How do the non-spiritual explain it?

All the available evidence suggests that life on this planet is the product of naturally occurring processes.

Show us your evidence.
Life on the planet. There's your evidence.
Boss?'s another candidate for your dictionary entry on Circular Reasoning.....
Did you ever figure out how marsupials got from Oz to Noah's raft and back?
yes.....but after I explained it to you, you simply asked again.......made you look rather silly, but that isn't my fault......
All the available evidence suggests that life on this planet is the product of naturally occurring processes.

Show us your evidence.
Life on the planet. There's your evidence.
Boss?'s another candidate for your dictionary entry on Circular Reasoning.....
What supernatural processes are there?
well, under your argument some mysterious transformation from inert chemical matter to living, reproductive tissue.....that is inexplicable in nature, which only leaves the supernatural......the difference between your views and mine is that under your view, it is just the result of endless, mindless random supernatural shit happening.....under my view, someone with intent and power caused it to happen.......
All the available evidence suggests that life on this planet is the product of naturally occurring processes.

Show us your evidence.
Life on the planet. There's your evidence.
Boss?'s another candidate for your dictionary entry on Circular Reasoning.....
What supernatural processes are there?
well, under your argument some mysterious transformation from inert chemical matter to living, reproductive tissue.....that is inexplicable in nature, which only leaves the supernatural......the difference between your views and mine is that under your view, it is just the result of endless, mindless random supernatural shit happening.....under my view, someone with intent and power caused it to happen.......
That "someone" being an elderly man wearing a long, flowing nightgown?

The problem you face is that your science education is limited to what you were given in the Jerry Falwell madrassah. It's comically tragic that you spend so much effort trying to denigrate the science you know nothing about.
Here let's see if I can break it down:

Astral projection experiences - hallucination of the mind
Near-death experiences - hallucination of the mind
Transcendental meditation - just smoke weed. It's easier.
ESP and telepathy - as you put it... "hooey"
Ghost stories and paranormal experiences - also "hooey"
Other unexplained supernatural phenomenon - more hooey
Spells, curses and black magic - a buttload of hooey
Edgar Cayce - see "Miss Cleo"
Nostradamus - hooey
Prophecy in general - hooey
Dreams and delusions and wishful thinking. Carl Jung wrote about synchronicity, but coincidence is another name for it.
Here let's see if I can break it down:

Astral projection experiences - hallucination of the mind
Near-death experiences - hallucination of the mind
Transcendental meditation - just smoke weed. It's easier.
ESP and telepathy - as you put it... "hooey"
Ghost stories and paranormal experiences - also "hooey"
Other unexplained supernatural phenomenon - more hooey
Spells, curses and black magic - a buttload of hooey
Edgar Cayce - see "Miss Cleo"
Nostradamus - hooey
Prophecy in general - hooey
Dreams and delusions and wishful thinking. Carl Jung wrote about synchronicity, but coincidence is another name for it.
I suspect that those who have a need to believe in "hooey" do so out of ignorance, fear and not understanding the human brain.

A theoretical explanation for déjà vu, for example, is very simple and interesting. The brain is in two separate hemispheres with a cortex crossover between them. Sometimes, one hemisphere lags behind in perception, so in effect, the left side of the brain is experiencing something and your right hemisphere is slightly out of sync, and so when it catches up you get the distinct yet vague impression that you have “done this before” – and in a sense, you have, by a few milliseconds. The "hooey'ists" are simply assuming "the gawds did it", or some supernatural event for these things, and not submitting a case to support it.
formulated by the British science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke. They are:

  1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
  2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
  3. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
  4. Clarke s three laws - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Show us your evidence.
Life on the planet. There's your evidence.
Boss?'s another candidate for your dictionary entry on Circular Reasoning.....
What supernatural processes are there?
well, under your argument some mysterious transformation from inert chemical matter to living, reproductive tissue.....that is inexplicable in nature, which only leaves the supernatural......the difference between your views and mine is that under your view, it is just the result of endless, mindless random supernatural shit happening.....under my view, someone with intent and power caused it to happen.......
That "someone" being an elderly man wearing a long, flowing nightgown?
/shrugs....depends.....if I were as shallow minded as yourself, I might be limited to that depiction.....fortunately, I am not......
All the available evidence suggests that life on this planet is the product of naturally occurring processes.

Show us your evidence.
Life on the planet. There's your evidence.
Boss?'s another candidate for your dictionary entry on Circular Reasoning.....
Did you ever figure out how marsupials got from Oz to Noah's raft and back?
yes.....but after I explained it to you, you simply asked again.......made you look rather silly, but that isn't my fault......
So they magically flew over like in a cartoon?
Life on the planet. There's your evidence.
Boss?'s another candidate for your dictionary entry on Circular Reasoning.....
What supernatural processes are there?
well, under your argument some mysterious transformation from inert chemical matter to living, reproductive tissue.....that is inexplicable in nature, which only leaves the supernatural......the difference between your views and mine is that under your view, it is just the result of endless, mindless random supernatural shit happening.....under my view, someone with intent and power caused it to happen.......
That "someone" being an elderly man wearing a long, flowing nightgown?
/shrugs....depends.....if I were as shallow minded as yourself, I might be limited to that depiction.....fortunately, I am not......
I suppose you think Jeeebus is the tall, Caucasian looking hippie in sandals.
Show us your evidence.
Life on the planet. There's your evidence.
Boss?'s another candidate for your dictionary entry on Circular Reasoning.....
Did you ever figure out how marsupials got from Oz to Noah's raft and back?
yes.....but after I explained it to you, you simply asked again.......made you look rather silly, but that isn't my fault......
So they magically flew over like in a cartoon?
no child, that was not my answer.....
Boss?'s another candidate for your dictionary entry on Circular Reasoning.....
What supernatural processes are there?
well, under your argument some mysterious transformation from inert chemical matter to living, reproductive tissue.....that is inexplicable in nature, which only leaves the supernatural......the difference between your views and mine is that under your view, it is just the result of endless, mindless random supernatural shit happening.....under my view, someone with intent and power caused it to happen.......
That "someone" being an elderly man wearing a long, flowing nightgown?
/shrugs....depends.....if I were as shallow minded as yourself, I might be limited to that depiction.....fortunately, I am not......
I suppose you think Jeeebus is the tall, Caucasian looking hippie in sandals.
you make so many errors when you "suppose" really should try to resist the temptation.......
formulated by the British science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke. They are:

  1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
  2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
  3. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
  4. Clarke s three laws - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I have always loved Clarke's Third Law... one of my favorite quotes.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
I see a computer in front of me. I am obviously the only person running it. I've looked inside the box and there is no little human in there running the computer. I am the one pushing the keys, opening the windows, executing applications. This is MY computer, I see no evidence any other human is involved. That is my observation.

Now.... All that said, a person with any common sense will understand, some human must have created the computer I am running. At some point, many humans are responsible for this computer being here. Engineers, programmers, technicians, designers.... they all played a role in making this computer happen. I can sit here in naive stupidity and refuse to acknowledge their contributions, stubbornly insisting I don't need any explanation involving other humans. Does that make me right?

Hey... I have no problem with the concept of reincarnation, but I think it only adds another complicated layer of awe-inspiring phenomenon that simply doesn't seem possible as the result of randomness and chance. So there is no "master plan" here? Our spiritual beings are flowing from one physical life to the next and there is no guiding force or intelligent design to the system? It just so happens to be that way? Bizarre!

You see, I don't have to build a shrine and worship Bill Gates to acknowledge people had something to do with my computer's existence. There is a broad range between worshiping Bill Gates and acknowledging Bill Gates must exist. My refusing to acknowledge Bill Gates is never going to make Bill Gates unreal. Insisting my computer can and does exist as a matter of random circumstance and not because it was designed and created, does not change the truth.
The people who made your computer actually do exist and we can visit them and touch them. Your god? Not so much. Total speculation. Or wishful thinking. There MAY be a Master with his plan, but such a thing or person has yet to be proven.

You were talking about the need for a god in order to have reincarnation. Now you are back to rejecting God based on lack of physical proof. Did you stop believing in reincarnation in the midst of your argument? :uhh:
Reincarnation doesn't necessarily need a god to happen, not that I can tell anyways.

Doesn't need a "God" per say, but it does require spirituality.
How so?

Well, it's obvious isn't it? What the hell are we "reincarnating" if not the spirit? The physical body is dead... it doesn't reanimate. New people don't sprout up out of the ground where we bury dead people, so what kind of reincarnation were you thinking about? I assumed you meant our spirit, soul, the essence of who we are... but those are all non-physical (i.e.; spiritual) things.
The people who made your computer actually do exist and we can visit them and touch them. Your god? Not so much. Total speculation. Or wishful thinking. There MAY be a Master with his plan, but such a thing or person has yet to be proven.

You were talking about the need for a god in order to have reincarnation. Now you are back to rejecting God based on lack of physical proof. Did you stop believing in reincarnation in the midst of your argument? :uhh:
Reincarnation doesn't necessarily need a god to happen, not that I can tell anyways.

Doesn't need a "God" per say, but it does require spirituality.
How so?

Well, it's obvious isn't it? What the hell are we "reincarnating" if not the spirit? The physical body is dead... it doesn't reanimate. New people don't sprout up out of the ground where we bury dead people, so what kind of reincarnation were you thinking about? I assumed you meant our spirit, soul, the essence of who we are... but those are all non-physical (i.e.; spiritual) things.


a few have emphasized there is not a physio- neurological connection to Spirituality, Taz may be confused as you (boss) are not one of them.

The miracle of the lady of the sun, the lady of Fatima and mass delusions. People that were not any were in the area of Michael Brown swore they saw him put his hands in the air. Science say otherwise. Funny about facts.
The miracle of the lady of the sun, the lady of Fatima and mass delusions. People that were not any were in the area of Michael Brown swore they saw him put his hands in the air. Science say otherwise. Funny about facts.

What is funny is how you can so casually dismiss the human spirit, spiritual connection to something greater than self and our long-standing intrinsic spiritual awareness as some "mass delusion" our species has suffered with all it's existence. It's actually HILARIOUS!
a few have emphasized there is not a physio- neurological connection to Spirituality, Taz may be confused as you (boss) are not one of them.

Breeze, you need to learn proper sentence structure and try that again. I have no idea what you are trying to say here.
What supernatural processes are there?
well, under your argument some mysterious transformation from inert chemical matter to living, reproductive tissue.....that is inexplicable in nature, which only leaves the supernatural......the difference between your views and mine is that under your view, it is just the result of endless, mindless random supernatural shit happening.....under my view, someone with intent and power caused it to happen.......
That "someone" being an elderly man wearing a long, flowing nightgown?
/shrugs....depends.....if I were as shallow minded as yourself, I might be limited to that depiction.....fortunately, I am not......
I suppose you think Jeeebus is the tall, Caucasian looking hippie in sandals.
you make so many errors when you "suppose" really should try to resist the temptation.......
You make many errors whenever you try to respond to a comment.
The miracle of the lady of the sun, the lady of Fatima and mass delusions. People that were not any were in the area of Michael Brown swore they saw him put his hands in the air. Science say otherwise. Funny about facts.

What is funny is how you can so casually dismiss the human spirit, spiritual connection to something greater than self and our long-standing intrinsic spiritual awareness as some "mass delusion" our species has suffered with all it's existence. It's actually HILARIOUS!
What's hilarious is your imagined "spiritual connections" when you can't even identify what that is.
The miracle of the lady of the sun, the lady of Fatima and mass delusions. People that were not any were in the area of Michael Brown swore they saw him put his hands in the air. Science say otherwise. Funny about facts.

What is funny is how you can so casually dismiss the human spirit, spiritual connection to something greater than self and our long-standing intrinsic spiritual awareness as some "mass delusion" our species has suffered with all it's existence. It's actually HILARIOUS!
What's hilarious is your imagined "spiritual connections" when you can't even identify what that is.

You mean the thing 95% of us are intrinsically aware of and have no problem identifying? The single most defining attribute of our species is not the product of imagination or delusion. There is absolutely no science to support the idea that man invented spirituality. It's an opinion and a rather stupid one.

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