How Did You Choose Your Screen Name?

When I pulled Excalibur from the stone....the voice in my head said call yourself King Arthur. Sounded good....but maybe a little pompous. So I went with Welfare Queen. You know....still the royalty thing, but trying to keep it real for the homies. :)

I like roadkill....

no scratch that

I think coyotes are cool :D
Three significant places I've lived as an adult. Pretty simple. Sounds nasty tho..

Not as nasty as mudwhistle...:eusa_angel:

If I had done that my name would be MontCalHawaiiGeorgiaGermanyNorthCarTenn........and I think people would have just cut it down to asshole, so mudwhistle fits.
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it's from the "Thieves world" series of books that I read in my teens.

He was the barkeep of the Vulgar Unicorn where the owner was named One Thumb, b/c he had one thumb. No one knew the other guys name, so they called him Two Thumbs.

Now in the books, he's barely described but is always mentioned, while the other characters all had deep histories and descriptions.

But in my mind, my imagination, Two Thumbs was the main man behind the scenes pulling all the strings.

Lets just say, he was epic, in my head.

That's too complicated.

I was thinking the Fonz.....

How Did You Choose Your Screen Name?
All those who know me, know my fondness for hamburgers. So I figured it was only fitting that I use the name of someone who's also fond of hamburgers for my screen name. I decided to go with a fictional character, and the two most notable that came to mind were Wimpy and Jughead. I went with Jughead since he appears to be the most familiar of the two. :D
How do you choose your screen name choose it that's all.

no biggie brother.

no biggie at all.
Pogo is of curse the central character in the cartoon strip of the same name (of yesteryear). I grew up reading those books voraciously; loved 'em for not only the sociopolitical plots and colorful characters but for the wordplay. It's a major influence.
Mine is from a J.D. Salinger story, ""For Esmé – with Love and Squalor "[which]was conceived as a tribute to those Second World War veterans who in post-war civilian life were still suffering from so-called "battle fatigue" – [now known as post-traumatic stress disorder]. The story also served to convey to the general public what many ex-soldiers endured." (wiki)

I particularly identified with the character Esmé.
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