how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

You answered your own question.
Because Obama in no way received the same consideration as every other president.
We have never asked for proof or questioned the validity of any other president in history.
If you can't see that then you're blind.

Bullshit.. McCain was questioned. Anyway, there were questions as to his place of birth.. basically due to the fact that his own publicity bio claimed he was born in Kenya.

Hardly supports any claims of racism.
McCain has never been POTUS.
Obama has been a target of this since day one. Trump spent five years exploiting the birther bullshit after the birth certificate was released.

He ran for POTUS.... and he was questioned... as was Obama when he ran for POTUS.

Again, how is this racist?

John McCain was briefly questioned because John McCain was not born in the United States.

Donald Trump lied about President Obama from 2011 to 2016- claiming he was not born in the United States- even after he had seen Barack Obama's birth certificate and the state of Hawaii confirmed he was born in Hawaii.

If Trump's lies were not based on racism- why was he lying?

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You do realize Obama is just as white as he is black? So, how is any of this racist? Do you even know what racism is?

LOL- I love it when people like to point out that Obama is half white and half black.

Because of course- racists are only bigoted against people who are 100% black

Do you even know what racism is?

He ran for POTUS.... and he was questioned... as was Obama when he ran for POTUS.

Again, how is this racist?

We're talking about Trump championing the birther nonsense for five years after the BC was released.

The context is presidents. Read the quotes.

So, one more time, how is this racist!

So what was Trump's motivation to lie about America's first African American President for 5 years- if not racism?

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I have no idea why he clung to that like he did. But, to say that it was discrimination is patently absurd. You need new shtick.
Falls right in line with someone sued for discriminating against blacks.

Falls right in line?
Amazing how much you don't know you don't know.

McCain - Bluegrass Pundit: Remember the white candidate who was asked for his birth certificate? - his birth certificate.

It is amazing how gullible Birthers like you are.

In your own link it notes that John McCain has never released his birth certificate- that the one posted was a fake

McCain did not release this. It was released by the Republican who sued to keep him off the ballot, Fed Hollander. It turned out to be a fake.

John McCain's fake birth certificate - Obama Conspiracy Theories

To this day, McCain has still never released his birth certificate.

Birthers are so gullible.
Clinton never did.

Donald Trump did for 5 years.

Full Birther from 2011- 2016.

I do love how Trump wants to blame his birther idiocy on Clinton.
That's what Crazy Donald does. Just like him projecting his ill-temperament onto Hillary.

like he tries to project his criminality and bigotry and misogyny onto her.

what a wackjob he is.

Yeah blame are so uninformed.

Who should we blame for Donald going full Birther for 5 years?

5 years of lying about the first African American President of the United States.

Chief Birther from 2011-2016.

Who should we blame- if not Donald?

He was wrong, he stated as much when he said obama was born here, he's evolved on the issue.

But keep gnawing on it like a dog with a bone if it makes you feel better.

he spread that racist birfer garbage for almost eight years
Bullshit.. McCain was questioned. Anyway, there were questions as to his place of birth.. basically due to the fact that his own publicity bio claimed he was born in Kenya.

Hardly supports any claims of racism.
McCain has never been POTUS.
Obama has been a target of this since day one. Trump spent five years exploiting the birther bullshit after the birth certificate was released.

He ran for POTUS.... and he was questioned... as was Obama when he ran for POTUS.

Again, how is this racist?

John McCain was briefly questioned because John McCain was not born in the United States.

Donald Trump lied about President Obama from 2011 to 2016- claiming he was not born in the United States- even after he had seen Barack Obama's birth certificate and the state of Hawaii confirmed he was born in Hawaii.

If Trump's lies were not based on racism- why was he lying?

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You do realize Obama is just as white as he is black? So, how is any of this racist? Do you even know what racism is?

LOL- I love it when people like to point out that Obama is half white and half black.

Because of course- racists are only bigoted against people who are 100% black

Do you even know what racism is?


Apparently it is when white people question anyone who is not 100% white. Or, when I oppose illegal immigration. Or, if I think Obama's policies suck. Or, if I don't pronounce Mexico as Mehico. Or, if I send back my burrito.
Even if that were true. It's your candidate who went after that bait, fell in the trap and made it home for five years. It's Trump's baby . Deal with it.

It is true.

Did I say otherwise?

If the left is going to say racism is the reason for the birthers going full birther, then that logic also says that the Dems - including Hillary Clinton - were also racist in trying to paint obama as "less American".

Please show where anyone on the left asserted this issue repeatedly and publicly like the RW media world, pundits, candidates and elected officials have.

It doesn't exist.

Simply saying "the left started it", does nothing to absolve the right from their actions.
Like I said in a previous post, it's not so much the allegation it's self as it is the motivation to continue to suspend disbelief in favor of a disproved narrative. There obviously were some political points to be scored by Trump and others by continuing this narrative.

I never said the left started the birther issue. I said they planted the seeds of doubt that obama wasn't as "real an American" as Clinton. It was a campaign strategy. The Rs did take that and run with it re: birther issue, as I stated in my earlier post.

All I'm saying is that if the birther issue was because "racism" then the Clinton campaign's "obama is less American" was because "racism". After all, they were claiming that the first black candidate's "roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited." Must be because he's black, right? :rolleyes:

ftr, neither were racism, both had to do with obama's past ... his associates, his mentors, his upbringing, where he was raised, etc.

It was the lamestream media that carried the Barrypuppet .

Poor Dale- still pissed off that American's elected an African American as President of the United States.

The tint of one's skin doesn't matter to me at all...but it sure does to the leftard clown's all they focus on.
how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

If anyone disagree's with obummers policies they are by definition, according to progressives, "racist". They simply won't accept that you can dislike a persons policies while not caring what color he is.

Not true. If you disagree with his policies because he is a Muslim, a terrorist sympathizer, or whatever, hell bent on destroying this country, yeah you might be. Here's what John told them.

From 2008: McCain corrects woman calling Obama an "arab" - CNN Video
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

McCain, Cruz
how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

If anyone disagree's with obummers policies they are by definition, according to progressives, "racist". They simply won't accept that you can dislike a persons policies while not caring what color he is.

I disagree with President Obama every second of the day, but still found it stupid when Birthers kept on demanding more proof even after the State of Hawaii told the retards that he ( President Obama ) was born in Hawaii and not Kenya!

Now how many white Presidents had to show their long form birth certificate to the public?
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

McCain, Cruz

Donald John Trump ( Mr. Birther ) was the one going after Ted Cruz...
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

McCain, Cruz

Donald John Trump ( Mr. Birther ) was the one going after Ted Cruz...

Democrats as well. And it was just Democrats with McCain
how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

If anyone disagree's with obummers policies they are by definition, according to progressives, "racist". They simply won't accept that you can dislike a persons policies while not caring what color he is.

I disagree with President Obama every second of the day, but still found it stupid when Birthers kept on demanding more proof even after the State of Hawaii told the retards that he ( President Obama ) was born in Hawaii and not Kenya!

Now how many white Presidents had to show their long form birth certificate to the public?

How many white Presidents had articles claiming to have been born in Kenya?
Looka, I think the whole birther thing was nonsense for 2 reasons. 1., it didn't matter. Even if it came out Obama was indeed born in Kenya, the're would have been massive unrest if he was tried to e unseated. Never gonna happen. 2. It is very hard to prove one way or another.
Obama --- it wasn't his autobiography - it was in a promotional book published by his literary agent, and approved by Obama. Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya? .. it was further exacerbated when he failed to provide a copy of his birth certificate in his vetting package provided to the press. It is common practice for presidential candidates to provide a biographical packet to the press - includes things like birth certificate, residence history, curricula vitae, grade summaries, as well as any other documents that the candidate feels will reflect positively on them. Usually, this will include thesis papers, work summaries, etc. Obama's was noticeably incomplete, and that is what started the original issue.

As for nobody else releasing their birth certificate - What about Clinton's birth certificate? Bush's? Ford's? Kennedy's?

Amazing how much a Birther like you lies.

First you lied about about Barack Obama saying he was born in Kenya in his autobiography

When that lie was exposed- you switched lies:
it was in a promotional book published by his literary agent, and approved by Obama.

But as you know- it wasn't a 'promotional book'- it was a pamphlet- and there is no evidence it was ever seen or approved of by Barack Obama- and as you know- the publisher noted their error

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

On to your next lie (you were on a roll)

Spare: it was further exacerbated when he failed to provide a copy of his birth certificate in his vetting package provided to the press. It is common practice for presidential candidates to provide a biographical packet to the press - includes things like birth certificate,

Another out right lie. Barack Obama is the first Presidential candidate to ever produce his birth certificate for reporters. He published his birth certificate on June 13, 2008- the first candidate to ever do so.

Barack Obama set the precedence- since then I know of only two candidates who have shown their birth certificates- certainly on Mitt Romney- the 2012 GOP candidate- nor John McCain(his eligibility was questioned but he never released his Panama BC)- Trump has(because of his own Birther idiocy- and Cruz (because of his Canada birth)- but not any of the other GOP candidates.

So much for 'common practice'- which of course just a lie.

And as far as anyone else- great link. Note- not one of these were released by candidates- or Presidents- they were all published after leaving office- or after their deaths
As for nobody else releasing their birth certificate - What about Clinton's birth certificate? Bush's? Ford's? Kennedy's?
So- how many Presidential BC are found?
JFK- nope
LBJ- there is a copy online- dated 1961- without his first name.....
Nixon- a copy that specifies it is not a valid copy- and shows being issued in 1942- when he was 29
Jimmy Carter- no
George HW Bush- no
Bill Clinton- no
George W. Bush- no copy available online- but you might be able to go to his Presidential library and see a copy- maybe.

LOL- Birthers......if you couldn't lie, you couldn't post on USMB.

McCain has never been POTUS.
Obama has been a target of this since day one. Trump spent five years exploiting the birther bullshit after the birth certificate was released.

He ran for POTUS.... and he was questioned... as was Obama when he ran for POTUS.

Again, how is this racist?

John McCain was briefly questioned because John McCain was not born in the United States.

Donald Trump lied about President Obama from 2011 to 2016- claiming he was not born in the United States- even after he had seen Barack Obama's birth certificate and the state of Hawaii confirmed he was born in Hawaii.

If Trump's lies were not based on racism- why was he lying?

View attachment 91600

You do realize Obama is just as white as he is black? So, how is any of this racist? Do you even know what racism is?

LOL- I love it when people like to point out that Obama is half white and half black.

Because of course- racists are only bigoted against people who are 100% black

Do you even know what racism is?


Apparently it is when white people question anyone who is not 100% white. Or, when I oppose illegal immigration. Or, if I think Obama's policies suck. Or, if I don't pronounce Mexico as Mehico. Or, if I send back my burrito.

Actually it is when Donald Trump lies about the place of birth of the first African American President in the United States.

Looka, I think the whole birther thing was nonsense for 2 reasons. 1., it didn't matter. Even if it came out Obama was indeed born in Kenya, the're would have been massive unrest if he was tried to e unseated. Never gonna happen. 2. It is very hard to prove one way or another.

So you agree that it was 'nonsense' for Donald Trump to go full Birther for 5 years- but you think it is 'very hard to prove one way or another'?

What is hard about this? After April 27, 2011- the only ones 'questioning' Barack Obama's place of birth were lying- maybe because of racism- or maybe because of partisan politics- but they were lying to attack the first African American President of the United States.



Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

McCain, Cruz

Donald John Trump ( Mr. Birther ) was the one going after Ted Cruz...

Democrats as well. And it was just Democrats with McCain

Actually, Democrats, including Barack Obama, openly sided with John McCain.

There was never any question of where John McCain was born- the question was(much like Cruz) whether a person born outside the United States could be a natural born citizen of the United States. The issue was being discussed by legal scholars for that issue.

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