How Divine! Socialist caught in bed with Ukranian Oligarch


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Bernie Sanders top advisor received payments from a Ukrainian Oligarch.

You need to translate any politician spouting Socialism as follows, "I want to become a billionaire and hopefully you're just fucking stupid enough to support me"
I agree with your statement and this is hilarious.
This is typical leftwing bullshit......
Do you have a link for it?
The Clinton foundation is also linked directly to Ukrainian oligarchs:
Between 2009 and 2013, including when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, according to that foundation, which is based in Kiev, Ukraine. It was created by Mr. Pinchuk, whose fortune stems from a pipe-making company. He served two terms as an elected member of the Ukrainian Parliament and is a proponent of closer ties between Ukraine and the European Union. - clintonfoundationinvestigation Resources and Information.

I'm from Ukraine and hate Dems+Soros+McCain who came to my country, overthrew dully elected president, turned the country into another Somalia, started a civil war making Christians kill Christians, put a blame for all that on Putin and called all that sh*t "democracy". Since the 2014 coup Ukrainian junta has been dependent on their Deep State bosses and keeps helping their puppets to win.
Bernie Sanders top advisor received payments from a Ukrainian Oligarch.

You need to translate any politician spouting Socialism as follows, "I want to become a billionaire and hopefully you're just fucking stupid enough to support me"
Melania's going to go all Slovenia on their dumb asses if they aren't careful.
"The system is rigged against the little guy (LOLZ) no really. You little guys dont have access to Oligarchs like Bernie and I"
Hypocrisy, thy name is "Democrat" coming out of the closet as "Socialist".
Heck, Biden’s son got a plush job in Ukraine with their energy sector while he was Vice President.
Joe Biden, His Son and the Case Against a Ukrainian Oligarch

  • Dec. 8, 2015
  • WASHINGTON — When Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. traveled to Kiev , Ukraine, on Sunday for a series of meetings with the country’s leaders, one of the issues on his agenda was to encourage a more aggressive fight against Ukraine’s rampant corruption and stronger efforts to rein in the power of its oligarchs.

But the credibility of the vice president’s anticorruption message may have been undermined by the association of his son, Hunter Biden, with one of Ukraine’s largest natural gas companies, Burisma Holdings, and with its owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, who was Ukraine’s ecology minister under former President Viktor F. Yanukovych before he was forced into exile.

Hunter Biden, 45, a former Washington lobbyist, joined the Burisma board in April 2014. That month, as part of an investigation into money laundering, British officials froze London bank accounts containing $23 million that allegedly belonged to Mr. Zlochevsky.

Britain’s Serious Fraud Office, an independent government agency, specifically forbade Mr. Zlochevksy, as well as Burisma Holdings, the company’s chief legal officer and another company owned by Mr. Zlochevsky, to have any access to the accounts.
Call us when someone in the real world pays attention, super dupers...

Mueller called him as a witness. How embarrassing for the progduppes!

"The chief strategist on the Sen. Bernie Sanders 2016 campaign for president is a potential witness in former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s federal trial on bank- and tax-fraud charges.

Tad Devine, who worked with Manafort to help elect strongman Viktor Yanukovych president of Ukraine in 2010, revealed Thursday that he is assisting the special counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election."

Bernie Sanders’s strategist Tad Devine is set to testify against Paul Manafort
Another one that is a Dem? Just too many coincidences.
Call us when someone in the real world pays attention, super dupers...

Mueller called him as a witness. How embarrassing for the progduppes!

"The chief strategist on the Sen. Bernie Sanders 2016 campaign for president is a potential witness in former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s federal trial on bank- and tax-fraud charges.

Tad Devine, who worked with Manafort to help elect strongman Viktor Yanukovych president of Ukraine in 2010, revealed Thursday that he is assisting the special counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election."

Bernie Sanders’s strategist Tad Devine is set to testify against Paul Manafort
Another one that is a Dem? Just too many coincidences.
Call us when someone in the real world pays attention, super dupers...

Mueller called him as a witness. How embarrassing for the progduppes!

"The chief strategist on the Sen. Bernie Sanders 2016 campaign for president is a potential witness in former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s federal trial on bank- and tax-fraud charges.

Tad Devine, who worked with Manafort to help elect strongman Viktor Yanukovych president of Ukraine in 2010, revealed Thursday that he is assisting the special counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election."

Bernie Sanders’s strategist Tad Devine is set to testify against Paul Manafort
It's a conspiracy, right, conspiracy Nut Job typical Dupe?
Another one that is a Dem? Just too many coincidences.
Call us when someone in the real world pays attention, super dupers...

Mueller called him as a witness. How embarrassing for the progduppes!

"The chief strategist on the Sen. Bernie Sanders 2016 campaign for president is a potential witness in former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s federal trial on bank- and tax-fraud charges.

Tad Devine, who worked with Manafort to help elect strongman Viktor Yanukovych president of Ukraine in 2010, revealed Thursday that he is assisting the special counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election."

Bernie Sanders’s strategist Tad Devine is set to testify against Paul Manafort
It's a conspiracy, right, conspiracy Nut Job typical Dupe?

You are truly an ignorant partisan twit. This is what Manafort is on trial for.
Heck, Biden’s son got a plush job in Ukraine with their energy sector while he was Vice President.
The one who got the free ride with Dad to China and signed a big Chinese deal shortly thereafter or a different son?
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