How did liberals create ISIS?

ISIS is made up of disgruntled Iraq army Sunnis and disgruntled Sunnis period. Blame Booosh for ending the Iraqi army in 2003 and his idiot a-hole Maliki for his anti- Sunni policies. Duh.
Did Eddie say that there wasn't love, honor, "obedience" and cherishing family until Christ came along?

no he said the concepts were not popularized to create Western Civilization until Christ began to carry the banner. Do you know why this is 2014? it has to do with Christ.

Now Ed is talking as a second person ^^^^ :ack-1:

Don't confuse Eddie, now.

Thinking is hard!
For Eddie thinking is impossible.
Did Eddie say that there wasn't love, honor, "obedience" and cherishing family until Christ came along?

no he said the concepts were not popularized to create Western Civilization until Christ began to carry the banner. Do you know why this is 2014? it has to do with Christ.

Now Ed is talking as a second person ^^^^ :ack-1:

Don't confuse Eddie, now.

Thinking is hard!
For Eddie thinking is impossible.

As long as you agree liberals hate the west as much as ISIS does.
ISIS is made up of disgruntled Iraq army Sunnis and disgruntled Sunnis period. Blame Booosh for ending the Iraqi army in 2003 and his idiot a-hole Maliki for his anti- Sunni policies. Duh.

Well, I agreed with you but Obama certainly has to take some reponsibility.

look at the bright side!! At least Obama won't get to pull completely out of Afghanistan which he wanted to do. Too bad, he could have saved all that money and used it it to cripple more Americans with new welfare entitlements.

On the down side as soon as the entire world hates America as much as liberals do we won't have a chance to survive anyway!!
ISIS is made up of disgruntled Iraq army Sunnis and disgruntled Sunnis period. Blame Booosh for ending the Iraqi army in 2003 and his idiot a-hole Maliki for his anti- Sunni policies. Duh.

Well, I agreed with you but Obama certainly has to take some reponsibility.

look at the bright side!! At least Obama won't get to pull completely out of Afghanistan which he wanted to do. Too bad, he could have saved all that money and used it it to cripple more Americans with new welfare entitlements.

On the down side as soon as the entire world hates America as much as liberals do we won't have a chance to survive anyway!!

Yes under Obama, there are more people on welfare but under a conservative (George W Bush), the number od people on welfare increased 36%.
"On the other hand, the growing welfare caseload cannot be blamed solely on President Obama. True, the number of people on welfare has increased by 12.5 million since he took office. But welfare also increased during the Bush administration: The proportion of households receiving SNAP (food stamps), TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families), or SSI (Supplemental Security Income for the disabled) increased 36 percent during his presidency"
The Welfare State National Review Online
So as you can see Ed, it's bipartisan. You have proved that you are very ill-informed and are bat-shit crazy. No wonder everybody scratches their head while reading your posts.
Yep, Ed's quite the poster. The guy actually believed that the Ten Commandments happened after Christ! :uhoh3:

dear their popularization "happened" after Christ thus Christianity created civilization on earth. It only makes sense that liberals would then oppose it saying more against Christianity than militant Islam.

Now the revisionist is revising his own revisionism of what he early wrote.

but under a conservative (George W Bush, the number od people on welfare increased 36%.

dear, if Bush caused that then he obviously was not a conservative. Do you understand?
I understand that the number of people on welfare increased under Republican and Democratic Presidents. Look at the chart Eddie and get a clue.


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I understand that the number of people on welfare increased under Republican and Democratic Presidents. Look at the chart Eddie and get a clue.

1) dear, the president is not the government
2) a liberal Republican president will try to increase welfare. And??

Do you have any idea at all what point your are trying to make?
I understand that the number of people on welfare increased under Republican and Democratic Presidents. Look at the chart Eddie and get a clue.

1) dear, the president is not the government
2) a liberal Republican president will try to increase welfare. And??

Do you have any idea at all what point your are trying to make?

So, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, George HW Bush and "W" were all liberal Republicans? And if you look at the charts. Only under Clinton, did the number on welfare take a serious drop. Now some will say that welfare usage dropped under Clinton because there was a GOP controlled House. Well there was a GOP controlled House when the welfare number increased under GWB and also with Obama. It's pretty obvious, it doesn't matter if liberal or conservatives are in office, it's the economy stupid.
All of these facts blow your argument out of the water. Something like this is definitely not new to you. It basically happens all the time to you. It must have something to do with your super low IQ and the fact that you are just plain crazy.

Oh, by the way, where's my 10 grand you owe me?
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By presenting the West as liberals do,i.e., as capitalist, racist, sexist, corporatist, etc etc. The real issue is who hates the west more ISIS or American liberals. If you were a Muslim who went to an Ivy league school you too would join ISIS.

Thank you liberals. This may be your finest hour since giving Stalin the A-bomb and electing Obama!!

I see your point- ISIS hates everything that Liberals stand for.

Just like you.
By presenting the West as liberals do,i.e., as capitalist, racist, sexist, corporatist, etc etc. The real issue is who hates the west more ISIS or American liberals. If you were a Muslim who went to an Ivy league school you too would join ISIS.

Thank you liberals. This may be your finest hour since giving Stalin the A-bomb and electing Obama!!

Have you ever thought about narrowing down your stupidity to one issue at a time?

dear, if stupid please say exactly why or admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to defend what you say. Do you even have the IQ as a liberal to know having a why is necessary?

Taking into consideration your apparent limitations I should perhaps be a little more explicit. Your incoherent scree of unrelated generic nonsense would seem to indicate a real lack of intelligence on your part. You might just as well be speaking in tongues. Your remarks are all dull and uninspired, every post replete with hackneyed phrases and juvenile rhetoric. In short, you have no good reasons to post here.
I understand that the number of people on welfare increased under Republican and Democratic Presidents. Look at the chart Eddie and get a clue.

1) dear, the president is not the government
2) a liberal Republican president will try to increase welfare. And??

Do you have any idea at all what point your are trying to make?

So, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, George HW Bush and "W" were all liberal Republicans? And if you look at the charts. Only under Clinton, did the number on welfare take a serious drop. Now some will say that welfare usage dropped under Clinton because there was a GOP controlled House. Well there was a GOP controlled House when the welfare number increased under GWB and also with Obama. It's pretty obvious, it doesn't matter if liberal or conservatives are in office, it's the economy stupid.
All of these facts blow your argument out of the water. Something like this is definitely not new to you. It basically happens all the time to you. It must have something to do with your super low IQ and the fact that you are just plain crazy.

Oh, by the way, where's my 10 grand you owe me?

Oh my the far left now believes that Nixon and Regan created ISIS..

WOW! Next thing you know they will be claiming that George Washington created ISIS..

All to protect their far left messiah Obama..
I understand that the number of people on welfare increased under Republican and Democratic Presidents. Look at the chart Eddie and get a clue.

1) dear, the president is not the government
2) a liberal Republican president will try to increase welfare. And??

Do you have any idea at all what point your are trying to make?

So, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, George HW Bush and "W" were all liberal Republicans? And if you look at the charts. Only under Clinton, did the number on welfare take a serious drop. Now some will say that welfare usage dropped under Clinton because there was a GOP controlled House. Well there was a GOP controlled House when the welfare number increased under GWB and also with Obama. It's pretty obvious, it doesn't matter if liberal or conservatives are in office, it's the economy stupid.
All of these facts blow your argument out of the water. Something like this is definitely not new to you. It basically happens all the time to you. It must have something to do with your super low IQ and the fact that you are just plain crazy.

Oh, by the way, where's my 10 grand you owe me?

Oh my the far left now believes that Nixon and Regan created ISIS..

WOW! Next thing you know they will be claiming that George Washington created ISIS..

All to protect their far left messiah Obama..

I see you didn't follow the conversion Ed and I were having did you? You even missed the fact that the ISIS wasn't even mentioned in the post of mine which you quoted and then stupidly misrepresented the post.
If you had, you would have seen that Ed and I went odd-topic and were discussing the rise of people using our governments welfare system. In the post you misinterpreted, I simply noted that the number of people increased under Republicans and those presidents.
In the past, I have pointed out the fact that you are so extremely biased that you distort what people post on these boards. The post that I am answering to, is a clear example of you taking what I posted and severely distorted everything I posted. In actually, your posted is a blatant lie. If we still had the old rep system, I would have neg repped your ass.
You are a dishonest lying poster. You should be ashamed of yourself, but you won't be.
Also, I see jon berzerk also didn't read my post as he thanked you for your Big Lie. Of course jon is another hyper-biased who has a rough time reading posts that aren't written by other hyper-partisan far right hacks.
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I understand that the number of people on welfare increased under Republican and Democratic Presidents. Look at the chart Eddie and get a clue.

1) dear, the president is not the government
2) a liberal Republican president will try to increase welfare. And??

Do you have any idea at all what point your are trying to make?

So, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, George HW Bush and "W" were all liberal Republicans? And if you look at the charts. Only under Clinton, did the number on welfare take a serious drop. Now some will say that welfare usage dropped under Clinton because there was a GOP controlled House. Well there was a GOP controlled House when the welfare number increased under GWB and also with Obama. It's pretty obvious, it doesn't matter if liberal or conservatives are in office, it's the economy stupid.
All of these facts blow your argument out of the water. Something like this is definitely not new to you. It basically happens all the time to you. It must have something to do with your super low IQ and the fact that you are just plain crazy.

Oh, by the way, where's my 10 grand you owe me?

Oh my the far left now believes that Nixon and Regan created ISIS..

WOW! Next thing you know they will be claiming that George Washington created ISIS..

All to protect their far left messiah Obama..

I see you didn't follow the conversion Ed and I were having did you? You even missed the fact that the ISIS wasn't even mentioned in the post of mine which you quoted and then stupidly misrepresented the post.
If you had, you would have seen that Ed and I went odd-topic and were discussing the rise of people using our governments welfare system. In the post you misinterpreted, I simply noted that the number of people increased under Republicans and those presidents.
In the past, I have pointed out the fact that you are so extremely biased that you distort what people post on these boards. The post that I am answering to, is a clear example of you taking what I posted and severely distorted everything I posted. In actually, your posted is a blatant lie. If we still had the old rep system, I would have neg repped your ass.
You are a dishonest lying poster. You should be ashamed of yourself, but you won't be.

And the far left shows that they would much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!
I understand that the number of people on welfare increased under Republican and Democratic Presidents. Look at the chart Eddie and get a clue.

1) dear, the president is not the government
2) a liberal Republican president will try to increase welfare. And??

Do you have any idea at all what point your are trying to make?

So, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, George HW Bush and "W" were all liberal Republicans? And if you look at the charts. Only under Clinton, did the number on welfare take a serious drop. Now some will say that welfare usage dropped under Clinton because there was a GOP controlled House. Well there was a GOP controlled House when the welfare number increased under GWB and also with Obama. It's pretty obvious, it doesn't matter if liberal or conservatives are in office, it's the economy stupid.
All of these facts blow your argument out of the water. Something like this is definitely not new to you. It basically happens all the time to you. It must have something to do with your super low IQ and the fact that you are just plain crazy.

Oh, by the way, where's my 10 grand you owe me?

Oh my the far left now believes that Nixon and Regan created ISIS..

WOW! Next thing you know they will be claiming that George Washington created ISIS..

All to protect their far left messiah Obama..

I see you didn't follow the conversion Ed and I were having did you? You even missed the fact that the ISIS wasn't even mentioned in the post of mine which you quoted and then stupidly misrepresented the post.
If you had, you would have seen that Ed and I went odd-topic and were discussing the rise of people using our governments welfare system. In the post you misinterpreted, I simply noted that the number of people increased under Republicans and those presidents.
In the past, I have pointed out the fact that you are so extremely biased that you distort what people post on these boards. The post that I am answering to, is a clear example of you taking what I posted and severely distorted everything I posted. In actually, your posted is a blatant lie. If we still had the old rep system, I would have neg repped your ass.
You are a dishonest lying poster. You should be ashamed of yourself, but you won't be.

And the far left shows that they would much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!

Here you go again, misrepresenting me!
In a previous post on this thread (post 45), I clearly stated that Obama carried responsibility for the creation of the ISIS.
You just keep on showing the posters on USMB exactly what a hyper-partisan political hack you really are. Keep up the good job of exposing your ineptness.
Ahh another thread where the conservative laments his stories of woe where he is helpless to confront the liberal. The liberal rules all and is responsible for everything from ISIS to sadness
Ahh another thread where the conservative laments his stories of woe where he is helpless to confront the liberal. The liberal rules all and is responsible for everything from ISIS to sadness

Yes, it stands to reason that if the liberal hates America then so will the Muslim's who live among us. And this is to say nothing of foreign Muslims in whose countries we have interfered mightily.

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