How did the Universe get here?

do you have any true statements to support your claim?.....those are just the same list of false atheist memes you've quoted before.....

What evidence do you have that supports any of the claims made in the Bible concerning the existence of a god?

I wasn't the one who said he had were.....I am waiting.......

It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity and is poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time.
The only known possible contemporaneous (i.e. someone who lived during the supposed time of c. 6 BCE to c. 36 CE) source regarding Jesus is Paul who expressly states that he got his information through revelation, not any human being

Evidence for the historical existence of Jesus Christ - RationalWiki

really?.....what about John?....Peter.....Mark......Matthew......Luke.....every writer of a NT document was a contemporary of were the people who began the early churches and accepted and preserved those writings.....

Not John, Peter Mark Matthew or Luke

Gospels Not Written By Matthew, Mark, Luke or John « The Church Of Truth?

Even though the Gospels go under the names of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, they were, in fact, written anonymously. These names first appeared in the second century and were assigned to the anonymous writings to give the writings apostolic authority. The Gospel of Mark was written before any of the other canonical gospels and was written after the fall of the second temple which occurred in 70 CE.

because some atheist started a web site and told you so?....sorry, the authenticity of the authors has remained unchallenged by serious theologians since could at least cite a source who isn't afraid to give his name and some information about his theological degree......
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GOD'S WORD SAYS===For the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness,

19 because that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God hath shown it unto them.

20 For from the creation of the world the invisible things of Him are clearly seen, being understood through the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.

21 For when they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God, nor were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
Romans 1:18-22
really?.....what about John?....Peter.....Mark......Matthew......Luke.....every writer of a NT document was a contemporary of were the people who began the early churches and accepted and preserved those writings.....

Not John, Peter Mark Matthew or Luke

Gospels Not Written By Matthew, Mark, Luke or John « The Church Of Truth?

Even though the Gospels go under the names of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, they were, in fact, written anonymously. These names first appeared in the second century and were assigned to the anonymous writings to give the writings apostolic authority. The Gospel of Mark was written before any of the other canonical gospels and was written after the fall of the second temple which occurred in 70 CE.

because some atheist started a web site and told you so?....sorry, the authenticity of the authors has remained unchallenged by serious theologians since forever......

You are wrong but that hasn't stopped you yet.
What evidence do you have that supports any of the claims made in the Bible concerning the existence of a god?

I wasn't the one who said he had were.....I am waiting.......

It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity and is poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time.

by "entire sections of the text" do you mean the one passage regarding the stoning of the adulterous woman?.....
There is so much evidence/proof your god is fake I don't even know where to begin

that's okay....we have plenty of time....just begin at the beginning and I will ridicule everything you post chronologically......

The books of the canon of the New Testament were written mostly in the first century and finished by the year 150 AD.
Christ died in approximately 33 AD......the first books were written during the 50s.......the last, written by John in the 90s....
Not John, Peter Mark Matthew or Luke

Gospels Not Written By Matthew, Mark, Luke or John « The Church Of Truth?

Even though the Gospels go under the names of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, they were, in fact, written anonymously. These names first appeared in the second century and were assigned to the anonymous writings to give the writings apostolic authority. The Gospel of Mark was written before any of the other canonical gospels and was written after the fall of the second temple which occurred in 70 CE.

because some atheist started a web site and told you so?....sorry, the authenticity of the authors has remained unchallenged by serious theologians since forever......

You are wrong but that hasn't stopped you yet.

then prove me wrong without quoting some atheists web site where the author won't even identify himself, let alone demonstrate that he has some knowledge of theology.....
really?.....what about John?....Peter.....Mark......Matthew......Luke.....every writer of a NT document was a contemporary of were the people who began the early churches and accepted and preserved those writings.....

Not John, Peter Mark Matthew or Luke

Gospels Not Written By Matthew, Mark, Luke or John « The Church Of Truth?

Even though the Gospels go under the names of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, they were, in fact, written anonymously. These names first appeared in the second century and were assigned to the anonymous writings to give the writings apostolic authority. The Gospel of Mark was written before any of the other canonical gospels and was written after the fall of the second temple which occurred in 70 CE.

because some atheist started a web site and told you so?....sorry, the authenticity of the authors has remained unchallenged by serious theologians since could at least cite a source who isn't afraid to give his name and some information about his theological degree......

Let me give you an example of how stupid you and your stories are. I can't remember if it was a Noah, Adam & Eve, Mosus or some other story in the bible and I asked my idiot catholic friend like you about this story and he had the balls to tell me that people could live up to 800 years back then. Do you know the story I'm talking about? You have to suspend reality and logic to believe your bullshit buddy.

Do you understand what this means when you read "Writings attributed to the Apostles circulated among the earliest Christian communities."

That means those guys didn't really write their own stories. Plus there are so many holes in their stories. No it's not all coming from that one atheist website, but that one site has everything you need to rebuke a stupid theist like yourself.
Not John, Peter Mark Matthew or Luke

Gospels Not Written By Matthew, Mark, Luke or John « The Church Of Truth?

Even though the Gospels go under the names of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, they were, in fact, written anonymously. These names first appeared in the second century and were assigned to the anonymous writings to give the writings apostolic authority. The Gospel of Mark was written before any of the other canonical gospels and was written after the fall of the second temple which occurred in 70 CE.

because some atheist started a web site and told you so?....sorry, the authenticity of the authors has remained unchallenged by serious theologians since could at least cite a source who isn't afraid to give his name and some information about his theological degree......

Let me give you an example of how stupid you and your stories are. I can't remember if it was a Noah, Adam & Eve, Mosus or some other story in the bible and I asked my idiot catholic friend like you about this story and he had the balls to tell me that people could live up to 800 years back then. Do you know the story I'm talking about? You have to suspend reality and logic to believe your bullshit buddy.

I have a better idea.....give me some evidence to back up your irrational claims.....

Do you understand what this means when you read "Writings attributed to the Apostles circulated among the earliest Christian communities."

That means those guys didn't really write their own stories.

lol, no it doesn't....what it does mean is that their contemporaries had no problem recognizing them as the authors......
YES!!! ORIGINAL MAN WAS CREATED TO LIVE FOR EVER,even after sin brought sickness and death, the first few generations lived far,far longer than man now. mankind has devolved not evolved!!!
because some atheist started a web site and told you so?....sorry, the authenticity of the authors has remained unchallenged by serious theologians since could at least cite a source who isn't afraid to give his name and some information about his theological degree......

Let me give you an example of how stupid you and your stories are. I can't remember if it was a Noah, Adam & Eve, Mosus or some other story in the bible and I asked my idiot catholic friend like you about this story and he had the balls to tell me that people could live up to 800 years back then. Do you know the story I'm talking about? You have to suspend reality and logic to believe your bullshit buddy.

I have a better idea.....give me some evidence to back up your irrational claims.....

Do you understand what this means when you read "Writings attributed to the Apostles circulated among the earliest Christian communities."

That means those guys didn't really write their own stories.

lol, no it doesn't....what it does mean is that their contemporaries had no problem recognizing them as the authors......

So now I know 3 levels of stupid. The boss, you then Gismys. Listen buddies. I don't care if it was 2000 years ago or yesterday, anyone tells me a story that can't possibly be true, I need proof. I'm sorry. You can believe whatever you want but don't try and convince someone and then get upset when they call bullshit. Ask any muslim, you are full of shit. Ask any Jew or Atheist and you are full of shit. 11 guys told this story SUPPOSEDLY and you don't even think the Catholic church with all their history of corruption could have edited it or maybe even entirely made the whole thing up.

Looks that way to me. That's why even Boss denies Christ. You are so brainwashed you can't yet but maybe one day you'll take the steps.

a. The stories in the bible are made up to send a message to be good.

b. “Now, if the book of Genesis is an allegory, then sin is an allegory, the Fall is an allegory and the need for a Savior is an allegory – but if we are all descendants of an allegory, where does that leave us? It destroys the foundation of all Christian doctrine—it destroys the foundation of the gospel.” - Ken Ham

Do you know who Ken is? I think he agrees with you, no? So you have to defend every story no matter how far fetched. Correct? Thought so. So I don't even need to prove your stories are made up. If they are impossible scientifically and you are going to go off talking about miracles and god can do anything, then I just have to laugh at you.

All religious texts are stories to teach good and bad, right and wrong. And I hate it that I never know what level of retard I'm talking to. Boss is always crying saying, "I never said that" well it's hard to keep you all straight. You all have your own different delusions of what/who god is. There is no god. If there is, he doesn't care about you.
Didn't you say that your version of god may just be one aspect of god? Why couldn't there be another aspect of god which is more human and has a wife, then? :dunno:
I don't think that's what I said. :doubt:

Well, you said it is possible for there to be many truths about the nature of god, and that god may custom tailor itself to the individual, something like that. If there can be many truths about the nature of god, if the various religions of the world can all be correct at the same time, couldn't multiple gods, including a male and female 'married' god couple, be a possibility?
And it was rude of you to be as insulting as you were.

However, I haven't read you complaining or whining about other people insulting or denigrating, whereas Boss has done that on multiple occasions. So while you were rude, it wasn't a hypocritical rudeness. :p

Let's get something clear, Moonbat... I am not whining or complaining about other people insulting and denigrating others. I fully expect you to do this because that's your objective. My only objective is to express my opinion and share my beliefs with others. Sometimes, my opinion might be that you're an idiot and a dumbass. Therefore, I am going to tell you that, but it's not my objective and that's not my agenda.

Your objective seems to be picking out people you like and dislike, then spending all your time stroking the egos of people you like while finding any way you can to misconstrue and take out of context, what the people you don't like have to say. You're really talented at parsing out little snippets of a conversation and myopically focusing on the nuance, so as to try and embarrass someone. You use the phrase "so what you're saying is..." a lot. Usually it is followed by something you've managed to distill from the conversation that is totally NOT what the other person is saying, and despite their repeated attempts to clarify that, you insist that's what they said.

Pretty much everything you've said could be turned around to be speaking about you, and it would certainly hold at least a note of truth. Just as almost everything you complain about in others you do yourself.

That would include imparting your own ideas upon others; claiming objectives that people have never stated, building strawmen, etc. Considering how much more frequently you toss around insults than I do, it's pretty funny that you'd say insulting is my objective but not your own. No, in your case it's just your opinion. For anyone who disagrees with or is insulting you, or other believers, it's their entire objective! :lol:

It's also hilarious that you complain about me using the phrase 'what you're saying is' when twice in this very post you have attributed things to me which I have never stated and are untrue. So you certainly seem to be the one distilling things from the conversation that are totally NOT what the other person is saying, and despite repeated attempts to clarify, you insist that's what they said. :lmao:
I need proof. I'm sorry.
me said....
We do have tons of proof/evidence the christian jew and muslim god is fake.

and I asked for it.....

11 guys told this story SUPPOSEDLY and you don't even think the Catholic church with all their history of corruption could have edited it or maybe even entirely made the whole thing up.
well, I expected you to have evidence that they it possible that you believe something to be true without having evidence?......I am shocked!....

Now, if the book of Genesis is an allegory
which part of it? Genesis 1:1 an allegory?.....

So you have to defend every story no matter how far fetched. Correct?

do I have to defend what YOU believe about the stories or what I believe about the stories?

If they are impossible scientifically and you are going to go off talking about miracles and god can do anything, then I just have to laugh at you.
and is that supposed to bother me?....I've laughed at you at least four times today....did it bother you?.....

All religious texts are stories to teach good and bad, right and wrong.

well no.....some are.....some have other purposes....many aren't even stories.....they are letters and laws.....poems and prophesies......many that are stories have nothing to do with what is good or bad.....

If there is, he doesn't care about you.

sorry, but the only thing you can honestly state is that you don't care about him.....
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Pretty much everything you've said could be turned around to be speaking about you, and it would certainly hold at least a note of truth. Just as almost everything you complain about in others you do yourself.

That would include imparting your own ideas upon others; claiming objectives that people have never stated, building strawmen, etc. Considering how much more frequently you toss around insults than I do, it's pretty funny that you'd say insulting is my objective but not your own. No, in your case it's just your opinion. For anyone who disagrees with or is insulting you, or other believers, it's their entire objective! :lol:

It's also hilarious that you complain about me using the phrase 'what you're saying is' when twice in this very post you have attributed things to me which I have never stated and are untrue. So you certainly seem to be the one distilling things from the conversation that are totally NOT what the other person is saying, and despite repeated attempts to clarify, you insist that's what they said. :lmao:

Look dude, sometimes you raise some good points and ask some valid questions, and I appreciate that. I enjoy a challenge and don't mind explaining my viewpoint to others. If you legitimately have questions regarding my views and opinions, I welcome them. However, you have persistently had another side to your postings, and that is when you attempt to agitate and 'get my goat' by being obtuse, taking things out of context, misunderstanding things intentionally, and accusing me of saying things I haven't said.

Please be advised, that behavior stops being responded to as of now. If you continue to try and do this, I will put you on ignore. It's will be a shame if I have to do that, I would rather read your posts and engage you in meaningful debate, but I've had enough of this juvenile behavior from you. I don't know why you do this, I don't know how old you are, maybe you're just young and foolish? Whatever your reason is, just know that it's about to get you put on ignore permanently.

If you think I am a hypocrite because I stated what I did about the agenda of god-haters, if you think I have deliberately taken your posts out of context in order to aggravate you, or if you think I have been dishonest... you are entitled to your opinion. It does not bother me. If you just want to lie and be dishonest about things I've said, have at it, but know that I will never read your lies or respond to them or anything else you have to say. We can either have adult conversations or you can go on ignore and be treated like a troll... it's up to you.
Didn't you say that your version of god may just be one aspect of god? Why couldn't there be another aspect of god which is more human and has a wife, then? :dunno:
I don't think that's what I said. :doubt:

Well, you said it is possible for there to be many truths about the nature of god, and that god may custom tailor itself to the individual, something like that. If there can be many truths about the nature of god, if the various religions of the world can all be correct at the same time, couldn't multiple gods, including a male and female 'married' god couple, be a possibility?

Please stop being silly. There is no religion I am aware of that believes in God and Mrs. God. So, no... it's very much NOT a possibility. Here again, you are intentionally taking something I said out of context and running to some bizarre extreme with it because you think you're being clever. It's not clever, it's borderline retarded.

I will state this again, so that you can try and understand... Spiritual Nature is not obligated to conform with physical logic and reason. Therefore, it is possible that Spiritual Nature reveals itself to individuals through differing incarnations. I don't know if that is true and I've not said that is my personal belief. I presented this to explain why you were incorrect in your previous assumption that because I believe a certain thing that other things are necessarily wrong or incorrect. I gave you analogies, those didn't suffice, so this is another way for me to explain it to you. Instead of trying to understand my point, you take my point and pervert it into some bizarre viewpoint that you conjured up in your mind and then tried to ambush me with it.

I don't have time for these silly games with you. If your intention is going to be deliberate misunderstanding of the points I make so that you can turn them around and attack me with them, then our conversation is finished.
that's okay....we have plenty of time....just begin at the beginning and I will ridicule everything you post chronologically......

The books of the canon of the New Testament were written mostly in the first century and finished by the year 150 AD.
Christ died in approximately 33 AD......the first books were written during the 50s.......the last, written by John in the 90s....


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