How do catholics justify all the pedophilia the church overlooked?

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Originally posted by ajwps
Your brilliance now appears to understand the meaning of your paranoia without reason.

So tell you have a little box which randomly generates replies? It seems as though you push a button to pull a reply out of thin air, to shift the conversation away from the fact that you are probably NOT a doctor...and NOT as intelligent as you want people to believe.


My Dad can beat up your dad, too ;)
Originally posted by ajwps

Yes your AVATAR has a large blue phallus in the right anatomical position. Look again.....

So....Lemme get this straight. You think blue pants tight enough to show leg muscle on an avatar is a phalic symbol for my own anatomy?

Not only are you an inept physician, and reader, but you suck at understanding pictures too.

They let you hold a scalpel?

You really have shown your superior knowledge alright. You have denied things prven by the entire world of medicine and science. Your a real trip....

Thanks. But coming from you, the ability to make fire is a trip.

You must be the only one in the world with such unfathomable knowledge and wisdom.

If uncorruptability by the establishment and proof of result is defined as knowledge and wisdom, then yes.

Do you know how to properly use beeds, feathers, bones and totems to heal the mentally retarded?

They have to be better at a cure than you are at making a point of fact without insult.

For your information carpal tunnel syndrome has nothing to do with tendons and tissues needing regeneration but simply an entrapment of the major nerve running below the transverse ligaments.

Wow. Is that your final answer?

Your knowledge of medicine is unbelievable.....


Oh but I do have an open mind but learning from someone who should first pass kindergarten is a waste of time.

Which is why I do the teaching and you do the learning.

You should get a license to practice missionizing to the medical world.

With people like you, there would be no converts.
Originally posted by -=d=-
So tell you have a little box which randomly generates replies? It seems as though you push a button to pull a reply out of thin air, to shift the conversation away from the fact that you are probably NOT a doctor...and NOT as intelligent as you want people to believe. My Dad can beat up your dad, too ;)

Most of your platitudes notwithstanding, your self-deception remains the most difficult deception. The tricks that you play on others count for nothing in that very well-lit back alley where one keeps assignations with oneself: no winning smiles will do here, no prettily drawn lists of random intentions.

There is no need to prove the truth and what need do I have to prove intellect. You expose your own apptitude of shooting yourself in the foot without help from me.
Originally posted by NewGuy

So....Lemme get this straight. You think blue pants tight enough to show leg muscle on an avatar is a phalic symbol for my own anatomy?

Your the one who picked the avatar, not me. Funny looking and shaped area of pant which is so tight as to demonstrate your 'little man muscle' that appears to be the thinking part of your torso.

Not only are you an inept physician, and reader, but you suck at understanding pictures too. They let you hold a scalpel?

At least I attempt to heal people while you seem intent on saving yourself from your sins by belief in a man-god.

Thanks. But coming from you, the ability to make fire is a trip.

And you are the one who find the redundant appendix to make hormones (or something) but when this tissue is excised, the person has all the hormones that are normally found in the body. It appears that you have a great imagination.

If uncorruptability by the establishment and proof of result is defined as knowledge and wisdom, then yes.

Your inflated consciousness is obviously egocentric and conscious of nothing but its own existence. It is incapable of learning from the past, incapable of understanding contemporary events, and incapable of drawing right conclusions about the future. It is hypnotized by itself and therefore cannot be argued with. It inevitably dooms itself to calamities that must strike it dead.

They have to be better at a cure than you are at making a point of fact without insult.

Your imagined ability to diagnose and treat imaginary human disease or pathology is sufficient to insult yourself without my help.

Wow. Is that your final answer?

For all you know about carpal tunnel syndrome, it is an avalanch of information that your mind cannot begin to comprehend.

Thanks. Which is why I do the teaching and you do the learning.

The blind leading the sighted. Christ was said to have healed the sick and I'll bet you have the ability to turn the living into the dead.

With people like you, there would be no converts.

If you would keep your faith and salvation to yourself and refrain from stealing souls from the L-rd G-d, we would have no arguement.
Do you really believe that GOD cares if you spell out his name ?

Now how intelligent is that ? Yet you ridicule people for their belief in Jesus. I have said it all along, you are a funny, yet pathetic little man.
Originally posted by eric [//QUOTE]

Do you really believe that GOD cares if you spell out his name ?

It doesn't matter what I think or believe, it is what He has commanded. Who am I to question the Creator?

Now how intelligent is that ? Yet you ridicule people for their belief in Jesus. I have said it all along, you are a funny, yet pathetic little man.

I never ridiculed G-d. Your belief in a man-god and what you do with his name is of no concern of mine. People who believe in Jesus' divinity do not need me to ridicule them.

One must have sympathy for one so rueful and insignifant as yourself.
Originally posted by Avatar4321

You are a child of God. Last time I checked God wants us to ask questions. How are we supposted to learn anything otherwise?

Questioning G-d is undeniably allowed by the Creator. Take a closer look at the book of Job and you will find this man questioning G-d's wisdom. G-d has a great response, you really should check it out.

There is a famous story about an event that occurred in the middle of the holocaust and in a concentration camp somewhere in Poland.

The remaining Rabbi's convened a trial in the midst of the carnage and they placed G-d Himself on trial for all that was happening around them.

After five days of discussions they found G-d 'guilty as charged.' They then went back to praying to G-d for they knew that they were men and had no knowledge of His thoughts.

If you choose to use your Creator's name in vain, then that is your prerogative. Be my guest......
Originally posted by ajwps
what need do I have to prove intellect.

Looks like you have a lot of proving to do. You're an imbecile from my view.

Keep on going, LittleTrainThatCould.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr

Looks like you have a lot of proving to do. You're an imbecile from my view.

Keep on going, LittleTrainThatCould.

Your self evident ignorance is itself without a doubt a sin for those who do not wish to understand; for those who, however, cannot understand, it is the punishment of your own sin.

I guess I am supposed to take that in anger or embarrasment?
Originally posted by NewGuy

I guess I am supposed to take that in anger or embarrasment?

I suppose you first replied to my post with your childlike characture which was in some way designed to anger or embarrass me?
Originally posted by Mustafa
I suppose you first replied to my post with your childlike characture which was in some way designed to anger or embarrass me?

Do you always go around incorrectly supposing?
Originally posted by Mustafa
Your self evident ignorance is itself without a doubt a sin for those who do not wish to understand; for those who, however, cannot understand, it is the punishment of your own sin.

I find YOUR ignorance to be self evident. And YOUR ignorance is sin for those who wish to understand. But for the non understanding, YOUR ignorance is the punishment for THEIR sins. In other words, I know you are but what am I?

Didn't see that coming, did you.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
I find YOUR ignorance to be self evident. And YOUR ignorance is sin for those who wish to understand. But for the non understanding, YOUR ignorance is the punishment for THEIR sins. In other words, I know you are but what am I?

Didn't see that coming, did you.

Of course he did. That is how he answers everyone else.
Originally posted by NewGuy

Do you always go around incorrectly supposing?

Not usually but in this particular case there was no supposition as your prior post to me was very unambiguous.

Looks like you have a lot of proving to do. You're an imbecile from my view. Keep on going, LittleTrainThatCould.

Both your statement and your characture seem to be on your usual level of discourse. Very childish....
Originally posted by NewGuy

Of course he did. That is how he answers everyone else.

Is your typical response like that of Christ's turning the other cheek to those who slap him?

You are certainly a great example of Christ and his great love for the sinner. I'm sure that he would have emulated you too.
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