How do black cops feel about what's going on out here?


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
I live in the south and most black cops are so removed from their roots, its enough to make you cry. They live in the suburbs with Barbie and Ken, most are with their own Barbie's and these guys could care less about what's going on within their black roots. You never hear them speak out, you never hear them say not a word. So I'm curious, how does Buck come to work everyday, with murderers of unarmed blacks as his partner?
There is a very small percentage of cops that are bad. I would even beg that some of the bad cops are black along with the white cops that are bad.

The bad cop in SC is in jail for murder now, as he should be. However, it is unfortunate that sometimes cops are put in a position of using justified lethal force.

If it weren't for all the good cops of all races keeping order, there would be many times the murders and other types of violence than what we have today. The next time you see a good cop, as most are, you should thank him for putting his life on the line for your safety.
There is a very small percentage of cops that are bad. I would even beg that some of the bad cops are black along with the white cops that are bad.

The bad cop in SC is in jail for murder now, as he should be. However, it is unfortunate that sometimes cops are put in a position of using justified lethal force.

If it weren't for all the good cops of all races keeping order, there would be many times the murders and other types of violence than what we have today. The next time you see a good cop, as most are, you should thank him for putting his life on the line for your safety.

A few years ago, we had a black guy shot and killed by white cops with hands behind his back in cuffs and because as they said, he had a box cutter in his hands behind his back, the cops felt they killed him...sorry but I'm not thanking any cops...the only thanks they'll ever get from me, is for NOT murdering my black sons YET!!!
Perhaps you and your sons should move away from your black roots and go live in the suburbs with the black cops.
There is a very small percentage of cops that are bad. I would even beg that some of the bad cops are black along with the white cops that are bad.

The bad cop in SC is in jail for murder now, as he should be. However, it is unfortunate that sometimes cops are put in a position of using justified lethal force.

If it weren't for all the good cops of all races keeping order, there would be many times the murders and other types of violence than what we have today. The next time you see a good cop, as most are, you should thank him for putting his life on the line for your safety.

A few years ago, we had a black guy shot and killed by white cops with hands behind his back in cuffs and because as they said, he had a box cutter in his hands behind his back, the cops felt they killed him...sorry but I'm not thanking any cops...the only thanks they'll ever get from me, is for NOT murdering my black sons YET!!!
I have no way of knowing the truth of your anecdote; however, I do know that you branded all white cops to be murders in your OP. That greatly diminishes your credibility in my opinion.
Perhaps you and your sons should move away from your black roots and go live in the suburbs with the black cops.

LOL....or maybe just maybe, someday the justice system will start locking these murdering bastards up and then we'll all be safe, how bout that?
There is a very small percentage of cops that are bad. I would even beg that some of the bad cops are black along with the white cops that are bad.

The bad cop in SC is in jail for murder now, as he should be. However, it is unfortunate that sometimes cops are put in a position of using justified lethal force.

If it weren't for all the good cops of all races keeping order, there would be many times the murders and other types of violence than what we have today. The next time you see a good cop, as most are, you should thank him for putting his life on the line for your safety.

A few years ago, we had a black guy shot and killed by white cops with hands behind his back in cuffs and because as they said, he had a box cutter in his hands behind his back, the cops felt they killed him...sorry but I'm not thanking any cops...the only thanks they'll ever get from me, is for NOT murdering my black sons YET!!!
I have no way of knowing the truth of your anecdote; however, I do know that you branded all white cops to be murders in your OP. That greatly diminishes your credibility in my opinion.

Until you become a black person, ie black man, I could personally give a rats patootle about your opinion of me, Joe, so have a nice pleasant evening...being safe in your white skin.
Maybe the black cops aren't racists like the OP and don't feel the need to cling to a victimhood mentality. Seems likely since they decided to do something worthwhile with their lives instead of lie, smear and propagandize ever single fucking issue possible to fan the flames of racism.
Maybe the black cops aren't racists like the OP and don't feel the need to cling to a victimhood mentality. Seems likely since they decided to do something worthwhile with their lives instead of lie, smear and propagandize ever single fucking issue possible to fan the flames of racism.

Let me get this straight, all across this country, unarmed black men are systematically being murdered by the very people sworn to protect and serve them and WE'RE NOW THE GOTDAMNED RACIST? One last time, until the blue eyed corn fed white boys from Kansas start feeling the sting of 8 fkkken bullets to the back and in the eye as with Michael Brown, then your comments, your lowsy opinions go on deaf ears....bye Felicia!!
Maybe the black cops aren't racists like the OP and don't feel the need to cling to a victimhood mentality. Seems likely since they decided to do something worthwhile with their lives instead of lie, smear and propagandize ever single fucking issue possible to fan the flames of racism.
Let me get this straight, all across this country, unarmed black men are systematically being murdered by the very people sworn to protect and serve them and WE'RE NOW THE GOTDAMNED RACIST? One last time, until the blue eyed corn fed white boys from Kansas start feeling the sting of 8 fkkken bullets to the back and in the eye as with Michael Brown, then your comments, your lowsy opinions go on deaf ears....bye Felicia!!
You are full of shit, Felatio. Show us where all these unjustified shootings occurred. There's one story in recent history and you don't even know that racism was involved. You assume it because you want to.
It may be because there aren't any black and white cops, just blue.
Blacks cops should be concerned with all the crime that their community commits. They should be attempting to clean it up and be good roll models.

I find it sad how you on the left can turn your head from the reality of what really is going on.
Maybe the black cops aren't racists like the OP and don't feel the need to cling to a victimhood mentality. Seems likely since they decided to do something worthwhile with their lives instead of lie, smear and propagandize ever single fucking issue possible to fan the flames of racism.
Let me get this straight, all across this country, unarmed black men are systematically being murdered by the very people sworn to protect and serve them and WE'RE NOW THE GOTDAMNED RACIST? One last time, until the blue eyed corn fed white boys from Kansas start feeling the sting of 8 fkkken bullets to the back and in the eye as with Michael Brown, then your comments, your lowsy opinions go on deaf ears....bye Felicia!!
You are full of shit, Felatio. Show us where all these unjustified shootings occurred. There's one story in recent history and you don't even know that racism was involved. You assume it because you want to.

Black Americans killed by police in 2014 outnumbered those who died on 9/11
I dare you to google this and read may make you emerge from that man cave called stupidity and learn something!!
It may be because there aren't any black and white cops, just blue.

Yep, their job is to enforce the law. That is the way it should be. Assholes like the one in South Carolina should be punished extremely but allowing people to commit crimes is dumb.
Blacks cops should be concerned with all the crime that their community commits. They should be attempting to clean it up and be good roll models.

I find it sad how you on the left can turn your head from the reality of what really is going on.

Listen, I'm from Kentucky and whites make up 80% of the people me, they could use some role modeling too. AND THAT'S FOR REAL!!
It may be because there aren't any black and white cops, just blue.

What ever, a black man no matter how hard he tries to run from his blackness, will someday, regardless of his job, run into the same shit us average black folk go through and to remain silent is deadly.
Blacks cops should be concerned with all the crime that their community commits. They should be attempting to clean it up and be good roll models.

I find it sad how you on the left can turn your head from the reality of what really is going on.

Listen, I'm from Kentucky and whites make up 80% of the people me, they could use some role modeling too. AND THAT'S FOR REAL!!

Yep, I agree...Everyone could use it.
I live in the south and most black cops are so removed from their roots, its enough to make you cry. They live in the suburbs with Barbie and Ken, most are with their own Barbie's and these guys could care less about what's going on within their black roots. You never hear them speak out, you never hear them say not a word. So I'm curious, how does Buck come to work everyday, with murderers of unarmed blacks as his partner?

So you think black people are supposed to stay poor and in the ghetto?
I live in the south and most black cops are so removed from their roots, its enough to make you cry. They live in the suburbs with Barbie and Ken, most are with their own Barbie's and these guys could care less about what's going on within their black roots. You never hear them speak out, you never hear them say not a word. So I'm curious, how does Buck come to work everyday, with murderers of unarmed blacks as his partner?

So you think black people are supposed to stay poor and in the ghetto?

Lets get something clear, no matter how far they run, how often they run, they're still subject to the racist bs, outside of their uniform, that is a given. Next, stop with the ghetto shit, I'm from Ky. 80% white and trust me, white trash don't live in mansions, okay!! I'm just keepin it real and black men need to understand, although jr. may have some nice kinks in his head, in the eyes of the US, he's still a BLACK MAN, JUST ASK OBAMA!!

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