How did Democrats win before mail in ballots, before social media, before media went crooked, before academia became the leftist training ground?

It seems like they had to pitch policy and ideologies closer to Republican policy, closer to what core Americans wanted from government. It seems like the citizenry was a bit more unified when the parties were basically selling the same shit in a little different packaging.
As academia, media and social media became arms of the Democrat Party, the DNC became empowered and able to compartmentalize the citizenry and manufacture new electorates…..the Hate America coalition, Trannies and tranny sympathizers, illegal aliens and illegal alien sympathizers, criminals and criminal sympathizers….etc etc
I can’t help but wonder how the Dem Party would have made it without the scamdemic and without their new complicit partners in programming?
”but but but…..DEMOCRACY!”
They have been unleashed. They rule the promotion with the media/entertainers. Accusing those who do not agree of pure hatred for every agenda works because of it. They legalized and legitimized Antifa and BLM.
Rather than whining and lying about Democrats, you and others on the right should instead figure out the cause of the 2022 GOP midterm disaster and fix it.

Hint: it wasn't fraud or cheating.
It was the result of the same ole, same ole. The voting ideology of the indoctrinated blacks and browns. The women that only cared about the right to kill the unborn. The children knowing nothing in their lives except for a free ride, voting to keep the status quo. Don't forget the left-wing fools who are intent on turning this country into a socialist-dominated cesspool.
RNC is going to have to run better candidates. They keep handing elections they should have won to the Democrats.

They need to stop the stolen election nonsense, makes them look childish
They need to send Trump away and stop pandering to his lies
They need to separate themselves from the racists, Q Conspiracies and nut jobs
Republicans say we can't compare them to Nazi's. Yesterday I heard in Germany the Nazi's aka German Reich LOVE Trump and Qanon is big over there.

QAnon is an interesting one because Germany is in fact the second largest community for the movement online. So in terms of the amount of people subscribing to QAnon channels, Germany is quite prolific in that respect. But it combines this idea that the state isn't legitimate with a preexisting kind of conspiracy theory that you see with QAnon. So many people followed Trump and Trumpism in particular and sort of believed that Trump would finally come and sort of liberate Germany from foreign occupation. And he was the savior figure in many ways, as he is with the QAnon movement in the U.S.
Democrats know how to deal with the Green Party and the Green Party is willing to work with Party leadership

MAGA are uncontrollable children who throw tantrums and do not play well with others
Awww, Jill Stein hurt Hillary Clinton and all the Republicans have to do is help the Green Party run a strong enough Candidate to hurt the Democrats.

You know this…
It seems like they had to pitch policy and ideologies closer to Republican policy, closer to what core Americans wanted from government. It seems like the citizenry was a bit more unified when the parties were basically selling the same shit in a little different packaging.
As academia, media and social media became arms of the Democrat Party, the DNC became empowered and able to compartmentalize the citizenry and manufacture new electorates…..the Hate America coalition, Trannies and tranny sympathizers, illegal aliens and illegal alien sympathizers, criminals and criminal sympathizers….etc etc
I can’t help but wonder how the Dem Party would have made it without the scamdemic and without their new complicit partners in programming?
”but but but…..DEMOCRACY!”
I've said this before, but if the media played it straight down the middle, and if the ability to cheat were eliminated, Republicans would win every race by 15 points.

Here is a fact. Only two Democrats in the past 100 years has won the presidency without the need for cheating, and that was FDR in 1932 and LBJ in 1964. I say "need for cheating' because both these men most assuredly cheated like hell, but didn't need to to win.
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Rather than whining and lying about Democrats, you and others on the right should instead figure out the cause of the 2022 GOP midterm disaster and fix it.

Hint: it wasn't fraud or cheating.
What disaster? We took the majority in the House, and unfortunately the tied races in the Senate all squeaked for the Dem. I wouldn’t, for example, call Georgia going 50.1% for Warlock and 49.9% for Walker a disaster.

It just shows that the country is pretty much evenly split between those who want responsible government, and those who are happy to see millions of semi-literate illegals stream in and more welfare given out to people who won’t work.
Awww, Jill Stein hurt Hillary Clinton and all the Republicans have to do is help the Green Party run a strong enough Candidate to hurt the Democrats.

You know this…
Libertarians will cancel them out
I've said this before, but if the media played it straight down the middle, and if the ability to cheat were eliminated, Republicans would win every race by 15 points.

Here is a fact. Only two Democrats in the past 100 years has won the presidency without the need for cheating, and that was FDR in 1932 and LBJ in 1964. I say "need for cheating' because both these men most assuredly cheated like hell, but didn't need to to win.
Yup. Even Nixon would have won the ‘60 election without all those dead people in Illinois voting for JFK.
What disaster? We took the majority in the House, and unfortunately the tied races in the Senate all squeaked for the Dem. I wouldn’t, for example, call Georgia going 50.1% for Warlock and 49.9% for Walker a disaster.

It just shows that the country is pretty much evenly split between those who want responsible government, and those who are happy to see millions of semi-literate illegals stream in and more welfare given out to people who won’t work.

The failure of the Red Tsunami was a disaster for Republicans

In a time of runaway inflation, record high gas prices and a weak President…..all Republicans had to do is point at the Democrats and win 50 seats in the House and 4 in the Senate

Instead, MAGA and Trump interference robbed victory after victory with poorly chosen candidates

Problem is Republicans will use the same formula in 2024
Tired of Trump’s nonsense yet?
The failure of the Red Tsunami was a disaster for Republicans

In a time of runaway inflation, record high gas prices and a weak President…..all Republicans had to do is point at the Democrats and win 50 seats in the House and 4 in the Senate

Instead, MAGA and Trump interference robbed victory after victory with poorly chosen candidates

Problem is Republicans will use the same formula in 2024
Tired of Trump’s nonsense yet?
I’m eating my lunch. I cant deal with you now.
So the consensus from the right is to stay with the same failed strategy and keep losing elections.

Given on their unwillingness to take on Trump and his MAGA horde, I don’t think they have a choice

Republicans lack the backbone
The RNC is going to have to find partners willing to conspire with them to win elections…they’re going to have to separate church and state by eradicating leftism from public school systems. They have to fight ballot harvesting and the absentee ballot bullshit.
The GOP needs to take lessons from Florida, since election reform has been passed and we all can vote by mail it's only been a Republican governor and legislature.
The GOP needs to take lessons from Florida, since election reform has been passed and we all can vote by mail it's only been a Republican governor and legislature.
Georgia as well

Republicans who challenged Trump won
MAGA lost
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It seems like they had to pitch policy and ideologies closer to Republican policy, closer to what core Americans wanted from government. It seems like the citizenry was a bit more unified when the parties were basically selling the same shit in a little different packaging.
As academia, media and social media became arms of the Democrat Party, the DNC became empowered and able to compartmentalize the citizenry and manufacture new electorates…..the Hate America coalition, Trannies and tranny sympathizers, illegal aliens and illegal alien sympathizers, criminals and criminal sympathizers….etc etc
I can’t help but wonder how the Dem Party would have made it without the scamdemic and without their new complicit partners in programming?
”but but but…..DEMOCRACY!”
Lol here everybody watch this brainwashing propaganda so you don't have to think for yourself

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