How did the Universe get here?

Already been done multiple times, please reread this thread rather than make us repeat ourselves.
Thank you in advance.

Well no, it hasn't been done. Someone threw out the 1st law of thermodynamics, but that is a physical principle existing in the spacetime continuum of a physical universe, it doesn't explain the conditions of no universe and no space or time.
LMAO... Basically ALL I do on the internet these days is argue with idiots here and watch videos on quantum physics. Most of what I am arguing here comes from teachings of quantum physics. I am arguing with old-school Newtonian believers who can't think outside their little "flat earth" boxes.

Well, okay then... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
Tell me where I said there is no space, that is YOUR Straw Man. The argument is that time is no longer considered a dimension of space/time. There are only dimensions of space, This is why time travel to the past or future is impossible. A person can travel in space only, and time is a numerical order of their motion.

You desperately need some courses in physics!

Look dimwit, go back and read the thread. Without time and space there is no energy, no mass, no speed of light, no light, no rate of change, no physics or physical reality. These ALL exist as a part of our universe through space and time.

Time travel is certainly NOT theoretically impossible. I read an article yesterday about scientists who have actually sent a photon back in time.

So maybe YOU are the one who needs to brush up on modern physics, and stop clinging to your "flat earth" theories that have been debunked?
There you go again, PONTIFICATING as if you were God.

Regarding your magic proton, that was only a SIMULATION, you know like an animated cartoon! :cuckoo:

You are getting very desperate!!!

LMAO... Basically ALL I do on the internet these days is argue with idiots here and watch videos on quantum physics. Most of what I am arguing here comes from teachings of quantum physics. I am arguing with old-school Newtonian believers who can't think outside their little "flat earth" boxes.

Well, at least we "idiots" know the difference between a simulation and an "actual proton." :asshole:

Have no idea what you are talking about. You seem to just have a hard on for criticizing me. I really don't get it because often times, I think you make valid and smart points and I agree with you on many things. I guess you just like being a jerk to me? :dunno:

I don't blame you for playing dumb about you "actual time traveling proton" which was an "actual video simulation."
Already been done multiple times, please reread this thread rather than make us repeat ourselves.
Thank you in advance.

Well no, it hasn't been done. Someone threw out the 1st law of thermodynamics, but that is a physical principle existing in the spacetime continuum of a physical universe, it doesn't explain the conditions of no universe and no space or time.

Keep telling yourself that.
How about you stop being a dick heel and state why you think my comments were stupid?

Energy and matter cannot exist without time and space. Prove my statement wrong or shut the fuck up.

I'll be happy to answer, you just won't like my answer. Time and space are manifestations of energy. How can I say that? Simple, the expansion of the universe supports it.

[Time energy theory] - A New Kind of Science: The NKS Forum
How has the science community ever cleared up any origins question :D

It hasn't, but scientists are honest enough to admit they don't know YET, but are working to find out which of their theories might hold the answers or a new theory that might develop from the search.

are they to be contrasted with scientists who think they know what they're talking about?.....

You can think you know what you are talking about while still knowing you are dealing with theories, I think. :D
But it is hard to see "precision" in a universe that has so much evidence of things smashing into other things everywhere you look in the universe!

Wow... it's hard to see precision in physics and mathematics? Universal laws of gravity and motion? Principles of light, electromagnetism, weak and strong nuclear forces? Atomic and subatomic particles? Higgs boson? Seems pretty dadgum precise from where I'm sitting.
It hasn't, but scientists are honest enough to admit they don't know YET, but are working to find out which of their theories might hold the answers or a new theory that might develop from the search.

As long as they deny precision and design in nature they rule out a possibility.

But it is hard to see "precision" in a universe that has so much evidence of things smashing into other things everywhere you look in the universe!

not what Einstein locked in on look at my signature.
Look dimwit, go back and read the thread. Without time and space there is no energy, no mass, no speed of light, no light, no rate of change, no physics or physical reality. These ALL exist as a part of our universe through space and time.

Time travel is certainly NOT theoretically impossible. I read an article yesterday about scientists who have actually sent a photon back in time.

So maybe YOU are the one who needs to brush up on modern physics, and stop clinging to your "flat earth" theories that have been debunked?
There you go again, PONTIFICATING as if you were God.

Regarding your magic proton, that was only a SIMULATION, you know like an animated cartoon! :cuckoo:

You are getting very desperate!!!

Well, at least we "idiots" know the difference between a simulation and an "actual proton." :asshole:

Have no idea what you are talking about. You seem to just have a hard on for criticizing me. I really don't get it because often times, I think you make valid and smart points and I agree with you on many things. I guess you just like being a jerk to me? :dunno:

I don't blame you for playing dumb about you "actual time traveling proton" which was an "actual video simulation."

Nothing at all about a "proton" there, bud.

It's an experiment.... aka: simulation. The point was to address the dismissing of "time travel" but the fact of reality is, all of us "time travel" daily. Time is motion, so in our everyday comings and goings, we move at different intervals to and from one another. We are essentially travelling in time, it's just very small and insignificant.
How about you stop being a dick heel and state why you think my comments were stupid?

Energy and matter cannot exist without time and space. Prove my statement wrong or shut the fuck up.

I'll be happy to answer, you just won't like my answer. Time and space are manifestations of energy. How can I say that? Simple, the expansion of the universe supports it.

[Time energy theory] - A New Kind of Science: The NKS Forum

Well that's all good and well, but if the expanding universe has not come into existence yet, how the fuck does it have anything to do with this?

Now first of all, you are giving me a THEORY of something that I have never heard of. Does that sound like something that is a proven fact to you? Second... we KNOW what Energy is... E=mc2. There is no debate about this as far as I am aware. If you have some credible science to debunk Einstein's theory, please put it forward. So as she stands, we have your theory that no one has heard of before, and the most well-known formula of all time. I think I'll go with E=mc2.

Mass cannot exist in zero space. Light, whether wave or particle, also cannot exist in zero space. If there is zero space, there is also zero time because space creates time. If there is no time, you can't measure speed of light, which can't exist in zero space anyway. So your formula becomes E=0x02. Or... ZERO! Without space or time, energy = 0.

Now if you can prove that wrong, there might be a Nobel Prize in it for ya!
Look dimwit, go back and read the thread. Without time and space there is no energy, no mass, no speed of light, no light, no rate of change, no physics or physical reality. These ALL exist as a part of our universe through space and time.

Time travel is certainly NOT theoretically impossible. I read an article yesterday about scientists who have actually sent a photon back in time.

So maybe YOU are the one who needs to brush up on modern physics, and stop clinging to your "flat earth" theories that have been debunked?

There you go again, PONTIFICATING as if you were God.

Regarding your magic proton, that was only a SIMULATION, you know like an animated cartoon! :cuckoo:

You are getting very desperate!!!

Have no idea what you are talking about. You seem to just have a hard on for criticizing me. I really don't get it because often times, I think you make valid and smart points and I agree with you on many things. I guess you just like being a jerk to me? :dunno:

I don't blame you for playing dumb about you "actual time traveling proton" which was an "actual video simulation."

Nothing at all about a "proton" there, bud.

It's an experiment.... aka: simulation. The point was to address the dismissing of "time travel" but the fact of reality is, all of us "time travel" daily. Time is motion, so in our everyday comings and goings, we move at different intervals to and from one another. We are essentially travelling in time, it's just very small and insignificant.
Well, there you go again with your pontificated redefinition of terms.

In physics an experiment is not also known as a simulation.

And if there is nothing about a proton in your post, you are just too big a liar to continue this discussion.
Wow, I didn't think I was dealing with people too stupid to know the difference between "protons" and "photons" ...maybe we need to revisit 4th grade science?

Now... Points to you for catching that it wasn't an actual experiment but a simulation. I admit that I read the article quickly as I was doing other things, and I misunderstood. However, I mentioned this article, and actually linked it, because the bold statement was made that time travel was not possible. It should be obvious that a great many scientists believe that it IS possible, or they wouldn't be investigating the possibility. Furthermore, Einstein proved that objects moving near the speed of light experience a slowing of time... Relativity. So not only is time travel possible, it happens constantly, just in a very small amount that is not relevant or noticeable. But hey... Let's wave the victory flag for you, because for someone so stupid they don't understand the difference between photons and protons, this was a great victory indeed! Bravo!
Wow, I didn't think I was dealing with people too stupid to know the difference between "protons" and "photons" ...maybe we need to revisit 4th grade science?

Now... Points to you for catching that it wasn't an actual experiment but a simulation. I admit that I read the article quickly as I was doing other things, and I misunderstood. However, I mentioned this article, and actually linked it, because the bold statement was made that time travel was not possible. It should be obvious that a great many scientists believe that it IS possible, or they wouldn't be investigating the possibility. Furthermore, Einstein proved that objects moving near the speed of light experience a slowing of time... Relativity. So not only is time travel possible, it happens constantly, just in a very small amount that is not relevant or noticeable. But hey... Let's wave the victory flag for you, because for someone so stupid they don't understand the difference between photons and protons, this was a great victory indeed! Bravo!
It doesn't matter that I misspelled it, that's all you got.

A slowing of time RELATIVE TO A STATIONARY OBSERVER is not time travel by any perversion of the language, which is all you do, play word games!!! It is because of pompous asses like you that scientific language was invented.

Going back or forward in time IS time travel and that is impossible, except in science fiction. I have already explained why in an earlier post and I am not going to waste my TIME repeating it for you to ignore it again.
It doesn't matter that I misspelled it, that's all you got.

Yes, all I got is that you claimed I said something I did not say, when I corrected you on it, you called me a liar. Now you are claiming a spelling error instead of taking responsibility for claiming I said something that wasn't said.

A slowing of time RELATIVE TO A STATIONARY OBSERVER is not time travel by any perversion of the language, which is all you do, play word games!!! It is because of pompous asses like you that scientific language was invented.

Sorry, but technically... YES IT IS!

Going back or forward in time IS time travel and that is impossible, except in science fiction. I have already explained why in an earlier post and I am not going to waste my TIME repeating it for you to ignore it again.

If time slows down, you have effectively gone back in time. From a quantum physics perspective, time travel certainly is a possibility. This is why scientists are doing simulations and studying the possibility. If it were not possible, they wouldn't bother.

Now, has real time travel back in time happened? Nope. That doesn't mean it's impossible. I don't give a damn what you THINK you've explained or what you want to waste TIME doing. You've not disproven anything other than my error about an article I read incorrectly. But hey... for someone as stupid as you are, that was a great achievement!
A slowing of time RELATIVE TO A STATIONARY OBSERVER is not time travel by any perversion of the language, which is all you do, play word games!!! It is because of pompous asses like you that scientific language was invented.
Sorry, but technically... YES IT IS!

Going back or forward in time IS time travel and that is impossible, except in science fiction. I have already explained why in an earlier post and I am not going to waste my TIME repeating it for you to ignore it again.
If time slows down, you have effectively gone back in time.
Sorry but NO IT ISN'T! Technically or otherwise.

And if time SLOWS down you have NOT "effectively" or otherwise gone Back in time, idiot, you are STILL moving FORWARD in time only more SLOWLY.

You still have nothing but meaningless word games which may carry weight in philosophy class or the debate club, but they expose you as a complete fool in science!!!
Thank you.
Wow, I didn't think I was dealing with people too stupid to know the difference between "protons" and "photons" ...maybe we need to revisit 4th grade science?

Now... Points to you for catching that it wasn't an actual experiment but a simulation. I admit that I read the article quickly as I was doing other things, and I misunderstood. However, I mentioned this article, and actually linked it, because the bold statement was made that time travel was not possible. It should be obvious that a great many scientists believe that it IS possible, or they wouldn't be investigating the possibibecauhermore, Einstein proved that objects moving near the speed of light experience a slowing of time... Relativity. So not only is time travel possible, it happens constantly, just in a very small amount that is not relevant or noticeable. But hey... Let's wave the victory flag for you, because for someone so stupid they don't understand the difference between photons and protons, this was a great victory indeed! Bravo!
It doesn't matter that I misspelled it, that's all you got.

A slowing of time RELATIVE TO A STATIONARY OBSERVER is not time travel by any perversion of the language, which is all you do, play word games!!! It is because of pompous asses like you that scientific language was invented.

Going back or forward in time IS time travel and that is impossible, except in science fiction. I have already explained why in an earlier post and I am not going to waste my TIME repeating it for you to ignore it again.

As I understood the article, the possibility of travelling backwards in time is grounded in the Heisenberg uncertainty. Thing is, it is an enormously small amount.

It isn't necessarrily quite what we might think. "Time" isn't quite what we are use to thinking it is. Time is just that things change position in space. Every measurement of time is really a measurement of distance. We identify some thing that changes position in a cycle and repeatable count when the thing returns to that position. What we call time is fundamentally a measure of distance. The thing that distinguishes time is that the distance is repeated. Time isn't distinguishable as seperate from space
Sorry but NO IT ISN'T! Technically or otherwise.

And if time SLOWS down you have NOT "effectively" or otherwise gone Back in time, idiot, you are STILL moving FORWARD in time only more SLOWLY.

You still have nothing but meaningless word games which may carry weight in philosophy class or the debate club, but they expose you as a complete fool in science!!!
Thank you.

Yes it is, and you are the one who is playing word games. If time slows down for me and not for you, then you are further in the future than I am. If my twin remains here on earth and I travel at near the speed of light out into space for several years and return, my twin will have aged several years while I only aged perhaps a few months. I have traveled back in time from my twin. They have done experiments here on earth with atomic clocks and jets flying around the world at high speeds. After the flight, the jet's atomic clock shows a variation in time from the earth-based atomic clock. The jet has effectively traveled a fraction of a second back in time. According to physics, if you could travel faster than the speed of light, you could travel back in time. The ONLY reason it's not possible is because it's not yet possible for us to travel faster than the speed of light. Because something is not currently possible with current technology, does NOT MEAN IT'S IMPOSSIBLE!
As I understood the article, the possibility of travelling backwards in time is grounded in the Heisenberg uncertainty. Thing is, it is an enormously small amount.

It isn't necessarrily quite what we might think. "Time" isn't quite what we are use to thinking it is. Time is just that things change position in space. Every measurement of time is really a measurement of distance. We identify some thing that changes position in a cycle and repeatable count when the thing returns to that position. What we call time is fundamentally a measure of distance. The thing that distinguishes time is that the distance is repeated. Time isn't distinguishable as seperate from space

I have often made the somewhat over-simplified comment that Time=Distance. However, I stopped posting that because so many idiots wanted to jump on it and challenge it as "stupid and uneducated." Time is actually a perceptional phenomenon caused by the expanding universe. Before the universe existed, there was no time. That's where this little 'side-argument' came from. If there is no time and there is no space, there is no physical reality or physical energy. It cannot exist without space and time. Now some people want to keep throwing up physical principles to refute this, but physical principles only exist in a physical reality with time and space.

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