How Deranged Are Trump Supporters? New Poll Shows It's Even Worse Than You Imagined


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

In the Era of Trump, Americans have been been subjected to wild diversions from reality. Donald Trump and company have unleashed baseless accusations of "fake news," and the ceaseless dissemination of "alternative facts." They have violated constitutional protections of free speech and abused the media in an unprecedented manner. Trump called the media "the enemy of the American people." And his White House Press Office has discontinued on-camera briefings.

This overt hostility and flagrant assault on transparency has had an impact on a certain sector of the electorate. Trump voters have evolved into a breed of ill-informed, willfully ignorant yokels whose devotion to their Orange Julius Caesar borders on cult worship.

This alarming descent into madness is frightfully illustrated in the results of a new survey by Public Policy Polling (PPP). The depth of the delirium of these lost souls is unimaginable. And yet, the data from the PPP pollsters is clear. Here are some examples from the study:

  • Only 45% of Trump voters believe Donald Trump Jr. had a meeting with Russians about information that might be harmful to Hillary Clinton...even though Trump Jr. admitted it. 32% say the meeting didn't happen and 24% say they're not sure.
  • 72% of Trump voters consider the Russia story overall to be 'fake news,' only 14% disagree.
  • Only 24% of Trump voters even want an investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, 64% are opposed to an investigation.
  • Only 26% of Trump voters admit that Russia wanted Trump to win the election, 44% claim Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win, and 31% say they're not sure one way or the other.
  • Even if there was an investigation, and it found that the Trump campaign did collude with Russia to aid his campaign, 77% of his supporters think he should still stay in office to just 16% who believe he should resign.

What manner of sickness is this? Less than half of the Trump disciples believe that Don, Jr. met with Russians despite his having confirmed it. Do they think he's lying? More troubling though, is that more than three quarters of the StormTrumpers are comfortable with him serving as president even if he conspired with a foreign hostile enemy to steal the election.

Is there any line he can't cross? Apparently not. Because the survey also asked a question referencing Trump's campaign comment that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose any voters. And 45% of Trump voters said they would still approve of him if he shot someone.

This is Jonestown-level dementia. When people talk about "drinking the Kool-Aid," they can't get closer to that comparison than this.

As a final humiliation to the President, PPP asked respondents to indicate who they trusted more: Trump or various media organizations. Trump lost in every match up:

Voters say they trust NBC and ABC each more than him, 56/38. They say they trust CBS more than him 56/39. They say they trust the New York Times more than him 55/38. Voters say they trust CNN more than him 54/39. And they say they trust the Washington Post more than him 53/38.

Those are significant majorities that favor the "failing" New York Times and "fake news" CNN. Despite Trump's relentless efforts to negatively brand his media adversaries, he has had no success in doing so. And his continued whining in the face of that rejection is pathetic.

However, his glassy-eyed followers will undoubtedly fall in line no matter what atrocities he commits. That's a sad commentary on the state of the nation. It remains to be seen how they will eventually react when the hammer comes down on his criminality.

They may just pretend not to have supported him in the first place. After all, the one thing we've learned about them is that they have an unlimited capacity for self-delusion.

How Fox News Deceives
and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality:
The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.

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How Deranged Are Trump Supporters? New Poll Shows That It's Worse Than You Ever Imagined
Unbelievable that Trump Jr. openly admits to the meeting, not a single person in the administration denies it, and Trump sheep still don't believe it.
Go ahead mock the Americans in 30 states who voted for Trump, I love that. Call us deplorables again maybe you can lose the next two national elections also. ^^^ idiots
Go ahead mock the Americans in 30 states who voted for Trump, I love that. Call us deplorables again maybe you can lose the next two national elections also. ^^^ idiots
Remember, you all voted against Hillary. The last resort of the Trump supporter is to say "well, at least he's not Hillary." That's where you're at right now. Even that will go away soon.

Some who voted against Hillary, also voted for Trump. Those are the deplorables. The trash who need to be relegated to distant memory. They are a small minority in this country, and this election was their last gasp.
Go ahead mock the Americans in 30 states who voted for Trump, I love that. Call us deplorables again maybe you can lose the next two national elections also. ^^^ idiots
Remember, you all voted against Hillary. The last resort of the Trump supporter is to say "well, at least he's not Hillary." That's where you're at right now. Even that will go away soon.

Some who voted against Hillary, also voted for Trump. Those are the deplorables. The trash who need to be relegated to distant memory. They are a small minority in this country, and this election was their last gasp.

LOL you libs still don't get it, go ahead live in denial, mock your own Dem base, mock independents, you people are unglued. :laugh:
Trump and his merry band of followers sure elicit lots of amazing and funny stuff and the delusion seems pervasive. For example, here are some of the survey's findings
  • Only 45% of Trump voters believe Donald Trump Jr. had a meeting with Russians about information that might be harmful to Hillary Clinton...even though Trump Jr. admitted it. 32% say the meeting didn't happen and 24% say they're not sure.
  • 72% of Trump voters consider the Russia story overall to be 'fake news,' only 14% disagree.
  • Only 24% of Trump voters even want an investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, 64% are opposed to an investigation.
  • Only 26% of Trump voters admit that Russia wanted Trump to win the election, 44% claim Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win, and 31% say they're not sure one way or the other.
  • Even if there was an investigation, and it found that the Trump campaign did collude with Russia to aid his campaign, 77% of his supporters think he should still stay in office to just 16% who believe he should resign.
Go ahead mock the Americans in 30 states who voted for Trump, I love that. Call us deplorables again maybe you can lose the next two national elections also. ^^^ idiots
Remember, you all voted against Hillary. The last resort of the Trump supporter is to say "well, at least he's not Hillary." That's where you're at right now. Even that will go away soon.

Some who voted against Hillary, also voted for Trump. Those are the deplorables. The trash who need to be relegated to distant memory. They are a small minority in this country, and this election was their last gasp.

LOL you libs still don't get it, go ahead live in denial, mock your own Dem base, mock independents, you people are unglued. :laugh:
Inbred, confederate rag waving yokels are not independents or part of the Dem base.
Go ahead mock the Americans in 30 states who voted for Trump, I love that. Call us deplorables again maybe you can lose the next two national elections also. ^^^ idiots
Remember, you all voted against Hillary. The last resort of the Trump supporter is to say "well, at least he's not Hillary." That's where you're at right now. Even that will go away soon.

Some who voted against Hillary, also voted for Trump. Those are the deplorables. The trash who need to be relegated to distant memory. They are a small minority in this country, and this election was their last gasp.

Yep, 8 million Obama crossover voters that went to Trump instead of Clinton.

You have to be a moron of the highest magnitude to believe Donald Trump was a better choice for President than Hillary Clinton.

It's not the 30% hardcore base that I have a problem with. Those mental midgets are a lost cause anyway. Racist misoginyst pricks that live in la la land.

It's the percentage of the electorate that don't pay attention to what's going on, don't know how their government even works, and vote for politicians like they're picking the winner of the Americas got talent contest.

Or as an old martial arts instructor of mine referred to as the easily awed, and uninitiated.

In the Era of Trump, Americans have been been subjected to wild diversions from reality. Donald Trump and company have unleashed baseless accusations of "fake news," and the ceaseless dissemination of "alternative facts." They have violated constitutional protections of free speech and abused the media in an unprecedented manner. Trump called the media "the enemy of the American people." And his White House Press Office has discontinued on-camera briefings.

This overt hostility and flagrant assault on transparency has had an impact on a certain sector of the electorate. Trump voters have evolved into a breed of ill-informed, willfully ignorant yokels whose devotion to their Orange Julius Caesar borders on cult worship.

This alarming descent into madness is frightfully illustrated in the results of a new survey by Public Policy Polling (PPP). The depth of the delirium of these lost souls is unimaginable. And yet, the data from the PPP pollsters is clear. Here are some examples from the study:

  • Only 45% of Trump voters believe Donald Trump Jr. had a meeting with Russians about information that might be harmful to Hillary Clinton...even though Trump Jr. admitted it. 32% say the meeting didn't happen and 24% say they're not sure.
  • 72% of Trump voters consider the Russia story overall to be 'fake news,' only 14% disagree.
  • Only 24% of Trump voters even want an investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, 64% are opposed to an investigation.
  • Only 26% of Trump voters admit that Russia wanted Trump to win the election, 44% claim Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win, and 31% say they're not sure one way or the other.
  • Even if there was an investigation, and it found that the Trump campaign did collude with Russia to aid his campaign, 77% of his supporters think he should still stay in office to just 16% who believe he should resign.

What manner of sickness is this? Less than half of the Trump disciples believe that Don, Jr. met with Russians despite his having confirmed it. Do they think he's lying? More troubling though, is that more than three quarters of the StormTrumpers are comfortable with him serving as president even if he conspired with a foreign hostile enemy to steal the election.

Is there any line he can't cross? Apparently not. Because the survey also asked a question referencing Trump's campaign comment that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose any voters. And 45% of Trump voters said they would still approve of him if he shot someone.

This is Jonestown-level dementia. When people talk about "drinking the Kool-Aid," they can't get closer to that comparison than this.

As a final humiliation to the President, PPP asked respondents to indicate who they trusted more: Trump or various media organizations. Trump lost in every match up:

Voters say they trust NBC and ABC each more than him, 56/38. They say they trust CBS more than him 56/39. They say they trust the New York Times more than him 55/38. Voters say they trust CNN more than him 54/39. And they say they trust the Washington Post more than him 53/38.

Those are significant majorities that favor the "failing" New York Times and "fake news" CNN. Despite Trump's relentless efforts to negatively brand his media adversaries, he has had no success in doing so. And his continued whining in the face of that rejection is pathetic.

However, his glassy-eyed followers will undoubtedly fall in line no matter what atrocities he commits. That's a sad commentary on the state of the nation. It remains to be seen how they will eventually react when the hammer comes down on his criminality.

They may just pretend not to have supported him in the first place. After all, the one thing we've learned about them is that they have an unlimited capacity for self-delusion.

How Fox News Deceives
and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality:
The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.

Available now at Amazon.

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How Deranged Are Trump Supporters? New Poll Shows That It's Worse Than You Ever Imagined

What a sad little man you remain. Don't cry about "fake news" and post kos as a source. It reveals your imbecility.
Deranged?? Look you human pap-smear OP, Trump supporters are NOT the ones rioting, assaulting, burning down their own towns, abusing children, spewing thousands of death threats, blocking ambulances on roads, terrorizing innocent people, vandalizing and tiny little worm-like infinitesimal arachnid-thing who scuttled out of a Freudian nightmare somewhere! Egged on by violent, Democrat politicians whose motives are even lower than the I.Q.s of their supporters (such as your misbegotten, existential mistake self). When you liberalfilth learn to behave in a CIVILIZED manner, maybe I might be interested in listening to your verbal stool samples. But then again, maybe not. You progressive lice are so busy bathing in the urine-colored glow of your own egos.
"What manner of sickness is this"? Exactly, group crying, pussy hats, Russia Russia Russia Comey Comey Comey Impeach Impeach Impeach lather rinse repeat.

It appears to a form of Autism where there is comfort in repetitive, meaningless actions.
Go ahead mock the Americans in 30 states who voted for Trump, I love that. Call us deplorables again maybe you can lose the next two national elections also. ^^^ idiots
Remember, you all voted against Hillary. The last resort of the Trump supporter is to say "well, at least he's not Hillary." That's where you're at right now. Even that will go away soon.

Some who voted against Hillary, also voted for Trump. Those are the deplorables. The trash who need to be relegated to distant memory. They are a small minority in this country, and this election was their last gasp.

Yep, 8 million Obama crossover voters that went to Trump instead of Clinton.

You have to be a moron of the highest magnitude to believe Donald Trump was a better choice for President than Hillary Clinton.

It's not the 30% hardcore base that I have a problem with. Those mental midgets are a lost cause anyway. Racist misoginyst pricks that live in la la land.

It's the percentage of the electorate that don't pay attention to what's going on, don't know how their government even works, and vote for politicians like they're picking the winner of the Americas got talent contest.

Or as an old martial arts instructor of mine referred to as the easily awed, and uninitiated.

The burden of your greatness must be so hard for you to bear skewsy. The unbearable weight of having all the answers must weigh heavily upon you.
Another rather amazing data , given the Trump camp constant mantra of "fake news"....

Trump also does a lot of losing to the media in our new poll.

Voters say they trust NBC and ABC each more than him, 56/38. They say they trust CBS more than him 56/39. They say they trust the New York Times more than him 55/38. They say they trust CNN more than him 54/39. And they say they trust the Washington Post more than him 53/38.

In the Era of Trump, Americans have been been subjected to wild diversions from reality. Donald Trump and company have unleashed baseless accusations of "fake news," and the ceaseless dissemination of "alternative facts." They have violated constitutional protections of free speech and abused the media in an unprecedented manner. Trump called the media "the enemy of the American people." And his White House Press Office has discontinued on-camera briefings.

This overt hostility and flagrant assault on transparency has had an impact on a certain sector of the electorate. Trump voters have evolved into a breed of ill-informed, willfully ignorant yokels whose devotion to their Orange Julius Caesar borders on cult worship.

This alarming descent into madness is frightfully illustrated in the results of a new survey by Public Policy Polling (PPP). The depth of the delirium of these lost souls is unimaginable. And yet, the data from the PPP pollsters is clear. Here are some examples from the study:

  • Only 45% of Trump voters believe Donald Trump Jr. had a meeting with Russians about information that might be harmful to Hillary Clinton...even though Trump Jr. admitted it. 32% say the meeting didn't happen and 24% say they're not sure.
  • 72% of Trump voters consider the Russia story overall to be 'fake news,' only 14% disagree.
  • Only 24% of Trump voters even want an investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, 64% are opposed to an investigation.
  • Only 26% of Trump voters admit that Russia wanted Trump to win the election, 44% claim Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win, and 31% say they're not sure one way or the other.
  • Even if there was an investigation, and it found that the Trump campaign did collude with Russia to aid his campaign, 77% of his supporters think he should still stay in office to just 16% who believe he should resign.

What manner of sickness is this? Less than half of the Trump disciples believe that Don, Jr. met with Russians despite his having confirmed it. Do they think he's lying? More troubling though, is that more than three quarters of the StormTrumpers are comfortable with him serving as president even if he conspired with a foreign hostile enemy to steal the election.

Is there any line he can't cross? Apparently not. Because the survey also asked a question referencing Trump's campaign comment that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose any voters. And 45% of Trump voters said they would still approve of him if he shot someone.

This is Jonestown-level dementia. When people talk about "drinking the Kool-Aid," they can't get closer to that comparison than this.

As a final humiliation to the President, PPP asked respondents to indicate who they trusted more: Trump or various media organizations. Trump lost in every match up:

Voters say they trust NBC and ABC each more than him, 56/38. They say they trust CBS more than him 56/39. They say they trust the New York Times more than him 55/38. Voters say they trust CNN more than him 54/39. And they say they trust the Washington Post more than him 53/38.

Those are significant majorities that favor the "failing" New York Times and "fake news" CNN. Despite Trump's relentless efforts to negatively brand his media adversaries, he has had no success in doing so. And his continued whining in the face of that rejection is pathetic.

However, his glassy-eyed followers will undoubtedly fall in line no matter what atrocities he commits. That's a sad commentary on the state of the nation. It remains to be seen how they will eventually react when the hammer comes down on his criminality.

They may just pretend not to have supported him in the first place. After all, the one thing we've learned about them is that they have an unlimited capacity for self-delusion.

How Fox News Deceives
and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality:
The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.

Available now at Amazon.

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News Corpse on the web
and follow on Facebook.

How Deranged Are Trump Supporters? New Poll Shows That It's Worse Than You Ever Imagined

I guess you and dailykos are too stupid to know he didn't meet with Russians. He met with one Russian, one Brit and the rest were all US citizens. No need to reply, your ignorance speaks for itself.


In the Era of Trump, Americans have been been subjected to wild diversions from reality. Donald Trump and company have unleashed baseless accusations of "fake news," and the ceaseless dissemination of "alternative facts." They have violated constitutional protections of free speech and abused the media in an unprecedented manner. Trump called the media "the enemy of the American people." And his White House Press Office has discontinued on-camera briefings.

This overt hostility and flagrant assault on transparency has had an impact on a certain sector of the electorate. Trump voters have evolved into a breed of ill-informed, willfully ignorant yokels whose devotion to their Orange Julius Caesar borders on cult worship.

This alarming descent into madness is frightfully illustrated in the results of a new survey by Public Policy Polling (PPP). The depth of the delirium of these lost souls is unimaginable. And yet, the data from the PPP pollsters is clear. Here are some examples from the study:

  • Only 45% of Trump voters believe Donald Trump Jr. had a meeting with Russians about information that might be harmful to Hillary Clinton...even though Trump Jr. admitted it. 32% say the meeting didn't happen and 24% say they're not sure.
  • 72% of Trump voters consider the Russia story overall to be 'fake news,' only 14% disagree.
  • Only 24% of Trump voters even want an investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, 64% are opposed to an investigation.
  • Only 26% of Trump voters admit that Russia wanted Trump to win the election, 44% claim Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win, and 31% say they're not sure one way or the other.
  • Even if there was an investigation, and it found that the Trump campaign did collude with Russia to aid his campaign, 77% of his supporters think he should still stay in office to just 16% who believe he should resign.

What manner of sickness is this? Less than half of the Trump disciples believe that Don, Jr. met with Russians despite his having confirmed it. Do they think he's lying? More troubling though, is that more than three quarters of the StormTrumpers are comfortable with him serving as president even if he conspired with a foreign hostile enemy to steal the election.

Is there any line he can't cross? Apparently not. Because the survey also asked a question referencing Trump's campaign comment that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose any voters. And 45% of Trump voters said they would still approve of him if he shot someone.

This is Jonestown-level dementia. When people talk about "drinking the Kool-Aid," they can't get closer to that comparison than this.

As a final humiliation to the President, PPP asked respondents to indicate who they trusted more: Trump or various media organizations. Trump lost in every match up:

Voters say they trust NBC and ABC each more than him, 56/38. They say they trust CBS more than him 56/39. They say they trust the New York Times more than him 55/38. Voters say they trust CNN more than him 54/39. And they say they trust the Washington Post more than him 53/38.

Those are significant majorities that favor the "failing" New York Times and "fake news" CNN. Despite Trump's relentless efforts to negatively brand his media adversaries, he has had no success in doing so. And his continued whining in the face of that rejection is pathetic.

However, his glassy-eyed followers will undoubtedly fall in line no matter what atrocities he commits. That's a sad commentary on the state of the nation. It remains to be seen how they will eventually react when the hammer comes down on his criminality.

They may just pretend not to have supported him in the first place. After all, the one thing we've learned about them is that they have an unlimited capacity for self-delusion.

How Fox News Deceives
and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality:
The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.

Available now at Amazon.

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News Corpse on the web
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How Deranged Are Trump Supporters? New Poll Shows That It's Worse Than You Ever Imagined

I guess you and dailykos are too stupid to know he didn't meet with Russians. He met with one Russian, one Brit and the rest were all US citizens. No need to reply, your ignorance speaks for itself.


You've no idea, the stupid runs strong in this one.

In the Era of Trump, Americans have been been subjected to wild diversions from reality. Donald Trump and company have unleashed baseless accusations of "fake news," and the ceaseless dissemination of "alternative facts." They have violated constitutional protections of free speech and abused the media in an unprecedented manner. Trump called the media "the enemy of the American people." And his White House Press Office has discontinued on-camera briefings.

This overt hostility and flagrant assault on transparency has had an impact on a certain sector of the electorate. Trump voters have evolved into a breed of ill-informed, willfully ignorant yokels whose devotion to their Orange Julius Caesar borders on cult worship.

This alarming descent into madness is frightfully illustrated in the results of a new survey by Public Policy Polling (PPP). The depth of the delirium of these lost souls is unimaginable. And yet, the data from the PPP pollsters is clear. Here are some examples from the study:

  • Only 45% of Trump voters believe Donald Trump Jr. had a meeting with Russians about information that might be harmful to Hillary Clinton...even though Trump Jr. admitted it. 32% say the meeting didn't happen and 24% say they're not sure.
  • 72% of Trump voters consider the Russia story overall to be 'fake news,' only 14% disagree.
  • Only 24% of Trump voters even want an investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, 64% are opposed to an investigation.
  • Only 26% of Trump voters admit that Russia wanted Trump to win the election, 44% claim Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win, and 31% say they're not sure one way or the other.
  • Even if there was an investigation, and it found that the Trump campaign did collude with Russia to aid his campaign, 77% of his supporters think he should still stay in office to just 16% who believe he should resign.

What manner of sickness is this? Less than half of the Trump disciples believe that Don, Jr. met with Russians despite his having confirmed it. Do they think he's lying? More troubling though, is that more than three quarters of the StormTrumpers are comfortable with him serving as president even if he conspired with a foreign hostile enemy to steal the election.

Is there any line he can't cross? Apparently not. Because the survey also asked a question referencing Trump's campaign comment that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose any voters. And 45% of Trump voters said they would still approve of him if he shot someone.

This is Jonestown-level dementia. When people talk about "drinking the Kool-Aid," they can't get closer to that comparison than this.

As a final humiliation to the President, PPP asked respondents to indicate who they trusted more: Trump or various media organizations. Trump lost in every match up:

Voters say they trust NBC and ABC each more than him, 56/38. They say they trust CBS more than him 56/39. They say they trust the New York Times more than him 55/38. Voters say they trust CNN more than him 54/39. And they say they trust the Washington Post more than him 53/38.

Those are significant majorities that favor the "failing" New York Times and "fake news" CNN. Despite Trump's relentless efforts to negatively brand his media adversaries, he has had no success in doing so. And his continued whining in the face of that rejection is pathetic.

However, his glassy-eyed followers will undoubtedly fall in line no matter what atrocities he commits. That's a sad commentary on the state of the nation. It remains to be seen how they will eventually react when the hammer comes down on his criminality.

They may just pretend not to have supported him in the first place. After all, the one thing we've learned about them is that they have an unlimited capacity for self-delusion.

How Fox News Deceives
and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality:
The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.

Available now at Amazon.

And please visit
News Corpse on the web
and follow on Facebook.

How Deranged Are Trump Supporters? New Poll Shows That It's Worse Than You Ever Imagined

I guess you and dailykos are too stupid to know he didn't meet with Russians. He met with one Russian, one Brit and the rest were all US citizens. No need to reply, your ignorance speaks for itself.

New Trump sheep argument: "Look, only 1 Russian told baby Trump Jr. they had dirt on Hillary. Therefore, baby Trump Jr. DIDN'T meet with Russians." :rolleyes:

In the Era of Trump, Americans have been been subjected to wild diversions from reality. Donald Trump and company have unleashed baseless accusations of "fake news," and the ceaseless dissemination of "alternative facts." They have violated constitutional protections of free speech and abused the media in an unprecedented manner. Trump called the media "the enemy of the American people." And his White House Press Office has discontinued on-camera briefings.

This overt hostility and flagrant assault on transparency has had an impact on a certain sector of the electorate. Trump voters have evolved into a breed of ill-informed, willfully ignorant yokels whose devotion to their Orange Julius Caesar borders on cult worship.

This alarming descent into madness is frightfully illustrated in the results of a new survey by Public Policy Polling (PPP). The depth of the delirium of these lost souls is unimaginable. And yet, the data from the PPP pollsters is clear. Here are some examples from the study:

  • Only 45% of Trump voters believe Donald Trump Jr. had a meeting with Russians about information that might be harmful to Hillary Clinton...even though Trump Jr. admitted it. 32% say the meeting didn't happen and 24% say they're not sure.
  • 72% of Trump voters consider the Russia story overall to be 'fake news,' only 14% disagree.
  • Only 24% of Trump voters even want an investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, 64% are opposed to an investigation.
  • Only 26% of Trump voters admit that Russia wanted Trump to win the election, 44% claim Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win, and 31% say they're not sure one way or the other.
  • Even if there was an investigation, and it found that the Trump campaign did collude with Russia to aid his campaign, 77% of his supporters think he should still stay in office to just 16% who believe he should resign.

What manner of sickness is this? Less than half of the Trump disciples believe that Don, Jr. met with Russians despite his having confirmed it. Do they think he's lying? More troubling though, is that more than three quarters of the StormTrumpers are comfortable with him serving as president even if he conspired with a foreign hostile enemy to steal the election.

Is there any line he can't cross? Apparently not. Because the survey also asked a question referencing Trump's campaign comment that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose any voters. And 45% of Trump voters said they would still approve of him if he shot someone.

This is Jonestown-level dementia. When people talk about "drinking the Kool-Aid," they can't get closer to that comparison than this.

As a final humiliation to the President, PPP asked respondents to indicate who they trusted more: Trump or various media organizations. Trump lost in every match up:

Voters say they trust NBC and ABC each more than him, 56/38. They say they trust CBS more than him 56/39. They say they trust the New York Times more than him 55/38. Voters say they trust CNN more than him 54/39. And they say they trust the Washington Post more than him 53/38.

Those are significant majorities that favor the "failing" New York Times and "fake news" CNN. Despite Trump's relentless efforts to negatively brand his media adversaries, he has had no success in doing so. And his continued whining in the face of that rejection is pathetic.

However, his glassy-eyed followers will undoubtedly fall in line no matter what atrocities he commits. That's a sad commentary on the state of the nation. It remains to be seen how they will eventually react when the hammer comes down on his criminality.

They may just pretend not to have supported him in the first place. After all, the one thing we've learned about them is that they have an unlimited capacity for self-delusion.

How Fox News Deceives
and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality:
The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.

Available now at Amazon.

And please visit
News Corpse on the web
and follow on Facebook.

How Deranged Are Trump Supporters? New Poll Shows That It's Worse Than You Ever Imagined
Bill Maher:
32% of Trump fans say: WAS NO meeting w/ Don Jr & Russians, even tho the source is Don Jr! Guys, the call is coming from inside the bubble!

In the Era of Trump, Americans have been been subjected to wild diversions from reality. Donald Trump and company have unleashed baseless accusations of "fake news," and the ceaseless dissemination of "alternative facts." They have violated constitutional protections of free speech and abused the media in an unprecedented manner. Trump called the media "the enemy of the American people." And his White House Press Office has discontinued on-camera briefings.

This overt hostility and flagrant assault on transparency has had an impact on a certain sector of the electorate. Trump voters have evolved into a breed of ill-informed, willfully ignorant yokels whose devotion to their Orange Julius Caesar borders on cult worship.

This alarming descent into madness is frightfully illustrated in the results of a new survey by Public Policy Polling (PPP). The depth of the delirium of these lost souls is unimaginable. And yet, the data from the PPP pollsters is clear. Here are some examples from the study:

  • Only 45% of Trump voters believe Donald Trump Jr. had a meeting with Russians about information that might be harmful to Hillary Clinton...even though Trump Jr. admitted it. 32% say the meeting didn't happen and 24% say they're not sure.
  • 72% of Trump voters consider the Russia story overall to be 'fake news,' only 14% disagree.
  • Only 24% of Trump voters even want an investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, 64% are opposed to an investigation.
  • Only 26% of Trump voters admit that Russia wanted Trump to win the election, 44% claim Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win, and 31% say they're not sure one way or the other.
  • Even if there was an investigation, and it found that the Trump campaign did collude with Russia to aid his campaign, 77% of his supporters think he should still stay in office to just 16% who believe he should resign.

What manner of sickness is this? Less than half of the Trump disciples believe that Don, Jr. met with Russians despite his having confirmed it. Do they think he's lying? More troubling though, is that more than three quarters of the StormTrumpers are comfortable with him serving as president even if he conspired with a foreign hostile enemy to steal the election.

Is there any line he can't cross? Apparently not. Because the survey also asked a question referencing Trump's campaign comment that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose any voters. And 45% of Trump voters said they would still approve of him if he shot someone.

This is Jonestown-level dementia. When people talk about "drinking the Kool-Aid," they can't get closer to that comparison than this.

As a final humiliation to the President, PPP asked respondents to indicate who they trusted more: Trump or various media organizations. Trump lost in every match up:

Voters say they trust NBC and ABC each more than him, 56/38. They say they trust CBS more than him 56/39. They say they trust the New York Times more than him 55/38. Voters say they trust CNN more than him 54/39. And they say they trust the Washington Post more than him 53/38.

Those are significant majorities that favor the "failing" New York Times and "fake news" CNN. Despite Trump's relentless efforts to negatively brand his media adversaries, he has had no success in doing so. And his continued whining in the face of that rejection is pathetic.

However, his glassy-eyed followers will undoubtedly fall in line no matter what atrocities he commits. That's a sad commentary on the state of the nation. It remains to be seen how they will eventually react when the hammer comes down on his criminality.

They may just pretend not to have supported him in the first place. After all, the one thing we've learned about them is that they have an unlimited capacity for self-delusion.

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How Deranged Are Trump Supporters? New Poll Shows That It's Worse Than You Ever Imagined

I guess you and dailykos are too stupid to know he didn't meet with Russians. He met with one Russian, one Brit and the rest were all US citizens. No need to reply, your ignorance speaks for itself.

another Infowars lie?

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