Zone1 How diverse was your Hig School?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Gentleman's Club
I put it under "race relations/racism" it has nothing to do with racism, but it has something to do with "race relations" and "race" so I dont know if it is the right place here.

It would be interesting to see which country/place/region, and which decade or time period and how diverse it was vs. how it would be now...

Upper Austria
Location inbetween Salzburg and Linz
Time period: 2002

I labled my High School Class and have a picture

I was 1 of 3 non-austrian citizens (back then i was still serbian citizen, im austrian citizen since 2006)
1 of 2 Non-Germans
And the only one who was non-white non-european

I put it under "race relations/racism" it has nothing to do with racism, but it has something to do with "race relations" and "race" so I dont know if it is the right place here.

It would be interesting to see which country/place/region, and which decade or time period and how diverse it was vs. how it would be now...

Upper Austria
Location inbetween Salzburg and Linz
Time period: 2002

I labled my High School Class and have a picture

I was 1 of 3 non-austrian citizens (back then i was still serbian citizen, im austrian citizen since 2006)
1 of 2 Non-Germans
And the only one who was non-white non-european

You aren't talking race. You are talking nationality at the moment. It is nice to know you have been eating well since high school.
You aren't talking race. You are talking nationality at the moment. It is nice to know you have been eating well since high school.

While the concepts of race and ethnicity are considered to be separate in contemporary social science, the two terms have a long history of equivalence in popular usage and older social science literature. "Ethnicity" is often used in a sense close to one traditionally attributed to "race", the division of human groups based on qualities assumed to be essential or innate to the group (e.g. shared ancestry or shared behavior). Racism and racial discrimination are often used to describe discrimination on an ethnic or cultural basis, independent of whether these differences are described as racial. Racism - Wikipedia

Also there is definitely a racial component involved when I talk about myself, not the other two non-citizens though.
While the concepts of race and ethnicity are considered to be separate in contemporary social science, the two terms have a long history of equivalence in popular usage and older social science literature. "Ethnicity" is often used in a sense close to one traditionally attributed to "race", the division of human groups based on qualities assumed to be essential or innate to the group (e.g. shared ancestry or shared behavior). Racism and racial discrimination are often used to describe discrimination on an ethnic or cultural basis, independent of whether these differences are described as racial. Racism - Wikipedia

Also there is definitely a racial component involved when I talk about myself, not the other two non-citizens though.
I am aware of your Gypsy heritage (or is it ethnicity?). I am not sure if I ever met a gypsy in my travels or living in Kentucky and Tennessee. I graduated in 1973. There were none in my class of in the town, that I was aware of. There were some black kids in my graduating class, and one Greek chick exchange student, that looked absolutely amazing. There were no other ethnic minorities in the graduating class, in that small Tennessee town in that year.
I am aware of your Gypsy heritage (or is it ethnicity?). I am not sure if I ever met a gypsy in my travels or living in Kentucky and Tennessee. I graduated in 1973. There were none in my class of in the town, that I was aware of. There were some black kids in my graduating class, and one Greek chick exchange student, that looked absolutely amazing. There were no other ethnic minorities in the graduating class, in that small Tennessee town in that year.

I think gypsy is a ethnicity, i dont know what heritage means, but the gypsies have shared ancestry, for example. If heritage means ancestry, then it is both, heritage and ethnicity.
I think gypsy is a ethnicity, i dont know what heritage means, but the gypsies have shared ancestry, for example. If heritage means ancestry, then it is both, heritage and ethnicity.
Heritage might also include being brought it and raised, as the might have the cultural background, but not necessarily the genetics if they are dissimilar.
I knew you did, as I have read many of your threads and posts.

Thanks, another thing is, that my thread is open to contributions, and I guess most Americans will have a more or less racially diverse High School. Even if my High School wasnt really that diverse or almost none, others might have much more diverse schools. I thank you for your contribution.
Thanks, another thing is, that my thread is open to contributions, and I guess most Americans will have a more or less racially diverse High School. Even if my High School wasnt really that diverse or almost none, others might have much more diverse schools. I thank you for your contribution.
Getting more diverse in the public classrooms all the time, but possibly even less diverse in private schools than ever.
Another question, was there one gay, or trans and what about now? There were zero gays or trans in my High School.
I don't thinks so. Remember, I said 1973 in a small (tiny) southern town. Nobody came out in 1973 except the bath house guys in California, that were contracting and dying of Aids, back then with a new disease rampant in that free love California lifestyle. Pretty much unknown in rural west TN.
I was in a southwest Chicago suburb high school in 1968, there was only one black person that I can remember. He was the most popular guy in school and everyone fawned over him.
Hi Mortimer,

Out of 25 students, we had a Dutch African Australian, Bulgarian, Croation, Dutch and Chinese....all great lads...myself included of course. The rest were a mix of Irish, Scots, French, Welsh, Norwegian, Swedish and English descent. Also great lads. We had no aboriginal lads but in Primary School one of my friends was an aboriginal lass.

We had a couple yankees in our class. They made great punching bags. One from Shitcargo and one from Jew Yahhk(he were a wop. The rest was them thar goodol' boiz.I suppose 10 percent was heavily tinted and nappy headed but they wuzza juss like ussunz. I just talked to Ol Demetrius a while back. Him an Isaiah izza still whackin trees at the mill....50 years later
My high school was highly integrated. You name the nationality, religion or race and we had a lot of them. The majority was Asian, then Latino, then White and finally Black. The only two segregated high schools in LAUSD were Manual Arts and Dorsey. Both were 100% black in those days (1967 to 1970). The segregation was enforced by the students who didn't allow anyone but blacks to attend. They tried bussing Latinos and Whites into those two schools, but the violence committed on them was too high, so they settled for bussing the black students into already integrated schools on the west side and in the San Fernando and San Gabriel Valleys.
Mine was quite diverse. Some honor roll students. Some in special classes. Some jocks. Some cheerleaders. Some nerds. Some smokers. One or two pregnant.

99 in my class, the 100th graduating class.

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