How did the Trumpsters take over the GOP?

When we finally woke up to realize the establishment Repubs were as bad or worse than the Dems.
Mainstream Repubs went against Reagan too. They preferred H.W. Bush & his CFR agenda.

The real question is- when did RuPaul get so interested in politics & conservatives?
Do you & Bruce Jenner have your own club of "Repub" trannies?


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Trump has done more for Jews than any person since king Solomon
What does this have to do with right-wing politics? The Jews themselves are leftists, they even have a matriarchy, collective farms and women have been serving in the army for a long time, moreover, this is a leftist non-professional army. What makes you think that the right were Semitophiles?
What does this have to do with right-wing politics? The Jews themselves are leftists, they even have a matriarchy, collective farms and women have been serving in the army for a long time, moreover, this is a leftist non-professional army. What makes you think that the right were Semitophiles?
What is semit..

Israel is very right wing
What does this have to do with right-wing politics? The Jews themselves are leftists, they even have a matriarchy, collective farms and women have been serving in the army for a long time, moreover, this is a leftist non-professional army. What makes you think that the right were Semitophiles?
Israel has 100 parties and 1,000,000 Prime Ministers.
What a fucking moron you are. Matriarchy is right? Collective farms, communism, Karl Marx, an unprofessional army with women. Just go fuck yourself you stupid degenerate.
Idf is the most professional in the world
You’re an ignoramus and a peasant
I noticed that you are using the same templates. This is a sure sign that you were trained according to manuals.
Manuals? Templates?
You just gave away your own game there spanky.
It's funny how lefties give away the agenda through their own progjections.
Thanks for confirming it
How did it happen? Does anyone know the reasons and the approximate chronology of events?
It’s very simple… In the 2008 and 2012 elections, the Republican Party nominated candidates who did not represent the interests or ideology of the majority of the party’s voters. In 2016 the voters revolted against a third attempt to nominate a Democrat-lite, Centrist-Liberal candidate for President. They revolted by voting for a candidate who was not part of the party intelligences and old boys network.

He just happened to win by telling the people what they wanted to hear. Then he had the gall to go out and try to actually do those things, winning him great loyalty for actually doing what he said he’d do.

Unfortunately for the Republican Party they don’t have anyone else who can talk that talk and be reasonably believable doing so. More importantly they have problems with elected members who won’t vote that way reliably. That’s why Trump retains his power.
Come on guys we were all there. People, frustrated with gridlock thought they’d try rolling a hard eight for the win by gambling on Trump who barely squeaked out a victory.

Just like the movie Happy Gilmore, where a bunch of rednecks take over golf, a bunch of rednecks took over the GOP.

Once traditional GOP leaders looked around the room and saw rowdy Trump supporters in mass they started panicking and bending the knee to the mob leader even though he stood for nothing.

Walla…. Here we are.
It all started with Obama. He is the one who "radicalized" the GOP. Remember 2010? That was the year a grass roots movement sprung up from out of nowhere. It was called the "Tea Party." A massive movement of American patriots who had had enough of Obama's Marxist-inspired ideology, his ignoring the US Constitution, his massive government spending, tax increases, his lies, deceit, narcissism, corruption, and the wars that continued on through his presidency.

By 2016, the Trump ideology was already in place when he announced his candidacy. He merely told us what we already knew. He reflected back at us how we already felt. Trump was not an elitist, a bureaucrat, a politician, or someone who had spent his entire career working in government. He had real-world experience, he didn't talk down to those who identified with him, as most politicians do. Plus he was already rich, so he was incorruptible.

Many Republican Congress people were on board with him. But a few were not, and sided with the Democrats and the media. They sought to upend his presidency, and fought against him tooth and nail.
Will you ever take a trip to Israel ?
In the 2008 and 2012 elections, the Republican Party nominated candidates who did not represent the interests or ideology of the majority of the party’s voters.
What exactly did the voters not like?
And how did the "tea party" turn out to be members of the GOP?

Most all of the people in the Tea Party movement were either Republicans, disappointed Democrats, or libertarians. The libertarians tend not to vote for Democrats.

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