How did the GOP controlled Senate do this?

Another ObamaCare repeal by the retards.

I am wondering what is the purpose of this. Is it so they can send emails to the rubes back home saying, "We done it again! We done it again! YEEHAW! Freeeeeeedommmmmm!"
That's absolutely why they did it. They know Obama's going to veto it so they just want to be able to say they did ANYTHING because honestly they haven't done anything yet. But you can bet they'll do a lot if they have a GOP president. They will fuck the middle class big time. They will go back to favoring the rich like Bush did. We are still feeling the effects of that. They are still being favored. That's why the gap between rich and poor keeps growing.

What are the GOP trying to do to shrink the gap?
Get a job...close your own gap. Ewwwwwwww...
Another ObamaCare repeal by the retards.

I am wondering what is the purpose of this. Is it so they can send emails to the rubes back home saying, "We done it again! We done it again! YEEHAW! Freeeeeeedommmmmm!"
That's absolutely why they did it. They know Obama's going to veto it so they just want to be able to say they did ANYTHING because honestly they haven't done anything yet. But you can bet they'll do a lot if they have a GOP president. They will fuck the middle class big time. They will go back to favoring the rich like Bush did. We are still feeling the effects of that. They are still being favored. That's why the gap between rich and poor keeps growing.

What are the GOP trying to do to shrink the gap?
Get a job...close your own gap. Ewwwwwwww...
I got a job. Then the GOP raise my taxes because I'm not rich. The cost of living goes up. I don't get a raise, no ones hiring because the economy gets worse. blablabla.

Here's the deal. Republicanomics work when the economy is good. But the GOP doesn't like a good economy because they don't like wages going up. So they like high unemployment. They like sending jobs overseas. They like the job market flooded with aliens.

Costs go up and The American Middle Class Hasn’t Gotten A Raise In 15 Years
Another ObamaCare repeal by the retards.

I am wondering what is the purpose of this. Is it so they can send emails to the rubes back home saying, "We done it again! We done it again! YEEHAW! Freeeeeeedommmmmm!"
That's absolutely why they did it. They know Obama's going to veto it so they just want to be able to say they did ANYTHING because honestly they haven't done anything yet. But you can bet they'll do a lot if they have a GOP president. They will fuck the middle class big time. They will go back to favoring the rich like Bush did. We are still feeling the effects of that. They are still being favored. That's why the gap between rich and poor keeps growing.

What are the GOP trying to do to shrink the gap?
I can guarantee you something if we elect a GOP President: ObamaCare will not be repealed.

You can quote that, save it, bookmark it, and take it to the bank.

If a Republican is elected, the first thing you will notice is that they will suddenly stop calling it "ObamaCare", and they will start calling it "the ACA".

Then they will begin passing "fixes" to "the ACA".

You see, the GOP sold us all down the single-payer river a long, long time ago. ObamaCare is just a step along that path. All this hullaballo and rending of clothing over ObamaCare by the GOP is just theater for the rubes. The conditioning of the rubes is complete. They have been dumbed down successfully to the point where they blindly mimic the behaviors of the party's propaganda organs.

Meanwhile, single payer is coming. Bank it. And the rubes will never figure out how it happened or how they played a part in it.

Why not just start calling it what it should be called, SCOTUSCARE. They wrote the important provisions of the law.

Single payer solves nothing.
My British friends and I disagree. Right now we have 100 administrators, salespeople, hr, vp's, ceo's, etc. taking a bite out of your monthly healthcare premiums. Its called the profit motive. We don't need these people. We need one government agency managing it.
The profit motive is not what is costing us so much. Do you think the government should sell cars since they are currently sold by salespeople, HR, CEOs, etc and have a profit motive? The USSR thought so. How'd that work out?

Now let me ask you something. Take a look at auto, home, and life insurance. All have the profit motive, too. All have HRs and CEOs and sales people, and yet they are not out of control. So what is the key difference between those insurance industries and the health insurance industry?

I'll tell you. Unlike the other insurance industries, the biggest player in the health insurance industry is the government. And the government gets to write all the rules for its competitors. Just like the USSR and automobiles.

So the problem is not a lack of single payer. The problem is precisely the opposite. The problem is we have too much government in the insurance market. We should be buying health insurance the same way we buy auto, home, and life insurance. We should be able to buy insurance from any company we wish, not held hostage to whatever plan our employer offers. That's how we get leverage. By being able to take our business anywhere, just like we do with home, auto, and life insurance.

Instead, we are held hostage by our employer. We have ZERO leverage. And a small employer has very, very little leverage with an insurance company. If one person in a small company racks up big medical bills, the insurance costs of everyone in that company skyrockets.

In turn, the insurance company is geographically limited by the US government (its main competitor), which limits its leverage and makes it hostage to the healthcare provider in that region.

So you are quite wrong, and the healthcare system in the UK is nothing to brag about. If your single payer system was so great, you wouldn't have people buying supplemental private insurance.

Fast forward to 3:30 in this clip:

There is no law that forces you to take your employer's insurance package.
There is no law that forces you to take your employer's insurance package.
Yes there is. There is an individual insurance mandate and an employer mandate. Didn't you hear? It was in all the papers.

And if you don't take your employer's insurance, your employer is fined to help pay for your federal insurance subsidy.

And if you use the federal health insurance exchange, the government is the gatekeeper as to who you are allowed to buy insurance from. You are again hostage.

Even before the mandate, you didn't really have a choice. You either took your employer's insurance or had no insurance. After all, you don't get paid extra if you don't take it. It's an all or nothing proposition.

So yes, you have no choice. You are hostage. You have always been hostage, and always will be.
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The Republican-controlled Senate voted 52-47 to repeal several core Obamacare provisions under special budget procedural rules that allow for passage with a simple majority.

And will they like it if in the future the Democratic controlled Senate does this? Before the GOP controlled the Senate, Mitch McConnell broke a record on filabusters. Should we have done this to him back then? Is this the nuclear option? Is that what the GOP did here to get this passed?

US Senate passes symbolic Obamacare repeal

There is no law that forces you to take your employer's insurance package.
Yes there is. It was in all the papers. There is an insurance mandate. Didn't you hear? And if you don't take your employer's insurance, your employer is fined.

Even before the mandate, you didn't really have a choice. You either took your employer's insurance or had no insurance. After all, you don't get paid extra if you don't take it. It's an all or nothing proposition.

So yes, you have no choice. You are hostage.

All the employers I've worked for offered a stipend if you didn't take their insurance package.

Except when I worked for myself, lol.
There is no law that forces you to take your employer's insurance package.
Yes there is. It was in all the papers. There is an insurance mandate. Didn't you hear? And if you don't take your employer's insurance, your employer is fined.

Even before the mandate, you didn't really have a choice. You either took your employer's insurance or had no insurance. After all, you don't get paid extra if you don't take it. It's an all or nothing proposition.

So yes, you have no choice. You are hostage.

All the employers I've worked for offered a stipend if you didn't take their insurance package.

Except when I worked for myself, lol.
I think you will find that almost no employer pays their employees extra for not taking their insurance.
49 percent of Americans get their health insurance through their employer. That's a lot of hostages.

19 percent are on Medicaid. More hostages.

13 percent are on Medicare. More hostages.

2 percent are military or VA insured.

10 percent are uninsured. They WISH they were hostages.

Only 6 percent of Americans are non-group insured. How's that compare to home, auto, or life insurance?

This is the biggest reason health costs are so high.
When the Libs owned the Senate Reid refused to allow a grand total of 100 Bills passed in the House sit on his desk and refused to allow them to come up for DISCUSSION, let alone a vote. What did Reid do with all that Spare Time? He abused his power by attacking a US citizen from the floor of the Senate, ADMITTEDLY LYING and SLANDERING the man on top of everything. Reid 'somehow' got copies of Romney's personal tax documents (meaning he and whoever in the IRS provided them to him should have GONE TO JAIL).

The lies Reid told were about Romney's taxes. When asked how he could justify doing what he did Reid responded by saying, "IT WORKED, DIDN'T IT?!" What Reid meant was illegally getting Romney's tax records, abusing his power in the Senate to attack a US citizen, illegally (and admittedly) slandering and lying about the man, & never being punished for it worked because Romney lost the election.

So don't bitch and whine about the GOP controlling the Senate.

If I were you Libs, I would worry about what YOU are all going to do when the GOP President steps in the WH and declares he intends to FULLY use the authority established by Democrats in the previous Presidency by Obama to completely by-pass Congress to pass whatever agenda / laws he or she wants...beginning with repealing by EO EVERY SINGLE EO Obama passed while President.

The wailing, whining, crying, and gnashing of teeth will be deafening if / when that happens.

Another ObamaCare repeal by the retards.

I am wondering what is the purpose of this. Is it so they can send emails to the rubes back home saying, "We done it again! We done it again! YEEHAW! Freeeeeeedommmmmm!"
That's absolutely why they did it. They know Obama's going to veto it so they just want to be able to say they did ANYTHING because honestly they haven't done anything yet. But you can bet they'll do a lot if they have a GOP president. They will fuck the middle class big time. They will go back to favoring the rich like Bush did. We are still feeling the effects of that. They are still being favored. That's why the gap between rich and poor keeps growing.

What are the GOP trying to do to shrink the gap?
Get a job...close your own gap. Ewwwwwwww...
I got a job. Then the GOP raise my taxes because I'm not rich. The cost of living goes up. I don't get a raise, no ones hiring because the economy gets worse. blablabla.

Here's the deal. Republicanomics work when the economy is good. But the GOP doesn't like a good economy because they don't like wages going up. So they like high unemployment. They like sending jobs overseas. They like the job market flooded with aliens.

Costs go up and The American Middle Class Hasn’t Gotten A Raise In 15 Years
Wages going up by force is NOT a sign of a good economy..
When the Libs owned the Senate Reid refused to allow a grand total of 100 Bills passed in the House sit on his desk and refused to allow them to come up for DISCUSSION, let alone a vote.
You say that as if that hasn't always been the normal course of things.

50 of them were probably time-wasting ObamaCare repeals. :lol:
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Wages aren't going to go up significantly until the two billion Indians and Chinese who entered the global market work force a couple decades ago are absorbed, and until China is able to turn their economy into one that is not driven by exports but by internal consumption.

That could take another generation or two.
Wages aren't going to go up significantly until the two billion Indians and Chinese who entered the global market work force a couple decades ago are absorbed, and until China is able to turn their economy into one that is not driven by exports but by internal consumption.

That could take another generation or two.
labor mobility makes me :puke:
We used data from GovTrack to assess the number of bills passed by the House that never saw action in the Senate. The site, which compiles data on legislation stretching back for decades, flags each bill by its current status. For hundreds of bills from each of the past 20 Congresses, the current status is what it was when the Congress adjourned: waiting for Senate consideration that will never come.

In 11 of the past 19 Congresses -- more than half -- more than 300 bills were waiting for Senate action by the time the Congress completed its work.

Yes, the Senate is ignoring hundreds of bills passed by the GOP House. But it’s always that way.
Obamacare was passed using budget reconciliation a process that requires only a simple majority vote in the Senate.

It will be repealed the same way (assuming it doesn't collapse on it's own first).
Wages aren't going to go up significantly until the two billion Indians and Chinese who entered the global market work force a couple decades ago are absorbed, and until China is able to turn their economy into one that is not driven by exports but by internal consumption.

That could take another generation or two.
labor mobility makes me :puke:
Why? It's a great thing!

Protectionism kills innovation.
49 percent of Americans get their health insurance through their employer. That's a lot of hostages.

19 percent are on Medicaid. More hostages.

13 percent are on Medicare. More hostages.

2 percent are military or VA insured.

10 percent are uninsured. They WISH they were hostages.

Only 6 percent of Americans are non-group insured. How's that compare to home, auto, or life insurance?

This is the biggest reason health costs are so high.

All I know is when I needed to buy insurance for myself, it was too expensive. $350 a month. That's too expensive for one person. If you spread the risk between all of us, no fucking way it should be that much but of course Blue Cross, Humana & HAP CEO's got to get there piece, right? Then the shareholders got to get their piece, right? Then don't forget all the administrative staff, salespeople, hr paper shufflers, etc.

No one worried about the good jobs that would be lost if we shipped manufacturing jobs overseas. We could let go of 1 million Blue cross employees who are all overpaid and we could get it done with 100,000 government employees.
Obamacare was passed using budget reconciliation a process that requires only a simple majority vote in the Senate.

It will be repealed the same way (assuming it doesn't collapse on it's own first).
No it won't because Obama or Hillary will veto and the GOP are going to lose the Senate this year.

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