How do books about a gay lifestyle promote homosexuality ?

Actually they help children who are homosexuals to understand that they are not alone, others have gone through it and you are not a freak.

Children who are homosexuals are prima facie proof that some sick childfucker has been abusing them.

The solution is not to give them material to reinforce what the childfuckers have done to them. The solution is to kill those childfuckers.
Conservatives and 5 year olds. It's called magical thinking by the undeveloped mind

Says a subhuman piece of shit that thinks and speaks this way of a THREE-YEAR-OLD boy

Anyway, my assessment of the account of what is going on there is that the child, and possibly the aunt are confused about the difference between being gay and transsexual. Children of that age are already developing a sense of gender identity and he most likely is transsexual.

Seriously, just how deeply fucked up does one have to be, in the head, and (assuming you still have it) the soul, to speak of a toddler in terms of fucked-up sexual perversions?

Do you understand, at all, that normal, healthy people do not ever think of young children that way? And normal, healthy people know exactly what to think of anyone who does.


Im just wondering how it worls.
If a teen reads a book about a gay relationship what is the process the teen goes through ? What is the damage that can be caused to the youngster ?

Science believes that Gay folk are born that way and that seems reeasonable. Would reading a book really persuade one to be gay or straight for that matter ?
Because those books try to depict gay life as a 'normal' way to live. This sets up conflicts in the child's mind as the overwhelming majority of human beings are heterosexual. We should teach children that gayness is a mental illness some people live with and to have compassion for them, not to try to make it seem a lifestyle to emulate.
So you think these books cause kids to bexome [sic] gay ?

I think it is undeniable that that is the intent and motive behind them, and behind those subhuman pieces of shit that want to provide this fucked-up filth to minors. To what degree this is successful is another question, but the motive is absolutely clear; as is your motive for defending this shit.

If it doesn't, why are they being put in school libraries?
Your question is yet another example of the ignorance and fear that is displayed by people who do not want any discussion of gender or sexuality in schools .It is based on the idiotic assumption that sexual orientation and gender identity is a choice that can be manipulated by a book.

On another level, that is actually a very good question, especially coming from a cowering traditionalist snowflake you. At the same time, asking that question also exposes your narrow view of what education is and should be. While the basics of education –math, science, history. Language, literature are important, so is emotional learning- the ability to function in an increasingly diverse culture.

Those books are there to instill a positive view of people who are in some way different- people who those kids will be sure to encounter in the real world. The ways in which those kids perceive respond to those people will likely impact their success or failure in a culture where –like it or not-is increasingly rejecting bigotry and discrimination.

In addition those books that you object to also can provide a positive role model and inspiration for kids who may be questioning their sexuality or gender identity. No the books, or the discussions in the classroom will not make a kid gay or trans- thinking so is just plain stupid. But, it will give the permission to explore and express their true selves which in turn will bolster their self esteem . Those previously mentioned basics of education will do n good if a child kills themselves out of despair because they feel isolated, marginalized and alone. THAT IS WHY THOSE BOOKS ARE IMPORTANT
Your question is yet another example of the ignorance and fear that is displayed by people who do not want any discussion of gender or sexuality in schools .It is based on the idiotic assumption that sexual orientation and gender identity is a choice that can be manipulated by a book.

On another level, that is actually a very good question, especially coming from a cowering traditionalist snowflake you. At the same time, asking that question also exposes your narrow view of what education is and should be. While the basics of education –math, science, history. Language, literature are important, so is emotional learning- the ability to function in an increasingly diverse culture.

Those books are there to instill a positive view of people who are in some way different- people who those kids will be sure to encounter in the real world. The ways in which those kids perceive respond to those people will likely impact their success or failure in a culture where –like it or not-is increasingly rejecting bigotry and discrimination.

In addition those books that you object to also can provide a positive role model and inspiration for kids who may be questioning their sexuality or gender identity. No the books, or the discussions in the classroom will not make a kid gay or trans- thinking so is just plain stupid. But, it will give the permission to explore and express their true selves which in turn will bolster their self esteem . Those previously mentioned basics of education will do n good if a child kills themselves out of despair because they feel isolated, marginalized and alone. THAT IS WHY THOSE BOOKS ARE IMPORTANT
The whole question of how to handle someone thinking they are a different gender is controversial, but you treat it as if it is not. Now if they thought they were a cow, for example, I'm fairly certain you don't support feeding into that notion by surgically attaching a tail to make them feel better about themselves so they don't try to commit suicide, but I could be wrong about that.

What I do know is, showing children books that have porn and gay porn, is not acceptable. Teachers hiding from parents that their child wants to be another gender is not acceptable either. And children having sex changing procedures that sterilize them for life before they are not old enough to have sex will never be acceptable.

Now try again.
The whole question of how to handle someone thinking they are a different gender is controversial…

It shouldn't be.

Nobody is “a different gender” than what their biology and morphology dictate. Nobody.

Anyone who thinks he is, is just…

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The whole question of how to handle someone thinking they are a different gender is controversial, but you treat it as if it is not. Now if they thought they were a cow, for example, I'm fairly certain you don't support feeding into that notion by surgically attaching a tail to make them feel better about themselves so they don't try to commit suicide, but I could be wrong about that.

What I do know is, showing children books that have porn and gay porn, is not acceptable. Teachers hiding from parents that their child wants to be another gender is not acceptable either. And children having sex changing procedures that sterilize them for life before they are not old enough to have sex will never be acceptable.

Now try again.
What if the parent is someone like bob blayock ? He could not be trusted to act in a civilised way.He is too full of hate.

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