How did everyone get the election results so wrong?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Geoff Garin, a veteran Democratic pollster who worked for the pro-Clinton super PAC Priorities USA, said many surveys had under-sampled non-college-educated whites, a group that Trump appealed to. He also argued there had been on over-emphasis on the belief that the country’s rising demographic diversity would put Clinton over the top.

“There was too great a belief that demographics are destiny, and that demographics would lead to a certain outcome,” he said. “The reality turned out to be much different that."

“The pollsters have lost a lot of credibility and won't be believed on anything soon," said Jonathan Barnett, a Republican National Committeeman from Arkansas who supported Trump. "The way they poll doesn't work anymore."

It will take a long time for some of us to believe anything pollsters say. I looked at some of the early numbers that gave Trump the advantage in areas of trust and confidence and I began to see that Hillary's standing was not as strong as the pollsters say.
Liberals are wrong most of the time....

I do recall suspecting hitlery would lose.

My only surprise was that it took all fuckin night.

Nate Silver was seen filling out an application at Walmart an hour ago
The arrogance of the status quo statists. Hubris is how they got it wrong.

Geoff Garin, a veteran Democratic pollster who worked for the pro-Clinton super PAC Priorities USA, said many surveys had under-sampled non-college-educated whites, a group that Trump appealed to. He also argued there had been on over-emphasis on the belief that the country’s rising demographic diversity would put Clinton over the top.

“There was too great a belief that demographics are destiny, and that demographics would lead to a certain outcome,” he said. “The reality turned out to be much different that."

“The pollsters have lost a lot of credibility and won't be believed on anything soon," said Jonathan Barnett, a Republican National Committeeman from Arkansas who supported Trump. "The way they poll doesn't work anymore."

It will take a long time for some of us to believe anything pollsters say. I looked at some of the early numbers that gave Trump the advantage in areas of trust and confidence and I began to see that Hillary's standing was not as strong as the pollsters say.
Because libidiots like you believe the lickspittle lapdog liberal media who aren't the 4th estate but the 5th column for the Clinton Crime Machine. Now that you have had a major slap down, you can either pledge allegiance to the flag, or get a one way ticket to your socialist utopia, Cuba. The sleeping Giant was woken up, no more FREE stuff to you schmucks who are liberal.

Geoff Garin, a veteran Democratic pollster who worked for the pro-Clinton super PAC Priorities USA, said many surveys had under-sampled non-college-educated whites, a group that Trump appealed to. He also argued there had been on over-emphasis on the belief that the country’s rising demographic diversity would put Clinton over the top.

“There was too great a belief that demographics are destiny, and that demographics would lead to a certain outcome,” he said. “The reality turned out to be much different that."

“The pollsters have lost a lot of credibility and won't be believed on anything soon," said Jonathan Barnett, a Republican National Committeeman from Arkansas who supported Trump. "The way they poll doesn't work anymore."

It will take a long time for some of us to believe anything pollsters say. I looked at some of the early numbers that gave Trump the advantage in areas of trust and confidence and I began to see that Hillary's standing was not as strong as the pollsters say.

Add the Bradley effect in and you get the end result we just saw.

They also probably assumed more women would vote gender identity over political identity, they were wrong.
He'll be lucky to be even a memory in six months.

For someone who....supposedly....."fucked up your life so much".....if Obama in 6 monhs will be forgotten by you, then I guess he wasn't all that bad,don't you think?

Geoff Garin, a veteran Democratic pollster who worked for the pro-Clinton super PAC Priorities USA, said many surveys had under-sampled non-college-educated whites, a group that Trump appealed to. He also argued there had been on over-emphasis on the belief that the country’s rising demographic diversity would put Clinton over the top.

“There was too great a belief that demographics are destiny, and that demographics would lead to a certain outcome,” he said. “The reality turned out to be much different that."

“The pollsters have lost a lot of credibility and won't be believed on anything soon," said Jonathan Barnett, a Republican National Committeeman from Arkansas who supported Trump. "The way they poll doesn't work anymore."

It will take a long time for some of us to believe anything pollsters say. I looked at some of the early numbers that gave Trump the advantage in areas of trust and confidence and I began to see that Hillary's standing was not as strong as the pollsters say.

Geoff Garin, a veteran Democratic pollster who worked for the pro-Clinton super PAC Priorities USA, said many surveys had under-sampled non-college-educated whites, a group that Trump appealed to. He also argued there had been on over-emphasis on the belief that the country’s rising demographic diversity would put Clinton over the top.

“There was too great a belief that demographics are destiny, and that demographics would lead to a certain outcome,” he said. “The reality turned out to be much different that."

“The pollsters have lost a lot of credibility and won't be believed on anything soon," said Jonathan Barnett, a Republican National Committeeman from Arkansas who supported Trump. "The way they poll doesn't work anymore."

It will take a long time for some of us to believe anything pollsters say. I looked at some of the early numbers that gave Trump the advantage in areas of trust and confidence and I began to see that Hillary's standing was not as strong as the pollsters say.
Simply put: You are fools.

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