How do Republicans ever win anything?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Think about it...Liberal programming begins in our public schools and whatever programming may be considered “out of bounds” in schools is carried out on social media and television via MTV, The Kardashian’s....etc etc.
When you really stop to think about it and consider the reach advantage the DNC has over Republicans you have to wonder how Republicans own all of D.C.
Without “pitch-men” and indoctrinators at every corner of society you have to believe Republican values and ideology kinda sells itself to intelligent folks with the motivation to seek

(this is the part where Liberals will proclaim that millennials don’t seek enlightenment and will blindly follow protocol and programming moving forward)
Think about it...Liberal programming begins in our public schools and whatever programming may be considered “out of bounds” in schools is carried out on social media and television via MTV, The Kardashian’s....etc etc.
When you really stop to think about it and consider the reach advantage the DNC has over Republicans you have to wonder how Republicans own all of D.C.
Without “pitch-men” and indoctrinators at every corner of society you have to believe Republican values and ideology kinda sells itself to intelligent folks with the motivation to seek

(this is the part where Liberals will proclaim that millennials don’t seek enlightenment and will blindly follow protocol and programming moving forward)

Nature dictates that eventually, common sense and survival instinct wins out over stupidity and programming.
Repubs get in when the lib dems fuck up. And lib dems get in when the repubs fuck up too. Neither side is very good at actually governing, but they excel at obstructing the other guys whenever possible.
Think about it...Liberal programming begins in our public schools and whatever programming may be considered “out of bounds” in schools is carried out on social media and television via MTV, The Kardashian’s....etc etc.
When you really stop to think about it and consider the reach advantage the DNC has over Republicans you have to wonder how Republicans own all of D.C.
Without “pitch-men” and indoctrinators at every corner of society you have to believe Republican values and ideology kinda sells itself to intelligent folks with the motivation to seek

(this is the part where Liberals will proclaim that millennials don’t seek enlightenment and will blindly follow protocol and programming moving forward)

7 reasons why liberals are incapable of understanding the world

2) Liberals sources of information are ever present. Conservatives are regularly exposed to the liberal viewpoint whether they want to be or not. That's not necessarily so for liberals. Imagine the average day for liberals. They get up and read their local newspaper. It has a liberal viewpoint. They take their kids to school, where the teachers are liberal. Then they go to work, listen to NPR which has a liberal viewpoint on the way home, and then turn on the nightly news which also skews leftward. From there, they turn on TV and watch shows created by liberals that lean to the left, if they have any political viewpoint at all. Unless liberals actively seek out conservative viewpoints, which is unlikely, the only conservative arguments they're probably going to hear are going to be through the heavily distorted, poorly translated, deeply skeptical lens of other liberals
Gerrymandering and being better than the Democrats in terms of sticking to a singular message. Sometimes Democrats are all over the place.
Republicans are just as corrupt as the Democrats and thats why we have Trump. He supported Dems until just a few years ago. He leans more to the right now than the left but he is still more to the center than most Republicans. Trump is already wealthy so he isn’t as easily corrupted as most politicians. Trump was elected president because he is different than other politicians. He may not be the best man for the job but he was the best man on the ballot. He is smart and by the end of his 8yrs he may be the best President in recent history. So far he has made great things happen even though the treasonous progressives fight him every step of the way.
Think about it...Liberal programming begins in our public schools and whatever programming may be considered “out of bounds” in schools is carried out on social media and television via MTV, The Kardashian’s....etc etc.
When you really stop to think about it and consider the reach advantage the DNC has over Republicans you have to wonder how Republicans own all of D.C.
Without “pitch-men” and indoctrinators at every corner of society you have to believe Republican values and ideology kinda sells itself to intelligent folks with the motivation to seek

(this is the part where Liberals will proclaim that millennials don’t seek enlightenment and will blindly follow protocol and programming moving forward)

Several years ago my nephew came over during his college vacation. He started to spew off some liberal nonsense that I forget what it was now. But I straightened him out right there and then. He paused for a short time and realized I was right. I explained to him what you just wrote and told him when his liberal teachers spew that crap, just sit quietly and remember you have more common sense than they do.

Brainwashing is tough to fight, but it's not an impossible battle. With the right guidance, you can teach the younger people to resist the propaganda that most of the country is liberal.

I work with people all day long and from time to time, somebody says something like how great Obama was or how awful Trump is. I engage them in debate. That's the best way to show them how wrong they are. I call these people Headline Voters because they never read the story, just the punchline.

Word of mouth is not only the best advertisement, it's also the best defense against liberal brainwashing.
Liberal programming begins in our public schools and whatever programming may be considered “out of bounds” in schools is carried out on social media and television via MTV, The Kardashian’s....etc etc.
All that shit goes out the window when people leave school and get out in the real world and discover life is not that simple.
By advocating common sense policies compared to democrat insanity.

Unfortunately when they get elected they immediately forget those principles and go along with Democrats
Think about it...Liberal programming begins in our public schools and whatever programming may be considered “out of bounds” in schools is carried out on social media and television via MTV, The Kardashian’s....etc etc.
When you really stop to think about it and consider the reach advantage the DNC has over Republicans you have to wonder how Republicans own all of D.C.
Without “pitch-men” and indoctrinators at every corner of society you have to believe Republican values and ideology kinda sells itself to intelligent folks with the motivation to seek

(this is the part where Liberals will proclaim that millennials don’t seek enlightenment and will blindly follow protocol and programming moving forward)

Several years ago my nephew came over during his college vacation. He started to spew off some liberal nonsense that I forget what it was now. But I straightened him out right there and then. He paused for a short time and realized I was right. I explained to him what you just wrote and told him when his liberal teachers spew that crap, just sit quietly and remember you have more common sense than they do.

Brainwashing is tough to fight, but it's not an impossible battle. With the right guidance, you can teach the younger people to resist the propaganda that most of the country is liberal.

I work with people all day long and from time to time, somebody says something like how great Obama was or how awful Trump is. I engage them in debate. That's the best way to show them how wrong they are. I call these people Headline Voters because they never read the story, just the punchline.

Word of mouth is not only the best advertisement, it's also the best defense against liberal brainwashing.

You’re spot on Ray...Like you, I engage in political debate any and every chance I get...I don’t care where I’m at and I don’t care who’s listening. I’ve found that wearing my red MAGA hat out and about always draws attention and creates opportunity to talk politics...haha
I have two girls in college right now...they get pissed when professors start with their Lib shit....they have asked professors to stay on topic...they’ll say “my dad is paying for me to learn about bio and not about how terrible the President is”......My girls despise Liberals and the ideology as much as I do. They record their professors spewing anti Trump Liberal bullshit and text it to me....I immediately call their schools and rip the asses of staff within the office of the President. They always assure me they’ll talk to the professor about staying on topic. I’m sure the faculty and administrators can’t stand me....haha
Liberal programming begins in our public schools and whatever programming may be considered “out of bounds” in schools is carried out on social media and television via MTV, The Kardashian’s....etc etc.
All that shit goes out the window when people leave school and get out in the real world and discover life is not that simple.

You’re exactly right. We all start out stupid...then most of us develop wisdom and grow the fuck up.
Young people <25 do tend to embrace Liberal ideology as they haven’t really been able to see how Liberal policy ruins shit....that and it's not easy to be a Conservative. One must think on their own, pave their own way, be responsible and accountable, have an expectation of fellow citizens, make sound decisions, respect law and order, prefer the opposite sex...etc etc

Liberals have it so much easier....breathe oxygen, pretend to love and respect ALL OTHERS, stand there with a sad face and a hand out, expect government to lead you through life on a leash, expect nothing of others, blame all shortcomings on others and always, ALWAYS champion the lowest grade human while degrading our best and most productive.
Think about it...Liberal programming begins in our public schools and whatever programming may be considered “out of bounds” in schools is carried out on social media and television via MTV, The Kardashian’s....etc etc.
When you really stop to think about it and consider the reach advantage the DNC has over Republicans you have to wonder how Republicans own all of D.C.
Without “pitch-men” and indoctrinators at every corner of society you have to believe Republican values and ideology kinda sells itself to intelligent folks with the motivation to seek

(this is the part where Liberals will proclaim that millennials don’t seek enlightenment and will blindly follow protocol and programming moving forward)

Several years ago my nephew came over during his college vacation. He started to spew off some liberal nonsense that I forget what it was now. But I straightened him out right there and then. He paused for a short time and realized I was right. I explained to him what you just wrote and told him when his liberal teachers spew that crap, just sit quietly and remember you have more common sense than they do.

Brainwashing is tough to fight, but it's not an impossible battle. With the right guidance, you can teach the younger people to resist the propaganda that most of the country is liberal.

I work with people all day long and from time to time, somebody says something like how great Obama was or how awful Trump is. I engage them in debate. That's the best way to show them how wrong they are. I call these people Headline Voters because they never read the story, just the punchline.

Word of mouth is not only the best advertisement, it's also the best defense against liberal brainwashing.

You’re spot on Ray...Like you, I engage in political debate any and every chance I get...I don’t care where I’m at and I don’t care who’s listening. I’ve found that wearing my red MAGA hat out and about always draws attention and creates opportunity to talk politics...haha
I have two girls in college right now...they get pissed when professors start with their Lib shit....they have asked professors to stay on topic...they’ll say “my dad is paying for me to learn about bio and not about how terrible the President is”......My girls despise Liberals and the ideology as much as I do. They record their professors spewing anti Trump Liberal bullshit and text it to me....I immediately call their schools and rip the asses of staff within the office of the President. They always assure me they’ll talk to the professor about staying on topic. I’m sure the faculty and administrators can’t stand me....haha

Well.........more dads like you could change things.

I figure it this way: If I can convince one "on the fence" person to think more conservatively, he or she might convince five others, and those five convince five others each, and so on and so forth.

The problem with our politics is most don't pay attention to it. Politics is very time consuming. I mean, politics for me is all day and night long. It's a passion that most Americans don't have. We're not here because we have no place better to go. We don't spend our time on Facebook, sports sites, entertainment sites, porn. We are here because politics is our number one choice. It's either blogs or news sites.

So I look it as my duty to inform others who don't have my passion. This is especially true around election time. If all conservatives did what we do, then beating the odds is a possibility. And who knows? Maybe this strategy is already in place and how we won the White House, Congress and Senate.
Well the libtopias began to dissolve in late Sept/early Oct. That was about 5 months earlier than I expected, Much but not all of the Blue states are paying tax exempt interest that is higher than what the treasury is paying in taxable interest. That is a death spiral.
Think about it...Liberal programming begins in our public schools and whatever programming may be considered “out of bounds” in schools is carried out on social media and television via MTV, The Kardashian’s....etc etc.
When you really stop to think about it and consider the reach advantage the DNC has over Republicans you have to wonder how Republicans own all of D.C.
Without “pitch-men” and indoctrinators at every corner of society you have to believe Republican values and ideology kinda sells itself to intelligent folks with the motivation to seek

(this is the part where Liberals will proclaim that millennials don’t seek enlightenment and will blindly follow protocol and programming moving forward)
God gays guns or they convince people voting doesn’t matter when it means everything
All of society seems anti-Conservative. When was the last time you ever saw a TV show take a pro-life or pro-family stand? Not in decades. Anti-Christian and Anti-conservative Jews control Hollywood, and even Conservatives panic when someone points that out. Public schools are ran by socialists and all teachers are prohibited from showing respect for God and chilled from expressing any conservative positions.

How do Republicans win anything? First, the Democrat war on white, male Christians doesn't do much to get the votes of white, male Christians, who still are a sizable minority in America. Second, the Republicans don't really try to win elections by being conservative, as shown by their quick capitulation on same-sex marriage and the huge federal spending increase they voted for in the next budget.

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