how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

Anything that's about Obama place of birth is birtherism. Hillary started that talk. Others just followed.
Still no such quote from Hillary or her campaign?

That only means you're still lying.

Oh well, c'est la vie.

Once again I bitchslap you........

It's hysterical how you continually throw out losing arguments and then declare yourself the winner.

Politico, who wrongly attributing the start of birtherism to Hillary supporters, dated that back to April, 2008 ...

But by then, it had already appeared on a rightwing forum...

March 1st, 2008

FR CONTEST: "Pin the Middle Name on the Obama"

I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.

Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.

Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.

Long time ago but there may be some residual information somewhere. Good ammo (if available and true) BEST USED AFTER he becomes PREZ (if that occurs) and it’s too late for Dems - except accept the VP.

... and then a few days later on a rightwing blog ...

March 5th, 2008


Add to the family history shown in this article that Obama's mother was allegedly visiting Kenya with Obama's father in the final months of her pregnancy and was not allowed to board a flight in her late term to return home.

She allegedly had Obama in Kenya and quickly boarded a flight to Hawaii. Airlines do not accept late term pregancies but do not refuse passage to a newborn, usually issuing a 10% or free fare ticket for the trip.

Once in Hawaii, his mother registered him as being born in Hawaii.

Apart from his bloodline making him an Arab American NOT an African American, (his African blood only reaches less than 7% and insufficient to qualify for Federal standards of a minimum 12.5% as a given minority) he may not even be born in the USA, and unlike McCain without being on an American military base and with BOTH parents being Americans.

He adopted the African American persona to qualify for minority Black benefits such as college admission etc.

His father, registered by the government as Arab African in Kenya, is the last to be able to claim African ethnicity. Obama's White mother diluted him to where his only minority claim can be as Arab American.

His last link to African claim rests with his MATERNAL grandmother, not his father's side of the family, who are all Arabs.

Obama's Arab affiliations and activist family ties make him a scary candidate to be our president, though he has a great personality and oratory.

Hillary and husband Bill are no less frightening.

Read the article provided by the link and decide for yourself.

G'head ... tell me again how you bitch slap me and how you're smarter than me.


Dates don't impress here. Because the nation doesn't read "Ruthless Roundup" or whatever.
What IMPRESSES me are the dates it entered into the national dialogue. And THOSE dates are from the 2008 campaign and you know very well who flung that poo into the press.

They do read

Who reads Free Republic? Does CNN, NYTimes, NBC source news OUT of Free Republic?
Anything that's about Obama place of birth is birtherism. Hillary started that talk. Others just followed.
Still no such quote from Hillary or her campaign?

That only means you're still lying.

Oh well, c'est la vie.

Once again I bitchslap you........

It's hysterical how you continually throw out losing arguments and then declare yourself the winner.

Politico, who wrongly attributing the start of birtherism to Hillary supporters, dated that back to April, 2008 ...

But by then, it had already appeared on a rightwing forum...

March 1st, 2008

FR CONTEST: "Pin the Middle Name on the Obama"

I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.

Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.

Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.

Long time ago but there may be some residual information somewhere. Good ammo (if available and true) BEST USED AFTER he becomes PREZ (if that occurs) and it’s too late for Dems - except accept the VP.

... and then a few days later on a rightwing blog ...

March 5th, 2008


Add to the family history shown in this article that Obama's mother was allegedly visiting Kenya with Obama's father in the final months of her pregnancy and was not allowed to board a flight in her late term to return home.

She allegedly had Obama in Kenya and quickly boarded a flight to Hawaii. Airlines do not accept late term pregancies but do not refuse passage to a newborn, usually issuing a 10% or free fare ticket for the trip.

Once in Hawaii, his mother registered him as being born in Hawaii.

Apart from his bloodline making him an Arab American NOT an African American, (his African blood only reaches less than 7% and insufficient to qualify for Federal standards of a minimum 12.5% as a given minority) he may not even be born in the USA, and unlike McCain without being on an American military base and with BOTH parents being Americans.

He adopted the African American persona to qualify for minority Black benefits such as college admission etc.

His father, registered by the government as Arab African in Kenya, is the last to be able to claim African ethnicity. Obama's White mother diluted him to where his only minority claim can be as Arab American.

His last link to African claim rests with his MATERNAL grandmother, not his father's side of the family, who are all Arabs.

Obama's Arab affiliations and activist family ties make him a scary candidate to be our president, though he has a great personality and oratory.

Hillary and husband Bill are no less frightening.

Read the article provided by the link and decide for yourself.

G'head ... tell me again how you bitch slap me and how you're smarter than me.


It was NEVER brought to the forefront until Hitlery's ardent supporters passed an e-mail around...and why would the opposition give a shit about the birthplace of the Barrypuppet when Hitlery was the favorite???

Once lose. You should be use to this by now.


Your dementia is noted as usual, but where it started is where it was first found. And since you're insane, I'll help you out by informing you that March, 2008, came before April, 2008.

Chain e-mails by Hillary Clinton started the debate.....and that is a fact. Deal with it. (snicker)
It was NEVER brought to the forefront until Hitlery's ardent supporters passed an e-mail around...and why would the opposition give a shit about the birthplace of the Barrypuppet when Hitlery was the favorite???

Once lose. You should be use to this by now.


There is NEVER evidence when Hillary does something. So she claims.

There is no evidence linking Hillary to Vince Foster death. Of course not, since FBI files were removed from National Archive.
There is no evidence of Hillary involvement in Whitewater. Or course not, all files linking them to Whitewater Development somehow dissapear.
There is no evidence linking Hillary to Filegate. Of course not, after being fingerprinted, nothing was found. At least not initially.
There is no evidence of Bills affair with Monica, it's vast right wing conspiracy. Of course, until little blue dress shows up.
There is no evidence she sent or received any classified emails on her email server. Of course not, bleachbit works pretty good. However, FBI investigation proves otherwise.

Examples are endless, so are her lies.
Still no such quote from Hillary or her campaign?

That only means you're still lying.

Oh well, c'est la vie.

Once again I bitchslap you........

It's hysterical how you continually throw out losing arguments and then declare yourself the winner.

Politico, who wrongly attributing the start of birtherism to Hillary supporters, dated that back to April, 2008 ...

But by then, it had already appeared on a rightwing forum...

March 1st, 2008

FR CONTEST: "Pin the Middle Name on the Obama"

I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.

Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.

Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.

Long time ago but there may be some residual information somewhere. Good ammo (if available and true) BEST USED AFTER he becomes PREZ (if that occurs) and it’s too late for Dems - except accept the VP.

... and then a few days later on a rightwing blog ...

March 5th, 2008


Add to the family history shown in this article that Obama's mother was allegedly visiting Kenya with Obama's father in the final months of her pregnancy and was not allowed to board a flight in her late term to return home.

She allegedly had Obama in Kenya and quickly boarded a flight to Hawaii. Airlines do not accept late term pregancies but do not refuse passage to a newborn, usually issuing a 10% or free fare ticket for the trip.

Once in Hawaii, his mother registered him as being born in Hawaii.

Apart from his bloodline making him an Arab American NOT an African American, (his African blood only reaches less than 7% and insufficient to qualify for Federal standards of a minimum 12.5% as a given minority) he may not even be born in the USA, and unlike McCain without being on an American military base and with BOTH parents being Americans.

He adopted the African American persona to qualify for minority Black benefits such as college admission etc.

His father, registered by the government as Arab African in Kenya, is the last to be able to claim African ethnicity. Obama's White mother diluted him to where his only minority claim can be as Arab American.

His last link to African claim rests with his MATERNAL grandmother, not his father's side of the family, who are all Arabs.

Obama's Arab affiliations and activist family ties make him a scary candidate to be our president, though he has a great personality and oratory.

Hillary and husband Bill are no less frightening.

Read the article provided by the link and decide for yourself.

G'head ... tell me again how you bitch slap me and how you're smarter than me.


Dates don't impress here. Because the nation doesn't read "Ruthless Roundup" or whatever.
What IMPRESSES me are the dates it entered into the national dialogue. And THOSE dates are from the 2008 campaign and you know very well who flung that poo into the press.

They do read

Who reads Free Republic? Does CNN, NYTimes, NBC source news OUT of Free Republic?

Many, many conservatives and Republicans. It even spawned the name, "freeper," to describe rightwingers since many often visit that site.
It was NEVER brought to the forefront until Hitlery's ardent supporters passed an e-mail around...and why would the opposition give a shit about the birthplace of the Barrypuppet when Hitlery was the favorite???

Once lose. You should be use to this by now.


There is NEVER evidence when Hillary does something. So she claims.

There is no evidence linking Hillary to Vince Foster death. Of course not, since FBI files were removed from National Archive.
There is no evidence of Hillary involvement in Whitewater. Or course not, all files linking them to Whitewater Development somehow dissapear.
There is no evidence linking Hillary to Filegate. Of course not, after being fingerprinted, nothing was found. At least not initially.
There is no evidence of Bills affair with Monica, it's vast right wing conspiracy. Of course, until little blue dress shows up.
There is no evidence she sent or received any classified emails on her email server. Of course not, bleachbit works pretty good. However, FBI investigation proves otherwise.

Examples are endless, so are her lies.
How convenient to blame people without the burden of having to prove your baseless claims. :lmao:

Who needs more evidence than that admission from you that you can't prove shit?
Once again I bitchslap you........

It's hysterical how you continually throw out losing arguments and then declare yourself the winner.

Politico, who wrongly attributing the start of birtherism to Hillary supporters, dated that back to April, 2008 ...

But by then, it had already appeared on a rightwing forum...

March 1st, 2008

FR CONTEST: "Pin the Middle Name on the Obama"

I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.

Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.

Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.

Long time ago but there may be some residual information somewhere. Good ammo (if available and true) BEST USED AFTER he becomes PREZ (if that occurs) and it’s too late for Dems - except accept the VP.

... and then a few days later on a rightwing blog ...

March 5th, 2008


Add to the family history shown in this article that Obama's mother was allegedly visiting Kenya with Obama's father in the final months of her pregnancy and was not allowed to board a flight in her late term to return home.

She allegedly had Obama in Kenya and quickly boarded a flight to Hawaii. Airlines do not accept late term pregancies but do not refuse passage to a newborn, usually issuing a 10% or free fare ticket for the trip.

Once in Hawaii, his mother registered him as being born in Hawaii.

Apart from his bloodline making him an Arab American NOT an African American, (his African blood only reaches less than 7% and insufficient to qualify for Federal standards of a minimum 12.5% as a given minority) he may not even be born in the USA, and unlike McCain without being on an American military base and with BOTH parents being Americans.

He adopted the African American persona to qualify for minority Black benefits such as college admission etc.

His father, registered by the government as Arab African in Kenya, is the last to be able to claim African ethnicity. Obama's White mother diluted him to where his only minority claim can be as Arab American.

His last link to African claim rests with his MATERNAL grandmother, not his father's side of the family, who are all Arabs.

Obama's Arab affiliations and activist family ties make him a scary candidate to be our president, though he has a great personality and oratory.

Hillary and husband Bill are no less frightening.

Read the article provided by the link and decide for yourself.

G'head ... tell me again how you bitch slap me and how you're smarter than me.


Dates don't impress here. Because the nation doesn't read "Ruthless Roundup" or whatever.
What IMPRESSES me are the dates it entered into the national dialogue. And THOSE dates are from the 2008 campaign and you know very well who flung that poo into the press.

They do read

Who reads Free Republic? Does CNN, NYTimes, NBC source news OUT of Free Republic?

Many, many conservatives and Republicans. It even spawned the name, "freeper," to describe rightwingers since many often visit that site.

Only thing that matters is when it becomes a national story. Plenty of crap on the Internet that's based on merely nothing. When ABC news picks it up and it STILL doesn't have nothing concrete -- but it becomes a CAMPAIGN issue -- then it counts.
It was NEVER brought to the forefront until Hitlery's ardent supporters passed an e-mail around...and why would the opposition give a shit about the birthplace of the Barrypuppet when Hitlery was the favorite???

Once lose. You should be use to this by now.


There is NEVER evidence when Hillary does something. So she claims.

There is no evidence linking Hillary to Vince Foster death. Of course not, since FBI files were removed from National Archive.
There is no evidence of Hillary involvement in Whitewater. Or course not, all files linking them to Whitewater Development somehow dissapear.
There is no evidence linking Hillary to Filegate. Of course not, after being fingerprinted, nothing was found. At least not initially.
There is no evidence of Bills affair with Monica, it's vast right wing conspiracy. Of course, until little blue dress shows up.
There is no evidence she sent or received any classified emails on her email server. Of course not, bleachbit works pretty good. However, FBI investigation proves otherwise.

Examples are endless, so are her lies.
How convenient to blame people without the burden of having to prove your baseless claims. :lmao:

Who needs more evidence than that admission from you that you can't prove shit?

Email chain started by Clinton campaign, December 2007.

I know you don't like that, but keep trying.

At least, every time you post, you get $0.20 by Correct the Record.

"Congrats, 5 pesos will be deposited to your paypal account. Love, Hillary."
Still no such quote from Hillary or her campaign?

That only means you're still lying.

Oh well, c'est la vie.

Once again I bitchslap you........

It's hysterical how you continually throw out losing arguments and then declare yourself the winner.

Politico, who wrongly attributing the start of birtherism to Hillary supporters, dated that back to April, 2008 ...

But by then, it had already appeared on a rightwing forum...

March 1st, 2008

FR CONTEST: "Pin the Middle Name on the Obama"

I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.

Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.

Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.

Long time ago but there may be some residual information somewhere. Good ammo (if available and true) BEST USED AFTER he becomes PREZ (if that occurs) and it’s too late for Dems - except accept the VP.

... and then a few days later on a rightwing blog ...

March 5th, 2008


Add to the family history shown in this article that Obama's mother was allegedly visiting Kenya with Obama's father in the final months of her pregnancy and was not allowed to board a flight in her late term to return home.

She allegedly had Obama in Kenya and quickly boarded a flight to Hawaii. Airlines do not accept late term pregancies but do not refuse passage to a newborn, usually issuing a 10% or free fare ticket for the trip.

Once in Hawaii, his mother registered him as being born in Hawaii.

Apart from his bloodline making him an Arab American NOT an African American, (his African blood only reaches less than 7% and insufficient to qualify for Federal standards of a minimum 12.5% as a given minority) he may not even be born in the USA, and unlike McCain without being on an American military base and with BOTH parents being Americans.

He adopted the African American persona to qualify for minority Black benefits such as college admission etc.

His father, registered by the government as Arab African in Kenya, is the last to be able to claim African ethnicity. Obama's White mother diluted him to where his only minority claim can be as Arab American.

His last link to African claim rests with his MATERNAL grandmother, not his father's side of the family, who are all Arabs.

Obama's Arab affiliations and activist family ties make him a scary candidate to be our president, though he has a great personality and oratory.

Hillary and husband Bill are no less frightening.

Read the article provided by the link and decide for yourself.

G'head ... tell me again how you bitch slap me and how you're smarter than me.


It was NEVER brought to the forefront until Hitlery's ardent supporters passed an e-mail around...and why would the opposition give a shit about the birthplace of the Barrypuppet when Hitlery was the favorite???

Once lose. You should be use to this by now.


Your dementia is noted as usual, but where it started is where it was first found. And since you're insane, I'll help you out by informing you that March, 2008, came before April, 2008.

Chain e-mails by Hillary Clinton started the debate.....and that is a fact. Deal with it. (snicker)

Nutcase ... again ... March, 2008, came before April, 2008.

Please make a note of it.
It was NEVER brought to the forefront until Hitlery's ardent supporters passed an e-mail around...and why would the opposition give a shit about the birthplace of the Barrypuppet when Hitlery was the favorite???

Once lose. You should be use to this by now.


There is NEVER evidence when Hillary does something. So she claims.

There is no evidence linking Hillary to Vince Foster death. Of course not, since FBI files were removed from National Archive.
There is no evidence of Hillary involvement in Whitewater. Or course not, all files linking them to Whitewater Development somehow dissapear.
There is no evidence linking Hillary to Filegate. Of course not, after being fingerprinted, nothing was found. At least not initially.
There is no evidence of Bills affair with Monica, it's vast right wing conspiracy. Of course, until little blue dress shows up.
There is no evidence she sent or received any classified emails on her email server. Of course not, bleachbit works pretty good. However, FBI investigation proves otherwise.

Examples are endless, so are her lies.
How convenient to blame people without the burden of having to prove your baseless claims. :lmao:

Who needs more evidence than that admission from you that you can't prove shit?

Email chain started by Clinton campaign, December 2007.

I know you don't like that, but keep trying.

At least, every time you post, you get $0.20 by Correct the Record.

"Congrats, 5 pesos will be deposited to your paypal account. Love, Hillary."
There was no email chain by the Hillary campaign in 2007 which claimed Obama was born in Kenya. That you have to lie speaks volumes.
It's hysterical how you continually throw out losing arguments and then declare yourself the winner.

Politico, who wrongly attributing the start of birtherism to Hillary supporters, dated that back to April, 2008 ...

But by then, it had already appeared on a rightwing forum...

March 1st, 2008

FR CONTEST: "Pin the Middle Name on the Obama"

I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.

Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.

Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.

Long time ago but there may be some residual information somewhere. Good ammo (if available and true) BEST USED AFTER he becomes PREZ (if that occurs) and it’s too late for Dems - except accept the VP.

... and then a few days later on a rightwing blog ...

March 5th, 2008


Add to the family history shown in this article that Obama's mother was allegedly visiting Kenya with Obama's father in the final months of her pregnancy and was not allowed to board a flight in her late term to return home.

She allegedly had Obama in Kenya and quickly boarded a flight to Hawaii. Airlines do not accept late term pregancies but do not refuse passage to a newborn, usually issuing a 10% or free fare ticket for the trip.

Once in Hawaii, his mother registered him as being born in Hawaii.

Apart from his bloodline making him an Arab American NOT an African American, (his African blood only reaches less than 7% and insufficient to qualify for Federal standards of a minimum 12.5% as a given minority) he may not even be born in the USA, and unlike McCain without being on an American military base and with BOTH parents being Americans.

He adopted the African American persona to qualify for minority Black benefits such as college admission etc.

His father, registered by the government as Arab African in Kenya, is the last to be able to claim African ethnicity. Obama's White mother diluted him to where his only minority claim can be as Arab American.

His last link to African claim rests with his MATERNAL grandmother, not his father's side of the family, who are all Arabs.

Obama's Arab affiliations and activist family ties make him a scary candidate to be our president, though he has a great personality and oratory.

Hillary and husband Bill are no less frightening.

Read the article provided by the link and decide for yourself.

G'head ... tell me again how you bitch slap me and how you're smarter than me.


Dates don't impress here. Because the nation doesn't read "Ruthless Roundup" or whatever.
What IMPRESSES me are the dates it entered into the national dialogue. And THOSE dates are from the 2008 campaign and you know very well who flung that poo into the press.
They do read

Who reads Free Republic? Does CNN, NYTimes, NBC source news OUT of Free Republic?
Many, many conservatives and Republicans. It even spawned the name, "freeper," to describe rightwingers since many often visit that site.

Only thing that matters is when it becomes a national story. Plenty of crap on the Internet that's based on merely nothing. When ABC news picks it up and it STILL doesn't have nothing concrete -- but it becomes a CAMPAIGN issue -- then it counts.
Nonsense. That is not all that matters. Where it started is easily traceable. It then spread to rightwing blogs. It's possible that Hillary supporters then passed it on but it started on a rightwing forum. And it's also debatable that Hillary supporters spread it. Though it's fair to claim they had the most to gain, the claim is that the folks who sent the emails were anonymous, so they can't even be identified as Hillary supporters other than to speculate since they had the most to gain.
There was no email chain by the Hillary campaign in 2007 which claimed Obama was born in Kenya. That you have to lie speaks volumes.

Keep trying.

"Congrats, 5 pesos will be deposited to your paypal account. Love, Hillary."

The idiotic claims about his selective service registration have been thoroughly debunked right down to his registration being on file, which would not have been the case had he not registered.

Don't you freaks ever learn??

never debunked, here's my argument, real simple amigo: show me one just like it. or even close to it. you obots are quite careless.

then we can move on to special waiver, and the way les kinsolving was treated in the whitehouse "newsroom".

people are sitting on family archives, papers, documents.

one thing we all agree on is that president's original documentation was processed through various state and federal agencies.

so too are other records, of the people who came just before him, and those who came just after him. so let's pull back the layers on that as a historical start. :)

Oh, for fuck's sake. Even rightwing media finally admitted this is debunked...

After contacting the Selective Service System for an answer several times since late June, Pajamas Media obtained official confirmation from the Selective Service System via email that Barack Obama did indeed register for the Selective Service as required by law, and is to run for the presidency.

Mr. Owens,

Barack Hussein Obama registered at a post office in Hawaii. The effective registration date was September 4, 1980.

His registration number is 61-1125539-1.

Daniel Amon

Public Affairs Specialist

Barack Obama fulfilled his Selective Service obligation and has every legal right to run for the presidency of the United States.

If opponents wish to see him defeated, they'll have to see it done in the political arena.

look, it's not about the media , or you guys or Trump. just scenery along the birther trail.

That proof is not about the media. That confirmation comes from the Selective Service System, which confirmed his registration was recorded on 9.4.1980.

You can talk all day long about the post mark, his signature, whatever you want -- you'll never overcome the burden of proof his record on file provides.

it's stunning to think the whole think could be contrived, as i continue to believe it is.

you can talk all day too, but we still haven't seen the original birth certificate, if there is one. the rest of his story is swiss cheese.
The idiotic claims about his selective service registration have been thoroughly debunked right down to his registration being on file, which would not have been the case had he not registered.

Don't you freaks ever learn??
never debunked, here's my argument, real simple amigo: show me one just like it. or even close to it. you obots are quite careless.

then we can move on to special waiver, and the way les kinsolving was treated in the whitehouse "newsroom".

people are sitting on family archives, papers, documents.

one thing we all agree on is that president's original documentation was processed through various state and federal agencies.

so too are other records, of the people who came just before him, and those who came just after him. so let's pull back the layers on that as a historical start. :)

Oh, for fuck's sake. Even rightwing media finally admitted this is debunked...

After contacting the Selective Service System for an answer several times since late June, Pajamas Media obtained official confirmation from the Selective Service System via email that Barack Obama did indeed register for the Selective Service as required by law, and is to run for the presidency.

Mr. Owens,

Barack Hussein Obama registered at a post office in Hawaii. The effective registration date was September 4, 1980.

His registration number is 61-1125539-1.

Daniel Amon

Public Affairs Specialist

Barack Obama fulfilled his Selective Service obligation and has every legal right to run for the presidency of the United States.

If opponents wish to see him defeated, they'll have to see it done in the political arena.

look, it's not about the media , or you guys or Trump. just scenery along the birther trail.

That proof is not about the media. That confirmation comes from the Selective Service System, which confirmed his registration was recorded on 9.4.1980.

You can talk all day long about the post mark, his signature, whatever you want -- you'll never overcome the burden of proof his record on file provides.

it's stunning to think the whole think could be contrived, as i continue to believe it is.

you can talk all day too, but we still haven't seen the original birth certificate, if there is one. the rest of his story is swiss cheese.

The original is irrelevant. Many people lose their originals and have to order copies from the state where they were born. Obama requested copies of his and the state of Hawaii provided him certified copies.
never debunked, here's my argument, real simple amigo: show me one just like it. or even close to it. you obots are quite careless.

then we can move on to special waiver, and the way les kinsolving was treated in the whitehouse "newsroom".

people are sitting on family archives, papers, documents.

one thing we all agree on is that president's original documentation was processed through various state and federal agencies.

so too are other records, of the people who came just before him, and those who came just after him. so let's pull back the layers on that as a historical start. :)

Oh, for fuck's sake. Even rightwing media finally admitted this is debunked...

After contacting the Selective Service System for an answer several times since late June, Pajamas Media obtained official confirmation from the Selective Service System via email that Barack Obama did indeed register for the Selective Service as required by law, and is to run for the presidency.

Mr. Owens,

Barack Hussein Obama registered at a post office in Hawaii. The effective registration date was September 4, 1980.

His registration number is 61-1125539-1.

Daniel Amon

Public Affairs Specialist

Barack Obama fulfilled his Selective Service obligation and has every legal right to run for the presidency of the United States.

If opponents wish to see him defeated, they'll have to see it done in the political arena.

look, it's not about the media , or you guys or Trump. just scenery along the birther trail.

That proof is not about the media. That confirmation comes from the Selective Service System, which confirmed his registration was recorded on 9.4.1980.

You can talk all day long about the post mark, his signature, whatever you want -- you'll never overcome the burden of proof his record on file provides.

it's stunning to think the whole think could be contrived, as i continue to believe it is.

you can talk all day too, but we still haven't seen the original birth certificate, if there is one. the rest of his story is swiss cheese.

The original is irrelevant. Many people lose their originals and have to order copies from the state where they were born. Obama requested copies of his and the state of Hawaii provided him certified copies.

but they said there is one, we just can't see it, and wonder why. it's ok to disagree on this.
Except once again- Hillary Clinton never said anything about any of those things.

Maybe not in public. As latest WikiLeaks dump presents, in one of her paid speeches she stated that she have public and private political positions. I believe she does, and that her private positions will not get her elected..

Now all you need to do is find that 'secret' Birther tape......that you are convinced must exist.

Because what we know right now is that
a) Hillary Clinton never questioned Barack Obama's place of Birth
b) Donald Trump championed Birtherism for 5 years- 2011- 2016- lying to the American people about our President for 5 years.

There is no need for a tape. Birther rumors started in her camp. Barry's photo came from her camp. Muslim rumors started in her camp. Drug dealer rumors started in her camp. You may deny all you want, and that's fine... that's normal for leftists.

Except of course 'her camp' never started any of those. And of course Clinton never once suggested that Barack Obama was not born in the United States, or had a forged Birth Ceritificate.

Donald Trump of course lied about President Obama's place of birth and his birth certificate for 5 years.

Why do you think Trump lied to you for 5 years?

How very Trump like of you to try to divert attention from Donald Trump's birther lies to attack Clinton.
It's hysterical how you continually throw out losing arguments and then declare yourself the winner.

Politico, who wrongly attributing the start of birtherism to Hillary supporters, dated that back to April, 2008 ...

But by then, it had already appeared on a rightwing forum...

March 1st, 2008

FR CONTEST: "Pin the Middle Name on the Obama"

I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.

Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.

Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.

Long time ago but there may be some residual information somewhere. Good ammo (if available and true) BEST USED AFTER he becomes PREZ (if that occurs) and it’s too late for Dems - except accept the VP.

... and then a few days later on a rightwing blog ...

March 5th, 2008


Add to the family history shown in this article that Obama's mother was allegedly visiting Kenya with Obama's father in the final months of her pregnancy and was not allowed to board a flight in her late term to return home.

She allegedly had Obama in Kenya and quickly boarded a flight to Hawaii. Airlines do not accept late term pregancies but do not refuse passage to a newborn, usually issuing a 10% or free fare ticket for the trip.

Once in Hawaii, his mother registered him as being born in Hawaii.

Apart from his bloodline making him an Arab American NOT an African American, (his African blood only reaches less than 7% and insufficient to qualify for Federal standards of a minimum 12.5% as a given minority) he may not even be born in the USA, and unlike McCain without being on an American military base and with BOTH parents being Americans.

He adopted the African American persona to qualify for minority Black benefits such as college admission etc.

His father, registered by the government as Arab African in Kenya, is the last to be able to claim African ethnicity. Obama's White mother diluted him to where his only minority claim can be as Arab American.

His last link to African claim rests with his MATERNAL grandmother, not his father's side of the family, who are all Arabs.

Obama's Arab affiliations and activist family ties make him a scary candidate to be our president, though he has a great personality and oratory.

Hillary and husband Bill are no less frightening.

Read the article provided by the link and decide for yourself.

G'head ... tell me again how you bitch slap me and how you're smarter than me.


Dates don't impress here. Because the nation doesn't read "Ruthless Roundup" or whatever.
What IMPRESSES me are the dates it entered into the national dialogue. And THOSE dates are from the 2008 campaign and you know very well who flung that poo into the press.
They do read

Who reads Free Republic? Does CNN, NYTimes, NBC source news OUT of Free Republic?
Many, many conservatives and Republicans. It even spawned the name, "freeper," to describe rightwingers since many often visit that site.

Only thing that matters is when it becomes a national story. Plenty of crap on the Internet that's based on merely nothing. When ABC news picks it up and it STILL doesn't have nothing concrete -- but it becomes a CAMPAIGN issue -- then it counts.

Then Donald Trump is the original Birther.

Because Birtherism was barely mentioned in national news until Trump took up the cause- trying to make it a campaign issue in 2012.

Yes- the origin of the suggestion that Barack Obama was really born in Kenya started with Right wing blogs, and then spread onto the internet. A few true blue wingnuts took up the cause and became the first real birthers- but until Donald Trump took up the cause- it was a fringe movement on the fringe.
It was NEVER brought to the forefront until Hitlery's ardent supporters passed an e-mail around...and why would the opposition give a shit about the birthplace of the Barrypuppet when Hitlery was the favorite???

Once lose. You should be use to this by now.


There is NEVER evidence when Hillary does something. So she claims.

There is no evidence linking Hillary to Vince Foster death. Of course not, since FBI files were removed from National Archive.

Not a shock when Birthers also believe that Clinton killed Vince Foster.

Nutjob conspiracy theorists tend to believe all of the Conspiracy theories.
Birthers don't need an actual quote when they can rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.

That is exactly why Hillary IS the original birther.f.

Very Birther- relying on lies, speculation and innuendo.

If she hadn't started it, she wouldn't be original one.

Well that settled it- since Hillary Clinton didn't start it- Trump was just spouting more of his Birther lies.
With the exception of falsely claiming he wasn't born in the U.S., none of that other stuff is birtherism. So when you falsely accuse Hillary of starting the birther movement, you're falsely accusing her of claiming he wasn't born in Hawaii. The other stuff is irrelevant to that. And since you can't quote her or her campaign making any such claims, all you can do is what you are doing -- lie.

Anything that's about Obama place of birth is birtherism. Hillary started that talk. Others just followed.
Still no such quote from Hillary or her campaign?

That only means you're still lying.

Oh well, c'est la vie.

Once again I bitchslap you........

It's hysterical how you continually throw out losing arguments and then declare yourself the winner.

Politico, who wrongly attributing the start of birtherism to Hillary supporters, dated that back to April, 2008 ...

But by then, it had already appeared on a rightwing forum...

March 1st, 2008

FR CONTEST: "Pin the Middle Name on the Obama"

I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.

Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.

Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.

Long time ago but there may be some residual information somewhere. Good ammo (if available and true) BEST USED AFTER he becomes PREZ (if that occurs) and it’s too late for Dems - except accept the VP.

... and then a few days later on a rightwing blog ...

March 5th, 2008


Add to the family history shown in this article that Obama's mother was allegedly visiting Kenya with Obama's father in the final months of her pregnancy and was not allowed to board a flight in her late term to return home.

She allegedly had Obama in Kenya and quickly boarded a flight to Hawaii. Airlines do not accept late term pregancies but do not refuse passage to a newborn, usually issuing a 10% or free fare ticket for the trip.

Once in Hawaii, his mother registered him as being born in Hawaii.

Apart from his bloodline making him an Arab American NOT an African American, (his African blood only reaches less than 7% and insufficient to qualify for Federal standards of a minimum 12.5% as a given minority) he may not even be born in the USA, and unlike McCain without being on an American military base and with BOTH parents being Americans.

He adopted the African American persona to qualify for minority Black benefits such as college admission etc.

His father, registered by the government as Arab African in Kenya, is the last to be able to claim African ethnicity. Obama's White mother diluted him to where his only minority claim can be as Arab American.

His last link to African claim rests with his MATERNAL grandmother, not his father's side of the family, who are all Arabs.

Obama's Arab affiliations and activist family ties make him a scary candidate to be our president, though he has a great personality and oratory.

Hillary and husband Bill are no less frightening.

Read the article provided by the link and decide for yourself.

G'head ... tell me again how you bitch slap me and how you're smarter than me.


Dates don't impress here. Because the nation doesn't read "Ruthless Roundup" or whatever.
What IMPRESSES me are the dates it entered into the national dialogue. And THOSE dates are from the 2008 campaign and you know very well who flung that poo into the press.

When did it 'enter' the national dialogue?

Not really until the lawsuit was filed in August 2008.

And it wasn't filed by Hillary Clinton but by a nutjob Democrat.

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