How did the GOP controlled Senate do this?

All I know is when I needed to buy insurance for myself, it was too expensive.
Precisely because only 6 percent of Americans are non-group insured.
Seems the insurance company should be putting us all in one big fucking group. They love the individual or small groups because they aren't spreading the risk around nearly as much as a big company like Microsoft does.

So why don't they just put us all in one big pool like social security does? Because they don't want to. They get to make more money this way.

Baucus's Raucous Caucus: Doctors, Nurses and Activists Arrested Again for Protesting Exclusion of Single-Payer Advocates at Senate Hearing on Healthcare

Why no seat at the table for Single Payer?

Advocates of single-payer universal healthcare — the system favored by most Americans — continue to protest their exclusion from discussions on healthcare reform.

Why don't the GOP offer an alternative? If they repeal the ACA, what will they offer?

Health Insurance Premiums Up 131% in Last Ten Years |

And this started in 2000. Hell, it started going up and up in the 90's. The Clinton's tried to reform healthcare but were unable to. Republicans act like it was fine and dandy?
The Republicans are reduced to this. Just as with Palin's bridge to nowhere, the Republicans are reduced to votes to nowhere.
Obamacare was passed using budget reconciliation a process that requires only a simple majority vote in the Senate.

It will be repealed the same way (assuming it doesn't collapse on it's own first).

No it won't because Obama or Hillary will veto and the GOP are going to lose the Senate this year.

Opinions are like assholes......nobody knows the future. But if you are right....

How will hiLIARy veto a collapse?

When the insurers pull out, the jig is up. It's already started, half of the co-ops are failed (kaput) and the rest are losing money..

United Health is losing fistfuls of cash and may pull out......
Obamacare was passed using budget reconciliation a process that requires only a simple majority vote in the Senate.

It will be repealed the same way (assuming it doesn't collapse on it's own first).

The ACA wasn't actually passed using reconciliation. It passed the Senate with 60 votes: U.S. Senate: Roll Call Vote

Reconciliation was later used to pass a subsequent piece of legislation (HCERA) revising some of the financial pieces of the ACA but the law itself was passed the old fashioned way. As a parliamentary matter you could never use reconciliation to pass (or repeal) a law like the ACA in its entirety. At best you can amend certain pieces of it. That's why the "repeal" bill Congress is now sending to the President doesn't actually repeal the law in its entirety.
Another ObamaCare repeal by the retards.

I am wondering what is the purpose of this. Is it so they can send emails to the rubes back home saying, "We done it again! We done it again! YEEHAW! Freeeeeeedommmmmm!"
That's absolutely why they did it. They know Obama's going to veto it so they just want to be able to say they did ANYTHING because honestly they haven't done anything yet. But you can bet they'll do a lot if they have a GOP president. They will fuck the middle class big time. They will go back to favoring the rich like Bush did. We are still feeling the effects of that. They are still being favored. That's why the gap between rich and poor keeps growing.

What are the GOP trying to do to shrink the gap?

When are the libs going to quit screwing the people and segregating and exploiting them into groups. I doubt the R's would even have the balls to stop funding on obamacare even if they controlled both houses and the wh.
You doubt their sincerity? Guys like you doubted the GOP would screw us as bad as they did and then 2007 happened.

And you are fooling yourself if you think is is LIBS that divide us with these bullshit wedge issues. Politics should be all about your finances. But if that were the case, the GOP would only have 10% of the seats in Congress. So how do they win over stupid middle class voters? With wedge issues like god, gays and guns.

Now your stupid ass wants to ask us to stop being divisive? So fucking funny you make me want to puke in your stupid face.

Politics should be all about fiances

If that is the case with you why do you vote for democrats?

I vote my pocket book, and damn right the cost of living is cheaper in the red states.
Another ObamaCare repeal by the retards.

I am wondering what is the purpose of this. Is it so they can send emails to the rubes back home saying, "We done it again! We done it again! YEEHAW! Freeeeeeedommmmmm!"
That's absolutely why they did it. They know Obama's going to veto it so they just want to be able to say they did ANYTHING because honestly they haven't done anything yet. But you can bet they'll do a lot if they have a GOP president. They will fuck the middle class big time. They will go back to favoring the rich like Bush did. We are still feeling the effects of that. They are still being favored. That's why the gap between rich and poor keeps growing.

What are the GOP trying to do to shrink the gap?

When are the libs going to quit screwing the people and segregating and exploiting them into groups. I doubt the R's would even have the balls to stop funding on obamacare even if they controlled both houses and the wh.
You doubt their sincerity? Guys like you doubted the GOP would screw us as bad as they did and then 2007 happened.

And you are fooling yourself if you think is is LIBS that divide us with these bullshit wedge issues. Politics should be all about your finances. But if that were the case, the GOP would only have 10% of the seats in Congress. So how do they win over stupid middle class voters? With wedge issues like god, gays and guns.

Now your stupid ass wants to ask us to stop being divisive? So fucking funny you make me want to puke in your stupid face.

Politics should be all about fiances

If that is the case with you why do you vote for democrats?

I vote my pocket book, and damn right the cost of living is cheaper in the red states.
So are the employers
The Republican-controlled Senate voted 52-47 to repeal several core Obamacare provisions under special budget procedural rules that allow for passage with a simple majority.

And will they like it if in the future the Democratic controlled Senate does this? Before the GOP controlled the Senate, Mitch McConnell broke a record on filabusters. Should we have done this to him back then? Is this the nuclear option? Is that what the GOP did here to get this passed?

US Senate passes symbolic Obamacare repeal

Silly boo boo has selective memory...

Or to busy watching honey Boo Boo in 2013

Nov 20, 2013

blackhawkGold Member
Uh huh and when the Democrats are the minority will they want to change the rules back? Reid and the Democrats would be wise to remember you don't remain the majority forever

Reid Changing Filibuster Rules | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The Republican-controlled Senate voted 52-47 to repeal several core Obamacare provisions under special budget procedural rules that allow for passage with a simple majority.

And will they like it if in the future the Democratic controlled Senate does this? Before the GOP controlled the Senate, Mitch McConnell broke a record on filabusters. Should we have done this to him back then? Is this the nuclear option? Is that what the GOP did here to get this passed?

US Senate passes symbolic Obamacare repeal

Silly boo boo has selective memory...

Or to busy watching honey Boo Boo in 2013

Nov 20, 2013

blackhawkGold Member
Uh huh and when the Democrats are the minority will they want to change the rules back? Reid and the Democrats would be wise to remember you don't remain the majority forever

Reid Changing Filibuster Rules | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
So you Republicans didn't like harry Reid doing it but now here you are doing it.

No biggy. The move was just symbolic. It's theater. An election year
Another ObamaCare repeal by the retards.

I am wondering what is the purpose of this. Is it so they can send emails to the rubes back home saying, "We done it again! We done it again! YEEHAW! Freeeeeeedommmmmm!"
That's absolutely why they did it. They know Obama's going to veto it so they just want to be able to say they did ANYTHING because honestly they haven't done anything yet. But you can bet they'll do a lot if they have a GOP president. They will fuck the middle class big time. They will go back to favoring the rich like Bush did. We are still feeling the effects of that. They are still being favored. That's why the gap between rich and poor keeps growing.

What are the GOP trying to do to shrink the gap?

When are the libs going to quit screwing the people and segregating and exploiting them into groups. I doubt the R's would even have the balls to stop funding on obamacare even if they controlled both houses and the wh.
You doubt their sincerity? Guys like you doubted the GOP would screw us as bad as they did and then 2007 happened.

And you are fooling yourself if you think is is LIBS that divide us with these bullshit wedge issues. Politics should be all about your finances. But if that were the case, the GOP would only have 10% of the seats in Congress. So how do they win over stupid middle class voters? With wedge issues like god, gays and guns.

Now your stupid ass wants to ask us to stop being divisive? So fucking funny you make me want to puke in your stupid face.

Politics should be all about fiances

If that is the case with you why do you vote for democrats?

I vote my pocket book, and damn right the cost of living is cheaper in the red states.
So are the employers

Oh yea ? I was just messing around on Career builder , what I do, is paying around the same damn amount up in Chicago and less in California what I make down here in S.C. I can't find anything over $30 an hour.
That's absolutely why they did it. They know Obama's going to veto it so they just want to be able to say they did ANYTHING because honestly they haven't done anything yet. But you can bet they'll do a lot if they have a GOP president. They will fuck the middle class big time. They will go back to favoring the rich like Bush did. We are still feeling the effects of that. They are still being favored. That's why the gap between rich and poor keeps growing.

What are the GOP trying to do to shrink the gap?

When are the libs going to quit screwing the people and segregating and exploiting them into groups. I doubt the R's would even have the balls to stop funding on obamacare even if they controlled both houses and the wh.
You doubt their sincerity? Guys like you doubted the GOP would screw us as bad as they did and then 2007 happened.

And you are fooling yourself if you think is is LIBS that divide us with these bullshit wedge issues. Politics should be all about your finances. But if that were the case, the GOP would only have 10% of the seats in Congress. So how do they win over stupid middle class voters? With wedge issues like god, gays and guns.

Now your stupid ass wants to ask us to stop being divisive? So fucking funny you make me want to puke in your stupid face.

Politics should be all about fiances

If that is the case with you why do you vote for democrats?

I vote my pocket book, and damn right the cost of living is cheaper in the red states.
So are the employers

Oh yea ? I was just messing around on Career builder , what I do, is paying around the same damn amount up in Chicago and less in California what I make down here in S.C. I can't find anything over $30 an hour.
Is that common in sc? I hope so. People would be lucky to migrate to sc.
The Republican-controlled Senate voted 52-47 to repeal several core Obamacare provisions under special budget procedural rules that allow for passage with a simple majority.

And will they like it if in the future the Democratic controlled Senate does this? Before the GOP controlled the Senate, Mitch McConnell broke a record on filabusters. Should we have done this to him back then? Is this the nuclear option? Is that what the GOP did here to get this passed?

US Senate passes symbolic Obamacare repeal

Silly boo boo has selective memory...

Or to busy watching honey Boo Boo in 2013

Nov 20, 2013

blackhawkGold Member
Uh huh and when the Democrats are the minority will they want to change the rules back? Reid and the Democrats would be wise to remember you don't remain the majority forever

Reid Changing Filibuster Rules | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
So you Republicans didn't like harry Reid doing it but now here you are doing it.

No biggy. The move was just symbolic. It's theater. An election year

What did you do smoke a joint? Thought you were going to have a heart attache in your OP?

FYI it passed The Senate before x-mas.
The Republican-controlled Senate voted 52-47 to repeal several core Obamacare provisions under special budget procedural rules that allow for passage with a simple majority.

And will they like it if in the future the Democratic controlled Senate does this? Before the GOP controlled the Senate, Mitch McConnell broke a record on filabusters. Should we have done this to him back then? Is this the nuclear option? Is that what the GOP did here to get this passed?

US Senate passes symbolic Obamacare repeal

Silly boo boo has selective memory...

Or to busy watching honey Boo Boo in 2013

Nov 20, 2013

blackhawkGold Member
Uh huh and when the Democrats are the minority will they want to change the rules back? Reid and the Democrats would be wise to remember you don't remain the majority forever

Reid Changing Filibuster Rules | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
So you Republicans didn't like harry Reid doing it but now here you are doing it.

No biggy. The move was just symbolic. It's theater. An election year

What did you do smoke a joint? Thought you were going to have a heart attache in your OP?

FYI it passed The Senate before x-mas.
I'm high now
When are the libs going to quit screwing the people and segregating and exploiting them into groups. I doubt the R's would even have the balls to stop funding on obamacare even if they controlled both houses and the wh.
You doubt their sincerity? Guys like you doubted the GOP would screw us as bad as they did and then 2007 happened.

And you are fooling yourself if you think is is LIBS that divide us with these bullshit wedge issues. Politics should be all about your finances. But if that were the case, the GOP would only have 10% of the seats in Congress. So how do they win over stupid middle class voters? With wedge issues like god, gays and guns.

Now your stupid ass wants to ask us to stop being divisive? So fucking funny you make me want to puke in your stupid face.

Politics should be all about fiances

If that is the case with you why do you vote for democrats?

I vote my pocket book, and damn right the cost of living is cheaper in the red states.
So are the employers

Oh yea ? I was just messing around on Career builder , what I do, is paying around the same damn amount up in Chicago and less in California what I make down here in S.C. I can't find anything over $30 an hour.
Is that common in sc? I hope so. People would be lucky to migrate to sc.

If they are a maintenance, procsses tech or tool maker in plastics It is $20~$30 non union, a ton of company's and more coming when they start building that new car plant in Charleston
You doubt their sincerity? Guys like you doubted the GOP would screw us as bad as they did and then 2007 happened.

And you are fooling yourself if you think is is LIBS that divide us with these bullshit wedge issues. Politics should be all about your finances. But if that were the case, the GOP would only have 10% of the seats in Congress. So how do they win over stupid middle class voters? With wedge issues like god, gays and guns.

Now your stupid ass wants to ask us to stop being divisive? So fucking funny you make me want to puke in your stupid face.

Politics should be all about fiances

If that is the case with you why do you vote for democrats?

I vote my pocket book, and damn right the cost of living is cheaper in the red states.
So are the employers

Oh yea ? I was just messing around on Career builder , what I do, is paying around the same damn amount up in Chicago and less in California what I make down here in S.C. I can't find anything over $30 an hour.
Is that common in sc? I hope so. People would be lucky to migrate to sc.

If they are a maintenance, procsses tech or tool maker in plastics It is $20~$30 non union, a ton of company's and more coming when they start building that new car plant in Charleston
I'm OK with south Carolina doing better than Michigan not mexico India and China. Back in the day people went north for good jobs. I'm OK with the states competing.
Why don't they just do what they are good at and give in? The more globalism and ignorance they produce, the more loose the left gets about obamacare..
It's so funny how you guys claim a mandate every time you win midterms but you never win in general election years.

Could it be because 30% show up to midterms and 50% show up for general elections?
Another ObamaCare repeal by the retards.

I am wondering what is the purpose of this. Is it so they can send emails to the rubes back home saying, "We done it again! We done it again! YEEHAW! Freeeeeeedommmmmm!"
That's absolutely why they did it. They know Obama's going to veto it so they just want to be able to say they did ANYTHING because honestly they haven't done anything yet. But you can bet they'll do a lot if they have a GOP president. They will fuck the middle class big time. They will go back to favoring the rich like Bush did. We are still feeling the effects of that. They are still being favored. That's why the gap between rich and poor keeps growing.

What are the GOP trying to do to shrink the gap?
I can guarantee you something if we elect a GOP President: ObamaCare will not be repealed.

You can quote that, save it, bookmark it, and take it to the bank.

If a Republican is elected, the first thing you will notice is that they will suddenly stop calling it "ObamaCare", and they will start calling it "the ACA".

Then they will begin passing "fixes" to "the ACA".

You see, the GOP sold us all down the single-payer river a long, long time ago. ObamaCare is just a step along that path. All this hullaballo and rending of clothing over ObamaCare by the GOP is just theater for the rubes. The conditioning of the rubes is complete. They have been dumbed down successfully to the point where they blindly mimic the behaviors of the party's propaganda organs.

Meanwhile, single payer is coming. Bank it. And the rubes will never figure out how it happened or how they played a part in it.

I could not agree more. All the GOP does is sling poo around.

They are all about big government.
Another ObamaCare repeal by the retards.

I am wondering what is the purpose of this. Is it so they can send emails to the rubes back home saying, "We done it again! We done it again! YEEHAW! Freeeeeeedommmmmm!"
That's absolutely why they did it. They know Obama's going to veto it so they just want to be able to say they did ANYTHING because honestly they haven't done anything yet. But you can bet they'll do a lot if they have a GOP president. They will fuck the middle class big time. They will go back to favoring the rich like Bush did. We are still feeling the effects of that. They are still being favored. That's why the gap between rich and poor keeps growing.

What are the GOP trying to do to shrink the gap?
I can guarantee you something if we elect a GOP President: ObamaCare will not be repealed.

You can quote that, save it, bookmark it, and take it to the bank.

If a Republican is elected, the first thing you will notice is that they will suddenly stop calling it "ObamaCare", and they will start calling it "the ACA".

Then they will begin passing "fixes" to "the ACA".

You see, the GOP sold us all down the single-payer river a long, long time ago. ObamaCare is just a step along that path. All this hullaballo and rending of clothing over ObamaCare by the GOP is just theater for the rubes. The conditioning of the rubes is complete. They have been dumbed down successfully to the point where they blindly mimic the behaviors of the party's propaganda organs.

Meanwhile, single payer is coming. Bank it. And the rubes will never figure out how it happened or how they played a part in it.

I could not agree more. All the GOP does is sling poo around.

They are all about big government.
I really would like to give the GOP way a try. First I would cut every senator and house members pay and benefits. I'd do campaign finance so they no longer have to spend 80% of their time raising money. Then they would have plenty of time to do their jobs. They could even be part time.

Imagine all those senators and house of reps and their staffers. Then you have your state governor and state senate and state House and all their staff.

Then they all live lavishly and get great golden parachutes. Are we stupid for allowing it?

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