How do people survive on minimum wage?

The "minimum wage" is too low, I wonder wtf they base it on. The bosses who insist on limiting minimum wage have no "maximum wage," they know that keeping the minimum wage as low as possible makes them richer.

holy smokes

Holy Smokes is right.

Its Fail&Go, what do you expect?

Do you live off a minimum in the Republican Rick Scott Eden of Florida? Didn't think so, checkmate asswipe!
Not one liberal has rebutted the fact that only 2.2% of American workers are paid minimum wage, of which the vast majority is teenagers and food servers.

Oh the irony. And not one Rethug has proved their assertion that raising the minimum wage, oh lets say a dollar an hour, on 2.2% of the American workforce, is going to force the employers to raise their prices on everyone.

What buying power 8 bucks an hour has eh? Who would have thought that minimum wage workers had such power in the economy. All 2.2% of them.
If only they worked two jobs and got roommates and denied themselves modern conveniences, they could save the thousands of dollars needed to pay for higher education and buy an additional 6 hours per day with which to attend class and study! Then with hat degree, they would bar guaranteed a job that paid them enough to raise a family! It is the American dream. It builds character. Everyone should try it.

It is all so simple.
If only they worked two jobs and got roommates and denied themselves modern conveniences, they could save the thousands of dollars needed to pay for higher education and buy an additional 6 hours per day with which to attend class and study! Then with hat degree, they would bar guaranteed a job that paid them enough to raise a family! It is the American dream. It builds character. Everyone should try it.

It is all so simple.

It used to be called having PRIDE and self reliance until people like you came along and told them they were wasting their time and life
The question should be is WHY anyone would tolerate Government picking winnders and losers.

WHY is thier a minimumwage? Because it Gives UNIONS room to jack UP thier prices for thier money laundering with politicians.

Certain Statists ARE correct on these boards...'Free Market' Doesn't exist...because we have Politicians making sure it doesn't.

YOU get paid for what you're worth.

WHy do you divide the world between "winners and losers"?

The minimum wage existed initially for a good reason. So that when a recession hit, employers wouldn't fire everyone they were currently employing at a good wage and hire new people at crappy wages. And there were excellent economic reasons for doing this as well. You didn'thave a huge crash in wages, followed by a huge crash in spending and commerce.

Which is why most of the recessions after WWII were relatively mild. DId you know that htere were three recessions when Ike was President?

The fact that the Minimum Wage has been effectively gutted by the refusal to index it to inflation has defeated the purpose of it.

So what should you have instead? How about real workers rights

Seniority means something. When you lay off people, those are the same people you have to hire back unless there is misconduct or cause.

Here's one. Wage Disclosure Laws. Most companies get away with all sorts of wage shennanigans by telling employees they can't disclose their wages or know what their co-workers are making.
The "minimum wage" is too low, I wonder wtf they base it on. The bosses who insist on limiting minimum wage have no "maximum wage," they know that keeping the minimum wage as low as possible makes them richer.

holy smokes

Holy Smokes is right.

Its Fail&Go, what do you expect?

It's almost like a pathological condition the way you guys keep trying to assign "witty names" to everybody.

In reality, it's just stupid.

+points for the next moron who responds with a "cowturd" or a "cowbell".
If only they worked two jobs and got roommates and denied themselves modern conveniences, they could save the thousands of dollars needed to pay for higher education and buy an additional 6 hours per day with which to attend class and study! Then with hat degree, they would bar guaranteed a job that paid them enough to raise a family! It is the American dream. It builds character. Everyone should try it.

It is all so simple.

It used to be called having PRIDE and self reliance until people like you came along and told them they were wasting their time and life

These are the people who want everyone to believe that those who have built a decent life for themselves (and I'm not just talking about "the rich") were either lucky or cheated. They don't want anyone to know that sometimes you have to do a little more than the minimum to improve your life. Yes, sometimes that requires sacrifice and discipline, horrors.

They have so little faith in people, and it's created an entitlement attitude in so many. What a shame, a waste. Generations of families waiting for someone else to make their lives better.

Here's one. Wage Disclosure Laws. Most companies get away with all sorts of wage shennanigans by telling employees they can't disclose their wages or know what their co-workers are making.

I think the idea of full disclosure is interesting, I wonder how that would play out logistically.


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Not one liberal has rebutted the fact that only 2.2% of American workers are paid minimum wage, of which the vast majority is teenagers and food servers.

Oh the irony. And not one Rethug has proved their assertion that raising the minimum wage, oh lets say a dollar an hour, on 2.2% of the American workforce, is going to force the employers to raise their prices on everyone.

What buying power 8 bucks an hour has eh? Who would have thought that minimum wage workers had such power in the economy. All 2.2% of them.

Steph if minimum wage went to 8 dollars an hour on 2.2% of the work force, would employers be forced to raise their prices on goods and services? If so, why?

Just curious.

And the idea of "personal responsibiltiy" is so cool for poor people. When do the rich have to practice it?
You know, like the rich guys in the banking industry that tanked the economy. Where was their "personal responsibiltiy"?
Never saw an institution of higher learning that didn't have a financial aid office. Work it out, and stop making excuses for why you have to be a loser/victim forever.

Neither have I. But I've also never seen sufficient financial aid that would do much for people who are making minimum wage, to allow them a good balance between school and work that offers a meaningful chance at academic success.
30 millon Mexicans swim a river and hike through a dessert to find a job.

Yes, that's exactly what this country needs. Force American citizens to compete with douche bag illegal aliens for underpaid cash jobs. Here's a better idea: Secure the border, kick the illegals out, and let the market reverse the wage deflation and sub-standard conditions that our poorest citizens have to deal with because of the damn illegals. Of much greater value to the working poor than legislatively raising the minimum wage would be to rid the labor market of the parasite that is illegal labor.
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How do people survive on minimum wage?

They tighten their belts and approach any expenditure with common sense and fiscal prudence. But you shouldn't need me or anyone else to explain that. Man has been making do with a lot less than a minimum wage for millenia. Only recently has he been seeking means of getting more by earning less.
Not one liberal has rebutted the fact that only 2.2% of American workers are paid minimum wage, of which the vast majority is teenagers and food servers.

Oh the irony. And not one Rethug has proved their assertion that raising the minimum wage, oh lets say a dollar an hour, on 2.2% of the American workforce, is going to force the employers to raise their prices on everyone.

What buying power 8 bucks an hour has eh? Who would have thought that minimum wage workers had such power in the economy. All 2.2% of them.

Steph if minimum wage went to 8 dollars an hour on 2.2% of the work force, would employers be forced to raise their prices on goods and services? If so, why?

Just curious.

And the idea of "personal responsibiltiy" is so cool for poor people. When do the rich have to practice it?
You know, like the rich guys in the banking industry that tanked the economy. Where was their "personal responsibiltiy"?

What is "personal responsibility" to a low wage earner? The decision to pay the electric bill rather than buy food or pay the car insurance?
Not one liberal has rebutted the fact that only 2.2% of American workers are paid minimum wage, of which the vast majority is teenagers and food servers.

Oh the irony. And not one Rethug has proved their assertion that raising the minimum wage, oh lets say a dollar an hour, on 2.2% of the American workforce, is going to force the employers to raise their prices on everyone.

What buying power 8 bucks an hour has eh? Who would have thought that minimum wage workers had such power in the economy. All 2.2% of them.

Steph if minimum wage went to 8 dollars an hour on 2.2% of the work force, would employers be forced to raise their prices on goods and services? If so, why?

Just curious.

And the idea of "personal responsibiltiy" is so cool for poor people. When do the rich have to practice it?
You know, like the rich guys in the banking industry that tanked the economy. Where was their "personal responsibiltiy"?

What is "personal responsibility" to a low wage earner? The decision to pay the electric bill rather than buy food or pay the car insurance?

well damn life is tough some times...but what would we do with out all you bleeding hearts to remind us how bad our lives are
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What is "personal responsibility" to a low wage earner? The decision to pay the electric bill rather than buy food or pay the car insurance?

No, it would be making the sacrifice and exercising the self discipline required to improve their position. There's no magic involved. It's just not that complicated.

A low wage is not a death sentence. It is a temporary condition that most of us have experienced. We just chose to do something about it, rather than waiting for someone else to do it FOR us.

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Steph if minimum wage went to 8 dollars an hour on 2.2% of the work force, would employers be forced to raise their prices on goods and services? If so, why?

Just curious.

And the idea of "personal responsibiltiy" is so cool for poor people. When do the rich have to practice it?
You know, like the rich guys in the banking industry that tanked the economy. Where was their "personal responsibiltiy"?

What is "personal responsibility" to a low wage earner? The decision to pay the electric bill rather than buy food or pay the car insurance?

well damn life it tough some times...but what would we do with out all you bleeding hearts to remind us how bad our lives are

Probably starve. We subsidize low wages in the private sector with food stamps and other assistance and here we have republicans wanting to add new levels of difficulty and expense to both sides of that shitty little equation.
If only they worked two jobs and got roommates and denied themselves modern conveniences, they could save the thousands of dollars needed to pay for higher education and buy an additional 6 hours per day with which to attend class and study! Then with hat degree, they would bar guaranteed a job that paid them enough to raise a family! It is the American dream. It builds character. Everyone should try it.

It is all so simple.

It used to be called having PRIDE and self reliance until people like you came along and told them they were wasting their time and life

These are the people who want everyone to believe that those who have built a decent life for themselves (and I'm not just talking about "the rich") were either lucky or cheated. They don't want anyone to know that sometimes you have to do a little more than the minimum to improve your life. Yes, sometimes that requires sacrifice and discipline, horrors.

They have so little faith in people, and it's created an entitlement attitude in so many. What a shame, a waste. Generations of families waiting for someone else to make their lives better.

Here's one. Wage Disclosure Laws. Most companies get away with all sorts of wage shennanigans by telling employees they can't disclose their wages or know what their co-workers are making.

I think the idea of full disclosure is interesting, I wonder how that would play out logistically.



The word minimum is poisoning this discussion. The fact is that wages have been suppressed in this nation so that it is more difficult to get ahead than it used to be.

Minimum wage is not enough to live on. Neither is the actual wage that a blue collar worker makes. It used to be. WTF happened? Trickle down happened.

The bullshit idea that liberals have given people shit for doing nothing so now people do nothing for a living is a talking point.

Entitlement society? My ass.
What is "personal responsibility" to a low wage earner? The decision to pay the electric bill rather than buy food or pay the car insurance?

well damn life it tough some times...but what would we do with out all you bleeding hearts to remind us how bad our lives are

Probably starve. We subsidize low wages in the private sector with food stamps and other assistance and here we have republicans wanting to add new levels of difficulty and expense to both sides of that shitty little equation.

It's not Republicans, it's the taxpayers of this country who is saying, enough..we are being BLED dry to the point we are struggling to take care OF OUR OWN families..

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