how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

The Clinton and Bush crime families are thicker than thieves and are considered a protected class.....hello??

Who knew?

Do you guys with the tin foil hats get together for meetings, with prizes for the most outrageous new conspiracy theories.

The simplest explanation is probably more logical:

Knowing that everything they do is under the highest level of scrutiny possible, the Clintons run a clean ship. They are basically honest and decent people, dedicated to public service, and together, they have accomplished amazing things. However, they are human, and as such have made mistakes. They have publically acknowledged their mistakes: Haiti, Libya, emails, Bill's women.

Republicans have always known that the only way to defeat the Clintons, is to make stuff up about them. To spread lies, gossip and rumours that make them appear odious to decent people, so they twist ever possible thing, to cast them in the worst light. They publically said that the purpose of the Benghazi Hearings was to be able to tear down Hillary Clinton's reputation with the public, and since her approval ratings and trustworthiness was being questioned by the public, they considered the program to be a success.

Try looking into the work of the Clinton Foundation. 75% of the children with AIDS in Africa, and 50% of the adults with AIDS in Africa, receive life saving drugs from the Clinton Foundation. Their programs are providing staff and supplies for schools and hospitals in Africa, micro loans for small businesses, and education for girls. This is where the Clinton Foundation spends 88% of the funds raised.

Fact checking, reading reports from outside the US, actually learning about the people you're voting for, and their history and their record makes a huge difference. Hillary's so-called corruption is based of rumours started by Republicans to discredit her candidacy. Just as Donald Trump spent the past 5 years trying to discredit President Obama based on the lie he wasn't an American, Republicans have spent the last 20 years, telling various lies about Hillary Clinton.

Many of your still believe Barack Obama wasn't born in Hawaii, because you've been lied to for so long. Republicans have been lying about Hillary Clinton for far longer.
LOL- you can't find a single example of Clinton attacking Obama for his birth certificate or his place of birth.

But Trump lies about President Obama's birth certificate for 5 years and now wants to blame Clinton for his Birther idiocy- and you give that a hand wave- like Trump you want to divert attention from his 5 years of being the Grand Duke of Birtherism.

Her campaign is the example. The co-chair that was fired. The unnamed campaign "person" that circulated emails. The Chris Matthews show that call her on that. The request to send reporter to Kenya to investigate.

Hillary's campaign is Hillary. Everything that her campaign does is with her approval.
What co-chair?

Don't tell me now you got ADHD...

I already posted about it, why don't you go back and read it.
No, you didn't say anything more about a fired co-chair than you said in the post above. All you said then, and now, was that a co-chair was fired. What co-chair? What's their name?

Not my problem that you missed it.

That's common for people that read just first sentence.
No worries, I knew you were full of it anyway.
Now that he has- his courting of Birthers is as relevant as if he had spent 5 years denying the Holocaust- but finally announced he no longer doubted the Holocaust happened. NOT AT ALL IN THE SAME CATEGORY: Holocaust much worse. Everybody gets that right! SEE: "Obama never extols the greatness of America like other presidents even Clinton did. He never quotes the bible, but instead quotes the Koran. He’s always putting America down when he goes overseas and apologizes for America in foreign countries. If he loved America he wouldn’t have pulled our troops out of Iraq so quickly and allowed ISIS to come in and slaughter men women and children to the extent they are now becoming a threat to us. He took an oath to protect the American people and uphold the constitution which he called an outdated document. He has demonstrated complete contempt for our country and the military. Instead he’s allowed the Islamic terror threat to be close to home. He refuses to call the enemy what it is “radical Islamic terrorism,” but instead has no problem criticizing Christianity. He wasn’t born in the USA and IS a Muslim by his own admission. He sides with the Muslims as he said he would in his book".
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Her campaign is the example. The co-chair that was fired. The unnamed campaign "person" that circulated emails. The Chris Matthews show that call her on that. The request to send reporter to Kenya to investigate.

Hillary's campaign is Hillary. Everything that her campaign does is with her approval.
What co-chair?

Don't tell me now you got ADHD...

I already posted about it, why don't you go back and read it.
No, you didn't say anything more about a fired co-chair than you said in the post above. All you said then, and now, was that a co-chair was fired. What co-chair? What's their name?

Not my problem that you missed it.

That's common for people that read just first sentence.
No worries, I knew you were full of it anyway.

I'm not here at your service and I am not going to post the same thing all over again just because you're too lazy or too dumb to look for it.
Trump sure wants to blame Clinton for his Birther idiocy.

He doesn't blame her. He's giving her credit for starting it.

So he is giving her credit for his lying to Americans about the President of the United States for 5 years?

That's not what I said. He's giving her credit for being the first to question Barry's faith, Americanism, patriotism, and yeah, place of birth.

But of course that is a lie too- since she wasn't the first.

So who is to blame for Donald Trump lying to Americans about President Obama for 5 years?

She was the first. She was the only one at the time who had something to gain from it.

The others just picked up on her rumors and continued.

Who is to blame for what Trump said? Trump himself. He also gives credits when credits are due.

He's right, Clinton started it. He finished it.

Oh yeah... Period.
If she was the first to bring it up, you'd be able to quote her. You can't because you're full of shit.
What co-chair?

Don't tell me now you got ADHD...

I already posted about it, why don't you go back and read it.
No, you didn't say anything more about a fired co-chair than you said in the post above. All you said then, and now, was that a co-chair was fired. What co-chair? What's their name?

Not my problem that you missed it.

That's common for people that read just first sentence.
No worries, I knew you were full of it anyway.

I'm not here at your service and I am not going to post the same thing all over again just because you're too lazy or too dumb to look for it.
No, you're here to lie and you do it a lot.
This thread is about the accusation that Donald Trump is a racist because he is a Birther.

Every time you try to change the subject from Trump's 5 year long record of Birthering- to accusing Clinton of being a Birther even though she never- ever- accused Barack Obama of not being born in the United States or of having a fake birth certificate- you are trying to shift attention from Trump's actual Birtherism- to your speculation about Hillary Clinton.

Nope, read the thread title. This thread is about does birtherism is making someone a racist.

If Trump is a racist for his birtherism, then Hillary beat him to it, since she started it.

Beside, she has long record of being racist. Agree?
Repeating your lie that Hillary started it, doesn't make it true. No matter how many times you say it. You need proof, not repetition. Unless you come up with a quote from either Hillary, or someone from her campaign, saying that Obama was not born in America, all you have are lies. Typical for righties.
Trump sure wants to blame Clinton for his Birther idiocy.

He doesn't blame her. He's giving her credit for starting it.

So he is giving her credit for his lying to Americans about the President of the United States for 5 years?

That's not what I said. He's giving her credit for being the first to question Barry's faith, Americanism, patriotism, and yeah, place of birth.
With the exception of falsely claiming he wasn't born in the U.S., none of that other stuff is birtherism. So when you falsely accuse Hillary of starting the birther movement, you're falsely accusing her of claiming he wasn't born in Hawaii. The other stuff is irrelevant to that. And since you can't quote her or her campaign making any such claims, all you can do is what you are doing -- lie.

The idiotic claims about his selective service registration have been thoroughly debunked right down to his registration being on file, which would not have been the case had he not registered.

Don't you freaks ever learn??
The Donald has also said he was much younger when he said this and that he has "matured". This happened in 2005, 11 years ago. Trump was 59 years old then. A 59 year old man thought it was cool to grope women, and engage in "locker room" talk.
"how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?"

Better question: will republicans still be whining about this non-issue, and attempting to keep this ridiculous conspiracy theory alive, 20 or 30 years after the president leaves office.

The idiotic claims about his selective service registration have been thoroughly debunked right down to his registration being on file, which would not have been the case had he not registered.

Don't you freaks ever learn??

never debunked, here's my argument, real simple amigo: show me one just like it. or even close to it. you obots are quite careless.

then we can move on to special waiver, and the way les kinsolving was treated in the whitehouse "newsroom".

people are sitting on family archives, papers, documents.

one thing we all agree on is that president's original documentation was processed through various state and federal agencies.

so too are other records, of the people who came just before him, and those who came just after him. so let's pull back the layers on that as a historical start. :)

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"how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?"

Better question: will republicans still be whining about this non-issue, and attempting to keep this ridiculous conspiracy theory alive, 20 or 30 years after the president leaves office.
that's not a better question.:)
With the exception of falsely claiming he wasn't born in the U.S., none of that other stuff is birtherism. So when you falsely accuse Hillary of starting the birther movement, you're falsely accusing her of claiming he wasn't born in Hawaii. The other stuff is irrelevant to that. And since you can't quote her or her campaign making any such claims, all you can do is what you are doing -- lie.

Anything that's about Obama place of birth is birtherism. Hillary started that talk. Others just followed.

The idiotic claims about his selective service registration have been thoroughly debunked right down to his registration being on file, which would not have been the case had he not registered.

Don't you freaks ever learn??

never debunked, here's my argument, real simple amigo: show me one just like it. or even close to it. you obots are quite careless.

then we can move on to special waiver, and the way les kinsolving was treated in the whitehouse "newsroom".

people are sitting on family archives, papers, documents.

one thing we all agree on is that president's original documentation was processed through various state and federal agencies.

so too are other records, of the people who came just before him, and those who came just after him. so let's pull back the layers on that as a historical start. :)

Oh, for fuck's sake. Even rightwing media finally admitted this is debunked...

After contacting the Selective Service System for an answer several times since late June, Pajamas Media obtained official confirmation from the Selective Service System via email that Barack Obama did indeed register for the Selective Service as required by law, and is to run for the presidency.

Mr. Owens,

Barack Hussein Obama registered at a post office in Hawaii. The effective registration date was September 4, 1980.

His registration number is 61-1125539-1.

Daniel Amon

Public Affairs Specialist

Barack Obama fulfilled his Selective Service obligation and has every legal right to run for the presidency of the United States.

If opponents wish to see him defeated, they'll have to see it done in the political arena.
I think Trump should be required to produce the birth certificates of all the women he's groped.
With the exception of falsely claiming he wasn't born in the U.S., none of that other stuff is birtherism. So when you falsely accuse Hillary of starting the birther movement, you're falsely accusing her of claiming he wasn't born in Hawaii. The other stuff is irrelevant to that. And since you can't quote her or her campaign making any such claims, all you can do is what you are doing -- lie.

Anything that's about Obama place of birth is birtherism. Hillary started that talk. Others just followed.
Still no such quote from Hillary or her campaign?

That only means you're still lying.

Oh well, c'est la vie.
The simplest explanation is probably more logical:

Knowing that everything they do is under the highest level of scrutiny possible, the Clintons run a clean ship. They are basically honest and decent people, dedicated to public service, and together, they have accomplished amazing things. However, they are human, and as such have made mistakes. They have publically acknowledged their mistakes: Haiti, Libya, emails, Bill's women.

Republicans have always known that the only way to defeat the Clintons, is to make stuff up about them. To spread lies, gossip and rumours that make them appear odious to decent people, so they twist ever possible thing, to cast them in the worst light. They publically said that the purpose of the Benghazi Hearings was to be able to tear down Hillary Clinton's reputation with the public, and since her approval ratings and trustworthiness was being questioned by the public, they considered the program to be a success.

Try looking into the work of the Clinton Foundation. 75% of the children with AIDS in Africa, and 50% of the adults with AIDS in Africa, receive life saving drugs from the Clinton Foundation. Their programs are providing staff and supplies for schools and hospitals in Africa, micro loans for small businesses, and education for girls. This is where the Clinton Foundation spends 88% of the funds raised.

Fact checking, reading reports from outside the US, actually learning about the people you're voting for, and their history and their record makes a huge difference. Hillary's so-called corruption is based of rumours started by Republicans to discredit her candidacy. Just as Donald Trump spent the past 5 years trying to discredit President Obama based on the lie he wasn't an American, Republicans have spent the last 20 years, telling various lies about Hillary Clinton.

Many of your still believe Barack Obama wasn't born in Hawaii, because you've been lied to for so long. Republicans have been lying about Hillary Clinton for far longer.

Spare me your soliloquy about the Clintons...I have known about this pile of trash going back to their Arkansas days and tigers don't change their stripes. They are what they are. You don't have the knowledge that I do to go "toe to toe" with me about this pile of filth. You can wear those rose colored glasses to your heart's content but I deal in this thing that sane people call "reality". The Clintons don't do a thing unless it will benefit them in some way and that is the honest to God's truth....

EXCLUSIVE: Clinton Foundation AIDS Program Distributed ‘Watered-Down’ Drugs To Third World Countries
With the exception of falsely claiming he wasn't born in the U.S., none of that other stuff is birtherism. So when you falsely accuse Hillary of starting the birther movement, you're falsely accusing her of claiming he wasn't born in Hawaii. The other stuff is irrelevant to that. And since you can't quote her or her campaign making any such claims, all you can do is what you are doing -- lie.

Anything that's about Obama place of birth is birtherism. Hillary started that talk. Others just followed.
Still no such quote from Hillary or her campaign?

That only means you're still lying.

Oh well, c'est la vie.

Once again I bitchslap you........


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