CDZ How did we get to this point?

This country was pretty civilized until the Obama Presidency. But Obama's defiance of laws and his blatant racism made our legal system into more of a do whatever you think is right thing. All of a sudden, people started ignoring the laws they didn't like and the D party and their media buttboys played right along. When Trump was elected they really went off the deep end, going so far as to run a coup against a sitting President. Worse yet, the FBI and DOJ were the ones behind the coup. We'll never get back to anywhere near normal until those deep state conspiracists are behind bars. Let's see those indictments, NOW.
This country was pretty civilized until the Obama Presidency. But Obama's defiance of laws and his blatant racism made our legal system into more of a do whatever you think is right thing. All of a sudden, people started ignoring the laws they didn't like and the D party and their media buttboys played right along. When Trump was elected they really went off the deep end, going so far as to run a coup against a sitting President. Worse yet, the FBI and DOJ were the ones behind the coup. We'll never get back to anywhere near normal until those deep state conspiracists are behind bars. Let's see those indictments, NOW.
Obama purposely played the race card and then threw gas on the fire to create CHAOS.........then he and the DNC POLARIZED they abused their powers more than any President for a very long time...............

I live in the deep would see some Rebel Flags time to time.......during Obama they started coming up all over the place from Obama's actions and throwing gas on the fire.

Socialist need to break down the country and lead it to Chaos to gain power..........this is nothing new.
Nope. You just don't pander for primary votes by promising to pick a female. You don't exclude any number of qualified vice presidential running mates because they have a dick, or because their skin is too light.

This is madness, especially when there is a profoundly damaged and dangerous buffoon on the ballot for the other party.

Look, you're going to defend this. I get it. Let's not beat a dead horse.

Oh, Stormy, you miss the point entirely.

The main reason why Hillary lost was that black folks weren't that into her.

it wasn't because the dumb-ass white people you think the Democrats should pander to turned on her. Trump got the EXACT same percentage of white folks that Mitt Romney did in 2012.

It was because black folks didn't show up for her. While black turnout was 66% in 2012, it dropped to 58% in 2016, and that's what cost Hillary the election in the Rust Belt Three.

So if picking a black woman over white men gets people excited about this candidacy, it's a great idea. For instance, picking Sarah Palin probably helped John McCain with Evangelicals who up until that point, were only , "Thank God he's not a Mormon!" level of enthusiasm.

(By 2012, Evangelicals realized there was a Negro in the White House, and Romney could have worshiped C'Thulhu and still gotten their votes.)

So you can whine about "Identity Politics" all day, but the reality - the constituencies Biden needs to show up- Women and Minorities- will be thrilled by this pick.
This country was pretty civilized until the Obama Presidency. But Obama's defiance of laws and his blatant racism made our legal system into more of a do whatever you think is right thing. All of a sudden, people started ignoring the laws they didn't like and the D party and their media buttboys played right along. When Trump was elected they really went off the deep end, going so far as to run a coup against a sitting President. Worse yet, the FBI and DOJ were the ones behind the coup. We'll never get back to anywhere near normal until those deep state conspiracists are behind bars. Let's see those indictments, NOW.

Buddy, the DOJ and FBI did exactly what they were supposed to do, investigate whether or not a candidate had connections to the Russians.

Let's see Trump's tax returns, let's see how much he owes the Russians, then we can talk.
Anyway, for those of you who agree with me that we've really sunk in the quality of our "leaders" and "candidates", why do you think that is?

Ask for nothing and you get nothing. If you truly want a better candidate then you ask better questions. You ask the same question almost every cycle.
class is inferred throughout the strategy of dividing people by race

You'll have to help me. You say that 'class is inferred.' Would you be so good as to set forth your understanding of what 'class' means in this context? Thank-you.

-- Trotsky's Spectre --
How many have ever been happy with the choices offered, yes again I will vote against instead of for some one. that said this time I find it critical to vote for what is best for those over 55 years old. Trumps new executive order will start the defunding of Social Security. if reelected he plans to continue that next year. this will do little to help & will cause much hurt to seniors, as Social Security is COMPLETELY funded through payroll taxes. The rich like him wont need it when they retire, but what about the millions of seniors & those who have paid into it all there lives, then have it defunded be for they can collect ?
class is inferred throughout the strategy of dividing people by race

You'll have to help me. You say that 'class is inferred.' Would you be so good as to set forth your understanding of what 'class' means in this context? Thank-you.

-- Trotsky's Spectre --
Think of it as race being along the X axis and class/poverty being along the Y axis, with a line running at a 45-degree angle. The inference appears to be that the darker the skin, the more an "identity" group is prone to poverty and in desperate need of "help".

When we constantly defend, spin for, attack for and avoid/ignore/minimize the worst behaviors of a person or group, all we're ultimately doing is enabling the worst impulses of that person or group and retarding their growth, self discipline and progress.

The Trumpsters do it with Trump, the Left does it with Black Americans. Just another function of the binary, tribal thought processes that are causing so much division and damage.
People need to pay attention to our media and the various methods they use to influence us. This is not some grand conspiracy, nor is it even a shared design, rather it is the result of the aging journalists leaving the field and the newer ones taking over -- newer ones who have been indoctrinated while young to view the world in a certain way.

The primary method they use is Selection. Any interaction between a white person and a black person is elevated in importance IF the black person can be portrayed as victim. They select these incidences that might otherwise be obscure events, and magnify them to the point of being important nationally. They DON'T select to highlight news stories involving blacks victimizing whites despite the fact these are magnitudes greater in number because that does not serve the p.c. agenda.

Another method they use once they have decided upon their story is to divorce the actions from their context. They ignore the facts that preceded the interaction they wish to highlight so as to influence perception. It is all quite intentional that they withhold information about Michael Brown stealing from a store, grabbing the store by the neck and tossing him aside like a rag doll and then later trying to wrestle the gun from a cop. If we understood the FULL interaction, we would not be as easily manipulated to the desired opinion.

Added to these techniques is the matter of framing. The media always makes the interaction about race, even if it wasn't and in cases where blacks are victimizing whites, in the rare cases they even talk about it, they make sure it ISN'T about race even when it quite clearly is.

The cherry on top of their propaganda confection is the use of language, itself, especially in terms of adjectives and adverbs. Blacks are always portrayed as gentle, or hopeful while the whites involed are described as ruthless and powerful.

Honestly, folks, you couldn't draw up a better design for precipitating a race war than this crap the media has been feeding us for years, now. The media has long since abandoned its role of reporting the news and now sees itself as the chief shaper of culture and that, in a nutshell is WHY we are at the point we are at in our country today.
Looking at the "options" we have in November for President, I can't help but wonder how we got here (by the way, if you think your guy is a great option, this thread probably isn't for you). And full disclosure: It could definitely just be me, and maybe I've just become too cynical over years.

Anyway, for those of you who agree with me that we've really sunk in the quality of our "leaders" and "candidates", why do you think that is? Right now, I can only come up with two ideas:

First, with the advent of the internet and the proliferation of "news" sources (ha ha), I strongly suspect that our REAL "Best & Brightest" know to stay the hell out of politics, since anyone who jumps in will be immediately and viciously attacked in real life, online, and in every other possible way. Their families will be scrutinized to an absurd degree, and they and their families' lives may never be the same again. So we end up with people who just exist only on their egos, everything else be damned.

Second, maybe it's just me/us. Maybe as we age, our cynicism increases and people with big names just impress us less. Maybe the quality of our options hasn't increased much, and my frustration is more about being worn down over time by all the BS than it is about the quality of these people.

Your thoughts?

"How did we get to this point?"
A Mexicrat Party that hates our right to sovereignty
20-50 million illegal aliens
The assault on our constitutional right
The glamorization of all things filth
The hatred for core American values
The mass degradation within ALL blue shitholes
The Dem discontent for law and order
The hate whitey and whitey ways movement

You already knew this...right?
Arrogant and miserable people rely on the excuse that “the young people” are being indoctrinated and that explains why their world view is being tossed into the shitter.
'Think of it as race being along the X axis and class/poverty being along the Y axis, with a line running at a 45-degree angle...'

'Depends on the usage and context'

I’m little further ahead. Is ‘class’ a synonym for ‘category?’

I get the sense that I’m supposed to take ‘hints’ and from those, reconstruct your understanding of what constitutes ‘class.’ I’ll try and do that, but I feel that I’m guessing. You correct me where I get it wrong, OK?

Since you say that ‘class is inferred’ throughout the strategy of ‘dividing people by race,’ and ‘…the two go hand in hand,’ I assume that these are ‘related’ but ‘different’ components of our social history.

If I interpret your graphic analysis correctly, ‘race’ is the ‘x’ axis; this intersects with the ‘y’ axis where ‘y’ represents any number of constructs determined by usage and context. The 45° line plots the strength of correlation between race and whatever ‘y’ represents. In this case, y = socioeconomic conditions. In other scenarios, ‘y’ can represent say – education, housing, health care, employability, access to loans, police violence, legal representation, income potential, social mobility and much more.

Does this represent your position fairly? If not, what stands to be corrected?

Thank you.

-- Trotsky’s Spectre --
Arrogant and miserable people rely on the excuse that “the young people” are being indoctrinated and that explains why their world view is being tossed into the shitter.
My goodness, gracious.

In your world, that would make arson, vandalism and larceny the ultimate expression of humble and content human beings.
Looking at the "options" we have in November for President, I can't help but wonder how we got here (by the way, if you think your guy is a great option, this thread probably isn't for you). And full disclosure: It could definitely just be me, and maybe I've just become too cynical over years.

Anyway, for those of you who agree with me that we've really sunk in the quality of our "leaders" and "candidates", why do you think that is? Right now, I can only come up with two ideas:

First, with the advent of the internet and the proliferation of "news" sources (ha ha), I strongly suspect that our REAL "Best & Brightest" know to stay the hell out of politics, since anyone who jumps in will be immediately and viciously attacked in real life, online, and in every other possible way. Their families will be scrutinized to an absurd degree, and they and their families' lives may never be the same again. So we end up with people who just exist only on their egos, everything else be damned.

Second, maybe it's just me/us. Maybe as we age, our cynicism increases and people with big names just impress us less. Maybe the quality of our options hasn't increased much, and my frustration is more about being worn down over time by all the BS than it is about the quality of these people.

Your thoughts?
'Think of it as race being along the X axis and class/poverty being along the Y axis, with a line running at a 45-degree angle...'

'Depends on the usage and context'

I’m little further ahead. Is ‘class’ a synonym for ‘category?’

I get the sense that I’m supposed to take ‘hints’ and from those, reconstruct your understanding of what constitutes ‘class.’ I’ll try and do that, but I feel that I’m guessing. You correct me where I get it wrong, OK?

Since you say that ‘class is inferred’ throughout the strategy of ‘dividing people by race,’ and ‘…the two go hand in hand,’ I assume that these are ‘related’ but ‘different’ components of our social history.

If I interpret your graphic analysis correctly, ‘race’ is the ‘x’ axis; this intersects with the ‘y’ axis where ‘y’ represents any number of constructs determined by usage and context. The 45° line plots the strength of correlation between race and whatever ‘y’ represents. In this case, y = socioeconomic conditions. In other scenarios, ‘y’ can represent say – education, housing, health care, employability, access to loans, police violence, legal representation, income potential, social mobility and much more.

Does this represent your position fairly? If not, what stands to be corrected?

Thank you.

-- Trotsky’s Spectre --
Yep, that's a fair interpretation. Just remember that I'm not saying the inference is necessarily true. I'm saying that it appears to be the foundation of the arguments and actions of the Left.

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