp that Trump has been far more successful with the economy than Barry could have ever dreamed of being!

From the time that Trump was elected until now...they have raised interest rates FIVE TIMES!

Seven times.


Federal Reserve Board - Open Market Operations
Instead of worrying "finishing off" the "other side", perhaps our "leaders" could concentrate on legislating in a manner that works for the largest possible number of Americans, regardless of those Americans' political leanings.

I'm just kidding, of course.

That would be great, but it can't happen as long as Trump Trolls still hold the senate.

We wouldn’t want this booming economy to keep going would we.
Everything is Trumps fault,except for the good things!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The economy's been booming since Obama took over in '09. Trump's accomplished nothing really positive, unless you think that borrowing trillions to give tax breaks for billionaires which will jeopardize social security and medicare, is an accomplishment.

Mitch McConnell says deficit ballooned because of Social Security, Medicare, not Republican Tax Cuts

The economy has been "booming" since Obama took over? Really? So the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression didn't REALLY happen? Here's a dose of reality for the time from when Barack Obama was elected until the time that Donald Trump was elected....the Fed raised interest rates ONE TIME! From the time that Trump was elected until now...they have raised interest rates FIVE TIMES! Now if you knew even the smallest thing about economics and the Fed rate you'd grasp that Trump has been far more successful with the economy than Barry could have ever dreamed of being!

From the time that Trump was elected until now...they have raised interest rates FIVE TIMES!

Seven times.

View attachment 233776

Federal Reserve Board - Open Market Operations
Wasn't aware it was 7...thanks, Toddster!
One would think that something like 7 Fed rate raises in less than two years would be front page news at every media outlet in the country but it's not. Gee, wonder why?
One would think that something like 7 Fed rate raises in less than two years would be front page news at every media outlet in the country but it's not. Gee, wonder why?

If Hil-Liar was President and this was happening, you bet it would be.

Every now and then I scope out Goggle News to see what they are reporting. You'd be hell bent to find one headline that says anything positive about Trump. In spite of our outstanding economy, everything they report is negative.

They post stories about the stock market crashing, how much trouble Trump is going to be in for Russian meddling, how oil prices are scored to rise quickly, businesses that are not doing well like all the others. It's just one negative headline after another.
One would think that something like 7 Fed rate raises in less than two years would be front page news at every media outlet in the country but it's not. Gee, wonder why?

Because it isn't that important...

It's not like the consumers see the benefits of low rates... the banks still fuck us...
You'd be hell bent to find one headline that says anything positive about Trump. In spite of our outstanding economy, everything they report is negative.

There's nothing outstanding to say about him. The Stock Market is currently crashing and burning because of his largely unnecessary trade war with China.
One would think that something like 7 Fed rate raises in less than two years would be front page news at every media outlet in the country but it's not. Gee, wonder why?

If Hil-Liar was President and this was happening, you bet it would be.

Every now and then I scope out Goggle News to see what they are reporting. You'd be hell bent to find one headline that says anything positive about Trump. In spite of our outstanding economy, everything they report is negative.

They post stories about the stock market crashing, how much trouble Trump is going to be in for Russian meddling, how oil prices are scored to rise quickly, businesses that are not doing well like all the others. It's just one negative headline after another.

How long have you feared all the media was out to get you?
One would think that something like 7 Fed rate raises in less than two years would be front page news at every media outlet in the country but it's not. Gee, wonder why?

If Hil-Liar was President and this was happening, you bet it would be.

Every now and then I scope out Goggle News to see what they are reporting. You'd be hell bent to find one headline that says anything positive about Trump. In spite of our outstanding economy, everything they report is negative.

They post stories about the stock market crashing, how much trouble Trump is going to be in for Russian meddling, how oil prices are scored to rise quickly, businesses that are not doing well like all the others. It's just one negative headline after another.

How long have you feared all the media was out to get you?

What does this have to do with me? It has to do with this cabal outside of Fox where the goal is to destroy a man simply for being Republican.
You'd be hell bent to find one headline that says anything positive about Trump. In spite of our outstanding economy, everything they report is negative.

There's nothing outstanding to say about him. The Stock Market is currently crashing and burning because of his largely unnecessary trade war with China.

The stock market bounces up and down like it always has. Of course job creation will slow down. We have the lowest unemployment in nearly 50 years. It can't continue forever.
One would think that something like 7 Fed rate raises in less than two years would be front page news at every media outlet in the country but it's not. Gee, wonder why?

Because it isn't that important...

It's not like the consumers see the benefits of low rates... the banks still fuck us...

Interest rates are indicative of an economy spinning out of control. They raise interest rates to slow it down some. That didn't happen under DumBama because it was never this active during his 8 years.
One would think that something like 7 Fed rate raises in less than two years would be front page news at every media outlet in the country but it's not. Gee, wonder why?

If Hil-Liar was President and this was happening, you bet it would be.

Every now and then I scope out Goggle News to see what they are reporting. You'd be hell bent to find one headline that says anything positive about Trump. In spite of our outstanding economy, everything they report is negative.

They post stories about the stock market crashing, how much trouble Trump is going to be in for Russian meddling, how oil prices are scored to rise quickly, businesses that are not doing well like all the others. It's just one negative headline after another.

How long have you feared all the media was out to get you?

What does this have to do with me? It has to do with this cabal outside of Fox where the goal is to destroy a man simply for being Republican.

Fox was exactly opposite of all credible sources long before Trump came around.
One would think that something like 7 Fed rate raises in less than two years would be front page news at every media outlet in the country but it's not. Gee, wonder why?

If Hil-Liar was President and this was happening, you bet it would be.

Every now and then I scope out Goggle News to see what they are reporting. You'd be hell bent to find one headline that says anything positive about Trump. In spite of our outstanding economy, everything they report is negative.

They post stories about the stock market crashing, how much trouble Trump is going to be in for Russian meddling, how oil prices are scored to rise quickly, businesses that are not doing well like all the others. It's just one negative headline after another.

How long have you feared all the media was out to get you?

What does this have to do with me? It has to do with this cabal outside of Fox where the goal is to destroy a man simply for being Republican.

Fox was exactly opposite of all credible sources long before Trump came around.

Credible sources? That's a joke.........right?

Fox has not been around all that long. And the most viewed news outlets are the major non-cable ones like NBC, CBS, ABC.

Anti-Trump Media? 92% Of Coverage Of His Presidency Is Negative: Study | Investor's Business Daily
The stock market bounces up and down like it always has. Of course job creation will slow down. We have the lowest unemployment in nearly 50 years. It can't continue forever.

You work on those excuses, buddy... Just like you give Trump credit for Obama's economy, you'll find ways to excuse Trump's recession.

To the point, it isn't crashing because of "Cycles", it's crashing because Trump is triggering a reckless confrontation with China, including arresting one of its citizens on bullshit charges.
Interest rates are indicative of an economy spinning out of control. They raise interest rates to slow it down some. That didn't happen under DumBama because it was never this active during his 8 years.

Interest rates are being raised because the Fed wants to control inflation that isn't happening... it's just not a big deal.

It's not like the rest of us see that, the banks fuck us over anyway... and you bend over and take it like a bitch.
House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.
Good luck.

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