How did Floyd physically get pinned by 3 officers in the first place?

I do things every day without fear, because I am privileged, and I am privileged every day because I am white.

Being not racist is not enough, we must be anti racist.
Social change is enacted when a society mobilizes.
I stand in solidarity with all of those protesting.
I’m donating to help post bail for arrested organizers.
Look inwards, educate yourself and others.
Jesus Lord...could you please jump through your asshole a little more virtue signaling? Why don’t you go move to Africa, give away all your possessions to the natives, and commit yourself to servitude to the black race?
I've been asking this for the last couple of days.
When they had Mr Floyd on the sidewalk handcuffed the scene was relatively quiet and under control. The officers then moved on to place him in the squad car.
The next scene then is Mr Floyd is on the ground with the officer's foot on his neck.
What happened ?
Somewhere between moving him from the sidewalk to the squad car, something changed, something happened.

He was belligerent and acting up in the car. He was drunk and high. He also resisted arrest prior to the video. In other words, a typical asshole cops have to deal with every day.

However, none of that justifies what the cop did. It was murder, and it should have never happened.
He was resisting...this will all come out in court...along with department procedure for safely detaining suspects. Add to that the guy's preexisting conditions which the officers were not privy to...most of these guys are gonna walk.

Cuffs are on fights over PERIOD the end. There is zero reason to restrain a man that way when they are already caught and ready to stuffed In a car.
How do you know Floyd was ready to be "stuffed" ? Have you seen any video of the scuffle that occurred before Floyd was put on the ground? That is my point. Cops just don't throw you to the ground and cuff you and put a knee to your neck immediately. Unless the Cops' lives were in danger. Do we know? But most importantly of all of this... why in the hell is the color of the skin have anything to do with it?
Or is it intelligence that keeps most handcuffed white men from resisting arrest?
Or is it that as Chris Rock says..
How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

"Cops just don't throw you to the ground and cuff you and put a knee to your neck immediately. Unless the Cops' lives were in danger. "

Bullshit. It must be nice to grow up and not think "this is just what they do." I have seen this same exact scene countless times before I hit puberty. They do this to Black kids as young as 12 years old.

Shlep, have you seen the size of some those ‘12 year old’ negroes?
What about that one up in Missouri? Brown? Wasnt he like 14 or something? Boy looked a GD NFL pulling guard.
Age does not indicate size. Now if one of them gets out of hand and becomes a danger to him/herself, law enforcement, or the community, they must be controlled.
A ten year old can pull a trigger the same as a 20 year old.
He was resisting...this will all come out in court...along with department procedure for safely detaining suspects. Add to that the guy's preexisting conditions which the officers were not privy to...most of these guys are gonna walk.

Cuffs are on fights over PERIOD the end. There is zero reason to restrain a man that way when they are already caught and ready to stuffed In a car.
We will see what toxicology reports state. If there were levels of certain chemicals in his system it could be argued that the man had to be restrained for his own safety.

It will be an argument that will fail. That cop was toast three days ago. They all but have to hang him now.
Refer to post #41. The officer was following police procedure per city training standard.
He was resisting...this will all come out in court...along with department procedure for safely detaining suspects. Add to that the guy's preexisting conditions which the officers were not privy to...most of these guys are gonna walk.

Cuffs are on fights over PERIOD the end. There is zero reason to restrain a man that way when they are already caught and ready to stuffed In a car.
How do you know Floyd was ready to be "stuffed" ? Have you seen any video of the scuffle that occurred before Floyd was put on the ground? That is my point. Cops just don't throw you to the ground and cuff you and put a knee to your neck immediately. Unless the Cops' lives were in danger. Do we know? But most importantly of all of this... why in the hell is the color of the skin have anything to do with it?
Or is it intelligence that keeps most handcuffed white men from resisting arrest?
Or is it that as Chris Rock says..
How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

"Cops just don't throw you to the ground and cuff you and put a knee to your neck immediately. Unless the Cops' lives were in danger. "

Bullshit. It must be nice to grow up and not think "this is just what they do." I have seen this same exact scene countless times before I hit puberty. They do this to Black kids as young as 12 years old.

Shlep, have you seen the size of some those ‘12 year old’ negroes?
What about that one up in Missouri? Brown? Wasnt he like 14 or something? Boy looked a GD NFL pulling guard.
Age does not indicate size. Now if one of them gets out of hand and becomes a danger to him/herself, law enforcement, or the community, they must be controlled.
A ten year old can pull a trigger the same as a 20 year old.

Yep. I was a 12 years old once upon a time. I was tall and skinny.

Brown was 17 or 18. I get it though. I understand your fear of Blacks made him bigger than he was at a younger age than he really was.

The problem is whites are in fear of Blacks and want to control them. Here are the words of an ex police chief and he is white.

“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”
― Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing
He was resisting...this will all come out in court...along with department procedure for safely detaining suspects. Add to that the guy's preexisting conditions which the officers were not privy to...most of these guys are gonna walk.

Cuffs are on fights over PERIOD the end. There is zero reason to restrain a man that way when they are already caught and ready to stuffed In a car.
How do you know Floyd was ready to be "stuffed" ? Have you seen any video of the scuffle that occurred before Floyd was put on the ground? That is my point. Cops just don't throw you to the ground and cuff you and put a knee to your neck immediately. Unless the Cops' lives were in danger. Do we know? But most importantly of all of this... why in the hell is the color of the skin have anything to do with it?
Or is it intelligence that keeps most handcuffed white men from resisting arrest?
Or is it that as Chris Rock says..
How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

"Cops just don't throw you to the ground and cuff you and put a knee to your neck immediately. Unless the Cops' lives were in danger. "

Bullshit. It must be nice to grow up and not think "this is just what they do." I have seen this same exact scene countless times before I hit puberty. They do this to Black kids as young as 12 years old.

Shlep, have you seen the size of some those ‘12 year old’ negroes?
What about that one up in Missouri? Brown? Wasnt he like 14 or something? Boy looked a GD NFL pulling guard.
Age does not indicate size. Now if one of them gets out of hand and becomes a danger to him/herself, law enforcement, or the community, they must be controlled.
A ten year old can pull a trigger the same as a 20 year old.

Yep. I was a 12 years old once upon a time. I was tall and skinny.

Brown was 17 or 18. I get it though. I understand your fear of Blacks made him bigger than he was at a younger age than he really was.

The problem is whites are in fear of Blacks and want to control them. Here are the words of an ex police chief and he is white.

“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”
― Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing

What you characterize as cowardice I would label risk aversion, professional prudence...etc.
Blacks are statistacally more violent than any other racial a country mile.
I would never fault any officer for taking the preventive steps needed to ameliorate any unnecessary risk. Would you fault a marine biologist for using a shark cage?
A bee keeper for their bee suit?
He was resisting...this will all come out in court...along with department procedure for safely detaining suspects. Add to that the guy's preexisting conditions which the officers were not privy to...most of these guys are gonna walk.

Cuffs are on fights over PERIOD the end. There is zero reason to restrain a man that way when they are already caught and ready to stuffed In a car.
How do you know Floyd was ready to be "stuffed" ? Have you seen any video of the scuffle that occurred before Floyd was put on the ground? That is my point. Cops just don't throw you to the ground and cuff you and put a knee to your neck immediately. Unless the Cops' lives were in danger. Do we know? But most importantly of all of this... why in the hell is the color of the skin have anything to do with it?
Or is it intelligence that keeps most handcuffed white men from resisting arrest?
Or is it that as Chris Rock says..
How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

"Cops just don't throw you to the ground and cuff you and put a knee to your neck immediately. Unless the Cops' lives were in danger. "

Bullshit. It must be nice to grow up and not think "this is just what they do." I have seen this same exact scene countless times before I hit puberty. They do this to Black kids as young as 12 years old.

Shlep, have you seen the size of some those ‘12 year old’ negroes?
What about that one up in Missouri? Brown? Wasnt he like 14 or something? Boy looked a GD NFL pulling guard.
Age does not indicate size. Now if one of them gets out of hand and becomes a danger to him/herself, law enforcement, or the community, they must be controlled.
A ten year old can pull a trigger the same as a 20 year old.

Yep. I was a 12 years old once upon a time. I was tall and skinny.

Brown was 17 or 18. I get it though. I understand your fear of Blacks made him bigger than he was at a younger age than he really was.

The problem is whites are in fear of Blacks and want to control them. Here are the words of an ex police chief and he is white.

“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”
― Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing

According to the Obama era FBI Blacks were 300% more likely to commit a violent crime than any other racial group. That is defined as rape, murder, manslaughter and armed robbery.

Asslips any relationship is a two way street. Both sides own the responsibility.
Isn't the real problem with blacks being ****confronted**** at least 10 times higher because those blacks didn't have an authority figure in their family...just their Mom?
Quite simply no. The REAL problem is that the United States was founded upon white supremacist beliefs (see the declaration of secessation) which were then legislated and codifed into law, government policies and social mores and upheld by numerous court rulings.

"DECLARATION OF CAUSES [for secession of the State of Texas from the Federal Union]
Example 1:
'She [Texas] was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. '

Example 2:
'We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the white race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable.'

Example 3:
'That in this free government all white men are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights; that the servitude of the African race, as existing in these States, is mutually beneficial to both bond and free, and is abundantly authorized and justified by the experience of mankind, and the revealed will of the Almighty Creator, as recognized by all Christian nations '
DECLARATION OF CAUSES: February 2, 1861 A declaration of the causes which impel the State of Texas to secede from the Federal Union. | TSLAC"

The above is the origin of this mind set and attitude and black people have been hunted in U.S. ever since and it didn't matter if one was a freeman or slave, being black, they were all treated the same. In fact our current policing system grew out of the slave patrols:

"The American South relied almost exclusively on slave labor and white Southerners lived in near constant fear of slave rebellions disrupting this economic status quo. As a result, these patrols were one of the earliest and most prolific forms of early policing in the South. The responsibility of patrols was straightforward—to control the movements and behaviors of enslaved populations. According to historian Gary Potter, slave patrols served three main functions.

“(1) to chase down, apprehend, and return to their owners, runaway slaves; (2) to provide a form of organized terror to deter slave revolts; and, (3) to maintain a form of discipline for slave-workers who were subject to summary justice, outside the law.”

Organized policing was one of the many types of social controls imposed on enslaved African Americans in the South. Physical and psychological violence took many forms, including an overseer’s brutal whip, the intentional breakup of families, deprivation of food and other necessities, and the private employment of slave catchers to track down runaways.

Slave patrols were no less violent in their control of African Americans; they beat and terrorized as well. Their distinction was that they were legally compelled to do so by local authorities. In this sense, it was considered a civic duty—one that in some areas could result in a fine if avoided. In others, patrollers received financial compensation for their work. Typically, slave patrol routines included enforcing curfews, checking travelers for a permission pass, catching those assembling without permission, and preventing any form of organized resistance. As historian Sally Hadden writes in her book, Slave Patrols: Law and Violence in Virginia and the Carolinas,

“The history of police work in the South grows out of this early fascination, by white patrollers, with what African American slaves were doing. Most law enforcement was, by definition, white patrolmen watching, catching, or beating black slaves.”[ii]"
Slave Patrols: An Early Form of American Policing
The minor offense is irrelevant. He was rightly arrested for fraud. If he resists arrest then there is a whole new issue and charge.
However the penalty for none of those offenses is summary execution.

I wonder if Tuskegee Airman Captain John Daniels (circa 1943) would have approved of this behavior.
OH wait... Captain Daniels just was grossly uninformed. Right... it takes burning down businesses, spitting and shooting cops by better educated blacks today!
Blacks like these... I'm pretty sure Captain Daniels would have been rightfully embarrassed.
Oh and not to be outdone... below are some equally educated white boys!

Screen Shot 2020-05-30 at 5.13.08 PM.png

Screen Shot 2020-05-30 at 5.15.10 PM.png
Yea it takes really informed youths to set fire to buildings destroying what people that follow the laws have built! Really intelligent people! And those of you that are excusing that behavior... I just hope your town is getting the same treatment.
He was resisting...this will all come out in court...along with department procedure for safely detaining suspects. Add to that the guy's preexisting conditions which the officers were not privy to...most of these guys are gonna walk.

Cuffs are on fights over PERIOD the end. There is zero reason to restrain a man that way when they are already caught and ready to stuffed In a car.
How do you know Floyd was ready to be "stuffed" ? Have you seen any video of the scuffle that occurred before Floyd was put on the ground? That is my point. Cops just don't throw you to the ground and cuff you and put a knee to your neck immediately. Unless the Cops' lives were in danger. Do we know? But most importantly of all of this... why in the hell is the color of the skin have anything to do with it?
Or is it intelligence that keeps most handcuffed white men from resisting arrest?
Or is it that as Chris Rock says..
How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

"Cops just don't throw you to the ground and cuff you and put a knee to your neck immediately. Unless the Cops' lives were in danger. "

Bullshit. It must be nice to grow up and not think "this is just what they do." I have seen this same exact scene countless times before I hit puberty. They do this to Black kids as young as 12 years old.

Shlep, have you seen the size of some those ‘12 year old’ negroes?
What about that one up in Missouri? Brown? Wasnt he like 14 or something? Boy looked a GD NFL pulling guard.
Age does not indicate size. Now if one of them gets out of hand and becomes a danger to him/herself, law enforcement, or the community, they must be controlled.
A ten year old can pull a trigger the same as a 20 year old.

Yep. I was a 12 years old once upon a time. I was tall and skinny.

Brown was 17 or 18. I get it though. I understand your fear of Blacks made him bigger than he was at a younger age than he really was.

The problem is whites are in fear of Blacks and want to control them. Here are the words of an ex police chief and he is white.

“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”
― Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing

What you characterize as cowardice I would label risk aversion, professional prudence...etc.
Blacks are statistacally more violent than any other racial a country mile.
I would never fault any officer for taking the preventive steps needed to ameliorate any unnecessary risk. Would you fault a marine biologist for using a shark cage?
A bee keeper for their bee suit?

I didnt characterize it as cowardice. The white ex cop did. I just happen to agree with him due to personal experience that white boys are afraid of Black guys.

Whites are the most violent primates on the planet and its not even close. Wake me when any other group of people wipe out an entire race of people like whites have done on numerous occassions.
He was resisting...this will all come out in court...along with department procedure for safely detaining suspects. Add to that the guy's preexisting conditions which the officers were not privy to...most of these guys are gonna walk.

Cuffs are on fights over PERIOD the end. There is zero reason to restrain a man that way when they are already caught and ready to stuffed In a car.
How do you know Floyd was ready to be "stuffed" ? Have you seen any video of the scuffle that occurred before Floyd was put on the ground? That is my point. Cops just don't throw you to the ground and cuff you and put a knee to your neck immediately. Unless the Cops' lives were in danger. Do we know? But most importantly of all of this... why in the hell is the color of the skin have anything to do with it?
Or is it intelligence that keeps most handcuffed white men from resisting arrest?
Or is it that as Chris Rock says..
How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

"Cops just don't throw you to the ground and cuff you and put a knee to your neck immediately. Unless the Cops' lives were in danger. "

Bullshit. It must be nice to grow up and not think "this is just what they do." I have seen this same exact scene countless times before I hit puberty. They do this to Black kids as young as 12 years old.

Shlep, have you seen the size of some those ‘12 year old’ negroes?
What about that one up in Missouri? Brown? Wasnt he like 14 or something? Boy looked a GD NFL pulling guard.
Age does not indicate size. Now if one of them gets out of hand and becomes a danger to him/herself, law enforcement, or the community, they must be controlled.
A ten year old can pull a trigger the same as a 20 year old.

Yep. I was a 12 years old once upon a time. I was tall and skinny.

Brown was 17 or 18. I get it though. I understand your fear of Blacks made him bigger than he was at a younger age than he really was.

The problem is whites are in fear of Blacks and want to control them. Here are the words of an ex police chief and he is white.

“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”
― Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing

According to the Obama era FBI Blacks were 300% more likely to commit a violent crime than any other racial group. That is defined as rape, murder, manslaughter and armed robbery.

Asslips any relationship is a two way street. Both sides own the responsibility.

According to reality, whites are the most criminally prone race on the planet and its not even close. They lead in virtually every crime stat.
He was resisting...this will all come out in court...along with department procedure for safely detaining suspects. Add to that the guy's preexisting conditions which the officers were not privy to...most of these guys are gonna walk.
Any time a cop hears "I can't breathe" he has a DUTY...a review his actions accordingly...

And any officer WITH him should also check those actions.

That clearly did not happen in this case. That officer had his body weight on the guy's neck for EIGHT minutes and the guy was clearly saying
"I can't breathe".
Blacks are statistacally more violent than any other racial a country mile.
Not close to being true, but I certainly can understand why you might think that way.

There was no violence involved in the acquisition of land that makes up the United States of America? The removal of the Native American people to reservations? The establishment and maintainance of slavery which included the rape of slave women and children all while excusing the behavior as "legal and acceptable at the time"?

A race of people who wrote into law the sanctioning of violence against members of another race ("to maintain a form of discipline for slave-workers who were subject to summary justice, outside the law") , just as ONE example,
are far more violent in fact if not statistically than any of those they claim as excessively violent in order to continue to perpetruate violence against them.

Classic projection.
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Justice for Trayvon Martin? How about Justice for James Whitehead? James Whitehead was a white veteran who had recently come back from war. Orange, TX Police Officer Robert Arnold (who has a history of violence) shot and killed unarmed James Whitehead. Arnold is black. Arnold was not in his uniform and did not have a badge.

You left out some key parts of the story.

He got work but couldn’t keep it. He became a loner, quieter after his return, and spent his days cooking, playing with his young daughter, HeavenLeigh, and navigating the paperwork for his military benefits.

Whitehead may have been self-medicating with marijuana and ibuprofen that day—tests later found THC in his system—and he may have taken more than his prescribed dose of the stimulant Adderall;

Whitehead shouted that he hadn’t installed the part, slammed it on the counter, and began cursing and calling the manager names. Wearing a greasy Jägermeister T-shirt and beige shorts, with hair down over his ears, Whitehead was no longer the clean-cut military man he’d once been. But with his long, swinging arms and booming voice, he could still intimidate. “I want my fucking money back, and I’ll be fucking gone,” he yelled, according to a statement by one of a dozen witnesses. As Whitehead continued to yell, the manager called 911 and described the irate customer across the counter: “Six-foot-three,” the manager said. Whitehead butted in: “I’m fucking 230 pounds!” A customer behind him in line stepped up and asked Whitehead not to swear in front of his daughter.

“N*****, I’ll bust you in the fucking face,” Whitehead said, stepping closer with his hands balled into fists at his side. According to some witness statements, Arnold identified himself as a police officer, but Whitehead’s temper was unchanged. “What are you gonna do, fucking arrest me or something?” he yelled. “Get away from me, n*****r.”

“You called it,” Arnold said, telling Whitehead to wait, and leaving his daughter at the counter with a store employee.

“Go ahead, you fucking ****,” Whitehead yelled, continuing to spew hate. “I’ll whip your ass,” Whitehead told the manager. “I bet you’re a queer, huh? You look like a fucking f****t.” Edwards told Whitehead they should leave, and as they started for the door the manager reminded Whitehead to take the valve he’d left on the counter. Whitehead grabbed it and walked out.

“If you hit me, I am going to have to shoot you,” the manager remembers Arnold warning. Whitehead lunged at Arnold and said, “I want you to put a bullet in my head, you fucking c**n.”

Honestly, it sounds like a Suicide by Cop, not a case of Police MIsconduct.
The below photo shows 3 officers holding Floyd down. Why?

Did these 3 grown men approach Floyd and immediately throw him to the ground and pinned him to Floyd's death?
OR did Floyd at 6'6" over 200 lbs former tight end football player resist arrest?

What happened before that I'd like to understand because according to this article...

At least 70 departments scattered from Connecticut to California arrested black people at a rate 10 times higher than people who are not black, USA TODAY found.
"Something needs to be done about that," said Ezekiel Edwards, the head of the ACLU's Criminal Law Reform Project, which has raised concerns about such disparate arrest rates. "In 2014, we shouldn't continue to see this kind of staggering disparity wherever we look."

Is it possible as this black economist points out that this is the problem?
In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households.
A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters [75%] of black families were two-parent households."
By Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University. (Oh by the way in the famous words of Obama..."And did I mention he's black?")

Today more than one-third (33%) of all Black children in the United States under the age of 18 live with unmarried mothers—
compared to 6.5 percent of White children.
The figures reflect a general trend:
During the 1960-2016 period, the percentage of children living with only their mother nearly tripled from 8 to 23 percent and the percentage of children living with only their father increased from 1 to 4 percent.

Isn't the real problem with blacks being confronted at least 10 times higher because those blacks didn't have an authority figure in their family...just their Mom?

Please watch the following tape and THEN tell me how many riots would have been stopped?
How many black men not arrested. Definitely fewer blacks killed by cops...the authority figures!
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

..because the MSM says whites are RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!
He was resisting...this will all come out in court...along with department procedure for safely detaining suspects. Add to that the guy's preexisting conditions which the officers were not privy to...most of these guys are gonna walk.

Cuffs are on fights over PERIOD the end. There is zero reason to restrain a man that way when they are already caught and ready to stuffed In a car.
How do you know Floyd was ready to be "stuffed" ? Have you seen any video of the scuffle that occurred before Floyd was put on the ground? That is my point. Cops just don't throw you to the ground and cuff you and put a knee to your neck immediately. Unless the Cops' lives were in danger. Do we know? But most importantly of all of this... why in the hell is the color of the skin have anything to do with it?
Or is it intelligence that keeps most handcuffed white men from resisting arrest?
Or is it that as Chris Rock says..
How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

"Cops just don't throw you to the ground and cuff you and put a knee to your neck immediately. Unless the Cops' lives were in danger. "

Bullshit. It must be nice to grow up and not think "this is just what they do." I have seen this same exact scene countless times before I hit puberty. They do this to Black kids as young as 12 years old.

Shlep, have you seen the size of some those ‘12 year old’ negroes?
What about that one up in Missouri? Brown? Wasnt he like 14 or something? Boy looked a GD NFL pulling guard.
Age does not indicate size. Now if one of them gets out of hand and becomes a danger to him/herself, law enforcement, or the community, they must be controlled.
A ten year old can pull a trigger the same as a 20 year old.

Yep. I was a 12 years old once upon a time. I was tall and skinny.

Brown was 17 or 18. I get it though. I understand your fear of Blacks made him bigger than he was at a younger age than he really was.

The problem is whites are in fear of Blacks and want to control them. Here are the words of an ex police chief and he is white.

“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”
― Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing

What you characterize as cowardice I would label risk aversion, professional prudence...etc.
Blacks are statistacally more violent than any other racial a country mile.
I would never fault any officer for taking the preventive steps needed to ameliorate any unnecessary risk. Would you fault a marine biologist for using a shark cage?
A bee keeper for their bee suit?

I didnt characterize it as cowardice. The white ex cop did. I just happen to agree with him due to personal experience that white boys are afraid of Black guys.

Whites are the most violent primates on the planet and its not even close. Wake me when any other group of people wipe out an entire race of people like whites have done on numerous occassions.

Whites are not the most violent. They have the best toys in a violent world.
He was resisting...this will all come out in court...along with department procedure for safely detaining suspects. Add to that the guy's preexisting conditions which the officers were not privy to...most of these guys are gonna walk.

Cuffs are on fights over PERIOD the end. There is zero reason to restrain a man that way when they are already caught and ready to stuffed In a car.
How do you know Floyd was ready to be "stuffed" ? Have you seen any video of the scuffle that occurred before Floyd was put on the ground? That is my point. Cops just don't throw you to the ground and cuff you and put a knee to your neck immediately. Unless the Cops' lives were in danger. Do we know? But most importantly of all of this... why in the hell is the color of the skin have anything to do with it?
Or is it intelligence that keeps most handcuffed white men from resisting arrest?
Or is it that as Chris Rock says..
How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

"Cops just don't throw you to the ground and cuff you and put a knee to your neck immediately. Unless the Cops' lives were in danger. "

Bullshit. It must be nice to grow up and not think "this is just what they do." I have seen this same exact scene countless times before I hit puberty. They do this to Black kids as young as 12 years old.

Shlep, have you seen the size of some those ‘12 year old’ negroes?
What about that one up in Missouri? Brown? Wasnt he like 14 or something? Boy looked a GD NFL pulling guard.
Age does not indicate size. Now if one of them gets out of hand and becomes a danger to him/herself, law enforcement, or the community, they must be controlled.
A ten year old can pull a trigger the same as a 20 year old.

Yep. I was a 12 years old once upon a time. I was tall and skinny.

Brown was 17 or 18. I get it though. I understand your fear of Blacks made him bigger than he was at a younger age than he really was.

The problem is whites are in fear of Blacks and want to control them. Here are the words of an ex police chief and he is white.

“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”
― Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing

According to the Obama era FBI Blacks were 300% more likely to commit a violent crime than any other racial group. That is defined as rape, murder, manslaughter and armed robbery.

Asslips any relationship is a two way street. Both sides own the responsibility.

According to reality, whites are the most criminally prone race on the planet and its not even close. They lead in virtually every crime stat.

Really? Where are your FACTS for that above statement?

According to the US Department of Justice, African Americans accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with Whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than Whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher. Most homicides were intraracial, with 84% of White victims killed by Whites, and 93% of African American victims were killed by African Americans.[49][50][51]
In 2013, African Americans accounted for 52.2% of all murder arrests, with Whites 45.3% and Asians/Native Americans 2.5%. Of the above, 21.7% were Hispanic.[52][53]
I didnt characterize it as cowardice. The white ex cop did. I just happen to agree with him
Now...I know you ******* are stupid...but I wanna let you examine that statement again.
lol! Cause that is even stupid for a ******.

Additionally, why wouldn't people be afraid of you? You can look at the statistics posted in this very thread.
You represent 13% (all blacks) of the general males 16-40 represent ~6% of the population or around 16M individuals.
That relatively small slice of the populous represents 52% of all violent crime. I could belabor the negative stats but I am SURE that you are well aware of them.

Yeah people are are a low IQ, low impulse control segment of the population who have no, or little male influence in the home. You are raised by angry black women, whose 'man' is the state, and the social welfare system.

Yes...people SHOULD be afraid...very afraid.

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