How do books about a gay lifestyle promote homosexuality ?

The issue is some of these books causing the uproar, like Gender Queer, which is the probably the most notorious, are downright pornographic and don't belong in any school, even high school. There are multiple videos on the Internet of parents reading from some of these books at school board meetings and their mics being cut off by the school board because of the sexually explicit nature.

This should not be a controversial topic. Everyone across the board should be in agreement that this material is inappropriate for a school environment. Either there is a lot of ignorance among the opposition to removing this material about how sexually explicit they are or a lot of you out there have incredibly depraved minds.
Thats a different argument though. One of taste.
This book is. gay has a target audience of 14-17. At that age i was reading I Claudius. That had adult themes from start to finish.
It would probably be banned in Florida schools.
The point is that reading the book did not turn me into a homicidal maniac.
I think that its part of a wider movement to erase gay folk from society.
None of its fans can justify it but they are all on this thread trying to.

Political pandering and trolling are neither new. They are the new norm. The public square has been turned into twitter.

As for justifying things, I doubt many of the people have read a single book this year, let alone those books they cheer being removed. It is just tit for tat. It isn't like the left doesn't like to troll people with their blue-state-red state nonsense comparisons all the time.
Since virtually all homosexuals are born that way and not "made" I don't see how gay books could promote homosexuality. However pornography either gay or straight should not be in school libraries.

How do books about a gay lifestyle promote homosexuality ?​

The same way The Communist Manifesto promotes the progressive political agenda.


Im just wondering how it worls.
If a teen reads a book about a gay relationship what is the process the teen goes through ? What is the damage that can be caused to the youngster ?

Science believes that Gay folk are born that way and that seems reeasonable. Would reading a book really persuade one to be gay or straight for that matter ?
Number 1. There are no book bans, there ARE age appropriate restrictions.

Number 2. How does keeping porn away from children harm homosexuals?
Going with the genetic theory, huh? Science doesn't back you up.
You are exposing your own profound and pathetic ignorance of biology and science. Just because no “gay gene “ has been found, it does not mean that genetics and other aspects of biology do not play a role in determining sexuality

Having said that, I will add that beyond it being an interesting Acedemic question, no body really cares why people are gay. For most people, they just are – The courts have long held that homosexuality in innate and immutable . You people who keep bringing it up do so with the intention of painting homosexuality as a “lifestyle choice” and therefor frivolous and hedonistic and therefore not deserving of acceptance and inclusion
There are no gay genes

True. Most experts agree that LGBTQ+ is a psychiatric disease, one which is very difficult to cure.

But I don't see how encouraging this behavior helps at all.

If a teenage boy thought he was Jesus Christ, would you encourage him to do it?

Of course not. But if the same teenage boy said he was a broad, why is the expectation made that his delusion should be affirmed and he should be put on estrogen and have his nads lopped off?
What is the harm of books about adult men sexually abusing children? It's not going to convert a school child into a pedophile.

But why would you put such a book into a CHILDREN'S LIBRARY?

It seems pretty obvious that those who want to provide this sort of filth to children are hoping that it will have that effect, that it will make the children into easier prey for them.
It comes down to me believing that a children exposed to homosexuals will realize they are not evil and be more tolerant.

It comes down to conditioning chidlren to be easier prey for childfuckers.

That is the only reason why anyone wants to impose this sort of filth on children.

And we all know exactly what to think of any subhuman piece of shit that defends this filth, even if we are not allowed, here, to openly say it.
You became gay reading gay porn, right?

Tainted Tommy sure has a lot of interest in gay porn, especially that which is directed at children. How many threads, now, has he started to defend this shit, to defend even targeting this shit directly and openly at children?

But then I think it has long been obvious, that at the very least…

It comes down to conditioning chidlren to be easier prey for childfuckers.

That is the only reason why anyone wants to impose this sort of filth on children.

And we all know exactly what to think of any subhuman piece of shit that defends this filth, even if we are not allowed, here, to openly say it.

More anti-gay propaganda

Nobody is grooming children to become homosexual
Nobody can “make” you gay

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