How did liberals create ISIS?

And the far left shows that they would much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!

yes the liberals, having no character whatsoever, cant admit China eliminated 40% of the world's poverty with Republican capitalism or that they destroyed the American family.
Ahh another thread where the conservative laments his stories of woe where he is helpless to confront the liberal. The liberal rules all and is responsible for everything from ISIS to sadness

Yes, it stands to reason that if the liberal hates America then so will the Muslim's who live among us.

You are right only if the liberal hates America. Since you havent and cannot prove that the rest of your logic fails.
Ahh another thread where the conservative laments his stories of woe where he is helpless to confront the liberal. The liberal rules all and is responsible for everything from ISIS to sadness

Yes, it stands to reason that if the liberal hates America then so will the Muslim's who live among us.

You are right only if the liberal hates America. Since you havent and cannot prove that the rest of your logic fails.

dear, do you think they spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb because they like America?
By presenting the West as liberals do,i.e., as capitalist, racist, sexist, corporatist, etc etc. The real issue is who hates the west more ISIS or American liberals. If you were a Muslim who went to an Ivy league school you too would join ISIS.

Thank you liberals. This may be your finest hour since giving Stalin the A-bomb and electing Obama!!

ad hominem from typical violent liberal without IQ for substance. Ever see a consevative afraid of debate?
What does that teach you?
Have you ever thought about narrowing down your stupidity to one issue at a time?

dear, if stupid please say exactly why or admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to defend what you say. Do you even have the IQ as a liberal to know having a why is necessary?

Taking into consideration your apparent limitations I should perhaps be a little more explicit. Your incoherent scree of unrelated generic nonsense would seem to indicate a real lack of intelligence on your part. You might just as well be speaking in tongues. Your remarks are all dull and uninspired, every post replete with hackneyed phrases and juvenile rhetoric. In short, you have no good reasons to post here.
By presenting the West as liberals do,i.e., as capitalist, racist, sexist, corporatist, etc etc. The real issue is who hates the west more ISIS or American liberals. If you were a Muslim who went to an Ivy league school you too would join ISIS.

Thank you liberals. This may be your finest hour since giving Stalin the A-bomb and electing Obama!!
It was that war they started in Iraq. Oh those liberals. Then they disbanded the Iraqi military which joined up with al Qaeda.
Liberals, shame on them. Such big blunders. They must be tards.
The Iraq war was started by Republicans?
And it was Republicans who disbanded the Iraqi Military?
Then Republicans spent trillions trying to create the same kind of military Saddam had before the GOP tricked America into invading Iraq but they failed miserably like they do at everything else?
The Iraq war was started by Republicans?

the shooting war was started by the entire American govt and the population that elected it. The liberalism of Iraq was started by American liberals who love powerful central govt.
Ahh another thread where the conservative laments his stories of woe where he is helpless to confront the liberal. The liberal rules all and is responsible for everything from ISIS to sadness

Yes, it stands to reason that if the liberal hates America then so will the Muslim's who live among us.

You are right only if the liberal hates America. Since you havent and cannot prove that the rest of your logic fails.

dear, do you think they spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb because they like America?
Who wants to bring down the government? Who talks about secession? Who caused the government shutdown? Who was behind the credit downgrade? Who started the fake war in Iraq? Who let Bin Laden go? Who created the enormous deficit? Who helped millions of jobs move to China? Who let over 40,000 factories close? Who was behind voter suppression? Who was behind the Economic meltdown? We all know who it was. Fuckers who hate this country. There is no other way to explain the terrible things those awful traitors have done to this country. I'm sure you'll agree.
Ahh another thread where the conservative laments his stories of woe where he is helpless to confront the liberal. The liberal rules all and is responsible for everything from ISIS to sadness

Yes, it stands to reason that if the liberal hates America then so will the Muslim's who live among us.

You are right only if the liberal hates America. Since you havent and cannot prove that the rest of your logic fails.

dear, do you think they spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb because they like America?

They who? Then using your logic I'd like how you will explain Reagan giving weapons to terrorist.

Is it because Republicans hate America, dear?
The Iraq war was started by Republicans?

the shooting war was started by the entire American govt and the population that elected it. The liberalism of Iraq was started by American liberals who love powerful central govt.
In other worse, traitorous Republicans refuse to take a shred of responsibility for the damage they caused this country. Thanks for clearing that up.
Hey Ed, where is my $10,000? You offered a bet, I took that bet and won the bet.
Of course I knew you'd welch on the bet. Ever notice that 90% of the posters believe that you have no credibility and to top that off, they think you're insane and lacking the IQ to open a bottle of peanut butter?
Hey Ed, where is my $10,000? You offered a bet, I took that bet and won the bet.
Of course I knew you'd welch on the bet. Ever notice that 90% of the posters believe that you have no credibility and to top that off, they think you're insane and lacking the IQ to open a bottle of peanut butter?

as long as you understand that our liberals and ISIS both love powerful central govt!
And the far left shows that they would much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!

yes the liberals, having no character whatsoever, cant admit China eliminated 40% of the world's poverty with Republican capitalism or that they destroyed the American family.

"Republican capitalism"?? :rofl:

The Republican Party is made in China now? By Thomas Jefferson???

I understand that the number of people on welfare increased under Republican and Democratic Presidents. Look at the chart Eddie and get a clue.

1) dear, the president is not the government
2) a liberal Republican president will try to increase welfare. And??

Do you have any idea at all what point your are trying to make?

So, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, George HW Bush and "W" were all liberal Republicans? And if you look at the charts. Only under Clinton, did the number on welfare take a serious drop. Now some will say that welfare usage dropped under Clinton because there was a GOP controlled House. Well there was a GOP controlled House when the welfare number increased under GWB and also with Obama. It's pretty obvious, it doesn't matter if liberal or conservatives are in office, it's the economy stupid.
All of these facts blow your argument out of the water. Something like this is definitely not new to you. It basically happens all the time to you. It must have something to do with your super low IQ and the fact that you are just plain crazy.

Oh, by the way, where's my 10 grand you owe me?

Oh my the far left now believes that Nixon and Regan created ISIS..

WOW! Next thing you know they will be claiming that George Washington created ISIS..

All to protect their far left messiah Obama..

Uh... where did anyone say that?
Are you like, illiterate?

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