How did the Universe get here?

There is no clock without a clockmaker.

Think about this.

You have a pile of oddly shaped pebbles and a set of weighing scales.


How long would it take to take the pile, split it up, and achieve balance.

Yet, look at the balance around us.

Should not one variable run a muck and ruin the equation?

But it doesn't...the system is set up in a way that it cannot.

Is this the result of random chance? I think not.

Who made god then? How come the universe MUST have a creator but the creator doesn't have to have a creator? Can't have it both ways.

He who creates is greater then the creation. The Universe made you who made the Universe ?

Fallacious correlation. We are just part of an existing Universe. That does not imply that there is any "creation" involved in the process by which we evolved.
There is no clock without a clockmaker.

Think about this.

You have a pile of oddly shaped pebbles and a set of weighing scales.


How long would it take to take the pile, split it up, and achieve balance.

Yet, look at the balance around us.

Should not one variable run a muck and ruin the equation?

But it doesn't...the system is set up in a way that it cannot.

Is this the result of random chance? I think not.

The Universe is filled with random variables that run a muck all the time. That you cannot see them doesn't mean they don't exist.

Everything suffers from entropy over time.

Not true!
Who made god then? How come the universe MUST have a creator but the creator doesn't have to have a creator? Can't have it both ways.

He who creates is greater then the creation. The Universe made you who made the Universe ?

Fallacious correlation. We are just part of an existing Universe. That does not imply that there is any "creation" involved in the process by which we evolved.

So are you suggesting the universe is eternal ?
You have not been able to establish a single fact....

And neither have YOU, assmunch!

Where the hell do you get the idea that we can "establish fact" when it comes to THIS question?
Did you get dropped on your head when you were a baby or something?

Your only argument is we can't 100% prove god doesn't exist. But we're getting closer.

No, we're not. We can't 99% prove it or .00001% prove it. There is no proof or evidence God doesn't exist. NONE! NADDA! ZILCH! You can sit here day in and day out and repeat this nonsense, it isn't going to ever make it true. All you are proving is you have faith in disbelief.

And what we do see is there is no good evidence there is a god.

No... what YOU see is no good evidence. What I see is mountains of evidence that cannot be denied. Indisputable proof, as a matter of fact. You don't see it because you aren't me. You don't want to accept my evidence and proof, and that's fine, you don't have to. It doesn't make it invalid.

The religions are lying, you're guessing/hoping. We understand.

No, you really DON'T understand, and you never will. You're an idiot.

Oh hey, that reminds me. So if god is that spiritual thing you feel, what is it when you feel rage, jealousy, lust, sad, confused, lost, like committing suicide? What are those "feelings"? Are they SATAN?

As I said before, there are positive and negative spiritual energies. Just like there is energy and dark energy or matter and antimatter. I don't know if there is a Satan, it could be like light and dark... negative spiritual energy could simply be absence of positive spiritual energy.

I do know this, the things in this reality you relate to as "good" like love, compassion, caring about our kids, etc. Are ALL determined by positive spiritual energy, and in the void of it, you have none of those things.
There is no clock without a clockmaker.

Think about this.

You have a pile of oddly shaped pebbles and a set of weighing scales.


How long would it take to take the pile, split it up, and achieve balance.

Yet, look at the balance around us.

Should not one variable run a muck and ruin the equation?

But it doesn't...the system is set up in a way that it cannot.

Is this the result of random chance? I think not.

Who made god then? How come the universe MUST have a creator but the creator doesn't have to have a creator? Can't have it both ways.

???.....can you prove we can't have it six ways?......what do creating gods have to look like? you have a deityfractometer that you measure them by?.......

No. It is your side that claims they know something us atheists don't. So prove it or shut the fuck up. :lol:
Who made god then? How come the universe MUST have a creator but the creator doesn't have to have a creator? Can't have it both ways.

???.....can you prove we can't have it six ways?......what do creating gods have to look like? you have a deityfractometer that you measure them by?.......

No. It is your side that claims they know something us atheists don't. So prove it or shut the fuck up. :lol:

It takes faith to believe as you do as it does for our side, don't be a a hypocrite. Prove your beliefs are not based in faith or just sit back and sip your coffee.
Everything suffers from entropy over time.

Not true!

Provide me an example of something that does not decline over time.

If EVERYTHING declined over time, no matter could exist. Does matter exist????

You were conned by unscrupulous Creationists who take advantage of your not knowing the difference between "never decreases" and "always increases" in scientific language.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics is stated as, "In a closed thermodynamic system, entropy NEVER DECREASES."
Not true!

Provide me an example of something that does not decline over time.

If EVERYTHING declined over time, no matter could exist. Does matter exist????

You were conned by unscrupulous Creationists who take advantage of your not knowing the difference between "never decreases" and "always increases" in scientific language.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics is stated as, "In a closed thermodynamic system, entropy NEVER DECREASES."

Wrong, i was educated by a secular system and came to my own conclusions. Then you should be able to provide me an example as was asked of you. So are you suggesting all matter is eternal ? if so prove it.
Not true!

Provide me an example of something that does not decline over time.

If EVERYTHING declined over time, no matter could exist. Does matter exist????

You were conned by unscrupulous Creationists who take advantage of your not knowing the difference between "never decreases" and "always increases" in scientific language.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics is stated as, "In a closed thermodynamic system, entropy NEVER DECREASES."

LMAO... The second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of an isolated system never decreases, because isolated systems always evolve toward thermodynamic equilibrium, a state with maximum entropy.
Provide me an example of something that does not decline over time.

If EVERYTHING declined over time, no matter could exist. Does matter exist????

You were conned by unscrupulous Creationists who take advantage of your not knowing the difference between "never decreases" and "always increases" in scientific language.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics is stated as, "In a closed thermodynamic system, entropy NEVER DECREASES."

Wrong, i was educated by a secular system and came to my own conclusions. Then you should be able to provide me an example as was asked of you. So are you suggesting all matter is eternal ? if so prove it.

You obviously did not pay attention!

Never decreases means in scientific language "greater than OR EQUAL TO ZERO."

If EVERYTHING suffers from entropy (S), as you falsely claimed, then entropy cannot equal zero.

If EVERYTHING declined over time, no matter could exist. Does matter exist????

You were conned by unscrupulous Creationists who take advantage of your not knowing the difference between "never decreases" and "always increases" in scientific language.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics is stated as, "In a closed thermodynamic system, entropy NEVER DECREASES."

Wrong, i was educated by a secular system and came to my own conclusions. Then you should be able to provide me an example as was asked of you. So are you suggesting all matter is eternal ? if so prove it.

You obviously did not pay attention!

Never decreases means in scientific language "greater than OR EQUAL TO ZERO."

If EVERYTHING suffers from entropy (S), as you falsely claimed, then entropy cannot equal zero.


All you have to do is provide an example and I will quit asking for this example that has never been produced.
Provide me an example of something that does not decline over time.

If EVERYTHING declined over time, no matter could exist. Does matter exist????

You were conned by unscrupulous Creationists who take advantage of your not knowing the difference between "never decreases" and "always increases" in scientific language.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics is stated as, "In a closed thermodynamic system, entropy NEVER DECREASES."

LMAO... The second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of an isolated system never decreases, because isolated systems always evolve toward thermodynamic equilibrium, a state with maximum entropy.

If entropy always evolved toward maximum entropy, IOW entropy "always increases" rather than "never decreases" then the negatively charged electron orbiting the nucleus of an atom would lose speed as its entropy increased and would be drawn into the positively charged nucleus and no matter could exist. Entropy can and does = 0.

Obviously you know less about entropy than you do about quantum mechanics, and you know nothing about quantum mechanics.
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Wrong, i was educated by a secular system and came to my own conclusions. Then you should be able to provide me an example as was asked of you. So are you suggesting all matter is eternal ? if so prove it.

You obviously did not pay attention!

Never decreases means in scientific language "greater than OR EQUAL TO ZERO."

If EVERYTHING suffers from entropy (S), as you falsely claimed, then entropy cannot equal zero.


All you have to do is provide an example and I will quit asking for this example that has never been produced.

Well of course, the Law expressed as its equation is not good enough for you because you can't play semantics games with an equation. You can't substitute "always increases" for "never decreases" in scientific language like you can in regular English, you must mathematically show how you eliminated the = 0 in scientific language. Pontification does not cut it.
How did the Universe get here? ==GOD'S WORD SAYS God spoke the universe into being from nothing=

◄ Hebrews 11:3 ►
By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.
=8Let all the earth fear(respect) the LORD; Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. 9For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast. 10The LORD nullifies the counsel of the nations; He frustrates the plans of the peoples.Psalm 33:8-9
You have not been able to establish a single fact....

And neither have YOU, assmunch!

Where the hell do you get the idea that we can "establish fact" when it comes to THIS question?
Did you get dropped on your head when you were a baby or something?

Your only argument is we can't 100% prove god doesn't exist. But we're getting closer. And what we do see is there is no good evidence there is a god. The religions are lying, you're guessing/hoping. We understand. Can't teach an old dog new tricks and some people are too far gone to turn it around. But people are evolving and that goes for their brains. Oh yea, I thought of you when I saw the preview for that woman who taps into 60% of her brain and she can control people and kill you with just a look. Morgan Freeman says "he's not sure the world is ready for that." We are still a pretty primitive species and I believe religion is proof of that. That and war, greed, evil, not caring about your kids.

Oh hey, that reminds me. So if god is that spiritual thing you feel, what is it when you feel rage, jealousy, lust, sad, confused, lost, like committing suicide? What are those "feelings"? Are they SATAN? Come on boss, wake the fuck up. Between this and your politics I'm beginning to think you are a major douce. :badgrin:

We're getting closer to proving something with different, and usually extremely vague, definitions doesn't exist? I think you misunderstand the general concept of god. It's why religion can continue no matter the level of human understanding; god can always be something we don't or can't observe. It's one of the most frustrating aspects of this kind of discussion.

When people say humans are a primitive species, I always wonder, in relation to what? :lol:
You obviously did not pay attention!

Never decreases means in scientific language "greater than OR EQUAL TO ZERO."

If EVERYTHING suffers from entropy (S), as you falsely claimed, then entropy cannot equal zero.


All you have to do is provide an example and I will quit asking for this example that has never been produced.

Well of course, the Law expressed as its equation is not good enough for you because you can't play semantics games with an equation. You can't substitute "always increases" for "never decreases" in scientific language like you can in regular English, you must mathematically show how you eliminated the = 0 in scientific language. Pontification does not cut it.

I don't think you can substitute those phrases in everyday English either. :)
You obviously did not pay attention!

Never decreases means in scientific language "greater than OR EQUAL TO ZERO."

If EVERYTHING suffers from entropy (S), as you falsely claimed, then entropy cannot equal zero.


All you have to do is provide an example and I will quit asking for this example that has never been produced.

Well of course, the Law expressed as its equation is not good enough for you because you can't play semantics games with an equation. You can't substitute "always increases" for "never decreases" in scientific language like you can in regular English, you must mathematically show how you eliminated the = 0 in scientific language. Pontification does not cut it.

You let me know when you have that example.This Universe will never reach maximum entropy because the creator has plans for this planet. I don't put my faith in man in his limited knowledge. Good things come from man but our knowledge is very limited.

You can post all the equations you like does not prove your beliefs correct.
???.....can you prove we can't have it six ways?......what do creating gods have to look like? you have a deityfractometer that you measure them by?.......

No. It is your side that claims they know something us atheists don't. So prove it or shut the fuck up. :lol:

It takes faith to believe as you do as it does for our side, don't be a a hypocrite. Prove your beliefs are not based in faith or just sit back and sip your coffee.

Calling atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair color, or not collecting stamps a hobby.

Atheism is simply a lack of belief in a god or gods, nothing more. If we deconstruct the term ‘atheism’ we find ‘a – theism’ which means ‘without – theism’ which, in turn, means ‘without – belief in god(s)’. It is, therefore, not a positive belief or a claim to knowledge. Instead, it is the default position of doubt, uncertainty and skepticism one may have regarding claims made by theists. Just as it takes no faith to lack belief or remain uncertain concerning any other imaginable claim, it takes none to doubt the existence of a god or gods. See also: Atheism is based on faith, Russell’s Teapot.

Every human-being ever born begins life as an implicit atheist and must be taught the concept of theism or, more commonly, indoctrinated with it.

Atheism has no sacred texts, objects, places or times, no rituals or creation stories, no positive beliefs, central tenants, modes of worship or supernatural claims, no implicit or derived moral codes, philosophies or world views and no central organisation or church. It fulfills none of the criteria that define a religion. See also: Atheism is a religion.

Atheists may subscribe to any additional ideologies, philosophies and belief systems they choose, eg. Buddhism, Jainism, Universalism, Environmentalism, Pragmatism, Liberalism, Socialism, Libertarianism, Conservatism, etc. They may even appreciate components of traditional religion and spiritualism, including any supernatural elements unrelated to a god. Common among many atheists, however, is an appreciation for secularism, rationalism, humanism, skepticism, naturalism, materialism and freethinking – none of which are implicit or derived from atheism, nor necessary in order to lack belief.

See also: A Lack of Belief in Gods for a short introduction to atheism (a must watch), Sam Harris – Misconceptions about Atheism (a must watch), Putting faith in it’s place (a must watch).

“To say that atheism requires faith is as dim-witted as saying that disbelief in pixies or leprechauns takes faith. Even if Einstein himself told me there was an elf on my shoulder, I would still ask for proof and I wouldn’t be wrong to ask.” – Geoff Mather

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