How Dem House of Rep's Can Finish Off Republicans in 2020

Depends on your point of view. The credit card companies were putting people into lifetime debt... yeah, that really was a problem.

The credit card companies were? There you go again: the credit card companies spent money on behalf of their customers and the customers had no ability to control it, so it's their fault.

I usually don't quote the Founding Slave Rapists on much of anything, but "promote the general welfare" is in there. There's also the commerce clause.

You see, this funny thing happened in 1929. The Bankers CRASHED THE FUCKING WORLD ECONOMY. And after we fought our way through the Depression and World War that followed because of it, we made damned sure they never pulled that shit again. Banking was heavily regulated and became kind of a boring profession. This all should have been explained to you in History Class.

Then the bankers bought off the GOP, and got a lot of those rules and regulations peeled back, which is how we got 2008.

What regulations did they "peel back" that allowed banks to screw anybody. Banks get their marching orders from Fanny and Freddy. HUD is F & F's boss. They make the regulations which were changed under Bill Clinton as my New York Times article pointed out. Bill Clinton was hell bent on setting records for minority home ownership and put Andrew Cuomo in charge, who was the youngest and most inexperienced head of HUD in the history of the bureaucracy.
The credit card companies were? There you go again: the credit card companies spent money on behalf of their customers and the customers had no ability to control it, so it's their fault.

Entirely. The Credit Card companies gave a lot of credit cards to people they knew damned well couldn't pay them back, and then they got the bankruptcy laws changed to try to squeeze more money out of people under Bush the Dumber.

What regulations did they "peel back" that allowed banks to screw anybody.

Explained this to you multiple times... not wasting my time again.
Entirely. The Credit Card companies gave a lot of credit cards to people they knew damned well couldn't pay them back, and then they got the bankruptcy laws changed to try to squeeze more money out of people under Bush the Dumber.

So would you mind explaining how credit card companies made out by people filing bankruptcy and not repaying them?

When a company issues a credit card, they have no idea how it will be used. All they can do is set a limit (which many times irresponsible people break) on their card. If you end up with debt unable to be repaid, that's not the companies fault, that's your fault.

Yes, the penalties are designed to make money for the bank so that great customers (like myself) can get 0% interest rates and no transfer fees. But they are also designed to act as a deterrent to irresponsible borrowers.

Thanks to the big-eared freak, more people ended up with credit problems because the deterrent was lowered. We both know that the theme of Democrats is to reward irresponsibility and penalize responsibility, and that's why we good borrowers now have to foot the bill.

Explained this to you multiple times... not wasting my time again.

Good choice on your part.
Good choice on your part.

Realizing you are too much of a racist fuck who has been totally brainwashed by the one percent...

Yes, the penalties are designed to make money for the bank so that great customers (like myself) can get 0% interest rates and no transfer fees. But they are also designed to act as a deterrent to irresponsible borrowers.

No, they were designed to soak people who hit rough patches. 62% of bankruptcies are linked to medical crisis. The banking industry went to Washington and got the laws changed to make it harder to declare personal bankruptcy.

But keep thinking you were living in hillbilly heaven by moving debt from one card to another... usually that's a sign of bad credit management.
No, they were designed to soak people who hit rough patches. 62% of bankruptcies are linked to medical crisis. The banking industry went to Washington and got the laws changed to make it harder to declare personal bankruptcy.

But keep thinking you were living in hillbilly heaven by moving debt from one card to another... usually that's a sign of bad credit management.

No, borrowing free money is a smart way of handling your financial affairs. Of course lending institutions fought for change in bankruptcy laws. I know people that have filed several times. Prior to that, they bought everything you could possibly dream of because they knew they weren't going to have to pay for those items. After a few years when their bankruptcy was cleared, they just started all over again.

Among all the other things you hate, personal responsibility is at the top of your list.
Of course lending institutions fought for change in bankruptcy laws. I know people that have filed several times. Prior to that, they bought everything you could possibly dream of because they knew they weren't going to have to pay for those items. After a few years when their bankruptcy was cleared, they just started all over again.

Among all the other things you hate, personal responsibility is at the top of your list.

I don't think anyone plans on a bankruptcy. Again, 62% of bankruptcies happen when there is a medical crisis... and 75% of those people had insurance when the crisis started.
Of course lending institutions fought for change in bankruptcy laws. I know people that have filed several times. Prior to that, they bought everything you could possibly dream of because they knew they weren't going to have to pay for those items. After a few years when their bankruptcy was cleared, they just started all over again.

Among all the other things you hate, personal responsibility is at the top of your list.

I don't think anyone plans on a bankruptcy. Again, 62% of bankruptcies happen when there is a medical crisis... and 75% of those people had insurance when the crisis started.

This may be true, but you post no evidence.

People who fall ill usually end up in financial problems because of lack of income--not medical bills. Not being able to work for several weeks can be devastating--especially for income earners that live check to check.

Most Americans can't cover a $1,000 emergency

A huge help would be to have unemployment benefits extend to people in this situation. If you cannot work for medical reasons, you should be able to collect unemployment benefits.
No, borrowing free money is a smart way of handling your financial affairs.

No such thing as "Free Money".. they get you eventually.

Again, guy, the more you talk, the more you identify as white trash.

How so? Unlike you who paid outrageous interest rates on a home equity loan, I did the calculations and transferred my equality loan to a 0% interest rate credit card and used what I saved to help bring down the balance.

Doesn't it suck to be less informed and less capable of intelligently handling money than white trash?
This may be true, but you post no evidence.

People who fall ill usually end up in financial problems because of lack of income--not medical bills. Not being able to work for several weeks can be devastating--especially for income earners that live check to check.

Wow... you mean that being poor kind of sucks if you get medical bills.

That sounds kind of bad. We should really do something about that.

How so? Unlike you who paid outrageous interest rates on a home equity loan,

Um, yeah, 5% was hardly outrageous... but i didn't go out there thinking I could outsmart a bank.

Again, Hillbilly Finance...
Wow... you mean that being poor kind of sucks if you get medical bills.

That sounds kind of bad. We should really do something about that.

It has nothing to do with poverty. As my CNN link showed, most people don't have the resources to handle a $1,000 emergency expenditure. Most people are not living in poverty.

Um, yeah, 5% was hardly outrageous... but i didn't go out there thinking I could outsmart a bank.

Again, Hillbilly Finance...

Correct, 5% is not outrageous, but paying 5% on a hefty balance is. Trust me, I've been there so I know.

You are not outsmarting the bank by saving money. The bank makes money, and you save money at the same time. Hillbilly finances are paying money on interest fees that you don't really have to pay. Hillbilly finances are the inability to use a calculator because you don't have the education or smarts to do it. Just pay whatever they tell you to pay and be happy with it because it's easier than getting a paper and pen, and taking the time to do the calculations.

When you really have a business, you have to calculate and figure things out to run it. For instance when I went to dispute my property taxes, I had to figure out my time off of work, what I might save, and the cost to have my properties professionally evaluated. When I did all the calculations, I figured I could save thousands of dollars after all expenses were considered.

I was correct. I got an appraisal on my property to prove I was paying too much in taxes, forced them to drastically lower my tax rate, and saved thousands of dollars even though this happened only two years ago. It cost me one day off of work to attend the hearing downtown, the appraisal cost, and a couple of hours talking on the phone and doing the calculations.

They tried to increase them again this year because they do a cross county appraisal every seven years. So again, I protested their increase on the phone and threatened to take them to court. Because of me and thousands like me who filed a complaint, they lowered our tax rate to a more reasonable rate. Because of all the time and effort I put forth in the past, they knew I was the type of taxpayer willing to fight.

As for the people who never complained? They are the ones who didn't get their tax rate lowered. They just ho-hummed and will be paying thousands and thousands of dollars more than we will during the next several years.

That's how to run a business.
It has nothing to do with poverty. As my CNN link showed, most people don't have the resources to handle a $1,000 emergency expenditure. Most people are not living in poverty.

Okay, so we have a lot of CONFUSED poor people.

You are not outsmarting the bank by saving money. The bank makes money, and you save money at the same time. Hillbilly finances are paying money on interest fees that you don't really have to pay. Hillbilly finances are the inability to use a calculator because you don't have the education or smarts to do it. Just pay whatever they tell you to pay and be happy with it because it's easier than getting a paper and pen, and taking the time to do the calculations.

Naw, dummy, if you are moving from one credit card to another, that's Hillbilly finance... I'm sorry I have to keep explaining this to you, but any finance counsellor would tell you the same thing.
It has nothing to do with poverty. As my CNN link showed, most people don't have the resources to handle a $1,000 emergency expenditure. Most people are not living in poverty.

Okay, so we have a lot of CONFUSED poor people.

You are not outsmarting the bank by saving money. The bank makes money, and you save money at the same time. Hillbilly finances are paying money on interest fees that you don't really have to pay. Hillbilly finances are the inability to use a calculator because you don't have the education or smarts to do it. Just pay whatever they tell you to pay and be happy with it because it's easier than getting a paper and pen, and taking the time to do the calculations.

Naw, dummy, if you are moving from one credit card to another, that's Hillbilly finance... I'm sorry I have to keep explaining this to you, but any finance counsellor would tell you the same thing.

Joseph! Ready to eat some crow???? What kind of wine would you like to go with that?

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Joseph! Ready to eat some crow???? What kind of wine would you like to go with that?

That you went dumpster diving at the airport before you finally found someone named Dale's discarded boarding past.

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ROTFLMAO!!!! Can't admit that you were wrong? Not surprising....I will be shoving this down your throat for awhile, lil Joe......until you ADMIT that you are wrong.
ROTFLMAO!!!! Can't admit that you were wrong? Not surprising....I will be shoving this down your throat for awhile, lil Joe......until you ADMIT that you are wrong.

Uh, no, man, you act like a crazy Stew Bum, I'll treat you like a crazy stew bum.

I did hear you were involved in an important research project, though.

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LMAO!!!! You were wrong, Joseph.........and you are not "man" enough (and in your case, I use the term loosely) to admit error.

You can't "treat" anyone in any way in cyberville unless you believe it to be your that case? You are the one that needs to see a Gonna admit you are wrong? Do so now and I will be a gentleman and let end now....if not? Well, you know the drill........make it easy on yourself, Joseph.
You can't "treat" anyone in any way in cyberville unless you believe it to be your that case? You are the one that needs to see a Gonna admit you are wrong? Do so now and I will be a gentleman and let end now....if not? Well, you know the drill........make it easy on yourself, Joseph.

Naw, guy, I can treat you like this because you are an awful piece of shit who slanders the parents of murdered children. You are a truly awful human being, I'm sorry you don't see that... but everyone else does.

Now put down the ObamaPhone and go sleep it off.

You can't "treat" anyone in any way in cyberville unless you believe it to be your that case? You are the one that needs to see a Gonna admit you are wrong? Do so now and I will be a gentleman and let end now....if not? Well, you know the drill........make it easy on yourself, Joseph.

Naw, guy, I can treat you like this because you are an awful piece of shit who slanders the parents of murdered children. You are a truly awful human being, I'm sorry you don't see that... but everyone else does.

Now put down the ObamaPhone and go sleep it off.


Now Joseph, no one died at Sandy should be relieved about that. You have already proven that you know every little about the staged event when you didn't even know who Lenny Pozner is.

Now, last time.....are ya gonna be man enough to admit that you were wrong about me being gainfully employed? After all, I gave over ten times as much to one of our posters here on "go-fund me" that lost her belongings in the California much did that 25 bucks set ya back, Joseph????? "My thimble, it runneth over".......LMAO!!!!

Just a reminder......

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