How did the Universe get here?

Sorry but NO IT ISN'T! Technically or otherwise.

And if time SLOWS down you have NOT "effectively" or otherwise gone Back in time, idiot, you are STILL moving FORWARD in time only more SLOWLY.

You still have nothing but meaningless word games which may carry weight in philosophy class or the debate club, but they expose you as a complete fool in science!!!
Thank you.

Yes it is, and you are the one who is playing word games. If time slows down for me and not for you, then you are further in the future than I am. If my twin remains here on earth and I travel at near the speed of light out into space for several years and return, my twin will have aged several years while I only aged perhaps a few months. I have traveled back in time from my twin. They have done experiments here on earth with atomic clocks and jets flying around the world at high speeds. After the flight, the jet's atomic clock shows a variation in time from the earth-based atomic clock. The jet has effectively traveled a fraction of a second back in time. According to physics, if you could travel faster than the speed of light, you could travel back in time. The ONLY reason it's not possible is because it's not yet possible for us to travel faster than the speed of light. Because something is not currently possible with current technology, does NOT MEAN IT'S IMPOSSIBLE!

Keep making a fool of yourself, I love it!!! :rofl::lmao:

We are both equally into the future. Your body may have aged less, and your hair and nails may have grown less than me or your twin, but standing back together here on Earth we will be in the exact same PLACE in time.
Damn you are an idiot!!!!!
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As I understood the article, the possibility of travelling backwards in time is grounded in the Heisenberg uncertainty. Thing is, it is an enormously small amount.

It isn't necessarrily quite what we might think. "Time" isn't quite what we are use to thinking it is. Time is just that things change position in space. Every measurement of time is really a measurement of distance. We identify some thing that changes position in a cycle and repeatable count when the thing returns to that position. What we call time is fundamentally a measure of distance. The thing that distinguishes time is that the distance is repeated. Time isn't distinguishable as seperate from space

I have often made the somewhat over-simplified comment that Time=Distance. However, I stopped posting that because so many idiots wanted to jump on it and challenge it as "stupid and uneducated." Time is actually a perceptional phenomenon caused by the expanding universe. Before the universe existed, there was no time. That's where this little 'side-argument' came from. If there is no time and there is no space, there is no physical reality or physical energy. It cannot exist without space and time. Now some people want to keep throwing up physical principles to refute this, but physical principles only exist in a physical reality with time and space.

No matter how many times you repeat that bullshit it will still be pure bullshit.

Physical principles like the First Law of Thermodynamics, which to an IDIOT like you means nothing compared to your pontification. :cuckoo:
Sorry but NO IT ISN'T! Technically or otherwise.

And if time SLOWS down you have NOT "effectively" or otherwise gone Back in time, idiot, you are STILL moving FORWARD in time only more SLOWLY.

You still have nothing but meaningless word games which may carry weight in philosophy class or the debate club, but they expose you as a complete fool in science!!!
Thank you.

Yes it is, and you are the one who is playing word games. If time slows down for me and not for you, then you are further in the future than I am. If my twin remains here on earth and I travel at near the speed of light out into space for several years and return, my twin will have aged several years while I only aged perhaps a few months. I have traveled back in time from my twin. They have done experiments here on earth with atomic clocks and jets flying around the world at high speeds. After the flight, the jet's atomic clock shows a variation in time from the earth-based atomic clock. The jet has effectively traveled a fraction of a second back in time. According to physics, if you could travel faster than the speed of light, you could travel back in time. The ONLY reason it's not possible is because it's not yet possible for us to travel faster than the speed of light. Because something is not currently possible with current technology, does NOT MEAN IT'S IMPOSSIBLE!

If my twin remains here on earth and I travel at near the speed of light out into space for several years and return, my twin will have aged several years while I only aged perhaps a few months. I have traveled back in time

you both moved forward in time at different rates

upon being reunited with your twin

you would discover that you had skipped over

some of the twins time and landed in his future
As I understood the article, the possibility of travelling backwards in time is grounded in the Heisenberg uncertainty. Thing is, it is an enormously small amount.

It isn't necessarrily quite what we might think. "Time" isn't quite what we are use to thinking it is. Time is just that things change position in space. Every measurement of time is really a measurement of distance. We identify some thing that changes position in a cycle and repeatable count when the thing returns to that position. What we call time is fundamentally a measure of distance. The thing that distinguishes time is that the distance is repeated. Time isn't distinguishable as seperate from space

I have often made the somewhat over-simplified comment that Time=Distance. However, I stopped posting that because so many idiots wanted to jump on it and challenge it as "stupid and uneducated." Time is actually a perceptional phenomenon caused by the expanding universe. Before the universe existed, there was no time. That's where this little 'side-argument' came from. If there is no time and there is no space, there is no physical reality or physical energy. It cannot exist without space and time. Now some people want to keep throwing up physical principles to refute this, but physical principles only exist in a physical reality with time and space.

No matter how many times you repeat that bullshit it will still be pure bullshit.

Physical principles like the First Law of Thermodynamics, which to an IDIOT like you means nothing compared to your pontification. :cuckoo:

The FLoT has nothing to do with this. Apparently, you believe it makes you sound smart to repeat it, but I seriously doubt you fully comprehend what it means from a physics perspective.

Now, perhaps people like Stephen Hawking and Michio Kaku are full of shit? They seem to be just slightly smarter than you, and have a much better disposition. Therefore, I am more inclined to believe what they tell me regarding the possibility of time travel. Perhaps if you weren't such an insufferable ass clown, I might be willing to listen to your counter argument... if you ever presented one. But since you are an ass clown, and you haven't really presented any counter argument other than FLoT, then I shall dismiss you as an ass clown who doesn't really know what the fuck he's talking about.
I have often made the somewhat over-simplified comment that Time=Distance. However, I stopped posting that because so many idiots wanted to jump on it and challenge it as "stupid and uneducated." Time is actually a perceptional phenomenon caused by the expanding universe. Before the universe existed, there was no time. That's where this little 'side-argument' came from. If there is no time and there is no space, there is no physical reality or physical energy. It cannot exist without space and time. Now some people want to keep throwing up physical principles to refute this, but physical principles only exist in a physical reality with time and space.

No matter how many times you repeat that bullshit it will still be pure bullshit.

Physical principles like the First Law of Thermodynamics, which to an IDIOT like you means nothing compared to your pontification. :cuckoo:

The FLoT has nothing to do with this. Apparently, you believe it makes you sound smart to repeat it, but I seriously doubt you fully comprehend what it means from a physics perspective.

Now, perhaps people like Stephen Hawking and Michio Kaku are full of shit? They seem to be just slightly smarter than you, and have a much better disposition. Therefore, I am more inclined to believe what they tell me regarding the possibility of time travel. Perhaps if you weren't such an insufferable ass clown, I might be willing to listen to your counter argument... if you ever presented one. But since you are an ass clown, and you haven't really presented any counter argument other than FLoT, then I shall dismiss you as an ass clown who doesn't really know what the fuck he's talking about.

Hey dumb ass, you can't even follow a simple conversation. The FLoT was not presented as an argument regarding time travel, it was rebutting your complete stupidity that at t = 0 there is no energy. I even had highlighted it for you, but you were still too stupid to follow it. According to the FLoT energy cannot be destroyed, that means energy can never = 0.
We are both equally into the future. Your body may have aged less, and your hair and nails may have grown less than me or your twin, but standing back together here on Earth we will be in the exact same PLACE in time.

Look, let's be clear about it... We only experience time in one way, the present. If you went back in time, you would experience it as the present. Likewise, if you go forward in time, you experience it as the present. All we can experience is present or now in relation to time. So in my example, yes, we are both going to be experiencing "present" time, regardless of where we've gone in time. If my twin is two years older, then I am in his future and he is in my past. We are both experiencing time as present.

I understand this is a very difficult thing for you to wrap your mind around. You probably don't have to think too much about these kind of things in your day to day life. The Internet is FULL of videos and articles discussing this topic. It's not some kooky weird off-the-wall sci-fi idea, it's a very legitimate and studied aspect of quantum mechanics. Just Google "Wormholes" and find out! Expand your horizons!

Now we can't presently time travel because we can't go faster than the speed of light. In fact, up until recently, it was thought that nothing could go faster than the speed of light. It contradicts classical physics or Newtonian physics. It even challenges Einsteinian physics. But theoretical physicists who are pioneering quantum physics say that it IS a possibility. If something is possible, by definition, it's not impossible. Even someone as simple-minded as yourself should understand that.
Hey dumb ass, you can't even follow a simple conversation. The FLoT was not presented as an argument regarding time travel, it was rebutting your complete stupidity that at t = 0 there is no energy. I even had highlighted it for you, but you were still too stupid to follow it. According to the FLoT energy cannot be destroyed, that means energy can never = 0.

Well okay, let's go back to THAT conversation! What the fuck do you mean by T=0? When I am using that term, I am speaking of the condition before the Big Bang, before the physical universe existed. If the physical universe does not yet exist, the FLoT doesn't yet exist either.

"Energy" is a word that has a meaning. Well, it can't mean what it means if there is no physical universe to exist in. If there is no time or space, "energy" has no significance. The existence and presence of a physical universe gives "energy" a meaning.

I honestly and truly hate that you are too stubborn to get this, and you keep wanting to call me the dumb ass, but you aren't going to win this argument with me. :lol:
We are both equally into the future. Your body may have aged less, and your hair and nails may have grown less than me or your twin, but standing back together here on Earth we will be in the exact same PLACE in time.

Look, let's be clear about it... We only experience time in one way, the present. If you went back in time, you would experience it as the present. Likewise, if you go forward in time, you experience it as the present. All we can experience is present or now in relation to time. So in my example, yes, we are both going to be experiencing "present" time, regardless of where we've gone in time. If my twin is two years older, then I am in his future and he is in my past. We are both experiencing time as present.

I understand this is a very difficult thing for you to wrap your mind around. You probably don't have to think too much about these kind of things in your day to day life. The Internet is FULL of videos and articles discussing this topic. It's not some kooky weird off-the-wall sci-fi idea, it's a very legitimate and studied aspect of quantum mechanics. Just Google "Wormholes" and find out! Expand your horizons!

Now we can't presently time travel because we can't go faster than the speed of light. In fact, up until recently, it was thought that nothing could go faster than the speed of light. It contradicts classical physics or Newtonian physics. It even challenges Einsteinian physics. But theoretical physicists who are pioneering quantum physics say that it IS a possibility. If something is possible, by definition, it's not impossible. Even someone as simple-minded as yourself should understand that.

The fact that perceived time was different for each individual doesn't change the amount of actual time that has passed.
Hey dumb ass, you can't even follow a simple conversation. The FLoT was not presented as an argument regarding time travel, it was rebutting your complete stupidity that at t = 0 there is no energy. I even had highlighted it for you, but you were still too stupid to follow it. According to the FLoT energy cannot be destroyed, that means energy can never = 0.

Well okay, let's go back to THAT conversation! What the fuck do you mean by T=0? When I am using that term, I am speaking of the condition before the Big Bang, before the physical universe existed. If the physical universe does not yet exist, the FLoT doesn't yet exist either.

"Energy" is a word that has a meaning. Well, it can't mean what it means if there is no physical universe to exist in. If there is no time or space, "energy" has no significance. The existence and presence of a physical universe gives "energy" a meaning.

I honestly and truly hate that you are too stubborn to get this, and you keep wanting to call me the dumb ass, but you aren't going to win this argument with me. :lol:

Before the Big Bang the energy of the Big Crunch existed. It is that energy that went "bang" at the Big Bang. Time only reset to zero at the singularity, not energy. All the energy of the universe, which cannot be created nor destroyed, existed before, during and after the Big Bang in the same total quantity as exists today and will exist in the future.
We are both equally into the future. Your body may have aged less, and your hair and nails may have grown less than me or your twin, but standing back together here on Earth we will be in the exact same PLACE in time.

Look, let's be clear about it... We only experience time in one way, the present. If you went back in time, you would experience it as the present. Likewise, if you go forward in time, you experience it as the present. All we can experience is present or now in relation to time. So in my example, yes, we are both going to be experiencing "present" time, regardless of where we've gone in time. If my twin is two years older, then I am in his future and he is in my past. We are both experiencing time as present.

I understand this is a very difficult thing for you to wrap your mind around. You probably don't have to think too much about these kind of things in your day to day life. The Internet is FULL of videos and articles discussing this topic. It's not some kooky weird off-the-wall sci-fi idea, it's a very legitimate and studied aspect of quantum mechanics. Just Google "Wormholes" and find out! Expand your horizons!

Now we can't presently time travel because we can't go faster than the speed of light. In fact, up until recently, it was thought that nothing could go faster than the speed of light. It contradicts classical physics or Newtonian physics. It even challenges Einsteinian physics. But theoretical physicists who are pioneering quantum physics say that it IS a possibility. If something is possible, by definition, it's not impossible. Even someone as simple-minded as yourself should understand that.

Take your pompous condescension and shove it where the sun doesn't shine!
We are both equally into the future. Your body may have aged less, and your hair and nails may have grown less than me or your twin, but standing back together here on Earth we will be in the exact same PLACE in time.

Look, let's be clear about it... We only experience time in one way, the present. If you went back in time, you would experience it as the present. Likewise, if you go forward in time, you experience it as the present. All we can experience is present or now in relation to time. So in my example, yes, we are both going to be experiencing "present" time, regardless of where we've gone in time. If my twin is two years older, then I am in his future and he is in my past. We are both experiencing time as present.

I understand this is a very difficult thing for you to wrap your mind around. You probably don't have to think too much about these kind of things in your day to day life. The Internet is FULL of videos and articles discussing this topic. It's not some kooky weird off-the-wall sci-fi idea, it's a very legitimate and studied aspect of quantum mechanics. Just Google "Wormholes" and find out! Expand your horizons!

Now we can't presently time travel because we can't go faster than the speed of light. In fact, up until recently, it was thought that nothing could go faster than the speed of light. It contradicts classical physics or Newtonian physics. It even challenges Einsteinian physics. But theoretical physicists who are pioneering quantum physics say that it IS a possibility. If something is possible, by definition, it's not impossible. Even someone as simple-minded as yourself should understand that.

The fact that perceived time was different for each individual doesn't change the amount of actual time that has passed.

What he doesn't get is that you can't stand still and make time move backwards. No matter how fast you go, even 10 times the speed of light, you still traveled a distance over a period of time. Your body functions may have slowed down and your body may not age as fast relative to another observer, but by any and all observers, including yourself, you have moved forward in time.
Before the Big Bang the energy of the Big Crunch existed. It is that energy that went "bang" at the Big Bang. Time only reset to zero at the singularity, not energy. All the energy of the universe, which cannot be created nor destroyed, existed before, during and after the Big Bang in the same total quantity as exists today and will exist in the future.

You have ZERO scientific evidence to support this theory. You simply do not KNOW what happened before the Big Bang, you don't even know if there was a Big Bang! The theory of Big Crunch has been debunked, the universe is not slowing but accelerating. Singularity is a theory as well, you have no evidence Singularity ever occurred.

I have always been skeptical about Singularity because it posits that all the atoms of the universe were compacted into this smallest amount of space, and this defies logic. An atom is comprised of a nucleus and electrons orbit the atom to give it definition. There is space between an orbiting electron and nucleus that is not accounted for in any way whatsoever with the Singularity Theory. Also, there is antimatter, dark matter and dark energy... none of which Singularity Theory addresses, but which comprises 96% of our universe.

Now these were great theories when they had their run. Many physicists and cosmologists believed they had found The Answer and this was it! I get that! I understand you probably creamed your panties over this, and thought it was the bee's knees! But all throughout mankind's history, we've thought and believed various things that simply proved to be untrue. You have scientists today, like Stephen Hawking, who are questioning whether there was ever a Big Bang. As a matter of fact, the term "Big Bang" was originally an insult lobbed at the theory because it was such a ridiculous concept.

I love science! I am greatly intrigued by quantum mechanics. But I am extremely careful about making proclamations of FACT regarding various theories because they are NOT facts. Most of what I do here is argue with hard headed morons like you, who have convinced themselves of things that aren't proven. You don't fucking know everything! You think you do, but you don't!
Look, let's be clear about it... We only experience time in one way, the present. If you went back in time, you would experience it as the present. Likewise, if you go forward in time, you experience it as the present. All we can experience is present or now in relation to time. So in my example, yes, we are both going to be experiencing "present" time, regardless of where we've gone in time. If my twin is two years older, then I am in his future and he is in my past. We are both experiencing time as present.

I understand this is a very difficult thing for you to wrap your mind around. You probably don't have to think too much about these kind of things in your day to day life. The Internet is FULL of videos and articles discussing this topic. It's not some kooky weird off-the-wall sci-fi idea, it's a very legitimate and studied aspect of quantum mechanics. Just Google "Wormholes" and find out! Expand your horizons!

Now we can't presently time travel because we can't go faster than the speed of light. In fact, up until recently, it was thought that nothing could go faster than the speed of light. It contradicts classical physics or Newtonian physics. It even challenges Einsteinian physics. But theoretical physicists who are pioneering quantum physics say that it IS a possibility. If something is possible, by definition, it's not impossible. Even someone as simple-minded as yourself should understand that.

The fact that perceived time was different for each individual doesn't change the amount of actual time that has passed.

What he doesn't get is that you can't stand still and make time move backwards. No matter how fast you go, even 10 times the speed of light, you still traveled a distance over a period of time. Your body functions may have slowed down and your body may not age as fast relative to another observer, but by any and all observers, including yourself, you have moved forward in time.
There are those that believe that the speed of light = the speed of time. Time has no speed, only the perception of time has speed. You go faster than the speed of light you may go faster than perceived time, but nothing goes faster than time. If you side stepped time you would freeze. There can be no motion without time.
Before the Big Bang the energy of the Big Crunch existed. It is that energy that went "bang" at the Big Bang. Time only reset to zero at the singularity, not energy. All the energy of the universe, which cannot be created nor destroyed, existed before, during and after the Big Bang in the same total quantity as exists today and will exist in the future.

You have ZERO scientific evidence to support this theory. You simply do not KNOW what happened before the Big Bang, you don't even know if there was a Big Bang! The theory of Big Crunch has been debunked, the universe is not slowing but accelerating. Singularity is a theory as well, you have no evidence Singularity ever occurred.

I have always been skeptical about Singularity because it posits that all the atoms of the universe were compacted into this smallest amount of space, and this defies logic. An atom is comprised of a nucleus and electrons orbit the atom to give it definition. There is space between an orbiting electron and nucleus that is not accounted for in any way whatsoever with the Singularity Theory. Also, there is antimatter, dark matter and dark energy... none of which Singularity Theory addresses, but which comprises 96% of our universe.

Now these were great theories when they had their run. Many physicists and cosmologists believed they had found The Answer and this was it! I get that! I understand you probably creamed your panties over this, and thought it was the bee's knees! But all throughout mankind's history, we've thought and believed various things that simply proved to be untrue. You have scientists today, like Stephen Hawking, who are questioning whether there was ever a Big Bang. As a matter of fact, the term "Big Bang" was originally an insult lobbed at the theory because it was such a ridiculous concept.

I love science! I am greatly intrigued by quantum mechanics. But I am extremely careful about making proclamations of FACT regarding various theories because they are NOT facts. Most of what I do here is argue with hard headed morons like you, who have convinced themselves of things that aren't proven. You don't fucking know everything! You think you do, but you don't!

You, who are extremely careful about making proclamations of FACT regarding various theories because they are NOT facts, just made a serious error in declaring that 96% of the universe is made up of, which you can't possibly actual know.
I am extremely careful about making proclamations of FACT regarding various theories because they are NOT facts.

Oh bullshit! All you do is pontificate your theories as if they were facts.
We are both equally into the future. Your body may have aged less, and your hair and nails may have grown less than me or your twin, but standing back together here on Earth we will be in the exact same PLACE in time.

Look, let's be clear about it... We only experience time in one way, the present. If you went back in time, you would experience it as the present. Likewise, if you go forward in time, you experience it as the present. All we can experience is present or now in relation to time. So in my example, yes, we are both going to be experiencing "present" time, regardless of where we've gone in time. If my twin is two years older, then I am in his future and he is in my past. We are both experiencing time as present.

I understand this is a very difficult thing for you to wrap your mind around. You probably don't have to think too much about these kind of things in your day to day life. The Internet is FULL of videos and articles discussing this topic. It's not some kooky weird off-the-wall sci-fi idea, it's a very legitimate and studied aspect of quantum mechanics. Just Google "Wormholes" and find out! Expand your horizons!

Now we can't presently time travel because we can't go faster than the speed of light. In fact, up until recently, it was thought that nothing could go faster than the speed of light. It contradicts classical physics or Newtonian physics. It even challenges Einsteinian physics. But theoretical physicists who are pioneering quantum physics say that it IS a possibility. If something is possible, by definition, it's not impossible. Even someone as simple-minded as yourself should understand that.

The fact that perceived time was different for each individual doesn't change the amount of actual time that has passed.

Time IS perception. There is no such thing as "actual" time, this is what Einstein proved with Theory of Relativity. Time is relative to the observer of it. We can only experience time as "present" or "now" ...there is no way for anyone to experience "past" or "future" time. If you time-traveled to the past or future, you would experience it as "present" and the people around you would also be experiencing it as "present" ...there would be no way to tell that you were experiencing "past" or "future" other than the circumstantial conditions around you. Your perception would still be "present" and their perception would still be "present" ...they would not know they were in your past or future.

In my example, the returning twin is experiencing the same "present" time, but he is in the future by a couple of years, proven by the fact his twin is two years older than he. If the time-traveling twin has kept track of time and his calendar, he will know that he is two years into the future from the date/time on his calendar. His time slowed down, the twin on earth's time stayed the same. They will both have equal perception of "present" time, but one is two years into the future.
Look, let's be clear about it... We only experience time in one way, the present. If you went back in time, you would experience it as the present. Likewise, if you go forward in time, you experience it as the present. All we can experience is present or now in relation to time. So in my example, yes, we are both going to be experiencing "present" time, regardless of where we've gone in time. If my twin is two years older, then I am in his future and he is in my past. We are both experiencing time as present.

I understand this is a very difficult thing for you to wrap your mind around. You probably don't have to think too much about these kind of things in your day to day life. The Internet is FULL of videos and articles discussing this topic. It's not some kooky weird off-the-wall sci-fi idea, it's a very legitimate and studied aspect of quantum mechanics. Just Google "Wormholes" and find out! Expand your horizons!

Now we can't presently time travel because we can't go faster than the speed of light. In fact, up until recently, it was thought that nothing could go faster than the speed of light. It contradicts classical physics or Newtonian physics. It even challenges Einsteinian physics. But theoretical physicists who are pioneering quantum physics say that it IS a possibility. If something is possible, by definition, it's not impossible. Even someone as simple-minded as yourself should understand that.

The fact that perceived time was different for each individual doesn't change the amount of actual time that has passed.

Time IS perception. There is no such thing as "actual" time, this is what Einstein proved with Theory of Relativity. Time is relative to the observer of it. We can only experience time as "present" or "now" ...there is no way for anyone to experience "past" or "future" time. If you time-traveled to the past or future, you would experience it as "present" and the people around you would also be experiencing it as "present" ...there would be no way to tell that you were experiencing "past" or "future" other than the circumstantial conditions around you. Your perception would still be "present" and their perception would still be "present" ...they would not know they were in your past or future.

In my example, the returning twin is experiencing the same "present" time, but he is in the future by a couple of years, proven by the fact his twin is two years older than he. If the time-traveling twin has kept track of time and his calendar, he will know that he is two years into the future from the date/time on his calendar. His time slowed down, the twin on earth's time stayed the same. They will both have equal perception of "present" time, but one is two years into the future.
One took damage equivalent to 2 years worth of age and perhaps even experienced time at a different rate, but only perceived time is factored in. The actual time that passed is the same.

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