How Dem House of Rep's Can Finish Off Republicans in 2020

unless you are black, hispanic, gay, poor, disabled... then you really don't have those chances..

Now, we USED to have that, when we had good union jobs and fair wealth distribution... Now the american dream is starting off with a shitload of college debt you can never pay off, waiting until 30 to have kids... that's all kinds of fucked up.

Nothing stopping them from going to a trade school except having to work with your hands, but you'd be a lot less in debt at the same time.

Name me one way a black, hispanic, poor has no chance at the American dream. As for the disabled, we have SS disability for them, and if they can, they could continue to work to make even more money.

If you can't become something in the United States of America, you can't make it anywhere. The US gives ANYBODY the most opportunity to become something.....anything they desire. In fact most of our millionaires today are self-made people--not people who were handed down money like your movies or sitcoms tell you.

Hah... want to hear something hilarious.. A kid I grew up with got a job as a Garbage man in Chicago, and he makes about $70,000 a year. And he sits in his garbage truck all day listening to Hate Radio, kind of like you do, and is racist and right wing as all shit.

And when I pointed out to him that if it weren't for the Democrats, if the people he supported got his way, he'd probably be replaced with a private company that pays people $18.00 a hour, he was very, very upset.

Funny thing. I think the garbage man should be paid a fair and decent wage... he does a lot more good than the ass-kissing middle manager at an investment company.

Yeah, your garbage man makes 70K per year, and then you libs can't figure out why your cities and states are in debt all the time like California.

I call them slave rapists, because that's what they were. They owned slaves. That's the original sin of this country, that we talked about Freedom, but the constitution was designed to protect the political interests of those who owned slaves.

And gee, sorry, guy, "Saving us from the horror of being Canadians" is hardly something to get excited about.

Yes they owned slaves because slave ownership was normal at the time. It still goes on today in other countries. Human ownership was as common back then as owning a pet is here today. But the reason we have the Republican party is because it was formed as the anti-slave party.

The rules are cheating the concept of holding an election... why hold an election at all if you just ignore what the people CLEARLY said?

As explained repeatedly, so two or three cities or states don't run the entire country--that's why.
"How Dem House of Rep's Can Finish Off Republicans in 2020"

By inciting another assassination attempt of GOP politicians .... This time a successful one ... With more violent rhetoric?!

Maybe have Hillary hire thugs to kill Republicans / Conservatives this time instead of just beat and bloody them?!
Your black hero spent over five times that amount and little complaints from the peons on your side of the fence. He doubled the food stamp role, created the Pork Bill, expanded unemployment benefits and paid off his union buddies at the same time.

And saved the economy from the worst recession in 80 years. You seem to leave that part out.

Look, reality- when you have a recession, you are going to run up a deficit. Less people paying taxes in, more people pulling stuff out.

By all rights, in this economy, we should be running surpluses. But once again, the dumbshits cut taxes for the wealthy we can't afford.
Nothing stopping them from going to a trade school except having to work with your hands, but you'd be a lot less in debt at the same time.

Only reason the trades pay well is because they are one of the few areas that are still unionized.

Name me one way a black, hispanic, poor has no chance at the American dream. As for the disabled, we have SS disability for them, and if they can, they could continue to work to make even more money.

Again, this is a racist as shit country... Jamal Washington and Juan Gonzalez get their resumes stopped at the door while Greg Smith does just fine.

If you can't become something in the United States of America, you can't make it anywhere. The US gives ANYBODY the most opportunity to become something.....anything they desire. In fact most of our millionaires today are self-made people--not people who were handed down money like your movies or sitcoms tell you.

Awesome, if you are part of the One Percent. What about the other 99% who aren't millionaires?

Yeah, your garbage man makes 70K per year, and then you libs can't figure out why your cities and states are in debt all the time like California.

Because the rich aren't paying their fair share. That's why they are in debt. You see, it used to be when we had fair wealth distribution and unions, the guy at the factory made a good wage, too. so you could support giving the garbage man a good wage.

Yes they owned slaves because slave ownership was normal at the time. It still goes on today in other countries. Human ownership was as common back then as owning a pet is here today. But the reason we have the Republican party is because it was formed as the anti-slave party.

Um. Sorry. Slavery was illegal in Great Britain, whom we were fighting against. In fact, one of the main reasons why we were fighting was a fear by the Founding Slave Rapists that the UK might extend it's anti-slavery laws to their colonies. (Which they DID do in 1830, 35 years before we did.)

They were not fighting for "Freedom" or "Liberty". They were fighting to keep their slaves and not pay their fair share in taxes.

As explained repeatedly, so two or three cities or states don't run the entire country--that's why.

That's still a retarded argument. two or three cities do not make up 50% of the country, even if everyone in them voted the same way. if a candidate wins A million more votes in a city, that means a lot more than winning 80K more votes in a bunch of rust belt states after the Russians hacked the election.

So now we have a president who the majority clearly didn't want, demonstrating every day why he is unfit for the office.

Good job, everyone. Good Job.
Your black hero spent over five times that amount and little complaints from the peons on your side of the fence. He doubled the food stamp role, created the Pork Bill, expanded unemployment benefits and paid off his union buddies at the same time.

And saved the economy from the worst recession in 80 years. You seem to leave that part out.

Look, reality- when you have a recession, you are going to run up a deficit. Less people paying taxes in, more people pulling stuff out.

By all rights, in this economy, we should be running surpluses. But once again, the dumbshits cut taxes for the wealthy we can't afford.

Yes, only the Republicans did that. DumBama ran a surplus all eight years with no tax break.
Only reason the trades pay well is because they are one of the few areas that are still unionized.

No, jobs pay more based on how many other people can do that particular job. That's why minimum wage jobs pay what they do, because anybody can sweep floors, make burgers or clean windows.

Again, this is a racist as shit country... Jamal Washington and Juan Gonzalez get their resumes stopped at the door while Greg Smith does just fine.

Then they can work for themselves if they feel they're being discriminated against. Either that or sue whoever it is that denied them a job based on race.

Awesome, if you are part of the One Percent. What about the other 99% who aren't millionaires?

They didn't try just like I didn't try. It takes a lot of sacrifices to become wealthy. You can't have the newest iPhone, you can't drive the newest car, you can't have children or at least have no children until you are financially successful, you can't afford an apartment or house on your own; you need other people to split your costs with.

You have to invest very early in life and dedicate all your money towards financial growth.

Because the rich aren't paying their fair share. That's why they are in debt. You see, it used to be when we had fair wealth distribution and unions, the guy at the factory made a good wage, too. so you could support giving the garbage man a good wage.

That has nothing to do with it. The top 20% pay 85% of all collected income taxes. It's the bottom 50% who pay nothing that are not paying your "fair share."

That's still a retarded argument. two or three cities do not make up 50% of the country, even if everyone in them voted the same way. if a candidate wins A million more votes in a city, that means a lot more than winning 80K more votes in a bunch of rust belt states after the Russians hacked the election.

So now we have a president who the majority clearly didn't want, demonstrating every day why he is unfit for the office.

Good job, everyone. Good Job.

The hag won one state when it comes to the popular vote and it doesn't matter anyway because nobody was trying to win the popular vote so you have no idea how that would have came out.
No, jobs pay more based on how many other people can do that particular job. That's why minimum wage jobs pay what they do, because anybody can sweep floors, make burgers or clean windows.

And they should make a living wage for doing it.



Then they can work for themselves if they feel they're being discriminated against. Either that or sue whoever it is that denied them a job based on race.

Do you know how hard it is to sue an employer? Employers intentionally make the hiring process a "many fingers on the till" process to protect themselves.

They didn't try just like I didn't try. It takes a lot of sacrifices to become wealthy. You can't have the newest iPhone, you can't drive the newest car, you can't have children or at least have no children until you are financially successful, you can't afford an apartment or house on your own; you need other people to split your costs with.

Again, I want the country that works for the 99%. I give you a lot of shit and deservedly so, but frankly, you work hard, and in your mid-fifties, you shouldn't be in a dead end job with no health coverage. That's kind of fucked up. Someone is getting very rich off your hard work and it isn't you and that's the problem.

That has nothing to do with it. The top 20% pay 85% of all collected income taxes. It's the bottom 50% who pay nothing that are not paying your "fair share."

That has everything to do with it.... When the rich paid their fair share and the workforce was unionized, we enjoyed our greatest prosperity. Even your miserable city was a nice place to live.

(Waiting for Ray to blame the darkies who were too poor to move out when it collapsed.)

The hag won one state when it comes to the popular vote and it doesn't matter anyway because nobody was trying to win the popular vote so you have no idea how that would have came out.

"The Hag".. Misogyny much?

DumBama extended them because EVEN HE knows what might have happened had he not kept them.

Or he knew he couldn't get a repeal through congress at that point.
Your black hero spent over five times that amount and little complaints from the peons on your side of the fence. He doubled the food stamp role, created the Pork Bill, expanded unemployment benefits and paid off his union buddies at the same time.

And saved the economy from the worst recession in 80 years. You seem to leave that part out.

Look, reality- when you have a recession, you are going to run up a deficit. Less people paying taxes in, more people pulling stuff out.

By all rights, in this economy, we should be running surpluses. But once again, the dumbshits cut taxes for the wealthy we can't afford.

And saved the economy from the worst recession in 80 years.

If it weren't for Obama expanding food stamps, the recession wouldn't have ended in June 2009?
That's hilarious!!!
"How Dem House of Rep's Can Finish Off Republicans in 2020"

By inciting another assassination attempt of GOP politicians .... This time a successful one ... With more violent rhetoric?!

Maybe have Hillary hire thugs to kill Republicans / Conservatives this time instead of just beat and bloody them?!

Just wait till Pelosi proposes her immigration policy.

“Our House Democratic Majority will once again pass the Dream Act to end the uncertainty and fear inflicted on patriotic young men and women across the country. We will protect TPS [Temporary Protected Status] recipients and those fleeing unimaginable violence,”

She wants loads of stuff most American's don't. There is a thread on it on the board.

Most Americans want ALL illegals out of the country and they don't give a shit about the Dreamers. They want they all out.

Of course that horse shit would never make it out of the Senate. Thank God.

She sure is an idiot if she thinks that shit will fly with the voting public.
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Your black hero spent over five times that amount and little complaints from the peons on your side of the fence. He doubled the food stamp role, created the Pork Bill, expanded unemployment benefits and paid off his union buddies at the same time.

And saved the economy from the worst recession in 80 years. You seem to leave that part out.

Look, reality- when you have a recession, you are going to run up a deficit. Less people paying taxes in, more people pulling stuff out.

By all rights, in this economy, we should be running surpluses. But once again, the dumbshits cut taxes for the wealthy we can't afford.

And saved the economy from the worst recession in 80 years.

If it weren't for Obama expanding food stamps, the recession wouldn't have ended in June 2009?
That's hilarious!!!

It was the federal reserve pumping trillions of dollars into the market that saved the economy. Hussein had nothing to do with that.

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House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.

Great idea. Let the rich pay for the middle and lower class tax breaks this time. Ir's well past their turn.

"Great idea. Let the rich pay for the middle and lower class tax breaks this time. Ir's well past their turn. "

I don't consider it a case of the RICH having to use THEIR MONEY to pay for other people.


How the economy works;

country has X wealth

controllers of country (who don't actually do anything or make anything) take MOST of it for themselves.
nickels and dimes that remain are divvied up amongst the people who actually DO and MAKE!

economcs 101

I have no problem with the rich being rich or the well to do being well to do

But they take TOO MUCH for themselves.
Beats making people poorer.

MORON.......your fucking orange hero needed to increase the debt by $ 1.3 TRILLION to give money to himself and his rich friends....and YOU are one of those ignorant idiots who will have to make up that debt.........Keep that bent over stance....LOL

Stopped reading at "your hero". Never any point to reading the deranged ranting of someone who assumes that the world is a binary of "People who agree with me, and TRRUUUMMMPPPP!!"

I am on record as having thought Trump was a doofus all the way back to the campaign. The problem here is that YOU are a much, much bigger doofus. Trump is occasionally right, even if only by accident. You've never been right about anything that I've ever seen.
House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.

Great idea. Let the rich pay for the middle and lower class tax breaks this time. Ir's well past their turn.

"Great idea. Let the rich pay for the middle and lower class tax breaks this time. Ir's well past their turn. "

I don't consider it a case of the RICH having to use THEIR MONEY to pay for other people.


How the economy works;

country has X wealth

controllers of country (who don't actually do anything or make anything) take MOST of it for themselves.
nickels and dimes that remain are divvied up amongst the people who actually DO and MAKE!

economcs 101

I have no problem with the rich being rich or the well to do being well to do

But they take TOO MUCH for themselves.

If that’s what you consider Economics 101, you better get your money back from the school that offered you the course.

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And they should make a living wage for doing it.



Why should somebody be overpaid? Give me one good reason. Do you overpay the people that work for you? Of course not. When you need your car fixed, your toilet repaired, your lawn taken care of, you do what American employers do. You hire the cheapest people to do the job.

Do you know how hard it is to sue an employer? Employers intentionally make the hiring process a "many fingers on the till" process to protect themselves.

The favorite color an employer has is the color green. The employees who make the employer the most of that color are the employers favorite people.

Again, I want the country that works for the 99%. I give you a lot of shit and deservedly so, but frankly, you work hard, and in your mid-fifties, you shouldn't be in a dead end job with no health coverage. That's kind of fucked up. Someone is getting very rich off your hard work and it isn't you and that's the problem.

You hired the commie that did this to us, and yet you want to blame other people for what he did.

I didn't make the sacrifices to become wealthy. I didn't pinch every penny I made or found. I didn't give up things I really wanted. I didn't go to college to become a CEO nor did I start my own business outside of my part-time landlord business. But I don't blame anybody but myself.

Could I have done better? Sure I could have. If I could go back and do things differently, would I? Sure I would. Most people would say the same about themselves. But what I don't do is look at others who did make those sacrifices and investments and say they now owe me because I didn't do what they did.

If your goal was a large family and you had one, good for you. If your goal was to bang as many great looking women and you did, good for you. If your goal was to collect cars or have a large home and found your dream, I say good for you. WTF is it so different with people who make money and found their dream. What is it about liberals that make them want everybody to be as miserable as they are?

That has everything to do with it.... When the rich paid their fair share and the workforce was unionized, we enjoyed our greatest prosperity. Even your miserable city was a nice place to live.

(Waiting for Ray to blame the darkies who were too poor to move out when it collapsed.)

Well guess what Joe, YOU don't get to decide what their "fair share" is. What if I decided that? I would decide that we make them pay less and have the other half of our country start paying income tax because they've been getting a free ride their entire lives.

Do you know what the word fair means? Fair means equal. It means if you have a lot of money like Trump, you pay the same for a big mac meal as the person who sweeps the floors. That's fair. Everybody pays the same.

"The Hag".. Misogyny much?

Or he knew he couldn't get a repeal through congress at that point.

He didn't have to repeal anything. Bush put an expiration date on it and DumBama renewed it.
And they should make a living wage for doing it.



Why should somebody be overpaid? Give me one good reason. Do you overpay the people that work for you? Of course not. When you need your car fixed, your toilet repaired, your lawn taken care of, you do what American employers do. You hire the cheapest people to do the job.

Do you know how hard it is to sue an employer? Employers intentionally make the hiring process a "many fingers on the till" process to protect themselves.

The favorite color an employer has is the color green. The employees who make the employer the most of that color are the employers favorite people.

Again, I want the country that works for the 99%. I give you a lot of shit and deservedly so, but frankly, you work hard, and in your mid-fifties, you shouldn't be in a dead end job with no health coverage. That's kind of fucked up. Someone is getting very rich off your hard work and it isn't you and that's the problem.

You hired the commie that did this to us, and yet you want to blame other people for what he did.

I didn't make the sacrifices to become wealthy. I didn't pinch every penny I made or found. I didn't give up things I really wanted. I didn't go to college to become a CEO nor did I start my own business outside of my part-time landlord business. But I don't blame anybody but myself.

Could I have done better? Sure I could have. If I could go back and do things differently, would I? Sure I would. Most people would say the same about themselves. But what I don't do is look at others who did make those sacrifices and investments and say they now owe me because I didn't do what they did.

If your goal was a large family and you had one, good for you. If your goal was to bang as many great looking women and you did, good for you. If your goal was to collect cars or have a large home and found your dream, I say good for you. WTF is it so different with people who make money and found their dream. What is it about liberals that make them want everybody to be as miserable as they are?

That has everything to do with it.... When the rich paid their fair share and the workforce was unionized, we enjoyed our greatest prosperity. Even your miserable city was a nice place to live.

(Waiting for Ray to blame the darkies who were too poor to move out when it collapsed.)

Well guess what Joe, YOU don't get to decide what their "fair share" is. What if I decided that? I would decide that we make them pay less and have the other half of our country start paying income tax because they've been getting a free ride their entire lives.

Do you know what the word fair means? Fair means equal. It means if you have a lot of money like Trump, you pay the same for a big mac meal as the person who sweeps the floors. That's fair. Everybody pays the same.

"The Hag".. Misogyny much?

Or he knew he couldn't get a repeal through congress at that point.

He didn't have to repeal anything. Bush put an expiration date on it and DumBama renewed it.

If you hire the cheapest labor, I'll bet you got a lot of screwed up projects. Cheapest is rarely the best.
And they should make a living wage for doing it.



Why should somebody be overpaid? Give me one good reason. Do you overpay the people that work for you? Of course not. When you need your car fixed, your toilet repaired, your lawn taken care of, you do what American employers do. You hire the cheapest people to do the job.

Do you know how hard it is to sue an employer? Employers intentionally make the hiring process a "many fingers on the till" process to protect themselves.

The favorite color an employer has is the color green. The employees who make the employer the most of that color are the employers favorite people.

Again, I want the country that works for the 99%. I give you a lot of shit and deservedly so, but frankly, you work hard, and in your mid-fifties, you shouldn't be in a dead end job with no health coverage. That's kind of fucked up. Someone is getting very rich off your hard work and it isn't you and that's the problem.

You hired the commie that did this to us, and yet you want to blame other people for what he did.

I didn't make the sacrifices to become wealthy. I didn't pinch every penny I made or found. I didn't give up things I really wanted. I didn't go to college to become a CEO nor did I start my own business outside of my part-time landlord business. But I don't blame anybody but myself.

Could I have done better? Sure I could have. If I could go back and do things differently, would I? Sure I would. Most people would say the same about themselves. But what I don't do is look at others who did make those sacrifices and investments and say they now owe me because I didn't do what they did.

If your goal was a large family and you had one, good for you. If your goal was to bang as many great looking women and you did, good for you. If your goal was to collect cars or have a large home and found your dream, I say good for you. WTF is it so different with people who make money and found their dream. What is it about liberals that make them want everybody to be as miserable as they are?

That has everything to do with it.... When the rich paid their fair share and the workforce was unionized, we enjoyed our greatest prosperity. Even your miserable city was a nice place to live.

(Waiting for Ray to blame the darkies who were too poor to move out when it collapsed.)

Well guess what Joe, YOU don't get to decide what their "fair share" is. What if I decided that? I would decide that we make them pay less and have the other half of our country start paying income tax because they've been getting a free ride their entire lives.

Do you know what the word fair means? Fair means equal. It means if you have a lot of money like Trump, you pay the same for a big mac meal as the person who sweeps the floors. That's fair. Everybody pays the same.

"The Hag".. Misogyny much?

Or he knew he couldn't get a repeal through congress at that point.

He didn't have to repeal anything. Bush put an expiration date on it and DumBama renewed it.

If you hire the cheapest labor, I'll bet you got a lot of screwed up projects. Cheapest is rarely the best.

Not if they do the same quality work as somebody that charges more money. After all, an employer is not going to tolerate a bad floor sweeper, a bad french fry maker, or a bad shelf stocker. These are jobs anybody can do, and because of that, they hire the cheapest labor to do those jobs.

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