how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

I am just as much of a paid shill as you are- its just I am not getting paid as much as you are being paid.

Which one is you?

Email chain started by Clinton campaign, December 2007.

I know you don't like that, but keep trying.

At least, every time you post, you get $0.20 by Correct the Record.

"Congrats, 5 pesos will be deposited to your paypal account. Love, Hillary."

Where's the email?

Why do you refuse to show it?

Good question, where is the email?

She successfully hid 33,000 emails under subpoena and while everyone was watching, hiding few from her 2008 campaign sure are not problem.

However, we discussed this earlier and unnamed "person" from her campaign that started the email chain was forced to resign.

Sooooo, you're just one of those paid shills happy with $0.20 per post. Good job.

"Congrats, 5 pesos will be deposited to your paypal account. Love, Hillary."
Also, they are not "unnamed." I gave you the name of one of them earlier.... Judy Rose. The other was Linda Olson. You really have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Highlighted in the reality that your claims they started the birther movement stand in stark contrast of that email stating Obama was born in Hawaii.

Not a shock when Birthers also believe that Clinton killed Vince Foster.

Nutjob conspiracy theorists tend to believe all of the Conspiracy theories.

The number of dead bodies that turned up under mysterious circumstances is unbelievably longr)

The number of tin foil hat conspiracy theorists is what is unbelievably long.

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BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! You are one of the sheeple...

And by 'sheeple' you mean a rational patriotic American- yes- I am one of those.

No, I mean someone like you with no critical thinking skills.?

Birthers have no critical thinking skills- you believe every Konspiracy theory on Youtube.
how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?
Any white guy can walk up to the first black president of the United States and demand his birth certificate. And because the guy is white and the President is black, the President is supposed to do what the white guy says. And after the president is finished proving who he was all along, the white guy should be applauded for teaching that black president a "lesson".

Turn that into your grade school teacher and you're going to get an F.
You get an F for lying, not telling the truth.

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