How do catholics justify all the pedophilia the church overlooked?

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Originally posted by KLSuddeth
I didnt see any pics of her on or by your bike and/or car - must have missed those (unless youre being a smart ass and Im too slow to catch on - LOL) :p:

oh - yeah...I put them up awhile back.

I'll link you.
your point? the one besides that one on top of your head, that is...
Originally posted by NewGuy

I thought physicians (which you claimed to be in ANOTHER post) and SURGEONS BOTH knew the difference between genitals and sex drives. As I said, I am glad you don't treat anyone I know.

Your avator seems to indicate that you have a large pile driver genital organ which drives your sexual directional penetration.

I would gladly perform a free migdalotomy on you but that would be a waste of time as you apparently display signs of being ancephalic.

Jesus must love those like you who cannot differentiate between a pagan god-man and reality.
Originally posted by KLSuddeth

your point? the one besides that one on top of your head, that is...

The term you are looking for and for which many on this site exhibit is craniosynostosis. Otherwise known as pinheads.
Originally posted by -=d=-

I cry at movies. I love interior design. I loved my mom when I was younger. I didn't like to 'wrassel'. I learned to make and serve coffee when I was 6. That is NOT 'homosexuality'. Having gender issues is not homosexuality either. Homosexuality is about 'those whom you PREFER to have sex with'. For the enjoyment. I love the company of women. I enjoy the company of men. I feel attracted to some women or men more than others. Because I feel gop_jeff, and Brad Pitt are 'attractive men' does NOT mean I'm gay. It means I recognize attractive features in personality or physical appearance. (sigh).

Do you also enjoy intimate activity with your men friends? Do you sometimes feel more comfortable in dresses and heels?

You are just precious.....
Originally posted by Bart
Remember the higher ups in that chruch were younger members at one time.


Meaning that they went into the priesthood in order to have more access to young children?
Originally posted by Mustafa
Do you also enjoy intimate activity with your men friends? Do you sometimes feel more comfortable in dresses and heels?

You are just precious.....

Intimate? sure - sexual? Never. In 'your' world, I'm gay. I HAVE to be, right?

How is somebody (you) who is likely intelligent, able to be such dumbass at the same time? It's weird.
Originally posted by Mustafa
Your avator seems to indicate that you have a large pile driver genital organ which drives your sexual directional penetration.

I would gladly perform a free migdalotomy on you but that would be a waste of time as you apparently display signs of being ancephalic.

Jesus must love those like you who cannot differentiate between a pagan god-man and reality.

Since I clearly made a point about word definitions, and you choose the path of ridicule, I think I will humor myself and visit you in your mud pit.

My avatar (notice I spell avatar correctly) is indicating something of my genetalia? Really?

I thought it was a cool representation of a musclebound individual carrying on American foundational ethics and principals amidst a stack of rubble that used to BE America.

You have issues.

Throwing around medical terms like you are the only one with a link to doesn't make you smart. In fact, considering your vast monetary investment in the medical educational establishment, it is disgusting. In fact, if that is all you stand on, it is degrading to patients.

If you want to have a battle of minds in the realm of medicine, I am well prepared.

You are now begging for another topic you cannot compete on.

I am by admission, not educated formally, nor practicing in any field of medicine.

I AM ALSO BY ADMISSION a heck of a lot more knowledgeable than most in the industry as I can prove things medical science denies. I have done so numerous times.

1. I have shown you what the appendix is for while "science" officially denies it.

2. I can prove the removal of the gall bladder is the most rediculous fix there is for stones, yet "science" believes it the best fix.

3. I can show lupus symptoms can be cured and the disease virtually ignored.

4. I can show proof of immunizations as promoted by the medical community reliable and effective to be completely baseless and more harmful than non-immunized situations.

5. I can show how tendons and tissues can be regenerated without numerous surgeries for carpel tunnel and repetative stress injuries when science says it is impossible.

6. I can show how migraines work and how to CURE them while science claims it a mystery.

7. I can show regeneration of tissue without using fetal cells but using electrochemical stimulation which medicine and politics both say cannot be done.

So, you see, you are going into debates with me constantly with no fact, insults, and limited knowledge. Since there has been no proof of anything to ever support any of your view in opposing me, (except a claim I am not reading the Old Testament in proper wording--which is being investigated currently), I would be wasting my time proving any of this to you.

You do not care to learn, have an open mind, prove, nor understand. You are here to feed your "God complex" that most medical practicioners have and try to look good.

Have a nice day.
Originally posted by Mustafa
The term you are looking for and for which many on this site exhibit is craniosynostosis. Otherwise known as pinheads.

No stupid, pins are sharp at the bottom of the pin.

The heads are dull.

She meant what she said.
TY new guy - Ive been at the new house working (ewww) and wasnt here to say this for myself - :beer: and a great big hug to you! :)
Originally posted by KLSuddeth
TY new guy - Ive been at the new house working (ewww) and wasnt here to say this for myself - :beer: and a great big hug to you! :)
:D :thup: :huddle:
Originally posted by NewGuy
Since I clearly made a point about word definitions, and you choose the path of ridicule, I think I will humor myself and visit you in your mud pit.

My avatar (notice I spell avatar correctly) is indicating something of my genetalia? Really?

Yes your AVATAR has a large blue phallus in the right anatomical position. Look again.....

Throwing around medical terms like you are the only one with a link to doesn't make you smart. In fact, considering your vast monetary investment in the medical educational establishment, it is disgusting. In fact, if that is all you stand on, it is degrading to patients. If you want to have a battle of minds in the realm of medicine, I am well prepared.

You are now begging for another topic you cannot compete on.

I am by admission, not educated formally, nor practicing in any field of medicine.

How true, how true......

I AM ALSO BY ADMISSION a heck of a lot more knowledgeable than most in the industry as I can prove things medical science denies. I have done so numerous times.

You really have shown your superior knowledge alright. You have denied things prven by the entire world of medicine and science. Your a real trip....

1. I have shown you what the appendix is for while "science" officially denies it.

2. I can prove the removal of the gall bladder is the most rediculous fix there is for stones, yet "science" believes it the best fix.

3. I can show lupus symptoms can be cured and the disease virtually ignored.

4. I can show proof of immunizations as promoted by the medical community reliable and effective to be completely baseless and more harmful than non-immunized situations.

5. I can show how tendons and tissues can be regenerated without numerous surgeries for carpel tunnel and repetative stress injuries when science says it is impossible.

6. I can show how migraines work and how to CURE them while science claims it a mystery.

7. I can show regeneration of tissue without using fetal cells but using electrochemical stimulation which medicine and politics both say cannot be done.

So, you see, you are going into debates with me constantly with no fact, insults, and limited knowledge. Since there has been no proof of anything to ever support any of your view in opposing me, (except a claim I am not reading the Old Testament in proper wording--which is being investigated currently), I would be wasting my time proving any of this to you.

You must be the only one in the world with such unfathomable knowledge and wisdom.

Do you know how to properly use beeds, feathers, bones and totems to heal the mentally retarded?

For your information carpal tunnel syndrome has nothing to do with tendons and tissues needing regeneration but simply an entrapment of the major nerve running below the transverse ligaments.

Your knowledge of medicine is unbelievable.....

You do not care to learn, have an open mind, prove, nor understand. You are here to feed your "God complex" that most medical practicioners have and try to look good.

Oh but I do have an open mind but learning from someone who should first pass kindergarten is a waste of time.

You should get a license to practice missionizing to the medical world.
Originally posted by -=d=-
Intimate? sure - sexual? Never. In 'your' world, I'm gay. I HAVE to be, right?

How is somebody (you) who is likely intelligent, able to be such dumbass at the same time? It's weird.

I sorry but I am confounded that you would stoop to the love of Jesus naming calling again. You simply lose your temper to easily and for a Christian no-less.

Here are a couple of guys looking for you. I suppose you are intimate with them but no sexuality is involved. I'm sure...
mustafa - how can and why do you post as 2 seperate names?
Just curious
Originally posted by KLSuddeth

mustafa - how can and why do you post as 2 seperate names?
Just curious

When I originally signed on to this site, I thought it would be amusing to use a Muslim pseudonym when debating other Muslims.

Unfortunately when I tried to change my name to ajwps, I found it impossible to change my original posting sign-on name.
Originally posted by ajwps
I sorry but I am confounded that you would stoop to the love of Jesus naming calling again. You simply lose your temper to easily and for a Christian no-less.

Wha???? After you claim I eat feces...berate me in reply after reply, you try to play the 'love of Christ' card?? Now? Because I said you are acting like a dumbass?


You're world must be a fun place.
Originally posted by -=d=-
Wha???? After you claim I eat feces...berate me in reply after reply, you try to play the 'love of Christ' card?? Now? Because I said you are acting like a dumbass? WoW.

You're world must be a fun place.

Your search for conspiracy only increases the elements of morbidity and paranoia and fantasy in this quest of yours. It romanticizes thoughts of being attacked which are terrible because of their lack of purpose. It obscures our necessary understanding, all of us, that in this life there is often tragedy without reason.
Originally posted by ajwps
Your search for conspiracy only increases the elements of morbidity and paranoia and fantasy in this quest of yours. It romanticizes thoughts of being attacked which are terrible because of their lack of purpose. It obscures our necessary understanding, all of us, that in this life there is often tragedy without reason. are too much.
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