how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

McCain, Cruz

No one asked McCain to prove he was an American.

The legal question was whether or not an American born in Panama was a natural born citizen.
It is true.

Did I say otherwise?

If the left is going to say racism is the reason for the birthers going full birther, then that logic also says that the Dems - including Hillary Clinton - were also racist in trying to paint obama as "less American".

Please show where anyone on the left asserted this issue repeatedly and publicly like the RW media world, pundits, candidates and elected officials have.

It doesn't exist.

Simply saying "the left started it", does nothing to absolve the right from their actions.
Like I said in a previous post, it's not so much the allegation it's self as it is the motivation to continue to suspend disbelief in favor of a disproved narrative. There obviously were some political points to be scored by Trump and others by continuing this narrative.

I never said the left started the birther issue. I said they planted the seeds of doubt that obama wasn't as "real an American" as Clinton. It was a campaign strategy. The Rs did take that and run with it re: birther issue, as I stated in my earlier post.

All I'm saying is that if the birther issue was because "racism" then the Clinton campaign's "obama is less American" was because "racism". After all, they were claiming that the first black candidate's "roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited." Must be because he's black, right? :rolleyes:

ftr, neither were racism, both had to do with obama's past ... his associates, his mentors, his upbringing, where he was raised, etc.

It was the lamestream media that carried the Barrypuppet .

Poor Dale- still pissed off that American's elected an African American as President of the United States.

The tint of one's skin doesn't matter to me at all...but it sure does to the leftard clown's all they focus on.

Of course not Dale.....LOL
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

McCain, Cruz
Cruz proved he was born in Canada.
how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

If anyone disagree's with obummers policies they are by definition, according to progressives, "racist". They simply won't accept that you can dislike a persons policies while not caring what color he is.

I disagree with President Obama every second of the day, but still found it stupid when Birthers kept on demanding more proof even after the State of Hawaii told the retards that he ( President Obama ) was born in Hawaii and not Kenya!

Now how many white Presidents had to show their long form birth certificate to the public?

How many white Presidents had articles claiming to have been born in Kenya?
U.S. articles?


And that includes Barack Obama.
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

McCain, Cruz

You sure stepped in that one. There has been no major birther movements against either one of those from the left. Trump did go after the Hispanic guy though but why should that shock anyone now?

Anyway, bad answer on your part but you probably know that.
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

McCain, Cruz

You sure stepped in that one. There has been no major birther movements against either one of those from the left. Trump did go after the Hispanic guy though but why should that shock anyone now?

Anyway, bad answer on your part but you probably know that.

Bull crap, you're full of it
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

McCain, Cruz

You sure stepped in that one. There has been no major birther movements against either one of those from the left. Trump did go after the Hispanic guy though but why should that shock anyone now?

Anyway, bad answer on your part but you probably know that.

Bull crap, you're full of it

Nope, I always thought McCain and Cruz met citizenship requirements. Where is that big ol' birther movement on the left?
He ran for POTUS.... and he was questioned... as was Obama when he ran for POTUS.

Again, how is this racist?

John McCain was briefly questioned because John McCain was not born in the United States.

Donald Trump lied about President Obama from 2011 to 2016- claiming he was not born in the United States- even after he had seen Barack Obama's birth certificate and the state of Hawaii confirmed he was born in Hawaii.

If Trump's lies were not based on racism- why was he lying?

View attachment 91600

You do realize Obama is just as white as he is black? So, how is any of this racist? Do you even know what racism is?

LOL- I love it when people like to point out that Obama is half white and half black.

Because of course- racists are only bigoted against people who are 100% black

Do you even know what racism is?


Apparently it is when white people question anyone who is not 100% white. Or, when I oppose illegal immigration. Or, if I think Obama's policies suck. Or, if I don't pronounce Mexico as Mehico. Or, if I send back my burrito.

Actually it is when Donald Trump lies about the place of birth of the first African American President in the United States.


How is questioning his place of birth racism?
John McCain was briefly questioned because John McCain was not born in the United States.

Donald Trump lied about President Obama from 2011 to 2016- claiming he was not born in the United States- even after he had seen Barack Obama's birth certificate and the state of Hawaii confirmed he was born in Hawaii.

If Trump's lies were not based on racism- why was he lying?

View attachment 91600

You do realize Obama is just as white as he is black? So, how is any of this racist? Do you even know what racism is?

LOL- I love it when people like to point out that Obama is half white and half black.

Because of course- racists are only bigoted against people who are 100% black

Do you even know what racism is?


Apparently it is when white people question anyone who is not 100% white. Or, when I oppose illegal immigration. Or, if I think Obama's policies suck. Or, if I don't pronounce Mexico as Mehico. Or, if I send back my burrito.

Actually it is when Donald Trump lies about the place of birth of the first African American President in the United States.


How is questioning his place of birth racism?
If you think the birther movement is just about "questioning his place of birth," there's no hope for you.

There have been hundreds of presidential candidates. Name the other one who was pressed into presenting 2 copies of birth records; and even that was not good enough. Name the candidate who's stated place of birth was reject even after state officials verified his birth records. Name the candidate who was offered a multi-million bribe to release his records. Name the candidate whose birth record was scrutinized as much as Obama's. Name the candidate who was sued in court to release his birth records. Name the candidate who was falsely accused of being born in another country. Name the candidate whose birth records were implored to be stolen and released by hackers. Name the candidate who had a book published about them falsely being foreign born. Name the candidate who had a fake ID made up by his detractors to show he was a foreign born student at a U.S. university. Name the candidate who had a fake foreign born birth certificate made up by his detractors to show he wasn't born in the U.S.. Name the candidate who was falsely accused of being adopted to qualify as a foreign born individual, eligible to receive a Hawaiian birth certificate.

And this has been on-going for 8 years now, despite being put to rest years ago. You have to be crazy to think this is just "questioning his place of birth."
how did birth certificate qualification turn into racism?

It's always been racism; conservative racists hostile to an African American president contrived the lie that the president wasn't born in the U.S. in a failed attempt to render him "unqualified."

Even if true, and it isn't, how does that in any way imply that someone thinks blacks are inferior beings or not worthy of the same consideration as whites?

You answered your own question.
Because Obama in no way received the same consideration as every other president.
We have never asked for proof or questioned the validity of any other president in history.
If you can't see that then you're blind.
Absolutely wrong ... dangerously wrong.

We have questioned EVERY presidential candidate. Obama is the first one who refused to provide the information in a timely manner, leading to speculation that he was hiding something.
how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

If anyone disagree's with obummers policies they are by definition, according to progressives, "racist". They simply won't accept that you can dislike a persons policies while not caring what color he is.
What about his birth certificate is "policy"? This whole controversy was about de-legitimizing Barack Obama. And that certainly has the taint of racism as no other President was charged as he was.

"waah --- waah --- waah"

Let it go.


Let's talk about something relevant .... the economy, taxes, healthcare, education .... anything but this liberal butthurt masking itself as serious political inquiry.

Tell me again - why did Hillary lie to the parents of the Benghazi dead?

I know, I know ... "At this point in time, what difference does it make?"

Maybe the same thing should be said about this inane subject.
You do realize Obama is just as white as he is black? So, how is any of this racist? Do you even know what racism is?

LOL- I love it when people like to point out that Obama is half white and half black.

Because of course- racists are only bigoted against people who are 100% black

Do you even know what racism is?


Apparently it is when white people question anyone who is not 100% white. Or, when I oppose illegal immigration. Or, if I think Obama's policies suck. Or, if I don't pronounce Mexico as Mehico. Or, if I send back my burrito.

Actually it is when Donald Trump lies about the place of birth of the first African American President in the United States.


How is questioning his place of birth racism?
If you think the birther movement is just about "questioning his place of birth," there's no hope for you.

There have been hundreds of presidential candidates. Name the other one who was pressed into presenting 2 copies of birth records; and even that was not good enough. Name the candidate who's stated place of birth was reject even after state officials verified his birth records. Name the candidate who was offered a multi-million bribe to release his records. Name the candidate whose birth record was scrutinized as much as Obama's. Name the candidate who was sued in court to release his birth records. Name the candidate who was falsely accused of being born in another country. Name the candidate whose birth records were implored to be stolen and released by hackers. Name the candidate who had a book published about them falsely being foreign born. Name the candidate who had a fake ID made up by his detractors to show he was a foreign born student at a U.S. university. Name the candidate who had a fake foreign born birth certificate made up by his detractors to show he wasn't born in the U.S.. Name the candidate who was falsely accused of being adopted to qualify as a foreign born individual, eligible to receive a Hawaiian birth certificate.

And this has been on-going for 8 years now, despite being put to rest years ago. You have to be crazy to think this is just "questioning his place of birth."

Waah -- waah --- waah
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

McCain, Cruz

You sure stepped in that one. There has been no major birther movements against either one of those from the left. Trump did go after the Hispanic guy though but why should that shock anyone now?

Anyway, bad answer on your part but you probably know that.

Bull crap, you're full of it

Nope, I always thought McCain and Cruz met citizenship requirements. Where is that big ol' birther movement on the left?

The democrats started the McCain birther thing before the Obama birther thing was a thing. It was stupid. He was born on a US military base, obviously he was eligible to be President. Though while Obama was born in Hawaii, he'd have been eligible to be President even if he was born in Kenya. His mother was American, he was native born American.

He was one stupid idiot though for telling his publisher he was born in Kenya
how did birth certificate qualification turn into racism?

It's always been racism; conservative racists hostile to an African American president contrived the lie that the president wasn't born in the U.S. in a failed attempt to render him "unqualified."

Even if true, and it isn't, how does that in any way imply that someone thinks blacks are inferior beings or not worthy of the same consideration as whites?

You answered your own question.
Because Obama in no way received the same consideration as every other president.
We have never asked for proof or questioned the validity of any other president in history.
If you can't see that then you're blind.
Absolutely wrong ... dangerously wrong.

We have questioned EVERY presidential candidate. Obama is the first one who refused to provide the information in a timely manner, leading to speculation that he was hiding something.
Stop lying kazzing. Obama provided proof he was born in Hawaii in June of 2008. Very much within a timely manner.
LOL- I love it when people like to point out that Obama is half white and half black.

Because of course- racists are only bigoted against people who are 100% black

Do you even know what racism is?


Apparently it is when white people question anyone who is not 100% white. Or, when I oppose illegal immigration. Or, if I think Obama's policies suck. Or, if I don't pronounce Mexico as Mehico. Or, if I send back my burrito.

Actually it is when Donald Trump lies about the place of birth of the first African American President in the United States.


How is questioning his place of birth racism?
If you think the birther movement is just about "questioning his place of birth," there's no hope for you.

There have been hundreds of presidential candidates. Name the other one who was pressed into presenting 2 copies of birth records; and even that was not good enough. Name the candidate who's stated place of birth was reject even after state officials verified his birth records. Name the candidate who was offered a multi-million bribe to release his records. Name the candidate whose birth record was scrutinized as much as Obama's. Name the candidate who was sued in court to release his birth records. Name the candidate who was falsely accused of being born in another country. Name the candidate whose birth records were implored to be stolen and released by hackers. Name the candidate who had a book published about them falsely being foreign born. Name the candidate who had a fake ID made up by his detractors to show he was a foreign born student at a U.S. university. Name the candidate who had a fake foreign born birth certificate made up by his detractors to show he wasn't born in the U.S.. Name the candidate who was falsely accused of being adopted to qualify as a foreign born individual, eligible to receive a Hawaiian birth certificate.

And this has been on-going for 8 years now, despite being put to rest years ago. You have to be crazy to think this is just "questioning his place of birth."

Waah -- waah --- waah
That's read as -- you can't name one.

But that's ok, I already knew you couldn't.
how did birth certificate qualification turn into racism?

It's always been racism; conservative racists hostile to an African American president contrived the lie that the president wasn't born in the U.S. in a failed attempt to render him "unqualified."

Even if true, and it isn't, how does that in any way imply that someone thinks blacks are inferior beings or not worthy of the same consideration as whites?

You answered your own question.
Because Obama in no way received the same consideration as every other president.
We have never asked for proof or questioned the validity of any other president in history.
If you can't see that then you're blind.
Absolutely wrong ... dangerously wrong.

We have questioned EVERY presidential candidate. Obama is the first one who refused to provide the information in a timely manner, leading to speculation that he was hiding something.

Show me a link to where/how we secured birth certificates from Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush.

And if you can show me the links, show me where their short form birth certificates were rejected (in each case).

And then show me the links to where the long forms were requested and produced, but those forms were still rejected (until the general election came around, and you had to concede for political reasons).

The reason you can't produce a fucking thing, other than the constitutional issue over McCain, which didn't include accusations of lying, is because your political war against Obama was based around the suggestion that he was a black Muslim in cahoots with our enemies. This is what your side did during the Cold War. It's called McCarthyism and it involves tying your domestic political opponent to a foreign enemy.

Fucking pathetic.

If you lose this election it will be because you finally got swallowed by your dirty tricks.
how did birth certificate qualification turn into racism?

It's always been racism; conservative racists hostile to an African American president contrived the lie that the president wasn't born in the U.S. in a failed attempt to render him "unqualified."

Even if true, and it isn't, how does that in any way imply that someone thinks blacks are inferior beings or not worthy of the same consideration as whites?

You answered your own question.
Because Obama in no way received the same consideration as every other president.
We have never asked for proof or questioned the validity of any other president in history.
If you can't see that then you're blind.
Absolutely wrong ... dangerously wrong.

We have questioned EVERY presidential candidate. Obama is the first one who refused to provide the information in a timely manner, leading to speculation that he was hiding something.
Prove it.
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

McCain, Cruz

You sure stepped in that one. There has been no major birther movements against either one of those from the left. Trump did go after the Hispanic guy though but why should that shock anyone now?

Anyway, bad answer on your part but you probably know that.

Bull crap, you're full of it

Nope, I always thought McCain and Cruz met citizenship requirements. Where is that big ol' birther movement on the left?

The democrats started the McCain birther thing before the Obama birther thing was a thing. It was stupid. He was born on a US military base, obviously he was eligible to be President. Though while Obama was born in Hawaii, he'd have been eligible to be President even if he was born in Kenya. His mother was American, he was native born American.

He was one stupid idiot though for telling his publisher he was born in Kenya
Stop lying kazzing. We've already established you have no proof Obama ever told his publisher he was born in Kenya.

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