How Dem House of Rep's Can Finish Off Republicans in 2020

Only when you have more than you need can you provide for others as well as yourself. Only then can you invest a lot to allow others to also succeed.

Government earns nothing, it can only take by force.

Except the rich don't provide for others, they steal the work of others...

The One Percent have 43% of the wealth, they did not do 43% of the labor to create it...

This isn't complicated.

If everyone quits their jobs, government has no money to pay them. Did you forget that? Or are you of the opinion that government can magically materialize wealth out of nowhere with no ill effects?

Meh, quite the contrary, we have our greatest prosperity when government makes the rich pay their fair share, and invests in infrastructure and jobs to make our economy run more efficiently.

Except the rich don't provide for others, they steal the work of others...

Every rich guy I worked for paid me for my labor.

The One Percent have 43% of the wealth, they did not do 43% of the labor to create it...

So what?

we have our greatest prosperity when government makes the rich pay their fair share,

The top 1% earn about 20% of the income but pay about 39% of all income taxes collected.
You need the rich to stay rich so you can finance your dream government. Without them there's no money.

Again, the myth of the abuser... that the world can't get by without them.

The Europeans have already figured this out... they don't have the kind of Uber Rich that we have, and they live better than we do.
You need the rich to stay rich so you can finance your dream government. Without them there's no money.

Again, the myth of the abuser... that the world can't get by without them.

The Europeans have already figured this out... they don't have the kind of Uber Rich that we have, and they live better than we do.

Sure, and the middle class shoulders the tax burden that the rich do in this country. Is that what you want?
You need the rich to stay rich so you can finance your dream government. Without them there's no money.

Again, the myth of the abuser... that the world can't get by without them.

The Europeans have already figured this out... they don't have the kind of Uber Rich that we have, and they live better than we do.

and they live better than we do.

You need the rich to stay rich so you can finance your dream government. Without them there's no money.

Again, the myth of the abuser... that the world can't get by without them.

The Europeans have already figured this out... they don't have the kind of Uber Rich that we have, and they live better than we do.

I happen to believe that the United States is the greatest country to live in. If I thought anyplace was better, I'd move there. I would be willing to bet that most of the leftists on USMB believe Europe is so much better. The funny part of that is they never seem to leave to live in Europe. If Socialism is so great, why are the French rioting as we speak?
I happen to believe that the United States is the greatest country to live in. If I thought anyplace was better, I'd move there.

Well, you can believe that... it's just not true by any metric.

The only metric we lead the industrialized world in is 'people who think angels are a real thing".

Every other metric, someone is doing it better. What we need to do is look at what they are going right, and copy that.

I would be willing to bet that most of the leftists on USMB believe Europe is so much better. The funny part of that is they never seem to leave to live in Europe.

No, we are about FIXING THIS COUNTRY. This country needs to be fixed... The racism, the income inequality, the pollution... you are fine with this living in your slum with no health insurance, the rest of us aren't.

Just because you are too stupid to know what's for your own good, smarter people will get about fixing it. You can thank us later.

If Socialism is so great, why are the French rioting as we speak?

They aren't rioting over socialism...
Well, you can believe that... it's just not true by any metric.

The only metric we lead the industrialized world in is 'people who think angels are a real thing".

Every other metric, someone is doing it better. What we need to do is look at what they are going right, and copy that.

Why? Just move there is you think it's so great. There is only one USA. We real Americans don't want anything changed. We like our capitalist small government system. We don't want Socialism or Communism.

No, we are about FIXING THIS COUNTRY. This country needs to be fixed... The racism, the income inequality, the pollution... you are fine with this living in your slum with no health insurance, the rest of us aren't.

Just because you are too stupid to know what's for your own good, smarter people will get about fixing it. You can thank us later.

Keep your North Korean or Cuban ideas for yourself. The rest of us don't want it.

They aren't rioting over socialism...

In Paris, riot police started firing the first tear-gas early on Saturday morning, as peaceful gilets jaunes arrived at the Champs Élysées. The spontaneous citizens’ movement, began in mid-November protesting against rising fuel taxes but it has morphed into a much broader anti-government and anti-Macron one challenging inequality and poor living standards.

Paris riots: Macron to hold emergency meeting after worst unrest in decade

So much for how great it is to live in Europe.
Why? Just move there is you think it's so great. There is only one USA. We real Americans don't want anything changed. We like our capitalist small government system. We don't want Socialism or Communism.

Uh, so a 'real American" who never signed up to serve his country... I'll take your protestation of "patriotism" not terribly seriously.

We don't have a capitalist small government system... we realized 70 years ago that shit don't fly. What you want is "white people welfare".

Keep your North Korean or Cuban ideas for yourself. The rest of us don't want it.

Well, when you guys can win an election without cheating, let me know.
House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.

Of course that will all require a corresponding cut in spending....
Uh, so a 'real American" who never signed up to serve his country... I'll take your protestation of "patriotism" not terribly seriously.

We don't have a capitalist small government system... we realized 70 years ago that shit don't fly. What you want is "white people welfare".

No, we like living in a country where everybody has a chance at the American Dream whatever that may be to an individual. We have a reward based system like no other. In Socialist countries, there is no reward based system. If you are successful at whatever, you are treated no differently than the garbage man. Government takes most of your money away and you are not that better off than before your success.

Yeah, you served in the reserves or something, and now you protest America at every turn. I'll say my patriotism surpasses yours tenfold. I say this is the greatest country in the world. You say differently. I say this country gives you the most opportunity than any other in the world. You say differently. I honor our Constitution and the founders that created it. You call our founders slave owners and reprehensible for the creation of this great nation.

Well, when you guys can win an election without cheating, let me know.

We win every election without cheating. You just don't like the rules of the game.
House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.

Indeed.......what Trump ass kissers on here "forget" is that Trump told his RICH friends at Mar-a-Lago soon after passing his tax scam, "I just made you guys a LOT richer"......

Nice, huh?
No, we like living in a country where everybody has a chance at the American Dream whatever that may be to an individual.

unless you are black, hispanic, gay, poor, disabled... then you really don't have those chances..

Now, we USED to have that, when we had good union jobs and fair wealth distribution... Now the american dream is starting off with a shitload of college debt you can never pay off, waiting until 30 to have kids... that's all kinds of fucked up.

If you are successful at whatever, you are treated no differently than the garbage man. Government takes most of your money away and you are not that better off than before your success.

Hah... want to hear something hilarious.. A kid I grew up with got a job as a Garbage man in Chicago, and he makes about $70,000 a year. And he sits in his garbage truck all day listening to Hate Radio, kind of like you do, and is racist and right wing as all shit.

And when I pointed out to him that if it weren't for the Democrats, if the people he supported got his way, he'd probably be replaced with a private company that pays people $18.00 a hour, he was very, very upset.

Funny thing. I think the garbage man should be paid a fair and decent wage... he does a lot more good than the ass-kissing middle manager at an investment company.

Yeah, you served in the reserves or something, and now you protest America at every turn. I'll say my patriotism surpasses yours tenfold. I say this is the greatest country in the world. You say differently. I say this country gives you the most opportunity than any other in the world. You say differently.

Actually, I served for 11 years, six of them active duty... Got out at the rank of Staff Sergeant... And up until about oh, 10 years ago, I was more right wing than you are... Than one of those ass-kissing middle managers fucked over my career because I had a medical issue and boasted, "This is why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union!"

In America of 50 years ago, that wouldn't have happened. In Europe that wouldn't have happened. That's where America has been kind of fucked up.

I honor our Constitution and the founders that created it. You call our founders slave owners and reprehensible for the creation of this great nation.

I call them slave rapists, because that's what they were. They owned slaves. That's the original sin of this country, that we talked about Freedom, but the constitution was designed to protect the political interests of those who owned slaves.

And gee, sorry, guy, "Saving us from the horror of being Canadians" is hardly something to get excited about.

We win every election without cheating. You just don't like the rules of the game.

The rules are cheating the concept of holding an election... why hold an election at all if you just ignore what the people CLEARLY said?
House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.

Indeed.......what Trump ass kissers on here "forget" is that Trump told his RICH friends at Mar-a-Lago soon after passing his tax scam, "I just made you guys a LOT richer"......

Nice, huh?

Beats making people poorer.
Beats making people poorer.

MORON.......your fucking orange hero needed to increase the debt by $ 1.3 TRILLION to give money to himself and his rich friends....and YOU are one of those ignorant idiots who will have to make up that debt.........Keep that bent over stance....LOL
Beats making people poorer.

MORON.......your fucking orange hero needed to increase the debt by $ 1.3 TRILLION to give money to himself and his rich friends....and YOU are one of those ignorant idiots who will have to make up that debt.........Keep that bent over stance....LOL

Several things wrong with your screed. A tax cut means you get to keep more of what is yours to begin with, it's not giving anyone money. Another thing, we were told by screeching harpies that Trump didn't pay income taxes. If he didn't, then he didn't get a tax cut. You can't start from a false premise and hope to arrive at a true conclusion.
Beats making people poorer.

MORON.......your fucking orange hero needed to increase the debt by $ 1.3 TRILLION to give money to himself and his rich friends....and YOU are one of those ignorant idiots who will have to make up that debt.........Keep that bent over stance....LOL

Your black hero spent over five times that amount and little complaints from the peons on your side of the fence. He doubled the food stamp role, created the Pork Bill, expanded unemployment benefits and paid off his union buddies at the same time.

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