How did the Trumpsters take over the GOP?

The Taliban are not a presence in the USA, therefore they ARE NOT OUR PROBLEM.
September 11 is not your problem? Why do you think they won't blow you up?

But you fucking talked about right-wing politics, what does it have to do with what you're talking about now?

Are you americans really dumb?
Ok thanks, Ivan. If I ever need someone to explain the fine points of my cultural, economic, and political aspects to me, I'll be sure to ask you.

On the other hand, they are still afraid of something, they act carefully and gradually, otherwise we would have had 37, and you have Roosevelt-2
upd More precisely 3, left Roosevelt-2
Judging by your words, you understand what you are talking about. A very subtle remark.

If you're asking seriously, I'll answer you. Now is worse than then. Then the right remained, but now they do not exist at all.

What do you suggest? Silence and hide from the KGB agents? Is this worthy of a man? And what's the point of keeping calm so that our children will be slaves and turned into amoebas? Is there a choice?

Are you a KGB agent? If you understand everything, then why are you fooling around?

If I was KGB or CIA, the last thing I'd do is tell anyone. :laughing0301:

No, I'm just some old straight right-wing, Trump-supporting, law-abiding, gun-owning, freedom-loving redneck goober who lives in a house the woods, outside of a small Wisconsin town.
If I was KGB or CIA, the last thing I'd do is tell anyone. :laughing0301:

No, I'm just some old straight right-wing, Trump-supporting, law-abiding, gun-owning, freedom-loving redneck goober who lives in a house the woods, outside of a small Wisconsin town.
Trump is not right, and you have said too thinly about the connection of your left periods with our KGB cleaning for me to believe that you are a redneck. You are fooling around.
Trump is not right, and you have said too thinly about the connection of your left periods with our KGB cleaning for me to believe that you are a redneck. You are fooling around.

I don't even know how to address that. I've been called a "Russian troll" by some leftards on here before, but never a "KGB agent."

Now I've got some Russian thinking I'm a KGB agent. I will drink some vodka to you my beet-eating friend. You certainly are entertaining.

:auiqs.jpg::lmao::21: :laughing0301:
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I don't even know how to address that. I've been called a "Russian troll" by some leftards on here before, but never a "KGB agent."

Now I've got some Russian thinking I'm a KGB agent. I will drink some vodka to you my beet-eating friend. You certainly are entertaining.
Yes, you look like a Russian, only you look not like a troll, but like a Bolshevik who is fooling around.

In fact, it all started with Moscow. US still had Bush, but alredy since 2005 in Moscow the government of Kasyanov, a protege of Bush leave. And the machinations with the right wing began just then. This was before Trumpism, but it was precisely the prototype of Trumpism. In Russia it started earlier than in the USA. But the root of this was in Europe, in Germany.

Reagan's fatal mistake was that he allowed the European Union to have independence, it was necessary to revive the Bretton Woods system. It was necessary to deprive them of financial independence. The time that was before de Gaulle's sabotage.
Trumpsters and leftists love to do this, you're in the wrong place. Trumpsters especially like to kiss the ass of the Taliban and the Communists.

All Mexicans are legal, the Republicans granted amnesty to all illegal immigrants.
Pubs like cheap labor as much as anyone else.
Yes, you look like a Russian, only you look not like a troll, but like a Bolshevik who is fooling around.

In fact, it all started with Moscow. US still had Bush, but alredy since 2005 in Moscow the government of Kasyanov, a protege of Bush leave. And the machinations with the right wing began just then. This was before Trumpism, but it was precisely the prototype of Trumpism. In Russia it started earlier than in the USA. But the root of this was in Europe, in Germany.

Reagan's fatal mistake was that he allowed the European Union to have independence, it was necessary to revive the Bretton Woods system. It was necessary to deprive them of financial independence. The time that was before de Gaulle's sabotage.

A "Bolshevik"?

Dude, I'm the most unbolshevik person you could ever know. Although I do own a 1944 Mosin-Nagant M38 carbine that your Grand daddy probably used to shoot Nazis with. And an American-made AK-47. Russian AK's are too damned expensive.

"Bolshevik." :laughing0301:
Putin has taken an extremely controversial position from the very beginning. He was a firm anti-communist, but he was also an ardent federalist. And so far he has remained so. This is either a subtle game in favor of the communists, or he does not understand what is happening at all, and he is simply used.

His arrival was also controversial. Apparently, the leftists were preparing him to replace Yeltsin, as a protege of Clinton, but when Bush Junior came, he adapted to him and collaborated with the rightists. Therefore, the government was headed by Kasyanov, and the regions had greater independence in those days

This is exactly what Berezovsky was talking about: he said that they brought him, but he betrayed them.
A "Bolshevik"?

Dude, I'm the most unbolshevik person you could ever know. Although I do own a 1944 Mosin-Nagant M38 carbine that your Grand daddy probably used to shoot Nazis with. And an American-made AK-47. Russian AK's are too damned expensive.

"Bolshevik." :laughing0301:
Don't you know that during the war there was no AK, this is a copy of the Schmasser rifle, an unofficial gift from German gunsmiths? In those days, the Shpagin was in service
A "Bolshevik"?

Dude, I'm the most unbolshevik person you could ever know. Although I do own a 1944 Mosin-Nagant M38 carbine that your Grand daddy probably used to shoot Nazis with. And an American-made AK-47. Russian AK's are too damned expensive.

"Bolshevik." :laughing0301:
These praises of Russian weapons also give out a Bolshevik in you. Do you like the Yudashkin military uniform adopted in the modern Russian army? Yudashkin is a designer of haute couture clothes, fishnet stockings and tights. He was a friend of the well-known Russian LGBT popularizer Boris Moiseev. Do you think he is a good specialist in military equipment, or would it be better to entrust this to Moiseev himself?

In the US, military uniforms are also developed by haute couture specialists?
Many new voters came to the GOP when Trump ran. But looking at the numbers throughout the primary, it is clear that many existing GOP voters were tired of the same old broken promises and empty rhetoric.

Trump was the first viable candidate from either party in a long time, who was not wholly owned by their party and their donors.
Don't you know that during the war there was no AK, this is a copy of the Schmasser rifle, an unofficial gift from German gunsmiths? In those days, the Shpagin was in service

Not the German MP-40 Schmeisser. It was supposedly the German STG-44 the Russians were trying to copy. But there was very little if any similarity in the design of Mikhail Kalashnikov's AK. The only similarity was the development of a new cartridge, which was a short bottleneck design, as with the German's 7.92×33mm Kurz cartridge.

I know guns. And even though I'm a straight, white, God-fearing patriotic Trump-supporting Yankee Doodle Dandy American who has attended more than several John Birch Society meetings, I will say this: Mikhail Kalashnikov was fucking genius. He designed a weapon that could be operated by even the most ham-fisted, vodka-swilling, beet-eating Russian peasant who didn't even have any teeth. His marvelous killing machine was so perfect, that you could cover it with mud for a week, piss on it, and the damned thing would still go "BANG" everytime you pulled the trigger.

You never have to clean them, you can lubricate them with the blood of your enemy, whether they be Russian invaders or domestic tyrants, and they never fail. Not like our own M4 carbines. You guys and girls had a good idea when you decided to flood the world with your cheaply-manufactured killing machines. Even a 10 year old African who aspires to become a warlord some day, can pick one up and overthrow an entire African nation.

Hats off to you fucking Russians for coming up with those things. Even though they were designed to oppress and enslave entire peoples, they can still serve a good purpose in defending my home and family from robbers, home invaders, and tyrannical governments.

I drink to you, you fucking Russian bastard. And to Mikhail Kalashnikov, who invented this marvelous killing machine that protect me and my family.


Many new voters came to the GOP when Trump ran. But looking at the numbers throughout the primary, it is clear that many existing GOP voters were tired of the same old broken promises and empty rhetoric.

Trump was the first viable candidate from either party in a long time, who was not wholly owned by their party and their donors.
Hell, this site is now made up of paid Trumpsters mongrels who talk in the manner of idle talk and repeat the same primitive patterns.

What promises have not been kept?
Not the German MP-40 Schmeisser. It was supposedly the German STG-44 the Russians were trying to copy. But there was very little if any similarity in the design of Mikhail Kalashnikov's AK. The only similarity was the development of a new cartridge, which was a short bottleneck design, as with the German's 7.92×33mm Kurz cartridge.

Is there really no resemblance?


The Schmasser design bureau worked a few kilometers from the 20-year-old brilliant engineer, Komsomol member Misha Kalashnikov, who invented the AK.
These praises of Russian weapons also give out a Bolshevik in you. Do you like the Yudashkin military uniform adopted in the modern Russian army? Yudashkin is a designer of haute couture clothes, fishnet stockings and tights. He was a friend of the well-known Russian LGBT popularizer Boris Moiseev. Do you think he is a good specialist in military equipment, or would it be better to entrust this to Moiseev himself?

Yudashkin is a fucking amateur. He couldn't even come close to our American couture designers. We Americans have always been in competition with you Russians, dating all the way back to the Cold War.

I don't care how gay you Russians can be, we're far better at it than you are. Just like everything else.

So suck it.

And even though I'm a straight, white, God-fearing patriotic Trump-supporting Yankee Doodle Dandy
The same as Trump, with LGBT flag in his hands, which insults the parents of the military who died for the United States? Isn't that your wife I saw in one of the kinky porn scenes? I think it was called "Hot chicks don't need men". It seems to me that her fee should have been enough to buy a Russian-assembled Ak-47. But better buy Hungarian, there definitely do not work haute couture engineers.

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