How did/does Trump hurt so many feelings? Does he project a desire for expectations, standards and a normalcy to be met for America?

Funny how Washington Establishment RINOs called millions of Americans / the Republican Party constituents flocking to the more relatable candidate who actually represented them and what they wanted / want 'being HIJACKED'.

McConnell, Romney, and other RINOs developed bitter sour grapes because Americans abandoned them.

For years all the Washington Establishment offered Anericans was, 'Your only option is to suck it up and vote for us so the Democrats don't win.'

That's not an option. Trump came along and said 'f* that' - millions of Americans followed. Nothing was 'hijacked'..

Americans are still rejecting the same bs option, which is a the RINOs still offer.

Maybe the GOP will actually take notice that it is Trump's America 1st policies and everything else he is promoting through others who share them - and who are winning - before the Republican Party McConnell and Romey represent are rejected for good.

McConnell and Washington Establishment Rinos gain power then do not want to use that power to successfully attain and defend Conservative values. They seek to be RINOS and not make waves instead so they do not lose the power they have achieved.

Victories and poeer mean nothing if you are too gutless to promote American values, ethics, etc... with the power you have been given.

Trump was and is not afraid to fight and make waves for what Americans yearn for.

Democrats are learning Latinos and others have not been 'hijacked' away from their party. It's that Latinos, blacks, and Ingersoll no longer want what liberal extremist Democrats who hijacked the party are offering.
Oh come on. America first? How, show me where Trump put America first and not Trump first. What does he stand for? I mean lay it out there for me. From what I see he stands for dividing America, pitting one group against another. He capitalizes on fear, which is the domain of a real pussy. I mean it is the most ineffective motivator, take it from someone in sales. Using fear to sale is easy, but it is apt to come back and bite you in the ass. Just this week Trump paid $750,000 to settle a lawsuit about overcharging the inauguration committee. Trump first, period.

What America values does Trump support? Greed, gluttony, sloth, fear, lust, pick one, I am seriously interested in what you call "American values". Because what I see is a self-absorbed, pitifully feeling inferior, little man, with tiny hands and a small pecker, that has struggled mightily to redeem himself for his long dad father, that slapped his ass down as he answered the door in his dorm room. And he will throw you, his children, and this entire nation under the bus to achieve is warped since of success.
Oh come on. America first? How, show me where Trump put America first and not Trump first. What does he stand for? I mean lay it out there for me. From what I see he stands for dividing America, pitting one group against another. He capitalizes on fear, which is the domain of a real pussy. I mean it is the most ineffective motivator, take it from someone in sales. Using fear to sale is easy, but it is apt to come back and bite you in the ass. Just this week Trump paid $750,000 to settle a lawsuit about overcharging the inauguration committee. Trump first, period.

What America values does Trump support? Greed, gluttony, sloth, fear, lust, pick one, I am seriously interested in what you call "American values". Because what I see is a self-absorbed, pitifully feeling inferior, little man, with tiny hands and a small pecker, that has struggled mightily to redeem himself for his long dad father, that slapped his ass down as he answered the door in his dorm room. And he will throw you, his children, and this entire nation under the bus to achieve is warped since of success.
See a psychiatrist.
Oh come on. America first? How, show me where Trump put America first and not Trump first. What does he stand for? I mean lay it out there for me. From what I see he stands for dividing America, pitting one group against another. He capitalizes on fear, which is the domain of a real pussy. I mean it is the most ineffective motivator, take it from someone in sales. Using fear to sale is easy, but it is apt to come back and bite you in the ass. Just this week Trump paid $750,000 to settle a lawsuit about overcharging the inauguration committee. Trump first, period.

What America values does Trump support? Greed, gluttony, sloth, fear, lust, pick one, I am seriously interested in what you call "American values". Because what I see is a self-absorbed, pitifully feeling inferior, little man, with tiny hands and a small pecker, that has struggled mightily to redeem himself for his long dad father, that slapped his ass down as he answered the door in his dorm room. And he will throw you, his children, and this entire nation under the bus to achieve is warped since of success.
OR you could refute the position by telling us which of his policies were not aimed to put Americans first?
You can’t so you won’t.
We’ve done this with fucked in the head leftists many times before…trust me.
OR you could refute the position by telling us which of his policies were not aimed to put Americans first?
You can’t so you won’t.
We’ve done this with fucked in the head leftists many times before…trust me.
Are you fawking kidding me? In this very thread, IN THIS THREAD, I listed two Trump actions, building a wall, and his response to Covid, and indicated, WITH SOURCES, how he was putting himself, his business, or his relative's businesses FIRST and America last.
Are you fawking kidding me? In this very thread, IN THIS THREAD, I listed two Trump actions, building a wall, and his response to Covid, and indicated, WITH SOURCES, how he was putting himself, his business, or his relative's businesses FIRST and America last.
Feel free to post all the bullshit that's nagging at your tiny brain.
Feel free to post all the bullshit that's nagging at your tiny brain.
You know, instead of posting how Trump is a failure, let's give Biden some credit.

The US is more energy independent under Biden. We will actually pay down some of the government debt for the first time in six years, and Biden significantly reduced the deficit in year one and will make even greater decreases in year two. And Biden reduced child poverty by 40%, although that is temporary because Congress failed to renew the refundable child tax credit, something millions of people will remember all too well come election day.

Trump said he would reduce the deficit. He never did, he spent like a drunken sailor. Biden has actually done it. Trump claimed he made the US energy independent, but using the metrics he did to justify that claim, Biden is doing better.

The problem with conservatives is that they live in an insulated world. They limit their exposure to news to outlets that merely confirm their bias. I mean did you even know Biden has cut the deficit? That we are more energy independent today than at any time under Trump? Nope, probably not, and most certainly didn't know that about a reduction in child poverty, which of course, you probably don't give two shits about. You got yours, right.

Nope, you will bitch and moan about inflation when you can walk into your local bank and buy I-bonds, that, as of Monday, are paying 9%. The stock market tanked today and I have heard from half my kids in the last couple of hours as they scooped up ETF's for the S & P today at the market bottom. I could not be more proud. And yes, half of them voted for Trump the first time, but none of them voted for him the second time, kind of a fool me once shame on you kind of thing. Too bad you Trumpbots have no shame.
You know, instead of posting how Trump is a failure, let's give Biden some credit.

The US is more energy independent under Biden. We will actually pay down some of the government debt for the first time in six years, and Biden significantly reduced the deficit in year one and will make even greater decreases in year two. And Biden reduced child poverty by 40%, although that is temporary because Congress failed to renew the refundable child tax credit, something millions of people will remember all too well come election day.

Trump said he would reduce the deficit. He never did, he spent like a drunken sailor. Biden has actually done it. Trump claimed he made the US energy independent, but using the metrics he did to justify that claim, Biden is doing better.

The problem with conservatives is that they live in an insulated world. They limit their exposure to news to outlets that merely confirm their bias. I mean did you even know Biden has cut the deficit? That we are more energy independent today than at any time under Trump? Nope, probably not, and most certainly didn't know that about a reduction in child poverty, which of course, you probably don't give two shits about. You got yours, right.

Nope, you will bitch and moan about inflation when you can walk into your local bank and buy I-bonds, that, as of Monday, are paying 9%. The stock market tanked today and I have heard from half my kids in the last couple of hours as they scooped up ETF's for the S & P today at the market bottom. I could not be more proud. And yes, half of them voted for Trump the first time, but none of them voted for him the second time, kind of a fool me once shame on you kind of thing. Too bad you Trumpbots have no shame.
Everyone of these publications had orgasms under G W Bush's neo-Con bullshit era and hated Trump from the moment he announced he was running.
Oh hell yeah. Moral people grab women's pussies. Have sex with pornstars while their wife is pregnant. Jump into beauty pageant dressing rooms to see underage girls naked.
They think he's moral. And honest. And honorable.

They really do. Really.
Are you fawking kidding me? In this very thread, IN THIS THREAD, I listed two Trump actions, building a wall, and his response to Covid, and indicated, WITH SOURCES, how he was putting himself, his business, or his relative's businesses FIRST and America last.
Answering questions from these people is completely pointless. They'll take anything you say and twist it into something completely different to match their alternative worldview. They have been taught this by Rush and Sean and Levin and Tucker and the rest.

They literally don't know how to have a normal, adult conversation.
Are you fawking kidding me? In this very thread, IN THIS THREAD, I listed two Trump actions, building a wall, and his response to Covid, and indicated, WITH SOURCES, how he was putting himself, his business, or his relative's businesses FIRST and America last.
Do you see what’s happened….take notice. After four years of Russia, Russia, Russia, quid pro quo and the like….Nothing that you loons allege has merit, nobody sane takes you whacko TDS‘ers seriously…Nobody takes your leftist editorial sources seriously….you fucked up and lost all credibility as you lost all your shit.
Had Trump illegally funneled his friends and or family any cash from the ‘Wall’ fund or from Covid funds you whacks, Chuck and Nancy would have launched one investigation after the next…why didn’t you?
Answering questions from these people is completely pointless. They'll take anything you say and twist it into something completely different to match their alternative worldview. They have been taught this by Rush and Sean and Levin and Tucker and the rest.

They literally don't know how to have a normal, adult conversation.
Do you see what’s happened….take notice. After four years of Russia, Russia, Russia, quid pro quo and the like….Nothing that you loons allege has merit, nobody sane takes you whacko TDS‘ers seriously…Nobody takes your leftist editorial sources seriously….you fucked up and lost all credibility as you lost all your shit.
Had Trump illegally funneled his friends and or family any cash from the ‘Wall’ fund or from Covid funds you whacks, Chuck and Nancy would have launched one investigation after the next…why didn’t you?
Do you see what’s happened….take notice. After four years of Russia, Russia, Russia, quid pro quo and the like….Nothing that you loons allege has merit, nobody sane takes you whacko TDS‘ers seriously…Nobody takes your leftist editorial sources seriously….you fucked up and lost all credibility as you lost all your shit.
Had Trump illegally funneled his friends and or family any cash from the ‘Wall’ fund or from Covid funds you whacks, Chuck and Nancy would have launched one investigation after the next…why didn’t you?
You really don't know what is going on. From the Wall fund? How about this "charity"?

He got a pardon.

The Paycheck Protection Plan?

And just this past week,

Trump paid DC three quarters of a million dollars. And not that this is the first time the Trump organization has coughed up some funds to end litigation. Want to know about fraud and PPE,

Here is the thing, you can't live under a rock, do nothing but confirmation bias when it come to taking in the news, and automatically discount anything that paints a portrait of what you don't want to see. Quite honestly, it is dangerous, and Trump's presidency proofed that.

More than 400,000 new jobs created for 12 months in a row. More than twice the average monthly job increases under Trump BEFORE Covid. We are more energy independent under Trump. And Biden reduced the federal deficit and is actually pay some of the national debt, the first time since, wait for it, Obama. That is not some bullshit spouted off by news outlets you don't like. Those are cold hard facts, backed up by government data and financial statements.

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