How Dem House of Rep's Can Finish Off Republicans in 2020

And they should make a living wage for doing it.



Why should somebody be overpaid? Give me one good reason. Do you overpay the people that work for you? Of course not. When you need your car fixed, your toilet repaired, your lawn taken care of, you do what American employers do. You hire the cheapest people to do the job.

Do you know how hard it is to sue an employer? Employers intentionally make the hiring process a "many fingers on the till" process to protect themselves.

The favorite color an employer has is the color green. The employees who make the employer the most of that color are the employers favorite people.

Again, I want the country that works for the 99%. I give you a lot of shit and deservedly so, but frankly, you work hard, and in your mid-fifties, you shouldn't be in a dead end job with no health coverage. That's kind of fucked up. Someone is getting very rich off your hard work and it isn't you and that's the problem.

You hired the commie that did this to us, and yet you want to blame other people for what he did.

I didn't make the sacrifices to become wealthy. I didn't pinch every penny I made or found. I didn't give up things I really wanted. I didn't go to college to become a CEO nor did I start my own business outside of my part-time landlord business. But I don't blame anybody but myself.

Could I have done better? Sure I could have. If I could go back and do things differently, would I? Sure I would. Most people would say the same about themselves. But what I don't do is look at others who did make those sacrifices and investments and say they now owe me because I didn't do what they did.

If your goal was a large family and you had one, good for you. If your goal was to bang as many great looking women and you did, good for you. If your goal was to collect cars or have a large home and found your dream, I say good for you. WTF is it so different with people who make money and found their dream. What is it about liberals that make them want everybody to be as miserable as they are?

That has everything to do with it.... When the rich paid their fair share and the workforce was unionized, we enjoyed our greatest prosperity. Even your miserable city was a nice place to live.

(Waiting for Ray to blame the darkies who were too poor to move out when it collapsed.)

Well guess what Joe, YOU don't get to decide what their "fair share" is. What if I decided that? I would decide that we make them pay less and have the other half of our country start paying income tax because they've been getting a free ride their entire lives.

Do you know what the word fair means? Fair means equal. It means if you have a lot of money like Trump, you pay the same for a big mac meal as the person who sweeps the floors. That's fair. Everybody pays the same.

"The Hag".. Misogyny much?

Or he knew he couldn't get a repeal through congress at that point.

He didn't have to repeal anything. Bush put an expiration date on it and DumBama renewed it.

If you hire the cheapest labor, I'll bet you got a lot of screwed up projects. Cheapest is rarely the best.

Depends on the project. If I want the leaves swept off my sidewalk, I pay a kid with a broom. If I want eye surgery, I don't look for BOGO sales.
Why should somebody be overpaid? Give me one good reason. Do you overpay the people that work for you? Of course not. When you need your car fixed, your toilet repaired, your lawn taken care of, you do what American employers do. You hire the cheapest people to do the job.

Um, yeah, here's the thing. I make sure the people on my teams (when I was a supervisor) were well paid because I knew they'd work harder and do a better job. When I get good service, I give tips.

The favorite color an employer has is the color green. The employees who make the employer the most of that color are the employers favorite people.

Again, nice fantasy... Reality- most employers I've seen prefer to hire white people and generally don't treat minorities as equal. One boss, didn't bother going to the going away lunches for the Asian or black employees who had been with the company for years... but man, he made time for the pretty young white intern on her last day.

If your goal was a large family and you had one, good for you. If your goal was to bang as many great looking women and you did, good for you. If your goal was to collect cars or have a large home and found your dream, I say good for you. WTF is it so different with people who make money and found their dream. What is it about liberals that make them want everybody to be as miserable as they are?

Okay, let's look at that metaphor... If my goal was to bang women, and I did, without any regard to their feelings, that would make me a kind of awful person. If I did it without getting consent, that would be a crime.

Now, if we have a system where the few got rich exploiting the labor, creativity and sweat of the many, and look to do things like 'Oh, cut their health insurance to take expensive Italian Vacations.... that's a problem... Sorry you can't see it, but do go on blaming the black guy..

Well guess what Joe, YOU don't get to decide what their "fair share" is. What if I decided that? I would decide that we make them pay less and have the other half of our country start paying income tax because they've been getting a free ride their entire lives.

I'm sure you would... because you are an awful person, and awful people always find it easier to kick the weak than to challenge the mighty. I know it must hurt to be such a miserable, cowardly thing.
Um, yeah, here's the thing. I make sure the people on my teams (when I was a supervisor) were well paid because I knew they'd work harder and do a better job. When I get good service, I give tips.

I'm sure you do unless they're white.

You don't see if those people that work for you have healthcare. You don't see if those people that do the work for you are making a "living wage" whatever the F that may be. You don't check to see if those people are union or not. You don't do any of those things.

The point being is that nobody wants labor to be overpaid when they're the ones paying them. Why do you suppose Walmart is our largest chain? It's because the customers preferred cheap made imports to more expensive US made products.

Again, nice fantasy... Reality- most employers I've seen prefer to hire white people and generally don't treat minorities as equal. One boss, didn't bother going to the going away lunches for the Asian or black employees who had been with the company for years... but man, he made time for the pretty young white intern on her last day.

So he paid more attention to the young hot chick than the other guys. Gee.....what a surprise there.

Okay, let's look at that metaphor... If my goal was to bang women, and I did, without any regard to their feelings, that would make me a kind of awful person. If I did it without getting consent, that would be a crime.

Now, if we have a system where the few got rich exploiting the labor, creativity and sweat of the many, and look to do things like 'Oh, cut their health insurance to take expensive Italian Vacations.... that's a problem... Sorry you can't see it, but do go on blaming the black guy..

Why shouldn't I? We didn't have any problems until the black guy.

Yeah......we get're a Communist. You want government to control everything from the toilet paper you buy to taking over companies. Why are you wasting time here? Go to one of those great countries where you don't have to change a thing.

I'm sure you would... because you are an awful person, and awful people always find it easier to kick the weak than to challenge the mighty. I know it must hurt to be such a miserable, cowardly thing.

To ask people to pay taxes for things they receive? That's what you consider a miserable person? I consider a miserable person one who lets jealousy eat at them like a cancer because others have something they don't. I don't base my happiness on what other people have. I don't get upset because somebody drives a newer car, lives in a more expensive home, or takes six weeks of vacation a year. It doesn't bother me what anybody else does that I should wish misery on them.

You on the other hand base your happiness on the opposite. It drives you nuts that there are not only rich people, but how our structure is so heavily relied on them. They build the buildings and homes, they provide all the jobs, they provide all the tax money to run this country. Instead of being thankful, you only think they should give you more.

"How much is your fair share of what another person worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
I'm sure you do unless they're white.

You don't see if those people that work for you have healthcare. You don't see if those people that do the work for you are making a "living wage" whatever the F that may be. You don't check to see if those people are union or not. You don't do any of those things.

The point being is that nobody wants labor to be overpaid when they're the ones paying them. Why do you suppose Walmart is our largest chain? It's because the customers preferred cheap made imports to more expensive US made products.

You're babbling, buddy. Point is, if you want good quality workers, you pay them fairly... If you weren't working for Ghetto Trucking, you'd know this.

So he paid more attention to the young hot chick than the other guys. Gee.....what a surprise there.

The other two were also women... but you miss the point.

Yeah......we get're a Communist. You want government to control everything from the toilet paper you buy to taking over companies. Why are you wasting time here? Go to one of those great countries where you don't have to change a thing.

Yup, thinking working folks should get paid and treated fairly is a totally communist idea. Look at what this communist said...


Man, what a fucking Commie! No wonder he freed the slaves!

You on the other hand base your happiness on the opposite. It drives you nuts that there are not only rich people, but how our structure is so heavily relied on them. They build the buildings and homes, they provide all the jobs, they provide all the tax money to run this country. Instead of being thankful, you only think they should give you more.

"How much is your fair share of what another person worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

Tell Uncle Tom to shut the fuck up. The fact is, the rich don't do any fucking work, they CHEAT THE PEOPLE WHO DO. Your boss takes expensive Italian holidays, you can't even get fucking health insurance. But your biggest concern in life is that poor people can get medicaid and you can't. That's all sorts of fucked up... but the wealthy have beaten you down, that's for sure.
You're babbling, buddy. Point is, if you want good quality workers, you pay them fairly... If you weren't working for Ghetto Trucking, you'd know this.

We have some of the best drivers on the road. So what do you have to say now? I may be stuck thanks to all the government restrictions on what jobs I can have, but my coworkers are not. I've been there 25 years and never seen a major accident caused by any of our drivers. And our winters are brutal. We get almost twice as much snow on average than you do in Chicago.

What an employer pays his employees is none of your business or mine. If he can get the kind of help he needs for whatever money, that's his decision--not yours.

Man, what a fucking Commie! No wonder he freed the slaves!

I don't know at anytime where he wanted government to control what wages are paid by an employer. Apples and oranges.

Tell Uncle Tom to shut the fuck up. The fact is, the rich don't do any fucking work, they CHEAT THE PEOPLE WHO DO. Your boss takes expensive Italian holidays, you can't even get fucking health insurance. But your biggest concern in life is that poor people can get medicaid and you can't. That's all sorts of fucked up... but the wealthy have beaten you down, that's for sure.

Of course it's my concern. I work 40 plus hours a week. I didn't have any children because of financial reasons. And lowlifes who irresponsibly had kids, don't want to work or work very little get free healthcare. I shouldn't be pissed about that?

When I'm paying for others healthcare and their families and I can't afford it myself, you bet I have a reason to be pissed off. If anything, we hard working people should be getting free healthcare and let the lowlifes die off and stop the breed.
We have some of the best drivers on the road. So what do you have to say now? I may be stuck thanks to all the government restrictions on what jobs I can have, but my coworkers are not. I've been there 25 years and never seen a major accident caused by any of our drivers. And our winters are brutal. We get almost twice as much snow on average than you do in Chicago.

What an employer pays his employees is none of your business or mine. If he can get the kind of help he needs for whatever money, that's his decision--not yours.

Until we all get sick of it and change things.

Here's the thing you don't get. 40% of the population has less than one percent of the wealth. They have NO STAKE in the status quo. Socialism, Capitalism, it's all the same thing to them.

True, a lot of them are people like you who live in slums and trailer parks and still vote Repuke because they push your racial and religious buttons.... which is why Trump played the class war shit before doing the bidding of the rich.

Then you have the next 20%. They control 5% of the wealth. Frankly, they'd probably benefit from a more equal distribution as well. The 20% after that has 7% of the wealth. They'd probably be fine as well. It's really just the top 20% who would suffer if we had "socialism". BUt probably not that much.

I don't know at anytime where he wanted government to control what wages are paid by an employer. Apples and oranges.

Did you need someone to explain the quote to you, Special Ed?

Of course it's my concern. I work 40 plus hours a week. I didn't have any children because of financial reasons. And lowlifes who irresponsibly had kids, don't want to work or work very little get free healthcare. I shouldn't be pissed about that?

If we had single payer, we'd all get health care. That's what you should be pissed about.

When I'm paying for others healthcare and their families and I can't afford it myself, you bet I have a reason to be pissed off. If anything, we hard working people should be getting free healthcare and let the lowlifes die off and stop the breed.

What's hilarious is that you think you are all that much better, with no health insurance, a crappy job and no education. You've had all the advantages of beign a white male in this society, and you STILL managed to be a bucket of fail living in a dying city.
Until we all get sick of it and change things.

Here's the thing you don't get. 40% of the population has less than one percent of the wealth. They have NO STAKE in the status quo. Socialism, Capitalism, it's all the same thing to them.

True, a lot of them are people like you who live in slums and trailer parks and still vote Repuke because they push your racial and religious buttons.... which is why Trump played the class war shit before doing the bidding of the rich.

Then you have the next 20%. They control 5% of the wealth. Frankly, they'd probably benefit from a more equal distribution as well. The 20% after that has 7% of the wealth. They'd probably be fine as well. It's really just the top 20% who would suffer if we had "socialism". BUt probably not that much.

So what are you going to do Mr. Communist? Have government force money from people to redistributed? If that's the case, WTF is the point of making money? Who would be stupid enough to save money, take risks, create industry and hire people if they are only going to make slightly more than their workers?

Capitalism is successful because it's a reward system. We all work for rewards. I go to work to make a paycheck. People play lotteries to have a chance at being a millionaire. It's the reason Vegas became so big. You can't even train a dog without giving it some sort of treat. Reward system.

If you don't do much, you don't get much of a reward. If you do nothing, you shouldn't get any reward which is the way it would work if we didn't have Democrats polluting the country. If you do a lot, you get the most rewards. That's the way it should be.

Want to see Socialism? Move to Cuba. Everybody is equal--equally poor. Free healthcare for everybody because you give all your money to the government. Nobody has guns either except the government. That's why the government could never be overturned. If you want to get away from government, you need to sneak out on a raft and hope you don't drown on the way to the greatest Capitalist country in the world, the United States of America.

Did you need someone to explain the quote to you, Special Ed?

The quite is self-explanatory. You just decided to put words in it that never existed.

If we had single payer, we'd all get health care. That's what you should be pissed about.

If you didn't put that big-eared dope in charge, we working people would still have healthcare today.

What's hilarious is that you think you are all that much better, with no health insurance, a crappy job and no education. You've had all the advantages of beign a white male in this society, and you STILL managed to be a bucket of fail living in a dying city.

Don't keep telling me how I'm doing, I'm doing fine; better than you with your fake resume job. Furthermore the one entity that screwed up my line of work is government. Like anything else, when you have something really, really good and want to ruin it, get government to interfere.
So what are you going to do Mr. Communist? Have government force money from people to redistributed? If that's the case, WTF is the point of making money? Who would be stupid enough to save money, take risks, create industry and hire people if they are only going to make slightly more than their workers?

Again, mistaking the parasite for a vital organ. Consumer demand creates jobs, not capital.

Capitalism is successful because it's a reward system.

No, Capitalism is a huge shit sandwich for 80% of us. Time to do something better.

Want to see Socialism? Move to Cuba. Everybody is equal--equally poor.

It always amuses me that you guys always cite Cuba, a country that was exploited to the nines by Capitalism and ended it, and we've been punishing them brutally for 60 years for it. Kind of like breaking someone's legs and then mocking them for being a cripple.

Thing is, despite America's vindictive, 60 year punishment of Cuba, life for most Cubans got better under the Castros and they are still considered heroes. Funny, that.

If you didn't put that big-eared dope in charge, we working people would still have healthcare today.

Actually, the only people who "lost" health care are whiny right wingers who just didn't want to take anything from the black guy. Kind of like getting a better job, you have to get off your white trash ass and look.

Don't keep telling me how I'm doing, I'm doing fine; better than you with your fake resume job. Furthermore the one entity that screwed up my line of work is government. Like anything else, when you have something really, really good and want to ruin it, get government to interfere.

Actually, guy, Government keeping YOU off the roads is a good thing. You sound like an accident waiting to happen.

Oh, just paid off my Second Mortgage with my "Fake" business. Paid off my last credit card earlier this year, and my credit score now sits at 845. That's how good I'm doing right now.
Again, mistaking the parasite for a vital organ. Consumer demand creates jobs, not capital.

Really? So let's say we were horse and buggy today, and somebody came out with a car. Are you going to produce one? How about a cell phone that can drive your car for you, are you going to produce that phone?

Yes, consumers create the demand, but the demand can only be met by people who risk their money and create the facilities to manufacture the product in demand. You can't do it, I can't do it, and nobody has a place to work until somebody does it.

It always amuses me that you guys always cite Cuba, a country that was exploited to the nines by Capitalism and ended it, and we've been punishing them brutally for 60 years for it. Kind of like breaking someone's legs and then mocking them for being a cripple.

Thing is, despite America's vindictive, 60 year punishment of Cuba, life for most Cubans got better under the Castros and they are still considered heroes. Funny, that.

Yeah, that's why they are always trying to escape and come in to the US anyway they can.

Actually, the only people who "lost" health care are whiny right wingers who just didn't want to take anything from the black guy. Kind of like getting a better job, you have to get off your white trash ass and look.

And there you have it folks, leftist America. When a substandard moron gets the job of President and ruins things for people, it's up to people to then change their life and give up what they liked because of a Commie stricken baboon.

Actually, guy, Government keeping YOU off the roads is a good thing. You sound like an accident waiting to happen.

Oh, just paid off my Second Mortgage with my "Fake" business. Paid off my last credit card earlier this year, and my credit score now sits at 845. That's how good I'm doing right now.

And I'm an astronaut. But hey, why did you waste so much money for? You should have gotten an 0% interest credit card, paid off the home equity a long time ago, and then you wouldn't have had to pay interest all that time. That's what I did, and I saved myself thousands of dollars.
Really? So let's say we were horse and buggy today, and somebody came out with a car. Are you going to produce one? How about a cell phone that can drive your car for you, are you going to produce that phone?

Cell phones aren't invented by clever guys in their basements...they are invented by guys who work as engineers for a living wage... so you kind of defeated your own argument here.

The Capitalist is a parasite that has convinced you it's a vital organ.

Yeah, that's why they are always trying to escape and come in to the US anyway they can.

That, and all the bribes we offer them to do so. Shit, if we offered Mexicans the kind of bribes we offered Cubans, Mexico would be empty.

And there you have it folks, leftist America. When a substandard moron gets the job of President and ruins things for people, it's up to people to then change their life and give up what they liked because of a Commie stricken baboon.

Uh, most people's lives were made better by Obama. I know I was a LOT better off in 2016 than I was in 2008... so are most people I know. Even the racists.

The fact you were too lazy to gain any other skills than "Driving in a straight line" is kind of on you.

And I'm an astronaut. But hey, why did you waste so much money for? You should have gotten an 0% interest credit card, paid off the home equity a long time ago, and then you wouldn't have had to pay interest all that time. That's what I did, and I saved myself thousands of dollars.

I'm sure you think that the way you abused credit cards was saving you money... but not really. The bank more than made up that money in transfer and service fees, I'm sure.
Cell phones aren't invented by clever guys in their basements...they are invented by guys who work as engineers for a living wage... so you kind of defeated your own argument here.

The Capitalist is a parasite that has convinced you it's a vital organ.

No, I supported my argument. Who hired those engineers? Why didn't the engineers make, market and produce the phone themselves?

That, and all the bribes we offer them to do so. Shit, if we offered Mexicans the kind of bribes we offered Cubans, Mexico would be empty.

Bribes? Like what? And if Cuba is so great, no bribe in the world would have worked. The truth of the matter is the people are poor in Cuba. That's why they don't let anybody out of the country. Because of lack of economic development, a family of five lives worse than our cars do in our garages.

You don't need much of a bribe to have people leave that. However the biggest bribe is to any American; the ability to become what you want in life and the freedom to do it.

Uh, most people's lives were made better by Obama. I know I was a LOT better off in 2016 than I was in 2008... so are most people I know. Even the racists.

The fact you were too lazy to gain any other skills than "Driving in a straight line" is kind of on you.

Yes, it pales in comparison to doing a job anybody can learn off the internet. And to be honest, I'm quite happy doing what I do. I like being out all day, meeting different people, enjoying the summer days while people are stuck working in a factory or behind a desk eight hours a day. It's a very liberating job.

But like always, when you have something too good, elect Democrats to ruin it for ya.

I'm sure you think that the way you abused credit cards was saving you money... but not really. The bank more than made up that money in transfer and service fees, I'm sure.

Oh, you're so sure, but you don't know because of your inability to use a calculator.

Yes, transfer fees......something we never had before Ears attacked our credit card institutions and they had to recoup their financial losses somewhere.

But still, I was paying over $700.00 a year in interest fees. When I switched the balance to my 0% credit card, the transfer fee was a little over $200.00. When I switched it to another card after the 0% offer expired a year later, it cost me $140.00 because it was less of a balance.

This is why you'll never be financially successful. You have to watch every nickel and dime like those evil people did that became wealthy. It's why I seriously question what you do for income, because these are rudiment things that anybody who runs a business should know, even a guy that drives in a straight line. And BTW, where is this straight road that has all industry on it?
No, I supported my argument. Who hired those engineers? Why didn't the engineers make, market and produce the phone themselves?

You mean after the government gave them a bunch of allowances, regulated the frequencies, gave them tax breaks and issued patents to cover their invention?

Again, parasite that has convinced you it's a vital organ.

Bribes? Like what?

Instant residency the minute they get here, which was our policy all the way up until Castro decided to have some fun at our expense and empty out his jails and mental hospitals in the 1970's...

More people try to escape "Capitalism" in Mexico than "Communism" in Cuba...

Yes, it pales in comparison to doing a job anybody can learn off the internet.

Yet most people suck at it... that's the point. Trust me, I've seen the ones written by people who watched a YouTube video... I'm very kind and I don't make fun of them.

And to be honest, I'm quite happy doing what I do. I like being out all day, meeting different people, enjoying the summer days while people are stuck working in a factory or behind a desk eight hours a day. It's a very liberating job.

True, it does save people from having to sit next to you for eight hours a day listening to you scream about blacks and welfare people and other shit that would get you sent to human resources in a real company. So their's that.

This is why you'll never be financially successful. You have to watch every nickel and dime like those evil people did that became wealthy. It's why I seriously question what you do for income, because these are rudiment things that anybody who runs a business should know, even a guy that drives in a straight line. And BTW, where is this straight road that has all industry on it?

Again, guy, you work a job that is such a shitball thing THAT YOU CAN'T GET HEALTH INSURANCE!!!!

And, no, frankly, I find your claims about how you take advantage of the credit card companies to be a little dubious... the Credit Card companies aren't that dumb. The reason why we had to reform them because they were abusing consumers...
One of the strongest pro-Trump arguments was "Yeah, but he won!" Losing the House is a disproportionately large blow for his supporters
One of the strongest pro-Trump arguments was "Yeah, but he won!" Losing the House is a disproportionately large blow for his supporters

Not really. It was historically inevitable. The fact that democrats didn't do so well in the Senate is not good for them. The party out of power typically gains in the midterms, so I wouldn't attach too much unwarranted glee to that.
You mean after the government gave them a bunch of allowances, regulated the frequencies, gave them tax breaks and issued patents to cover their invention?

Again, parasite that has convinced you it's a vital organ.

If they got all that stuff, so could the engineers. Next excuse?

Instant residency the minute they get here, which was our policy all the way up until Castro decided to have some fun at our expense and empty out his jails and mental hospitals in the 1970's...

More people try to escape "Capitalism" in Mexico than "Communism" in Cuba...

No, it's just that it's easier to get into the USA from Socialist Mexico than Cuba. Mexico is not enslaving their citizens. If anybody wants to come or move to the US, Mexico won't give them a problem. If Cuba had the same policy, we would have 3/4 of their residents here.

True, it does save people from having to sit next to you for eight hours a day listening to you scream about blacks and welfare people and other shit that would get you sent to human resources in a real company. So their's that.

Nah, I would never do that. Too boring. I would probably tell them about the guy on the internet who hates Jews, hates rich people, and hates white people even though he's white himself.

Again, guy, you work a job that is such a shitball thing THAT YOU CAN'T GET HEALTH INSURANCE!!!!

And, no, frankly, I find your claims about how you take advantage of the credit card companies to be a little dubious... the Credit Card companies aren't that dumb. The reason why we had to reform them because they were abusing consumers...

No, DumBama got involved because he's a Communist. His likely voters were abusing credit cards, were being charged late fees, and having their interest rates increased. Because banks made money from these irresponsible Democrats, DumBama created policy to stop them. So the banks had to make up that lost revenue on their responsible borrowers, because responsible people are generally Republicans.

Accepting an offer from a credit card company is not taking advantage of them. I have a whole slot in my computer desk loaded with these exact offers. I get several new ones every week. Would you like me to send you a stack or two?
No, it's just that it's easier to get into the USA from Socialist Mexico than Cuba. Mexico is not enslaving their citizens. If anybody wants to come or move to the US, Mexico won't give them a problem. If Cuba had the same policy, we would have 3/4 of their residents here.

And if we offered every Mexican amnesty if they get here like we do the Cubans, Mexico would be empty.

No, DumBama got involved because he's a Communist. His likely voters were abusing credit cards, were being charged late fees, and having their interest rates increased. Because banks made money from these irresponsible Democrats, DumBama created policy to stop them. So the banks had to make up that lost revenue on their responsible borrowers, because responsible people are generally Republicans.

You mean he stopped the banks from abusing poor people? WHAT A MONSTER!!!!
You mean he stopped the banks from abusing poor people? WHAT A MONSTER!!!!

How is that abusing poor people? Banks don't just issue credit cards, you have to apply to get them. Each card comes with pamphlet explaining all the policies. If you don't like or disagree with the policies, you simply cancel your account and shred the credit card.

If you are too uneducated to understand that pamphlet, many companies have 24/7 customer service representatives to assist you. If you violate any of the conditions set forth by using that card YOU applied for, you have to pay the penalty as agreed to.

Joe's view of the world:

If you took a home loan and ended up in trouble, it's the banks fault for screwing you.

If you had health insurance all of your life and lost it because of the commies messing with our healthcare system, it's your fault for losing it.

If you take a credit card and are charged fines and fees for abusing the privilege, it's the credit card companies fault for charging you.

If you don't make satisfactory money at your job, it's the employers fault for offering you the job and agreeing to the wage in the first place.

If you don't have a lot of money because you didn't save, invest or risk your money, it's the rich people's fault.
How is that abusing poor people? Banks don't just issue credit cards, you have to apply to get them. Each card comes with pamphlet explaining all the policies. If you don't like or disagree with the policies, you simply cancel your account and shred the credit card.

If you are too uneducated to understand that pamphlet, many companies have 24/7 customer service representatives to assist you. If you violate any of the conditions set forth by using that card YOU applied for, you have to pay the penalty as agreed to.

Joe's view of the world:

And you live in MORTAL TERROR government might look out for consumers and workers instead of the rich.

Again, Battered Housewife Republican, everyone...

Those banks have armies of lawyers writing those policies, and what does the consumer have?

We saw what happened when you let the banks write policy on the National Level... that's how we got the whole 2008 Crash, dummy. Funny, Obama rewrote the credit card laws and reformed the banks and guess what, it hasn't happened again.
How is that abusing poor people? Banks don't just issue credit cards, you have to apply to get them. Each card comes with pamphlet explaining all the policies. If you don't like or disagree with the policies, you simply cancel your account and shred the credit card.

If you are too uneducated to understand that pamphlet, many companies have 24/7 customer service representatives to assist you. If you violate any of the conditions set forth by using that card YOU applied for, you have to pay the penalty as agreed to.

Joe's view of the world:

And you live in MORTAL TERROR government might look out for consumers and workers instead of the rich.

Again, Battered Housewife Republican, everyone...

Those banks have armies of lawyers writing those policies, and what does the consumer have?

We saw what happened when you let the banks write policy on the National Level... that's how we got the whole 2008 Crash, dummy. Funny, Obama rewrote the credit card laws and reformed the banks and guess what, it hasn't happened again.

There was never a problem with the credit card industry in the first place. DumBama did more vote buying because lowlifes generally vote Democrat.

Can you show me where in the Constitution or discussions between our founders where they thought the federal government should be looking out for your financial dealings? You don't need to be a lawyer to understand "After 10 days of past due date, you will be charged a fee of X dollars."

Banks don't write national home lending policies---your government does.
There was never a problem with the credit card industry in the first place. DumBama did more vote buying because lowlifes generally vote Democrat.

Depends on your point of view. The credit card companies were putting people into lifetime debt... yeah, that really was a problem.

Can you show me where in the Constitution or discussions between our founders where they thought the federal government should be looking out for your financial dealings?

I usually don't quote the Founding Slave Rapists on much of anything, but "promote the general welfare" is in there. There's also the commerce clause.

You see, this funny thing happened in 1929. The Bankers CRASHED THE FUCKING WORLD ECONOMY. And after we fought our way through the Depression and World War that followed because of it, we made damned sure they never pulled that shit again. Banking was heavily regulated and became kind of a boring profession. This all should have been explained to you in History Class.

Then the bankers bought off the GOP, and got a lot of those rules and regulations peeled back, which is how we got 2008.

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